Why numeric type are in form p[,s], where p=number+s? - sql-server

Why they didn't create numeric type like "integer1,integer2", why i have to calculate the sum of both sides for p (i need to subtract s from p to get actual amount)?

The SQL standard is designed for a specific purpose: to query data
contained in a relational database.
Here are some of the implementations of this standard:
So, basically, a long time ago, the people who were working over the standard have decided that, for 6.1 <data type> of the numeric we have:
However, extensions to Standard SQL exists but each implementation try to follow it.


Representing C Structs in SMT-LIB

I am trying to use the Z3 solver (which works over SMT-LIB) to reason over C programs involving structs. I would like some way to represent that the struct is a variable that contains other variables in SMT-LIB, but I can't find a way to do that. Does anyone know of a way to represent C structs in SMT-LIB?
You can use algebraic data types feature of SMTLib 2.6 to model structs. See Section 4.2.3 of http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/papers/smt-lib-reference-v2.6-r2017-07-18.pdf
This feature allows not only regular struct declarations but also recursive ones; i.e., you can also model structs that have fields of the same type.
I should add that algebraic data types in SMT are actually more general than what you need, they actually can be used to model values constructed with different algebraic constructors. (For the straightforward record case, you'll simply use one constructor.)
Algebraic-data types are rather a new feature in SMTLib, but both Z3 and CVC4 support it. Solver quality might vary depending on the features you use, but if you simply use datatypes to construct and deconstruct values it should work pretty much out of the box.

Maximum of 2 INTEGERS?

What's the syntax for the maximum of 2 INTEGERS?
Eiffel documentation is so bad, literally could not find the answer to this simple question anywhere!
Or does it not exist and I have to use if-statements?
In most cases in Eiffel, the source is all the documentation you need. By right-clicking on a class' name in EiffelStudio, you can see its ancestor tree. You can also use the flat view feature to see all the inherited features of a class within the same editor.
Typically, INTEGER is an alias for INTEGER_32. INTEGER_32 inherits from COMPARABLE (through INTEGER_32_REF). COMPARABLE provides the max and min features. Their signature is
max (other: like Current): like Current
meaning all descendants of COMPARABLE take and return another value of the same type as themselves.
a, b, maximum: INTEGER
a := <some value>
b := <some value>
maximum := a.max(b) -- or b.max(a)
Eiffel has a unified type system, which means every type is defined as a class, even 'primitive' types that get special treatments in most other languages. INTEGER, CHARACTER, BOOLEAN, ARRAY and other such basic types thus come with a rich set of features you can consult in their own class files like you would with any other type. Since operators are defined as regular features too, this is also the way to figure out exactly what operators exist for any given class.

What would the prefered data type for single letter or number

I am trying to create my first database based application that organizes technical drawings with their revision history.
For my class 'drawing', I don't know which data type to use for the revision numbers of the drawings.
The naming convention for drawing revisions works in a way that the drawing identifier starts with 0 (first drawing) and then goes up alphanumerical A, B, C, etc.
Sometimes our customers require a numerical naming convention (in the style of 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.)
Is it practical to just declare the variable as string or is there a simpler way to organize these values while still being able to sort the drawings in the correct sequence?
The reason why I ask, is that someone once told me that if working with databases requires some more thought than a regular application.

CSV String vs Arrays: Is this too stringly typed?

I came across some existing code in our production environment given to us by our vendor. They use a string to store comma seperated values to store filtered results from a DB. Keep in mind that this is for a proprietary scripting language called PowerOn that interfaces with a database residing on an AIX system, but it's a language that supports strings, integers, and arrays.
For example, we have;
The psuedo code might look like;
Define accounts As String
For Each Account
accounts=accounts + CharCast(Account) + ","
as opposed to something I would expect to see like
Define accounts As Integer Array(99)
Define index as Integer=0
For Each Account
By the time the loop is done, accounts will look like; 123,234,3456,28390,. The string is later used to test if a specific instance exists like so
If CharSearch("28390", accounts) > 0 Then Call DoSomething
In the example, the statement evaluates to true and DoSomething gets called. Given the option of arrays, why would want to store integer values whithin a string of comma seperated values? Every language I've come across, it's almost always more expensive to perform string based operations than integer based operations.
Considering I haven't seen this technique before and my experience is somewhat limitted, is there a name for this? Is this common practice or is this just another example of being too stringly typed? To extend the existing code, should I continue using string method? Did we get cruddy code from our vendor?
What I put in the comment still holds but my real answer is: It's probably a design decision with respect to compatibility/portability. In your integer-array case (and a low enough level of the API) you'd typically find yourself asking questions like, what's a safe guess of the size of an integer on "today"'s machines. What about endianness.
The most portable and most flexible of all data formats always has been and always will be printed representation. It may not be as fast to process that but that's where adapters/converters or so kick in. I wouldn't be surprised to find (human-readable) printed representation of something especially in database APIs like you describe.
If you want something fast, just take whatever is given to you, convert it to a more efficient internal format, do you processing and convert it back.
There's nothing inherently wrong with using comma-separated strings instead of arrays. Sure you can't readily access a random n's element of such a collection, but if such random access is not needed then there's no penalty for it, right?
As far as I know Oracle DB stores NUMBER values as strings (and if my memory is correct - for DATEs as well) for very practical reasons.
In your specific example looks like using strings is an overkill when dealing with passing data around without crossing the process boundaries. But could it be that the choice of string data type makes more sense when sending data over wire or storing on disk?

