I have a contact page on which I have a contact form defined like this:
import React from "react";
import { Field, reduxForm } from "redux-form";
import Recaptcha from "react-recaptcha";
const required = value => (value ? undefined : "This field is required.");
const email = value => value && !/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(value) ? "Invalid email address." : undefined;
const renderInput = ({
meta: { touched, error }
}) => (
<div className="form-group">
<label className="col-sm-2 control-label">{ label }</label>
<div className="col-sm-10">
{ (type == "text" || type == "email") ? <input { ...input } type={ type } /> : <textarea { ...input }></textarea> }
{ touched && ((error && <span className="contact-form-error-message">{ error }</span>)) }
const captcha = (props) => (
<div className="form-group">
<label className="col-sm-2 control-label"></label>
<div className="col-sm-10">
<Recaptcha render="explicit" onloadCallback={ console.log.bind(this, "reCAPTCHA loaded.") }
sitekey="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" onChange={props.input.onChange} />
const ContactForm = props => {
const { handleSubmit, submitting } = props
return (
<form className="form-horizontal" onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
component={ renderInput }
validate={ required }
component={ renderInput }
validate={ [required, email] }
component={ renderInput }
validate={ required }
component={ renderInput }
validate={ required }
<Field name="recaptchacode" component={ captcha } />
<div className="form-group">
<label className="col-sm-2 control-label"></label>
<div className="col-sm-10">
<button type="submit" id="contact-form-button" disabled={ submitting }>Send</button>
export default reduxForm({
form: "ContactForm"
The problem is I cannot seem to get the recaptchacode field in the values object when I click the submit button. How do I bind the value of the Recaptcha component to redux-form so that it puts it in the values object?
And since StackOverflow wants me to add more explanation to this because there's too much code, I am writing this text.
So the answer in short as I have managed to get this thing working. There are two npm packages for implementing recaptcha in react:
react-recaptcha and react-google-recaptcha. You want the second one and not the first one (which was my problem and doesn't work with redux-form) and then you want to follow this tutorial: https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/1880
Hope this helps someone.
Here’s how I integrated Google ReCaptcha with React and redux-forms with Language support. Hope this will help someone.
React: 16.5.2
react-google-recaptcha: 1.0.5
react-redux: 5.0.6
redux: 3.7.2
redux-form: 7.2.0
Redux form:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'redux-form';
import { testAction } from ‘/actions';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import Captcha from './Captcha';
const validate = values => {
const errors = {};
if (!values.captchaResponse) {
errors.captchaResponse = 'Please validate the captcha.';
return errors;
let TestForm = (props) => {
const {
language, //extract language from props/or hard code it in Captcha component
} = props;
return (
<Form onSubmit={ handleSubmit(testAction)}>
<Field component={Input} name=“other_input_name” type="text" required/>
<Field dispatch={props.dispatch} component={Captcha} change={change} language={language} name="captchaResponse"/> {/* Pass redux-forms change and language to the Captcha component*/}
<Button type="submit">{‘Validate’}</Button>
const selector = formValueSelector('testForm');
TestForm = connect(
state => ({
recaptchaValue: selector(state, 'captchaResponse'),
{ testAction: testAction }
export default reduxForm({
form: ‘testForm’,
enableReinitialize: true,
Captcha component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReCAPTCHA from 'react-google-recaptcha';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { change } from 'redux-form';
class Captcha extends Component {
constructor(props) {
window.recaptchaOptions = { lang: this.props.language }; //set language that comes from props E.g.: fr/es/en etc..
