ntp 4.2.8p10 - disable signal I/O from configure script - ntp

I ran into a problem when cross-compiling NTP for QNX. I traced it down to a deadlock. Essentially what happens is:
t0 - clock_select() calls realloc()
t1 - realloc() locks the heap
t2 - signal handler is called
t3 - inside sig handler recvmsg() is called
t4 - recvmsg() calls malloc()
t5 - malloc() tries to lock the heap
I wondered why Linux does not run into this deadlock and it turns out that recvmsg() is considered signal handler safe while in QNX recvmsg() is explicitly listed as not signal handler safe.
MY QUESTION: Is there a way I can pass an option to the configure script to manually disable signaled I/O when building NTP? I am really not wanting to manually edit source code so as to make it easier to upgrade to future versions of NTP. If there is no other way, which #defines should I disable in the resulting config.h script to not use signaled I/O?
I'm hoping to find a way to contribute to the NTP repo to add support for QNX, but for now these guys are hard to get a hold of.
Thank you all for your help and support!

We've worked around this issue by turning off signaled i/o in ntpd by feeding
the following config.cache values to the configure script.


openSSL read/write thread safety

We have service using openSSL version 1.0.2h in multi threaded environment.
First thread runs blocking read, the other one is doing periodical writes.
It crashes from time to time somewhere inside libssl.so in SSL_write function. Code calling SSL_write looks absolutely legal, it operates with buffer allocated on stack of the calling function. Also crash is very rare which suggests it might be race condition.
I found the following article saying that using a single SSL object in two threads, one each for reading and writing is not safe, though CRYPTO_set_locking_callback is set. Is that correct? If yes, than what is the suggested way to resolve this? If I block mutex on a blocking read, I will not able to write.
We suggest modifying the timeout thresholds.
Tracing and debugging race condition is difficult and eventually you will have to change timeout and/or buffer parameters. Better study these parameters right now.

Check if pthread is still alive in Linux C

I know similar questions have been asked, but I think my situation is little bit different. I need to check if child thread is alive, and if it's not print error message. Child thread is supposed to run all the time. So basically I just need non-block pthread_join and in my case there are no race conditions. Child thread can be killed so I can't set some kind of shared variable from child thread when it completes because it will not be set in this case.
Killing of child thread can be done like this:
kill -9 child_pid
EDIT: alright, this example is wrong but still I'm sure there exists way to kill a specific thread in some way.
EDIT: my motivation for this is to implement another layer of security in my application which requires this check. Even though this check can be bypassed but that is another story.
EDIT: lets say my application is intended as a demo for reverse engineering students. And their task is to hack my application. But I placed some anti-hacking/anti-debugging obstacles in child thread. And I wanted to be sure that this child thread is kept alive. As mentioned in some comments - it's probably not that easy to kill child without messing parent so maybe this check is not necessary. Security checks are present in main thread also but this time I needed to add them in another thread to make main thread responsive.
killed by what and why that thing can't indicate the thread is dead? but even then this sounds fishy
it's almost universally a design error if you need to check if a thread/process is alive - the logic in the code should implicitly handle this.
In your edit it seems you want to do something about a possibility of a thread getting killed by something completely external.
Well, good news. There is no way to do that without bringing the whole process down. All ways of non-voluntary death of a thread kill all threads in the process, apart from cancellation but that can only be triggered by something else in the same process.
The kill(1) command does not send signals to some thread, but to a entire process. Read carefully signal(7) and pthreads(7).
Signals and threads don't mix well together. As a rule of thumb, you don't want to use both.
BTW, using kill -KILL or kill -9 is a mistake. The receiving process don't have the opportunity to handle the SIGKILL signal. You should use SIGTERM ...
If you want to handle SIGTERM in a multi-threaded application, read signal-safety(7) and consider setting some pipe(7) to self (and use poll(2) in some event loop) which the signal handler would write(2). That well-known trick is well explained in Qt documentation. You could also consider the signalfd(2) Linux specific syscall.
If you think of using pthread_kill(3), you probably should not in your case (however, using it with a 0 signal is a valid but crude way to check that the thread exists). Read some Pthread tutorial. Don't forget to pthread_join(3) or pthread_detach(3).
Child thread is supposed to run all the time.
This is the wrong approach. You should know when and how a child thread terminates because you are coding the function passed to pthread_create(3) and you should handle all error cases there and add relevant cleanup code (and perhaps synchronization). So the child thread should run as long as you want it to run and should do appropriate cleanup actions when ending.
Consider also some other inter-process communication mechanism (like socket(7), fifo(7) ...); they are generally more suitable than signals, notably for multi-threaded applications. For example you might design your application as some specialized web or HTTP server (using libonion or some other HTTP server library). You'll then use your web browser, or some HTTP client command (like curl) or HTTP client library like libcurl to drive your multi-threaded application. Or add some RPC ability into your application, perhaps using JSONRPC.
(your putative usage of signals smells very bad and is likely to be some XY problem; consider strongly using something better)
my motivation for this is to implement another layer of security in my application
I don't understand that at all. How can signal and threads add security? I'm guessing you are decreasing the security of your software.
I wanted to be sure that this child thread is kept alive.
You can't be sure, other than by coding well and avoiding bugs (but be aware of Rice's theorem and the Halting Problem: there cannot be any reliable and sound static source code program analysis to check that). If something else (e.g. some other thread, or even bad code in your own one) is e.g. arbitrarily modifying the call stack of your thread, you've got undefined behavior and you can just be very scared.
In practice tools like the gdb debugger, address and thread sanitizers, other compiler instrumentation options, valgrind, can help to find most such bugs, but there is No Silver Bullet.
Maybe you want to take advantage of process isolation, but then you should give up your multi-threading approach, and consider some multi-processing approach. By definition, threads share a lot of resources (notably their virtual address space) with other threads of the same process. So the security checks mentioned in your question don't make much sense. I guess that they are adding more code, but just decrease security (since you'll have more bugs).
Reading a textbook like Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces should be worthwhile.
You can use pthread_kill() to check if a thread exists.
#include <signal.h>
int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int sig);
The pthread_kill() function shall request that a signal be delivered
to the specified thread.
As in kill(), if sig is zero, error checking shall be performed
but no signal shall actually be sent.
Something like
int rc = pthread_kill( thread_id, 0 );
if ( rc != 0 )
// thread no longer exists...
It's not very useful, though, as stated by others elsewhere, and it's really weak as any type of security measure. Anything with permissions to kill a thread will be able to stop it from running without killing it, or make it run arbitrary code so that it doesn't do what you want.

