Editing single value in file in C efficiently - c

I have a C program that currently edits a single value in a parameter file by using sed through a system call. I'd like to change the program to use the C file libraries to edit this value, but the only way I know how to do this is by reading in the entire file, changing the value, and rewriting the file. Is there a more efficient way to do this? The program is intended for use on an embedded device so I'd like to use the most efficient solution possible.

Working with files is like working with arrays in the sense that one can't truly before insertions and deletions. Insertions and deletions require shifting (copying) the rest of the file/array. Only replacing elements is possible (by opening the file for reading and writing, and using seek).
Reading and writing the entire file is quite efficient, especially for tiny files. If the memory usage isn't an issue, that's the approach I would take.
Other solutions might be better in specific circumstances, but the approach you describe is generally the best.


How to change the name of a file in C?

Currently, I am taking some measurements and saving the data in a txt file. My C program is supposed to run without interruptions and it writes several files, one after the other. On another machine I want to have a routine to copy the files that are done writing and are ready to be analysed. To distinguish between them, I want the files to be written with a tag, something like: *.part.txt.
I was thinking of using the rename() function. My problem is, I do not know how to easily change the string from *.part.txt to just *.txt.
This would be much easier using Python, but I have to use C for this one and sadly, I lack the necessary experience to solve this by myself.

Is saving a binary file a standard? Is it limited to only 1 type?

When should a programmer use .bin files? (practical examples).
Is it popular (or accepted) to save different data types in one file?
When iterating over the data in a file (that has several data types), the program must know the exact length of every data type, and I find that limiting.
If you mean for some idealized general purpose application data, text files are often preferred because they provide transparency to the user, and might also make it easier to (for instance) move the data to a different application and avoid lock-in.
Binary files are mostly used for performance and compactness reasons, encoding things as text has non-trivial overhead in both of these departments (today, perhaps mostly in size) which sometimes are prohibitive.
Binary files are used whenever compactness or speed of reading/writing are required.
Those two requirements are closely related in the obvious way that reading and writing small files is fast, but there's one other important reason that binary I/O can be fast: when the records have fixed length, that makes random access to records in the file much easier and faster.
As an example, suppose you want to do a binary search within the records of a file (they'd have to be sorted, of course), without loading the entire file to memory (maybe because the file is so large that it doesn't fit in RAM). That can be done efficiently only when you know how to compute the offset of the "midpoint" between two records, without having to parse arbitrarily large parts of a file just to find out where a record starts or ends.
(As noted in the comments, random access can be achieved with text files as well; it's just usually harder to implement and slower.)
I think when embedded developers see a ".bin" file, it's generally a flattened version of an ELF or the like, intended for programming as firmware for a processor. For instance, putting the Linux kernel into flash (depending on your bootloader).
As a general practice of whether or not to use binary files, you see it done for many reasons. Text requires parsing, and that can be a great deal of overhead. If it's intended to be usable by the user though, binary is a poor format, and text really shines.
Where binary is best is for performance. You can do things like map it into memory, and take advantage of the structure to speed up access. Sometimes, you'll have two binary files, one with data, and one with metadata, that can be used to help with searching through gobs of data. For example, Git does this. It defines an index format, a pack format, and an object format that all work together to save the history of your project is a readily accessible, but compact way.

Temporary File in C

I am writing a program which outputs a file. This file has two parts of the content. The second part however, is computed before the first. I was thinking of creating a temporary file, writing the data to it. And then creating a permanent file and then dumping the temp file content into the permanent one and deleting that file. I saw some posts that this does not work, and it might produce some problems among different compilers or something.
The data is a bunch of chars. Every 32 chars have to appear on a different line. I can store it in a linked list or something, but I do not want to have to write a linked list for that.
Does anyone have any suggestions or alternative methods?
A temporary file can be created, although some people do say they have problems with this, i personally have used them with no issues. Using the platform functions to obtain a temporary file is the best option. Dont assume you can write to c:\ etc on windows as this isnt always possible. Dont assume a filename incase the file is already used etc. Not using temporary files correctly is what causes people problems, rather than temporary files being bad
Is there any reason you cannot just keep the second part in ram until you are ready for the first? Otherwise, can you work out the size needed for the first part and leave that section of the file blank to come back to fill in later on. This would eliminate the needs of the temporary file.
Both solutions you propose could work. You can output intermediate results to a temporary file, and then later append that file to the file that contains the dataset that you want to present first. You could also store your intermediate data in memory. The right data structure depends on how you want to organize the data.
As one of the other answerers notes, files are inherently platform specific. If your code will only run on a single platform, then this is less of a concern. If you need to support multiple platforms, then you may need to special case some or all of those platforms, if you go with the temporary file solution. Whether this is a deal-breaker for you depends on how much complexity this adds compared to structuring and storing your data in memory.

Performance issues in writing to large files?