onChange = (value) => {
this.props.meta.dispatch(change(‘testForm’, 'captchaResponse', value));
render() {
const { meta: { touched, error } } = this.props;
return (
onChange={response => this.onChange(response)}
<ErrorMessage>{ touched ? error : '' }</ErrorMessage>
const CaptchaWrapper = styled.div`
const ErrorMessage = styled.p`
color: red;
export default Captcha;
Hi I am trying to implement multiple redux forms. But I am getting the same redux form in the output. Could someone look into this and tell me where I am going wrong:
Form 1: Signup.js
import React from 'react';
import {Field,reduxForm} from 'redux-form';
const validate = values =>{
const errors={};
errors.username="Please Enter Username";
}else if(values.username.length<5){
errors.username='Please enter atlease 5 characters';
if (!values.email) {
errors.email = 'Required'
} else if (!/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(values.email)) {
errors.email = 'Invalid email address'
errors.password='Please enter password'
return errors;
const renderField = ({ input, label, type, meta: { touched, error } }) => (
<input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type}/>
{touched && ((error && <span>{error}</span>))}
const SyncValidationForm = (props) => {
const { handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting } = props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name="username" type="text" component={renderField} label="Username"/>
<Field name="email" type="email" component={renderField} label="Email"/>
<Field name="password" type="password" component={renderField} label="Password"/>
<button type="submit" disabled={submitting}>Submit</button>
<button type="button" disabled={pristine || submitting} onClick={reset}>Clear Values</button>
export default reduxForm ({
form: 'syncValidation',
Form 2: Login.js
import React from 'react';
import {Field, reduxForm} from 'redux-form';
const renderField = ({input, label, type})=>{
<input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type}/>
const Login = (props) =>{
const {handleSubmit} = this.props;
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name='username' component={renderField} type='text' label='Username'/>
<Field name='password' type='password' component={renderField} label='Password'/>
<button type='submit' disabled={submit}>Submit</button>
export default reduxForm ({
Rendering Component: Homepage.js
import React from 'react';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import SyncValidationForm from "../Form/signup";
import Login from "../Form/signup";
class Homepage extends React.Component{
<SyncValidationForm onSubmit={this.props.addition}/>
<Login />
var matchStatetoProps = state =>{
return {root:state.root}
var matchDispatchtoProps = dispatch =>{
export default connect(matchStatetoProps,matchDispatchtoProps)(Homepage);
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as reduxFormReducer1 } from 'redux-form';
import { reducer as reduxFormReducer2 } from 'redux-form';
import rootReducer from '../Reducers/rootReducer'
const reducer = combineReducers({
form: reduxFormReducer1,
root: rootReducer
const store = (window.devToolsExtension
? window.devToolsExtension()(createStore)
: createStore)(reducer);
export default store;
Now its giving an output something like this:
Could someone help me in where I am going wrong
Sorry I was importing the wrong form.
I am using react-final-form to create Registration and Login Forms. I have created file called validators with 3 functions: required, allowedEmails, and validatePassword length. Then I used them in my fields with validate={required} or validate={this.composeValidators(required, validatePasswordLength)}, if I wanted to use more than two validators for my fields.
I have 5 fields: FirstName, LastName, Username, Email and password. At the beginning when the fields are empty everything works well. All of them show error:
"This field is required"
but when I try to enter some value in the specific field, the error for that field still remains.
Here is sandbox link to my project https://codesandbox.io/s/forma-ktvjq
This are functions in my validators file:
export function validateEmail(email) {
var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s#"]+)*)|(".+"))#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return re.test(String(email).toLowerCase());
export const required = v => {
if(!v || v === ' '){
return 'This field is requireddd';
return undefined;
export const allowedEmails = v =>{
if (v === validateEmail) {
return "email is not valid";
return undefined;
export const validatePasswordLength = v => {
return "Password has to be atleast 8 charachters";
return "Password accepted";
import validators, { required, validatePasswordLength, allowedEmails, validateEmail } from '../../validators';
import LoginForm from '../LoginForm';
// import Container from 'react-bootstrap/Container';
// import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row';
// import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col';
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form';
import { InputPassword, InputEmail, InputUsername, InputFirstName, InputLastName, InputField} from '../.././../components/InputFields';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button'
import { metaProperty } from '#babel/types';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
class RegisterForm extends Component {
sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
newPage = (newPage) => {
handleSubmit = async (values,e) => {
await this.sleep(300);
console.log("values", values);
composeValidators = (...validators) => value => validators.reduce((error, validator) => error || validator(value), undefined);
return (
<h1>🏁 Register Form</h1>
render={ ( { handleSubmit, values, submitting, meta }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
hintText="First Name"
floatingLabelText="First Name"
hintText="Last Name"
floatingLabelText="Last Name"
validate={this.composeValidators(required, validatePasswordLength)}
validate={this.composeValidators(required, allowedEmails)}
<Button size="lg" type="submit">Register</Button>
) } />
export default RegisterForm;
Here is also my third party component that i am using in Field as component.
import { Form, Field } from 'react-final-form';
import LoginForm from '../containers/forms/LoginForm';
import RegisterForm from '../containers/forms/RegisterForm';
import './InputFields.css'
export const InputField = (props) => {
console.log("PROOOPS ", props);
<InputGroup size="lg" className="mb-4">
<div className="ValidatorStyle" >
{props.meta.error && props.meta.touched && <span>{props.meta.error}</span>}
I don't get any error, but the field value does not get updated.
