Reverse Geocode Here Maps gives error invalid credentials - maps

We are getting error "Invalid credentials for xxxxxxxxxxxx" when I try reverse geocode on Here Maps API.
Even with demo app_id & app_code gives error.
Anyone known a support contact from Here Maps to check out what's going on?
The example request to produce error is:,-87.6388,250

Working examples using the demo credentials can be found on
I guess the issue here is that you are attempting to use the Demo Credentials outside of the examples instead of your own user credentials, and text of the error message is probably deliberately misleading. Try using your own app_id and app_code instead.
You could also download the Geocoder Postman Collection to generate proper REST requests rather than relying on a browser.
You could check if the following link works for you. - it works for me.


Getting a Certificate error when making a GET request in a VS Code extension webview

I'm creating a VS Code extension with a webview that contains a React application. In the React code, I'm making a GET request to a REST API, but it keeps failing due to the following error:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
Any ideas on why this may be happening or a workaround? Maybe this is a restriction of webviews?
If I make the call in the extension code, it works fine.
I upgrade the version of my browser to the latest and it worked me.
find this below given link to know how to update browser version.
Assuming that you get this error about the certificate of the remote side (the one serving the REST API), you get this error because of one of the following:
the authority that signed the certificate is not recognized on the client side (ie : the authority is not installed on your PC)
the certificate has expired
your PC has a wrong date
You can correct the above, or as a workaround you can (depending on your tools) explicitly ignore the untrusted remote certificate. But this workaround should remain for test purpose only, as it is a security breach.

Google IoT API 403 error

using this sample code:
getting the below error.
error: {u'error': {u'status': u'PERMISSION_DENIED', u'message': u'The caller does not have permission', u'code': 403}}
I've generated RSA key pairs one which I've used set the cert for the device in the cloud, the other private key I pass into the python script.
I thought it'd look for the GCLOUD_APPLICAITION_CREDENTIALS but seemingly only uses the private key as means of verification. Anyone face this issue before?
Probably highly relevant I'm passing in proxy details to the put/get requests which are fine and valid but may cause issues.
Okay so i'm now running it from the Google Cloud Platform console, same error, what dumb thing have I done? Double and triple checked keys.
Fixed check comments.
I was getting the same error, but in my case was that I needed to add the --cloud_region parameter.

Gmail Node Quickstart redirect_uri

After following the directions at I have found that I get an error in my console that looks as follows
This tells me that I need to be including some redirect_uri to the console, but the tutorial appears to give no counsel on what I should be doing to get there so that information makes it into the json file downloaded?
The first download for some reason didn't include the redirect_uris. I redownloaded the file and now it works

Google Cloud Console - New Project's giving "invalid_client", and old projects give redirect_uri mimatch

I have been facing the same problem from Google Cloud API Console for over a day now.
I tried to add a new redirect_uri for an old project to use it in my webapp but it gives me "redirect_uri mismatch" error. Old redirect uri still work as they used to.
I even tried creating a fresh project from the start and then registered a new application. This now gives me "invalid_client" error via google oauth.
If the old redirect_uri redirect as they should, then why doesn't the new one? Does something else need to be done when addding a new redirect uri?
Your errors are all self explanatory, so you simply need to carefully retrace your steps and check typing, that you are using the correct client id with the appropriate urls.
it gives me "redirect_uri mismatch" error.
The uri must match character for character. eg. watch for http(s) and trailing slash
This now gives me "invalid_client" error via google oauth.
Either you forgot to enable the API or you haven't correctly installed the new client ID in your app.
Does something else need to be done when adding a new redirect uri?
NO. Just make sure it exactly matches the URL you are passing.
It's sometimes easier to switch back to the old API Console. There is a faint grey link at the bottom of the screen in the new cloud console.
This looks like a bug.
See Newly created Oauth Client IDs don't work for what seems like a successful workaround.

Handling Google clientLogin Captcha Example

I have a desktop application.
I try to perform authentication using
However, whenever I get a Captcha challenge, I use a HTTP GET request (I test using web browser) to get the image to present to user.
However, I always get the images :
Sorry, we are unable to handle your
request at this time. Please try again
Any idea what I had did wrong? Thanks!
I had solved the problem, please refer to code (See getCapchaRespond method)
