How to make that WPF Virtual keyboard hides my controls - wpf

I'm developing a WPF application for tablet.
Since the framework 4.6.2, the virtual keyboard appears when a control gains focus.
I have a TextBox :
When this one gains focus so it becomes hidden :
Exists it native solution for correct this ?
Or must I manage a scroll viewer ?
Or show a dialog with my TextBox ?

I had the same issue with an application of my own, I ended using WPFTabTip which is open source and works like a charm. It is available through nugget also.
By using it you will need only one line of code:
It automatically handles the visibility issue by moving the focused UIElement into view.
If you do not want to use the project you can see the source code and take what you need also.


VS 2012 Coded UI Testing and WPF User Control

I have an application that uses a UserControl inside of a Window, Coded UI Testing recognizes everything in the Window (buttons, etc.) but inside the UserControl I just get a blue box around the area and cannot select anything inside for recording.
I've been all over google for this issue and I think it has to do with the AutomationPeers (?). Any suggestions would be useful in how to get these elements visible to Coded UI
If the custom control doesn't provide a customized/override version of the OnCreateAutomationPeer, you can't. You need to ask developers to implement automation support for their control.
My issue was that Coded UI couldn't see past my TabControl (displays different user controls). I followed this solution to create a CustomTabControl and override the OnCreationAutomationPeer() method so that the lower elements could be displayed.
[ click here ]

A window with no taskbar icon, no appearance in Alt-Tab and *without* using the ToolWindow extended style

I have a problem that appears to be new to Windows 10.
I want to create a form that is visible to the user, but with no task bar icon and that does not appear in Alt+Tab.
This is perfectly doable if one is happy to sacrifice the normal styling of a window by following the accepted solutions here for either WPF or Windows Forms.
The general advice for both WPF and Windows Forms is:
Set ShowInTaskbar to false
Enable the ToolWindow styling (either through setting the border style in WinForms or the WindowStyle in WPF)
However, this has a new, practical problem in Windows 10 when using Virtual Desktops: the moment you do the above, the WPF or WinForms window will appear in every virtual desktop. See my example application with a red background:
This affects both the Task View switching screen and the actual desktop itself. No matter where you go, the form is there!
Is there any way to show a form - or even just a bitmap - on Windows without anything appearing in the taskbar, without anything appearing in Alt+Tab and without duplicating the window on every virtual desktop?
I have spent two days researching every possible option, trying every example online, reading MSDN documentation on window styles etc. but all resort to the same method, either through P/Invoke calls or directly, but either way the result is the same.

Is there a SurfacePopup control in Surface 2?

We've been working on an application for the last few months that's aimed at Windows 7 tablet PCs. So we've used the Surface 2 SDK for most controls and it's all touch-happy.
I have noticed recently, though, that one of our custom controls isn't working as it should. This control provides popout menus, and these are achieved through the Popup control. On a developer's laptop, this works fine and the menus vanish when you click away from them. I've noticed, though, that on our test tablet they have a tendency to stay open.
I found that there was a SurfacePopup in the first Surface SDK, but I can't find one in the Surface 2 SDK. Did they get rid of it? Is there a 'best practice' approach?
If there's no simple solution, I may have to go old-school and add a window-sized hidden SurfaceButton below the menu when it appears, that hides itself and the menu when clicked or touched.
Beyond that I've noticed that sometimes the SurfaceScrollViewer within the popups won't work. I'm guessing this is because it's not picking up touch events properly. I tried adding this extension method to the window..
..but I get a NullReferenceException on System.Windows.Input.Mouse.get_LeftButton() which bizarrely suggests that it can only enable surface inputs for controls when there's a mouse plugged in.
Any ideas? They'll all be welcomed with open arms!
There's no SurfacePopup in the Surface SDK 2.0, however you can use a normal WPF popup. Then you need to make sure that it receives Touch Events by using the extension method you suggested above on the popup, not the window:
Edit: As I just found out, this only works when the popup is initially open. To get it to work when the popup is opened later on, you don't need to use the popup, but the parent of it's child (see this question).
For the benefit of Daniel, and anyone else who needs a solution to this, I'll try to cast my mind back two years and explain how we got this working.
As far as I can remember, the answer was to use an adorner layer instead of a popup. Basically, every WPF control has an adorner layer, which sits above the control's UI stack. By default it contains nothing, but you can add whatever you like to it.
I got this all working by writing a custom control that allows you to place that control, with content, in the XAML and then show and hide it whenever you need to. When it's shown, it moves its contents into the adorner layer of the containing window, and when it's hidden it moves the contents back into the control itself, which is hidden from the user.
Afraid I can't go into any more detail than that, but as far as I can remember this was the ultimate solution; replacing popups (which never quite worked very well) with a custom control that uses the adorner layer.
Hope that helps!

Silverlight 3: How to implement Textblock copy/paste functionality?

Silverlight is awesome, most of my application users are giving positive feedback about silverlight. However some of the users are not able to live without copy/paste functionality. They are very much used to copy/paste functionality provided by HTML page out of the box.
How can I implement such a context menu as well as copy/paste functionality?
PS: Windows only solution is fine too.
Aside from using TextBox with IsReadOnly=true, you'll have a pretty hard time trying to simulate selection and copy/paste in a TextBlock. I would identify the areas they wish to copy/paste the most and use TextBox's there. You could even remove the border and make a transparent background and it should look nearly identical to adjacent TextBlock's.
If you do that then you will get the selection and copy functionality provided by TextBox and it works across browsers.
Otherwise you will need to go through the browser's DOM to put stuff on the clipboard and that will be a pain because of cross-browser concerns. Silverlight 4 adds a Clipboard API if you're able to start development with a beta version.
As Josh has answered, style a TextBox to look like a TextBlock. In terms of copy and paste:
Assuming the users aren't content with just CTRL+C, CTRL+X or CTRL+V - you can now access the clipboard in Silverlight 4:
string content = Clipboard.GetText();
Clipboard.SetText("hello world");
A context menu can be done in various ways, and in Silverlight 4 it is actually properly supported cross browser instead of just IE. You could do it with a Popup or a ChildWindow or just use one from the Vectorlight library:
This open source project on Codeplex contains a demo that does just that and much more:

Have a wpf window inside another wpf window

Is there a way to host a WPF window inside another WPF window. I have a couple of somewhat complex forms in place. But now to simplify things I am trying to merge a few of them as tabpages inside one 'Dashboard' form.
Please note that I am not trying to host a Windows Form, but another WPF window
If you want tabpages, why not use a TabControl with UserControls inside ? If you need to transform one of these tabs to a floating window, just put the UserControl in a new Window...
Can I answer this question with another question; why would you not create them as controls rather than other WPF windows, that you want to host in the main WPF window?
a bit late on this, but I guess with WindowsForms interop you can put in WPF a WinForms control host and in that host put a WinForms control that hosts the handle of a WPF window
I think what you're asking for is MDI, Multiple Document Interface. Something like this might help.
Do note, however, that the MDI paradigm is largely shunned these days. There are usually better ways to achieve the same functionality.
I think you want to hosting contents of WPF Window1.xaml (page1.xaml) inside within another WPF Window. can use Navigation. Instead running window1.xaml contents inside tab then you can work with your data inside Navigation. Navigation can run within WPF Window Application. You just design your form / UI in page1.xaml.
one another..MDI old and rusty. We want clear of top window nowadays.