In InputField.js you need to spread the input props on InputGroup, like:
<InputGroup size="lg" className="mb-4" {...props.input}>
(That includesvalue, onChange and more)
I am getting this error in my console.
"Form submission canceled because the form is not connected"
after trying to migrate my redux-form from v5 to v6 since we migrated our app to a more recent version of React.
I am not sure what is going wrong here so i figured I could use a second or third pair of eyes.
Here is my "Smart Component"
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form/immutable';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { logUserIn } from '../../actions/authentication';
import { VALID_EMAIL_REGEX } from '../../config/app_config';
import LoginForm from './LoginForm';
const FORM_ID = 'loginForm';
export class LoginFormContainer extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
loginAction: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
performLogin = (params) => {
const { loginAction } = this.props;
const credentials = {
email: params.email,
password: params.password,
loginAction(credentials, '/home');
render() {
const { handleSubmit, submitting } = this.props;
return (
handleSubmit={ handleSubmit }
loginFunction={ this.performLogin }
submitting={ submitting }
const validate = values => {
const errors = {};
if (!values.email || values.email === '') {
errors.email = 'Required';
else if (!VALID_EMAIL_REGEX.test(values.email)) {
errors.email = 'Invalid email address';
if (!values.password || values.password === '') {
errors.password = 'Required';
return errors;
LoginFormContainer = reduxForm({
form: FORM_ID,
export default connect(null, {
loginAction: logUserIn,
I am passing down my submission handler function as a prop to my actual form that contains the Field component for inputs. The loginAction will link to the action for redux to send the values to the backend and redirect to home.
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { Field } from 'redux-form/immutable';
import { getClassName, checkButtonDisabled } from '../../utils/forms';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
const renderInput = (field) => {
return (
<div className={ getClassName(field.meta.touched, field.meta.error) }>
className="form-control form-control-success"
{field.meta.touched &&
field.meta.error &&
<span className="error">{field.meta.error}</span>}
export default class LoginForm extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
handleSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
loginFunction: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
submitting: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
render() {
const {
submitting } = this.props;
return (
<form onSubmit={ loginFunction.bind(this) }>
<label className="form-control-label">
Email address
<label className="form-control-label">
placeholder="your password"
className="btn btn-primary"
disabled={ checkButtonDisabled(submitting) }
Log In
<Link to="/forgot-password">Forgot Password?</Link>
I successfully was able to get the form to work but when I hit login I get the error above and I am redirected to home, but I am not authenticated and I get a 422 error as well. I couldn't tell if my form connecting is the only error or if my action is not getting the right information from the form submission function.
Got any suggestions?
You are redirected home, because your loginFunction() is fired, but the form is not submitted
There are a couple of things that need to be updated. Your <form> tag must have a corresponding id and it should handle submit by passing your function to redux-form inbuilt submit handler. So you modifying LoginForm class as follows should get the form working
<form id="loginForm" onSubmit={ handleSubmit(this.loginFunction.bind(this)) } >
More about internal redux-form method handleSubmit here: http://redux-form.com/6.5.0/docs/api/Form.md/
Using the answer given to me above I just wanted to clarify what I did to solve the issue.
I grabbed the handleSubmit method that comes from the reduxForm and passed it to the LoginForm as a prop from the container that also retrieved it from the props.
I also imported the Form component from redux-form on the LoginForm component and just simply replaced the normal JSX tag with .
here were the final changes I made.
//Added Form from redux-form
import { Field, Form } from 'redux-form/immutable';
render() {
const {
handleSubmit,//defined handleSubmit function from props which comes from the reduxForm being exported to the state.
submitting } = this.props;
return (
//replaced <form></form> with <Form></Form>
<Form id="loginForm" onSubmit={ handleSubmit(loginFunction.bind(this)) }>
//passed my loginFunction into the handleSubmit function
//added an id to <Form> that corresponds to the forms id that was passed in reduxForm({ form: 'loginForm' })
<label className="form-control-label">
Email address
<label className="form-control-label">
placeholder="your password"
className="btn btn-primary"
disabled={ checkButtonDisabled(submitting) }
Log In
<Link to="/forgot-password">Forgot Password?</Link>
I'm trying to fill the profile form with data from API. Unfortunately redux-form doesn't want to cooperate with me in this case. For some reason fields stays empty whatever I do.
Setting the fixed values instead of values passed from reducer work well for some reason.
