Publish HP ALM manual tests result into Jenkins build - jenkins-plugins

After many searches over the net, I couldn't find any option to publish manual test results from HP ALM (QC) into jenkins. For instance, we have some "Test Lab" running results, and we would like to see its status in the jenkins dashboard. Any ideas?

Please checkout Agiletestware Bumblebee plugin for Jenkins. It can trigger tests in HP ALM and then display results in the Jenkins dashboard.
Disclaimer: I'm developer of Bumblebee


What's the easiest way to setup Protractor e2e tests to run nightly?

Like many angularjs developers I have a test suite of protractor e2e tests. The test suite takes about half an hour to an hour to run. I would like to be able to run the tests nightly using some kind of cloud based setup, if possible. I'm having trouble figuring out how to host and run the protractor tests.
Is there a common cloud setup or some easy setup for running protractor e2e tests either on check-in or for a nightly build?
The easiest way (I don't say the best way) that I'm using currently is setup task scheduler job that is run on remote machine. This Task Scheduler job is triggered in 2AM and run windows batch file with few commands: first one pulls last version from git, second changes directory to where my automated tests can be run and last one is running tests (more precisely the smoke suite):
git pull origin develop
cd C:\arkcase-test\protractor
protractor --suite=smoke
Jenkins job is fine for this you can trigger a mail saying build success or failure after this nightly run .
You can even attach your HTML report in the mail .
How ever this slave PC should be online connected running the jenkins client.

What tool to use for Moblile Device Testing

We are building a responsive Ecommerce Website and would like to test it on several mobile devices on cloud. There are so many of them like AWSDEvice Farm, Sauce Labs, CrossBrowserWeb Testing etc.
We need the tool to perform some manual tests on real devices as well as run our Automated Selenium Scripts on real device.
Any thoughts or advice which ones are better from the ones mentioned above
That's really hard to answer as it comes down a matter of opinon and all the specs of the project.
I don't know about the other but device farm has you upload the test package which can only be a appium java testng/junit or python pytest package. Then in the public offering it will find a device and run the tests which may take longer than other options because it restarts the appium server between tests.
In the private offering for device farm, we can use direct device access to run any testing framework we want. However, the up front cost for these is more than the public offering.
You are also limited in the execution time. Right now we can only run the tests up to 150 minutes.
Hope that helps

Need to make a .bat which login on several wesites and check if they are working fine or not?

I need to automate a manual process in which a user need to login on several wesite with specific username and password and also checks some links(shared locations). If everything is normal then user send a mail to the specific group in table format.
Can anyone give me any idea, how to start the automation process. I am thinking of using .bat and .vbs.
Thanks in Advance.
Here's what I would do:
Set up a headless Ubuntu machine (either on-premise or in the cloud)
Install Jenkins
Get familiar with creating Jenkins jobs and configuring them to email your group upon success or failure
Install the PhantomJS web browser on the Ubuntu box
Use the Python Selenium bindings to write a web automation script that uses PhantomJS to perform your web tests
Finally, create a Jenkins job that runs that test script and emails you the results
With that infrastructure in place, you'll have a solution for the task at hand, and a foundation on which you can build many more tests and processes.
If you have a hard requirement to use Windows and .bat files, you can do that too - just install Jenkins on a Windows machine and configure your Jenkins jobs to execute batch commands. I still recommend using Python even if running on Windows, though.
I think bat won't help you because it can't actually interact with a browser e.g. to enter username and password.
I'd go with AutoIt. It's simple and powerfull and has a nice framework for browser interaction.
If you want to use something complicated but really powerfull (C#), check the white framework by teststack.

Questions on JBehave

I recently have implemented JBehave with webdriver for automation. I have few queries.
can JBehave store the results in DB after the suite is completed?
Can we modify the Jbehave report to display the buildnumber?
can we run webdriver tests to run from jbehave web runber.Example of doesn't actually run the webdriver stories.
Can we integrate the results with web-runner. i.e instead of opening target/view.index.html , can we host it on any webserver along with web-runner.
To answer your question,
1) No, Not necessary at all.But you can write your own utility classes and call the methods for DB insertion as you wish. Here The Official selenium Database access Docs,But the DatabaseStorage interface is depreciated.
2) To make a templatable views , you need to look at here, the view generation can help you.
The solution for some of these things was to use continuous integration using Jenkins.
Create jenkins job as described here Integration of jbehave with jenkins
The results are available for all the test runs until the runs are purged in jenkins (which is configurable).

Test Automation Using Ruby Selenium Web Driver

I have written quite a few Ruby programs for my clients test automation project.But the problem is my client wants to check the output to his PC without instilling ruby.He is asking me to make one web application where he can select functionality from drop down and run the automation by clicking run button.And after completion the test it will auto generate a test result.Is there any possible way to do so?
He is asking me to make one web application where he can select functionality from drop down and run the automation by clicking run button
A work around to let your client run the current tests without installing the environment on their PC is to use the CI tool Jenkins, and a few of the Jenkins plugins such as CI Reporter which is an add-on to Test::Unit and RSpec that allows you to generate XML reports of your test and/or spec runs.
You can set Jenkins up on a server that they can hit virtually from anywhere and trigger a shell / selenium script that can execute all the unit tests and functional tests against the latest build / code, and all your client has to do is hit a "Play" button to execute them.
And after completion the test it will auto generate a test result.Is there any possible way to do so?
Here are some example images that some of the data Jenkins can export. It's really easy to set up and the community is massive in regards to support.
Screenshots of Failed Tests Results and Passed Tests Results
Hope this helps!
