ExtJS : Column Chart with negative values display error - extjs

I am trying to display a column chart in ExtJS which contrains negative values.
I get this really strange wrong display :
All the values in the chart's store are negative and between -79 to -83. Yet the columns are displayed beneath the X axis. On the other hand these values are visible on the Y axis' range, so I am not sure what is the reason for that.
Someone got a clue?

No idea what ExtJS version you're using, but I found this question from back in the ExtJS 4 days and apparently inverting/reversing an axis was supported in ExtJS3 and then removed in ExtJS4. As I can not find any information about reversing/inverting an axis in recent Ext6 docs, this probably means you'll have to multiply your values by -1 and just keep your labels as is.
How to reverse an Axis in Sencha ExtJS Charts?


How can I hide absolute numbers from the tooltip on a Pie Chart in Google Data Studio?

I have a Google Data Studio pie chart showing the % of the Record Count metric, for various slices, but on hover, the tooltip shows the absolute number of Record Count. I don't want to share the absolute numbers with the customer receiving this report. How can I hide that?
Unfortunately it seems not possible as of now, here is the same question in the official support forum.
As stated by a user, the only possible workaround is to add a trasparent square over the chart, this would prevent the hover functionality to work.
Define your metric used in the pie chart as a percentage by setting the Comparison Calculation field to "percent of total". When hovering the mouse, something in the format 10%(10%) will be displayed on the card. Thus, the absolute value does not appear, even if the percentage is doubled.

Drawing a bar chart in the background of candlestick chart in apexchart

I am playing with candlestick graphs (example from here: https://apexcharts.com/javascript-chart-demos/candlestick-charts/basic/) everything work as expected.
However, I am struggling with adding my signal data for a visual representation of the graph.
I am unable to find a solution that works I was thinking I can somehow fine-tune a timeline - I tried chart.js/apexcharts and for now, I believe the closest will be with the second framework.
What I need is a bar chart that can be used in numeric ranges for the X and Y-axis as presented below. (the goal is to be able to add the green bar as presented)
Is there an easy win or an idea of how to approach this?
Is there something I am missing?
That is my current solution (line graphs with stopWin/stopLose and entry price).
Still suboptimal - but works and is easy to achieve.
After weeks of playing around with it - the solution stayed:
I got two instances of apexcharts one with candlestick and one with line graphs
they are in a single div with CSS playground and position absolute.
I am passing standardised min/max values and has to have the same amount of elements in them (line graphs are allowing You to add null values which allow using this solution.
The final version work is repeatable and looks good.
if you need some help in similar case - feel free to reach out ;)

EXTJS Pie chart.. display top 10 values

In EXTJS PIE Chart i want to sort top 10 values and display in Descending order.
Currently it gets all records from store and displays. I need only top 10.
Can anyone guide me to solve this issue?
I do not think it's' pie charts' job to show top 10 values. you should provide a process that will transofrm the original store in what you really need. A plugin that replaces the original store might be an ideea.
You can try sorting and filtering the store. I manipulated example code in ExtJS docs and figured, that data is displayed by given order. Maybe if you apply sorter to store you might get desired effect. As for filtering: find min value of top ten values and apply filter that leaves only values above it. Might work, but I haven't tried it.

Initialize JFreeChart range axis values

I am trying to load dataset during initialization of the JFreeChart. But every time I tried to create a dataset with higher "number of item per series", the more data (all data) displayed visible in the chart (the bigger the dataset, the smaller the graph). But actually what I wanted is to have the fixed range of dataset values displayed on the chart while the rest is still hidden. Just the same way the data would normally be displayed in the actual trading platform, let's say Metatrader (MT4). First time when I open the chart I can see the screen filled with the only visible dataset of the chart and if I left-scroll the chart I will be able to see the old/history dataset as well. Does anyone have idea how to achieve this using JFreechart?
Really appreciate for any help or any thing/articles I can refer. Thanks so much!
You can use setRange() on either the domain or range axis, as shown in this fragment. If you've already tried this, it may help to edit your question to include an sscce and/or image that exhibits any problems you encountered.

Silverlight toolkit chart too many labels on axis

I'm using the newest chart control from silverlight toolkit to plot some data. For small cases it works ok, but for bigger samples the X axis labels overlap. It would be no problem if the chart would simply omit some of the values or I could specify to just show every 10th of them ...
I couldn't find any properties providing this behavior. Any ideas?
Assuming this is a Linear axis then you can specify the interval to use via the the Interval property on the axis.
If the axis in question is Category Axis then dropping some labels may not be valuable to the user. One option is to use the LayoutTransfomer to rotate the labels to an angle reducing the width needed for each one. See this Delay Blog on the subject.
