Wildfly 10 Undertow report a 513 response but looking at the threads I only see 3 active sessions - resteasy

I have a Wildfly 10.1 deployment which uses undertow to receive a stream of JPEG images. The sending client is reporting a 513 response from the Wildfly server. However, when I do a thread dump of the Wildfly server I see only 3 active sessions that seem to be responding to requests (I verify this by looking at threads that are executing my REST code). There are a number of threads that appear to be undertow related but they are idle waiting for something to happen. The inbound requests are REST requests.
Any idea why undertow is sending a 513 response? How can I go about looking at how many sessions undertow believes it has? Any other suggestions on how to debug this issue?
Thanks, David

Undertow contains a build in handler called Request Limiting Handler. It limits the maximum number of concurrent requests, blocks further requests and puts them in a queue. If the queue is full then requests will be rejected with code 513 (default implementation)


Getting 408 API request has timed out while accessing Watson discovery

For the past few days i have been trying to access my discovery profile but it is showing -- 408 API request has timed out, I don't understand what it is i tried on different browsers and different systems.
A 408 HTTP response code is admittedly confusing in this case as 400-level errors typically indicate the client (browser) took too long to send the necessary information so the server timed out the connection when a preconfigured duration has been exceeded.
In this particular case, however, a 502 Gateway Timeout HTTP response would be more appropriate. There are multiple complex interactions happening with some of the pages in Watson Discovery Tooling and sometimes the service experiences slowness. In general, I would investigate the status page for the affected IBM Cloud services to determine whether or not there are any customer impacting events.
To check the status of Watson Discovery and any IBM provided service, I would check https://console.bluemix.net/status to see if any of the slowness or errors line up with your experiences.

getting "reached maximum number of connections" error with large volume of http requests on google app engine

I'm attempting to do some stress testing on my GAE application
to see how it's performance holds up with a large number of
simultaneous users. I tried having a 100 threads each send an https
requests within 1 second, but half of them failed with a 503 status code the following
"Error: Connection not allowed: reached maximum number of
This is a paid app, so I tried upgrading the instance class and
setting up some idle instances, but it doesn't seem to make any
Is there a limit on the number of simultaneous connections? Or is
this because all the requests are generated from the same host?
EDIT: Response to Kyle: I'm using jmeter and sending 100 simultaneous requests to google.com doesn't ahve any issues.
Response to Nick: I'm not expecting individual clients to send lots of simultaneous requests, I was trying to simulate 100 users sending 1 request each.
Unbeknownst to me, a colleague had added a custom throttling filter to our application :) I removed this from the web.xml and it solves the problem.

Tomcat 6 response writing

I am observing strange behavior of my tomcat server, it seems like tomcat is not writing response to the client fast enough. Here is what I am seeing:
When firing aound 200 requests at the same time at my tomcat server, my application logs shows that my servlet's doGet() finishes process the request in about 500ms. However, at the client side the average response time is about 30 seconds (which means client start seeing response from tomcat after 30 seconds)!
Does anyone have any idea about how come there are such long delay between the end of my servlet's process time and the time when client receives response?
My server is hosted on Rackspace VM.
Found the culprit. I observed that the hosting server was using abnormally high CPU usage for even for only few requests, so I attached JConsole to Tomcat and found that all my worker thread has high blocking count... and are constantly in blocking state. Looking at the stack trace the locking happened during JAXBContext instantiation. Digg further, the application creating JAXBContext, which is relatively expensive, for each request.
So in summary, the problem was caused by JAXBContext instantiation per thread. Solution was to ensure JAXBContext is created once per application.

How to achieve interrupt-driven communication from server to client with servlets?