Maybe this is because I'm using redux-promise for API calls inside the action creators? How can I live with it and get rid of this. Here is my form component.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { reduxForm, Field } from 'redux-form';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchRoleList, fetchUserData } from '../actions';
class UserEdit extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
handleEditProfileFormSubmit(formProps) {
getRoleOptions(selected_id) {
if (!this.props.profile) {
return <option>No data</option>;
return this.props.profile.roles.map(role => {
return <option key={role.role_id} value={role.role_id}>{role.name}</option>;
renderField(props) {
const { input, placeholder, label, value, type, meta: { touched, error } } = props;
return (
<fieldset className={`form-group ${ (touched && error) ? 'has-error' : '' }`}>
<input className="form-control" {...input} type={type} placeholder={placeholder} />
{touched && error && <div className="error">{error}</div>}
renderSelect({ input, placeholder, options, label, type, meta: { touched, error } }) {
return (
<fieldset className={`form-group ${ (touched && error) ? 'has-error' : '' }`}>
<select className="form-control" {...input}>
{touched && error && <div className="error">{error}</div>}
render() {
const { handleSubmit } = this.props;
const user = this.props.profile.user;
return (
<div> {user ? user.email : ''}
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.handleEditProfileFormSubmit.bind(this))}>
<Field name="email" label="Email:" component={this.renderField} type="text" placeholder="email#gmail.com" className="form-control"/>
<Field name="name" label="Name:" component={this.renderField} type="text" placeholder="John Doe" className="form-control"/>
<Field name="role" label="Role:" component={this.renderSelect} type="select" className="form-control" options={this.getRoleOptions()}/>
<button action="submit" className="btn btn-primary">Edit user</button>
<Field name="password" label="Password:" component={this.renderField} type="password" className="form-control"/>
<Field name="passwordConfirm" label="Confirm Password:" component={this.renderField} type="password" className="form-control"/>
{ this.props.errorMessage
&& <div className="alert alert-danger">
<strong>Oops!</strong> {this.props.errorMessage}
</div> }
<button action="submit" className="btn btn-primary">Sign up!</button>
let InitializeFromStateForm = reduxForm({
form: 'initializeFromState'
InitializeFromStateForm = connect(
state => ({
profile: state.profile,
initialValues: state.profile.user
{ fetchRoleList, fetchUserData }
export default InitializeFromStateForm;
I do believe action creator will be useful as well:
export function fetchUserData(user_id) {
user_id = user_id ? user_id : '';
const authorization = localStorage.getItem('token');
const request = axios.get(`${ROOT_URL}/user/${user_id}`, {
headers: { authorization }
return {
payload: request
You need to add enableReinitialize: true as below.
let InitializeFromStateForm = reduxForm({
form: 'initializeFromState',
enableReinitialize : true // this is needed!!
If your initialValues prop gets updated, your form will update too.
To set the initialValues it is important to apply the reduxForm() decorator before the connect() decorator from redux. The fields will not populate from the store state if the order of the decorators is inverted.
const FormDecoratedComponent = reduxForm(...)(Component)
const ConnectedAndFormDecoratedComponent = connect(...)(FormDecoratedComponent)
If, in addition to setting the values for the first time, you need to re-populate the form every time the state changes then set enableReinitialize: true
Find a simple example in this answer.
Read the official documentation and full example.
Read about this issue here.
So, you're trying:
Load API data into the form
Update the form just on load (aka. initialValues)
Whilst #FurkanO might work, I think the best approach is to load the form when you got all async data, you can do that by creating a parent component / container:
componentDidMount() {
// I think this one fits best for your case, otherwise just switch it to
// componentDidUpdate
/* api methods here */
render() {
const { profile } = this.props;
return (
{profile && <UserEdit profile={profile} />}
Basically what you should be doing in the UserEditLoader is to execute the API functions and update the state (or props if redux connected). Whenever the profile variable isn't empty (meaning you got the data you were expecting) then mount UserEdit with profile as prop.
initialize() is a prop provided by reduxForm, that can be used to fill up the form values.
change() is another prop provided by reduxFrom to change a field value.