How to represent end-of-time in a database?

I am wondering how to represent an end-of-time (positive infinity) value in the database.
When we were using a 32-bit time value, the obvious answer was the actual 32-bit end of time - something near the year 2038.
Now that we're using a 64-bit time value, we can't represent the 64-bit end of time in a DATETIME field, since 64-bit end of time is billions of years from now.
Since SQL Server and Oracle (our two supported platforms) both allow years up to 9999, I was thinking that we could just pick some "big" future date like 1/1/3000.
However, since customers and our QA department will both be looking at the DB values, I want it to be obvious and not appear like someone messed up their date arithmetic.
Do we just pick a date and stick to it?
Use the max collating date, which, depending on your DBMS, is likely going to be 9999-12-31. You want to do this because queries based on date ranges will quickly become miserably complex if you try to take a "purist" approach like using Null, as suggested by some commenters or using a forever flag, as suggested by Marc B.
When you use max collating date to mean "forever" or "until further notice" in your date ranges, it makes for very simple, natural queries. It makes these kind of queries very clear and simple:
Find me records that are in effect as of a given point in time.
... WHERE effective_date <= #PointInTime AND expiry_date >= #PointInTime
Find me records that are in effect over the following time range.
... WHERE effective_date <= #StartOfRange AND expiry_date >= #EndOfRange
Find me records that have overlapping date ranges.
... WHERE A.effective_date <= B.expiry_date AND B.effective_date <= A.expiry_date
Find me records that have no expiry.
... WHERE expiry_date = #MaxCollatingDate
Find me time periods where no record is in effect.
OK, so this one isn't simple, but it's simpler using max collating dates for the end point. See: this question for a good approach.
Using this approach can create a bit of an issue for some users, who might find "9999-12-31" to be confusing in a report or on a screen. If this is going to be a problem for you then drdwicox's suggestion of using a translation to a user-friendly value is good. However, I would suggest that the user interface layer, not the middle tier, is the place to do this, since what may be the most sensible or palatable may differ, depending on whether you are talking about a report or a data entry form and whether the audience is internal or external. For example, some places what you might want is a simple blank. Others you might want the word "forever". Others you may want an empty text box with a check box that says "Until Further Notice".
In PostgreSQL, the end of time is 'infinity'. It also supports '-infinity'. The value 'infinity' is guaranteed to be later than all other timestamps.
create table infinite_time (
ts timestamp primary key
insert into infinite_time values
select *
from infinite_time
order by ts;
2011-11-06 08:16:22.078
PostgreSQL has supported 'infinity' and '-infinity' since at least version 8.0.
You can mimic this behavior, in part at least, by using the maximum date your dbms supports. But the maximum date might not be the best choice. PostgreSQL's maximum timestamp is some time in the year 294,276, which is sure to surprise some people. (I don't like to surprise users.)
2011-11-06 08:16:21.734
294276-01-01 00:00:00
A value like this is probably more useful: '9999-12-31 11:59:59.999'.
2011-11-06 08:16:21.734
9999-12-31 11:59:59.999
That's not quite the maximum value in the year 9999, but the digits align nicely. You can wrap that value in an infinity() function and in a CREATE DOMAIN statement. If you build or maintain your database structure from source code, you can use macro expansion to expand INFINITY to a suitable value.
We sometimes pick a date, then establish a policy that the date must never appear unfiltered. The most common place to enforce that policy is in the middle tier. We just filter the results to change the "magic" end-of-time date to something more palatable.
Representing the notion of "until eternity" or "until further notice" is an iffy proposition.
Relational theory proper says that there is no such thing as null, so you're obliged to have whatever table it is split in two: one part with the rows for which the end date/end time is known, and another for the rows for which the end time is not yet known.
But (like having a null) splitting the tables in two will make a mess of your query writing too. Views can somewhat accommodate the read-only parts, but updates (or writing the INSTEAD OF on your view) will be tough no matter what, and likely to affect performance negatively no matter what at that).
Having the null represent "end time not yet known" will make updating a bit "easier", but the read queries get messy with all the CASE ... or COALESCE ... constructs you'll need.
Using the theoretically correct solution mentioned by dportas gets messy in all those cases where you want to "extract" a DATE from a DATETIME. If the DATETIME value at hand is "the end of (representable) time (billions of years from now as you say)", then this is not just a simple case of invoking the DATE extractor function on that DATETIME value, because you'd also want that DATE extractor to produce the "end of representable DATEs" for your case.
Plus, you probably do not want to show "absent end of time" as being a value 9999-12-31 in your user interface. So if you use the "real value" of the end of time in your database, you're facing a bit of work seeing to it that that value won't appear in your UI anywhere.
Sorry for not being able to say that there's a way to stay out of all messes. The only choice you really have is which mess to end up in.
Don't make a date be "special". While it's unlikely your code would be around in 9999 or even in 2^63-1, look at all the fun that using '12/31/1999' caused just a few years ago.
If you need to signal an "endless" or "infinite" time, then add a boolean/bit field to signal that state.