sleep vs SIG_ALARM usage and CPU performance

When should I use sleep() and a reconfiguration of SIG_ALRM?
For example, I'm thinking of scheduling some task at some specific time. I could spawn a thread with an sleep() call inside and when sleep() returns, do some task, or I could specify a handler for SIG_ALRM and do the task inside the alarm interrupt. Do they take the same CPU usage and time? (besides the thread).
I've done some "tests" looking at the processes with ps command, showing me a CPU % and a CPU TIME of 0, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something or I'm looking at the wrong data.
BTW, I'm using Linux.
Note that what you do in a signal handler is very limited. You can only call certain POSIX functions and most of the C library is not allowed. Certainly not any C functions that might allocate or free memory or do I/O (you can use some POSIX I/O calls).
The sleeping thread might be the easiest way for you to go. If you use nanosleep it won't cause a signal at all, so you won't need to mess with handlers and such.
If your program is doing work, a common pattern is to have a central work loop, and in that loop you can check the time periodically to see if you should run your delayed job. Or you can skip checking the time and check a flag variable instead which your SIG_ALARM handler will set. Setting a sig_atomic_t variable is one of the things a signal handler is allowed to do.
CPU usage for a sleeping task is zero. It goes into the kernel as a timer event and is woken up to run when the timer expires.

Debugging signal handling in multithreaded application

I have this multithreaded application using pthreads. My threads actually wait for signals using sigwait. Actually, I want to debug my application, see which thread receives which signal at what time and then debug it. Is there any method, I can do this. If I directly run my program, then signals are generated rapidly and handled by my handler threads. I want to see which handler wakes up from the sigwait call and processes the signal and all.
The handy strace utility can print out a huge amount of useful information regarding system calls and signals. It would be useful to log timing information or collect statistics regarding the performance of signal usage.
If instead you are interested in getting a breakpoint inside of an event triggered by a specific signal, you could consider stashing enough relevant information to identify the event in a variable and setting a conditional breakpoint.
One of the things you may try with gdb is set breakpoints by thread (e.g. just after return from sigwait), so you know which thread wakes up:
break file.c thread [thread_nr]
Don't forget to tell gdb to pass signals to your program e.g.:
handle SIGINT pass
You may want to put all of this into your .gdbinit file to save yourself a lot of typing.
Steven Schlansker is definitely right: if that happens to significantly change timing patterns of your program (so you can see that your program behaves completely different under debugger, than "in the wild") then strace and logging is your last hope.
I hope that helps.