import * as React from 'react';
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
const submit = values => {
// print the form values to the console
interface Props {
history?: any;
location?: any;
session?: any;
handleSubmit?: Function;
initialize?: Function;
change?: Function;
class ContactForm extends React.Component<Props, any> {
constructor(props, state) {
super(props, state);
this.state = {
value: ''
componentDidMount() {
const { initialize, session, location } = this.props;
if (session && session.user) {
const values = {
firstName: session.user.name,
lastName: session.user.lastName,
email: session.user.email
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { initialize, session } = this.props;
if (nextProps.session !== session) {
if (nextProps.session && nextProps.session.user) {
const values = {
firstName: nextProps.session.user.name,
lastName: nextProps.session.user.lastName,
email: nextProps.session.user.email
} else {
const values = {
firstName: null,
lastName: null,
email: null
render() {
const { handleSubmit, change } = this.props;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(submit)}>
<label htmlFor="firstName">First Name</label>
<Field name="firstName" component="input" type="text" />
<label htmlFor="lastName">Last Name</label>
<Field name="lastName" component="input" type="text" />
<label htmlFor="email">Email</label>
<Field name="email" component="input" type="email" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<input type="text" value={this.state.value}
onChange={(e) => {
this.setState({ value: e.target.value });
change('firstName', e.target.value);
export default connect((state) => {
return {
session: state.session
form: 'contact'
If the enableReinitialize : true trick does not work, you can update each field when the initialValues prop changes.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { change, initialValues } = this.props
const values = nextProps.initialValues;
if(initialValues !== values){
for (var key in values) {
if (values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
I have never worked with FieldsArray but I assume this would not work here.
For a stateless functional component, you can do it like this:
componentWillMount() {
this.props.initialize({ discountCodes: ["ABC200", "XYZ500"] });
For a class, you can do it like this:
const mapStateToProps = state => (
initialValues: {
discountCodes: ["ABC200", "XYZ500"]
I have a form in a modal using redux-form. I have several text fields, but you can not type in them. My suspicion is that the text field doesn't get the onChange event from the redux-form but I couldn't find any clue what am I doing good.
My code is:
import React from 'react'
import { Button, Modal, Form, Message } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
const renderField = ({ input, label, type, meta: { touched, error, warning } }) => {
return (
<input {...input} placeholder={label} type={type} />
{touched && (error && <Message error>{error}</Message>)}
let AddNewModal = (props) => {
const { handleSubmit, pristine, submitting, closeNewSite, isAddNewOpen, submit } = props
return (
<Modal dimmer='blurring' open={isAddNewOpen} onClose={closeNewSite}>
<Modal.Header>Add a new site</Modal.Header>
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Form.Group widths='equal'>
<Field name='domain' type='text' component={renderField} label='Domain' />
<Field name='sitemap' type='text' component={renderField} label='Sitemap URL' />
* Other fields
* /
<Button type='submit' disabled={pristine || submitting}>Save</Button>
<Button color='black' onClick={closeNewSite} content='Close' />
<Button positive icon='save' labelPosition='right' onClick={submit} content='Save' disabled={pristine || submitting} />
export default reduxForm({
form: 'newsite'
I added the reducer and still got the same issue. At last, I found it must add the attr 'form'.
const reducers = {
form: formReducer
I found the problem. I forgot to inject the redux-form's reducer.
I actually had a similar issue. I will post the code that I am working on for form validation with V6 of redux-form. It works right now but the things you want to look at are componentDidMount, handleInitialize, and handleFormSubmit. Where I figured this out link.
* Created by marcusjwhelan on 10/22/16.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { reduxForm, Field } from 'redux-form'; // V6 !!!!!!!!
import { createPost } from '../actions/index';
const renderInput = ({ input, label, type, meta: {touched, invalid, error }}) => (
<div className={`form-group ${touched && invalid ? 'has-danger' : ''}`}>
<input className="form-control" {...input} type={type}/>
<div className="text-help" style={{color: 'red'}}>
{ touched ? error : '' }
const renderTextarea = ({ input, label, type, meta: {touched, invalid, error }}) => (
<div className={`form-group ${touched && invalid ? 'has-danger' : ''}`}>
<textarea className="form-control" {...input}/>
<div className="text-help" style={{color: 'red'}}>
{ touched ? error : '' }
class PostsNew extends Component{
const initData = {
"title": '',
"categories": '',
"content": ''
const { handleSubmit } = this.props;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.handleFormSubmit.bind(this))}>
<h3>Create A New Post</h3>
component={renderInput} />
<button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary" >Submit</button>
function validate(formProps){
const errors = {};
errors.title = 'Enter a username';
errors.categories = 'Enter categories';
errors.content = 'Enter content';
return errors;
const form = reduxForm({
form: 'PostsNewForm',
export default connect(null, { createPost })(form(PostsNew));
You need to connect form reducer to your combine reducers
form: formReducer
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';
import authReducer from './authReducer';
import productsReducer from './productsReducer';
export default combineReducers({
auth: authReducer,
form: formReducer,
products: productsReducer,