I have been recently involved in handling the console logs for a server and I was wondering, out of curiosity, that is there a performance issue in writing to a large file as compared to small ones.
For instance is it a good idea to keep the log file size small instead of letting them grow bulky, but I was not able to argue much in favor of either approach.
There might be problems in reading or searching in the file, but right now I am more interested in knowing if writing can be affected in any way.
Looking for an expert advice.
The way I thought it was that the OS only has to open a file handle and push the data to the file system. There is little correlation to the file size, since you have to keep on appending the data to the end of the file and whenever a block of data is full, OS will assign another block to the file. As I said earlier, there can be problems in reading and searching because of defragmentation of file blocks, but I could not find much difference while writing.
As a general rule, there should be no practical difference between appending a block to a small file (or writing the first block which is appending to a zero-length file) or appending a block to a large file.
There are special cases (like trying to fault in a triple-indirect block or the initial open having to read all mapping information) which could add additional I/O's. but the steady-state should be the same.
I'd be more worried about the manageability of having huge files: slow to backup, slow to copy, slow to view, etc.
I am not an expert, but I will try to answer anyway.
Larger files may take longer to write on disk and in fact it is not a programming issue. It is file system issue. Perhaps there are file systems, which does not have such issues, but on Windows large files cannot be write down in one piece so fragmenting them will take time (for the simple reason that head will have to move to some other cylinder). Assuming that we are talking about "classic" hard drives...
If you want an advice, I would go for writing down smaller files and rotating them either daily or when they hit some size (or both actually). That is rather common approach I saw in an enterprise-grade products.

Truncate file at front

A problem I was working on recently got me to wishing that I could lop off the front of a file. Kind of like a “truncate at front,” if you will. Truncating a file at the back end is a common operation–something we do without even thinking much about it. But lopping off the front of a file? Sounds ridiculous at first, but only because we’ve been trained to think that it’s impossible. But a lop operation could be useful in some situations.
A simple example (certainly not the only or necessarily the best example) is a FIFO queue. You’re adding new items to the end of the file and pulling items out of the file from the front. The file grows over time and there’s a huge empty space at the front. With current file systems, there are several ways around this problem:
As each item is removed, copy the
remaining items up to replace it, and
truncate the file. Although it works,
this solution is very expensive
Monitor the size of the empty space at
the front, and when it reaches a
particular size or percentage of the
entire file size, move everything up
and truncate the file. This is much
more efficient than the previous
solution, but still costs time when
items are moved in the file.
Implement a circular queue in the
file, adding new items to the hole at
the front of the file as items are
removed. This can be quite efficient,
especially if you don’t mind the
possibility of things getting out of
order in the queue. If you do care
about order, there’s the potential of
having to move items around. But in
general, a circular queue is pretty
easy to implement and manages disk
space well.
But if there was a lop operation, removing an item from the queue would be as easy as updating the beginning-of-file marker. As easy, in fact, as truncating a file. Why, then, is there no such operation?
I understand a bit about file systems implementation, and don't see any particular reason this would be difficult. It looks to me like all it would require is another word (dword, perhaps?) per allocation entry to say where the file starts within the block. With 1 terabyte drives under $100 US, it seems like a pretty small price to pay for such functionality.
What other tasks would be made easier if you could lop off the front of a file as efficiently as you can truncate at the end?
Can you think of any technical reason this function couldn't be added to a modern file system? Other, non-technical reasons?
On file systems that support sparse files "punching" a hole and removing data at an arbitrary file position is very easy. The operating system just has to mark the corresponding blocks as "not allocated". Removing data from the beginning of a file is just a special case of this operation. The main thing that is required is a system call that will implement such an operation: ftruncate2(int fd, off_t offset, size_t count).
On Linux systems this is actually implemented with the fallocate system call by specifying the FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE flag to zero-out a range and the FALLOC_FL_COLLAPSE_RANGE flag to completely remove the data in that range. Note that there are restrictions on what ranges can be specified and that not all filesystems support these operations.
Truncate files at front seems not too hard to implement at system level.
But there are issues.
The first one is at programming level. When opening file in random access the current paradigm is to use offset from the beginning of the file to point out different places in the file. If we truncate at beginning of file (or perform insertion or removal from the middle of the file) that is not any more a stable property. (While appendind or truncating from the end is not a problem).
In other words truncating the beginning would change the only reference point and that is bad.
At a system level uses exist as you pointed out, but are quite rare. I believe most uses of files are of the write once read many kind, so even truncate is not a critical feature and we could probably do without it (well some things would become more difficult, but nothing would become impossible).
If we want more complex accesses (and there are indeed needs) we open files in random mode and add some internal data structure. Theses informations can also be shared between several files. This leads us to the last issue I see, probably the most important.
In a sense when we using random access files with some internal structure... we are still using files but we are not any more using files paradigm. Typical such cases are the databases where we want to perform insertion or removal of records without caring at all about their physical place. Databases can use files as low level implementation but for optimisation purposes some database editors choose to completely bypass filesystem (think about Oracle partitions).
I see no technical reason why we couldn't do everything that is currently done in an operating system with files using a database as data storage layer. I even heard that NTFS has many common points with databases in it's internals. An operating system can (and probably will in some not so far future) use another paradigm than files one.
Summarily i believe that's not a technical problem at all, just a change of paradigm and that removing the beginning is definitely not part of the current "files paradigm", but not a big and useful enough change to compell changing anything at all.
NTFS can do something like this with it's sparse file support but it's generaly not that useful.
I think there's a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem in there: because filesystems have not supported this kind of behavior efficiently, people haven't written programs to use it, and because people haven't written programs to use it, there's little incentive for filesystems to support it.
You could always write your own filesystem to do this, or maybe modify an existing one (although filesystems used "in the wild" are probably pretty complicated, you might have an easier time starting from scratch). If people find it useful enough it might catch on ;-)
Actually there are record base file systems - IBM have one and I believe DEC VMS also had this facility. I seem to remember both allowed (allow? I guess they are still around) deleting and inserting at random positions in a file.
There is also a unix command called head -- so you could do this via:
head -n1000 file > file_truncated
may can achieve this goal in two steps
long fileLength; //file total length
long reserveLength; //reserve length until the file ending
int fd; //file open for read & write
sendfile(fd, fd, fileLength-reserveLength, reserveLength);
ftruncate(fd, reserveLength);