we wrote in C++ a screen sharing application based on sending screenshots.
It works by establishing a TCP connection btw the server and client, where the server forwards every new screenshot received for a user through the connection, and this is popped-up by the client.
Now, we are trying to host this on google app engine, and therefore need 'servlet'-ize and 'sandbox' the server code, so to implement this forwarding through HTTP requests.
I immagine the following:
1. Post request with the screenshot as multiple-data form (apache uploads ..).
But now the server needs to contact the specified client (who is logged in) to send it/forward the screenshot.
I'm not sure how to 'initiate' such connection from the servlet to the client. The client doesn't run any servlet environment (of course).
I know HTTP 1.1 mantains a TCP connection, but it seems gapps won't let me use it.
1 approaches that comes to mind is to send a CONTINUE 100 to every logged in user at login, and respond with the screenshot once it arrives. Upon receival the client makes another request, and so on.
an alternative (insipired from setting the refresh header for a browser) would be to have the app pool on a regular basis (every 5 secs).
You're not going to be able to do this effectively on GAE.
Problem 1: All output is buffered until your handler returns.
Problem 2: Quotas & Limits:
Some features impose limits unrelated
to quotas to protect the stability of
the system. For example, when an
application is called to serve a web
request, it must issue a response
within 30 seconds. If the application
takes too long, the process is
terminated and the server returns an
error code to the user. The request
timeout is dynamic, and may be
shortened if a request handler reaches
its timeout frequently to conserve
Comet support is on the product roadmap, but to me your app still seems like a poor fit for a GAE application.
Long Polling is the concept used for such asynchronous communications between server and client.
In Long Polling, servlet keeps a map of client and associated messages. Key of Map being client id and value being list of messages to be sent to the client. When a client opens a connection with server (sends request to a servlet), the servlet checks the Map if there are any messages to be sent to it. If found, it sends the messages to the client exits from the method. On receiving messages, the client opens a new connection to the server. If the servlet does not find any messages for given client, it waits till the Map gets updated with messages for given client.
This is a late reply, I'm aware, but I believe that Google have an answer for this requirement: the Channel API.

Aynchronous web server calls in Silverlight and maximum HTTP connections

I've read that Silverlight 2.0 imposes by design an asynchronous model when communicating with the web server. I haven't had a chance to experiment with Silverlight, but I assume that it uses a thread-pool to manage threads like in the .NET Framework.
Now, since some browsers, most notably Internet Explorer, have an hard-coded limit of maximum two concurrent HTTP connections that can be made on the web server, what happens if I make a bunch of asynchronous requests from Silverlight?
Does Silverlight bypass this limitation in the web browser and open as many HTTP connections as there are threads available, or do the asynchronous requests queue up and wait for one of the two connections to become available?
In IE (haven't tested others) Silverlight is restricted to 2 connections at a time.
The behavior in Silverlight is to simply not make the request. So if you make 5 Async web service requests right in a row, the first 2 will happen, the other three won't. No exception is thrown that i've seen...
Fiddler is a big help here :)
Create a messaging manager interface for your client. Any outgoing request are posted to a queue that this manager processes against. It would serially process queued messages (i.e., when the call back of the last message sent to the server is invoked, can then safely proceed to process the next queued message).
You can consume the other connection resource by keeping a Comet connection open to the server. The server would push any return messages to the client via this Comet connection. You'll need to stamp out-going messages with a unique number that can be embedded as a property on in-coming messages - so that results can be correlated to request. The messaging manager would dispatch a result message to the appropriate handler for that result.
Essentially you end up using two connection resources to establish bi-directional messaging. But there is no artificial limit on the number of requesters on the client (though request will get serially transmitted to the server). The act of sending is always fast, though, because you don't wait for any result to be computed - you just need to deliver the message reliably to the server and return. Results come back asynchronously on the other Comet connection.
We do something along these lines with our Flex client apps in conjunction to Adobe BlazeDS running in our Tomcat web server:
A Flex-based asynchronous stack
Firefox is also limited to two connections, in addition to IE as stated already.
Note that the limit is per hostname.
If you add entries to your hosts file, or use dns aliases you can get more connections. For example in testing, add lines like ' test1' to your hosts file, and then you can open two connections to http://localhost and two more to http://test1
I guess, being a .NET application Silverlight 2 has an independent from browser limit.
I would assume It is maxconnection attribute in Machine.config as mentioned in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/828219
Firstly the Machine.config file would not be used as the Silverlight control is sandboxed with its own version of the CoreCLR.
I believe that the Silverlight control actually makes use of the underlying browser to make the asynchronous HTTP requests. This is most likely the case considering how the Silverlight control can't gain access to SOAP fault information as the SOAP specification requires that the server returns an HTTP 500 response code and the Silverlight control doesn't get that from the browser hosting the control.
This post here serves to confirm this.
As to the limit of concurrent HTTP connections, I believe IE5 and later limit the number of connections to the same site based on HTTP protocol version - HTTP/1.0 it limits to 4 connections and HTTP/1.1 to 3 connections. Most of the time the web server will limit the number of connections to 2 per client, queueing or discarding the remainder.