detect program termination (C, Windows)

I have a program that has to perform certain tasks before it finishes. The problem is that sometimes the program crashes with an exception (like database cannot be reached, etc).
Now, is there any way to detect an abnormal termination and execute some code before it dies?
code is appreciated.
1. Win32
The Win32 API contains a way to do this via the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter function, as follows:
int main()
// generate an exception !
int x = 0;
int y = 1/x;
return 0;
2. POSIX/Linux
I usually do this via the signal() function and then handle the SIGSEGV signal appropriately. You can also handle the SIGTERM signal and SIGINT, but not SIGKILL (by design). You can use strace() to get a backtrace to see what caused the signal.
There are sysinternals forum threads about protecting against end-process attempts by hooking NT Internals, but what you really want is either a watchdog or peer process (reasonable approach) or some method of intercepting catastrophic events (pretty dicey).
Edit: There are reasons why they make this difficult, but it's possible to intercept or block attempts to kill your process. I know you're just trying to clean up before exiting, but as soon as someone releases a process that can't be immediately killed, someone will ask for a method to kill it immediately, and so on. Anyhow, to go down this road, see above linked thread and search some keywords you find in there for more. hook OR filter NtTerminateProcess etc. We're talking about kernel code, device drivers, anti-virus, security, malware, rootkit stuff here. Some books to help in this area are Windows NT/2000 Native API, Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets: A Programmer's Cookbook, Rootkits: Subverting the Windows Kernel, and, of course, Windows® Internals: Fifth Edition. This stuff is not too tough to code, but pretty touchy to get just right, and you may be introducing unexpected side-effects.
Perhaps Application Recovery and Restart Functions could be of use? Supported by Vista and Server 2008 and above.
ApplicationRecoveryCallback Callback Function Application-defined callback function used to save data and application state information in the event the application encounters an unhandled exception or becomes unresponsive.
On using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, MSDN Social discussion advises that to make this work reliably, patching that method in-memory is the only way to be sure your filter gets called. Advises to instead wrap with __try/__except. Regardless, there is some sample code and discussion of filtering calls to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter in the article "SetUnhandledExceptionFilter" and VC8.
Also, see Windows SEH Revisited at The Awesome Factor for some sample code of AddVectoredExceptionHandler.
It depends what do you do with your "exceptions". If you handle them properly and exit from program, you can register you function to be called on exit, using atexit().
It won't work in case of real abnormal termination, like segfault.
Don't know about Windows, but on POSIX-compliant OS you can install signal handler that will catch different signals and do something about it. Of course you cannot catch SIGKILL and SIGSTOP.
Signal API is part of ANSI C since C89 so probably Windows supports it. See signal() syscall for details.
If it's Windows-only, then you can use SEH (SetUnhandledExceptionFilter), or VEH (AddVectoredExceptionHandler, but it's only for XP/2003 and up)
Sorry, not a windows programmer. But maybe
Registers a function to be called when program terminates.
First, though this is fairly obvious: You can never have a completely robust solution -- someone can always just hit the power cable to terminate your process. So you need a compromise, and you need to carefully lay out the details of that compromise.
One of the more robust solutions is putting the relevant code in a wrapper program. The wrapper program invokes your "real" program, waits for its process to terminate, and then -- unless your "real" program specifically signals that it has completed normally -- runs the cleanup code. This is fairly common for things like test harnesses, where the test program is likely to crash or abort or otherwise die in unexpected ways.
That still gives you the difficulty of what happens if someone does a TerminateProcess on your wrapper function, if that's something you need to worry about. If necessary, you could get around that by setting it up as a service in Windows and using the operating system's features to restart it if it dies. (This just changes things a little; someone could still just stop the service.) At this point, you probably are at a point where you need to signal successful completion by something persistent like creating a file.
I published an article at ddj.com about "post mortem debugging" some years ago.
It includes sources for windows and unix/linux to detect abnormal termination. By my experience though, a windows handler installed using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter is not always called. In many cases it is called, but I receive quite a few log files from customers that do not include a report from the installed handlers, where i.e. an ACCESS VIOLATION was the cause.
