Apache Camel Interceptor with regular expression - apache-camel

This is my route. I want to send a file to an Azure blob. I want to set the name of the blob as the file name without extension. I also want to filter out the whitespaces from the file names. I am thinking of using an interceptor
I want to invoke the interceptor only for updateBlockBlob operatin
The above code works with interceptFrom().
I tried replacing the regular expression with wild card like azure* i.e interceptSendToEndpoint("azure*"). It did not work
Whats wrong with the above code? Is it because of recipientList?
Also what features does simple have to remove white space?
Is there a better way to generate blob names dynamically?

Here is the documentation from camel on interceptors.
interceptFrom that intercepts incoming Exchange in the route.
interceptSendToEndpoint that intercepts when an Exchange is about to
be sent to the given Endpoint.
So I suspect the Exchange is already formed and camel expects the url to be resolved.
So the header needs to be set before the exchange is created for the Azure end point.
I did the following. To set the header, I use the interceptFrom, and to convert the object into File I used the inteceptSendToEndPoint
Managed to get rid of the whitespace too


LogicApps scenario log on, download, zip

I access a 3rd party website using forms authentication (username and password).
Once logged on I make a call to a HTTP endpoint and receive XML in the body. The XML contains 1000 XML elements. Within each element there is a text value, a code.
For each of these codes I make a further call to a different HTTP endpoint. The response is more XML.
When all 1000 responses have been received I would like to add all the XML responses as files to a zip container and make it available for download.
I would like to see how LogicApps could do this as quickly as possible.
Make the call to the first HTTP endpoint (auth set to basic auth with user/pass inputted)
Use the xpath(xml(<body var here>), '//elementNameHere') expression on the Body of the result from the call to get all the elements of the return value that have the code in it
Foreach over this return value and
make the HTTP call
append the result to an array variable, or concat on to a string variable.
Submit this value to blob storage
Because you're messing w/ vars in the foreach loop, though, you'll have to do it sequentially (set concurrency control on the Foreach Loop to 'on' and '1') else you could end up with a bad result.
I don't know of a way to "zip contents" here so you may have to send the result to an Azure Function that uses a .Net zip lib to do the work (or js zip lib, whatever your flavor) and does the put to blob storage for you.
This would also all be much easier in Durable Functions land, I encourage you to look in to that if you're so inclined.
One mild alternative you might consider is for step 3.2, instead upload that result to a blob storage container, then make the entire container available for download via an Azure Function call which gets the container & zips up the contents (or does the Blob Storage URL for a container do this for you already? not sure)

How to use Camel's Exchange setProperty in content enrich()?

I have a camel route that splits and aggregates according to some ids. When an id is retrieved, a call is made to another endpoint to retrieve the project information according to this id. After retrieving the project information i had to enrich it by calling multiple enrich() methods on it. In the first enrich method i have to do some xpath processing wherein ill be able to retrieve a primaryOrgId value that i will set as a property in the exchange, dont worry about the xpath processing, i had that sorted out but my problem is when I set the property (primaryOrgId) inside the 1st enrich. The property value doesn't get persisted when the route goes to the 2nd enrich part. When I log the primaryOrgId value, the original value of "testValue" (this was set in the direct:createSomeIds route) is the one getting displayed instead of "changeTheValueHere" which was set in the 1st enrich part.
I am using Camel 2.15 based on Fuse 6.2.1.
I went to the camel site and read this part from http://camel.apache.org/content-enricher.html . I'm not sure I understood how to implement... "For that you must set the filename in the
endpoint URI" .. this text was talking about the header, i'm thinking its also applicable to the properties in the exchange.
pollEnrich or enrich does not access any data from the current
Exchange which means when polling it cannot use any of the existing
headers you may have set on the Exchange. For example you cannot set a
filename in the Exchange.FILE_NAME header and use pollEnrich to
consume only that file. For that you must set the filename in the
endpoint URI.
Here is my code:
.process(new IdCreatorProcessor()
.split(xpath("/TempProjects/TempProject/Code/text()").namespaces(ns) , new IdStrategy())
.to("xquery:template/AllProjectToSingleProject.xq") //xquery template
.enrich("direct:getAdditionalInfo", new ProjectStrategy(ProjectStrategy.AggregatorType.AdditionalInfo))
.enrich("direct:getSecondaryInfo", new ProjectStrategy(ProjectStrategy.AggregatorType.SecondaryInfo))
//some xpath stuff here
.log("Value of primaryOrgId = " + "${exchangeProperty.primaryOrgId}")
If you can provide some code example, that would be helpful.
If you read a bit further down you will see that it's recommended that you instead use RecipientList with an AggregationStrategy.
.recipientList("direct:getAdditionalInfo", "direct:getSecondaryInfo")
.aggregationStrategy(new ProjectStrategy())
The setting of filename in your endpoint URI would only be applicable if you were to access some file on an FTP or some other file area.
I now see that you need the property from the first enrichment in your second enrichment. However, if you're not modifying the message body in the first enrich then I don't actually see the need for it at all.
If you are in fact modifying the body then you can still use the RecipientList but instead you use two separate ones calling only one endpoint in each.

Encoded slash (%2F) in query parameter causes redirection to fail in Angular Application

In my angular application, I need to make GET call to a Tomcat server. This GET call requires query parameters which could contain special characters too like "+", "/", "/+"
GET call is being made from angular controller using $window.open with target as "_blank"
Currently the redirection is getting failed without any encoding.
So, I added encoding in .js file before the GET call is being made by using encodeURIComponent.
Then I added decoding logic using URLDecode.decode in backend java code to decode query parameters.
But still it doesn't work.
It works only if I encode query parameters twice within the .js file using encodeURIComponent twice.
I am trying to find the root cause for double encoding but no luck yet. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could share any inputs.
Made it work by adding a * in path parameter in app.js. Adding a star means that the request will include multiple path parameters separated by /, and so angular will not try to encode / in the request.
Double encoding could also work but then the server side logic has to be modified to decode the request parameters twice and replace %2B2F by %2F

$http.post URL is getting trimmed off if URL has "#"

I'm having one Rest API: /myApp/fetchData/User-Name/Password. User-Name and Password will be changed based on the request.
When i call the above restapi like this
the request is going like this:
Basically in the URL text got removed from # character. Is there any way to solve?
In a URI the # triggers the begins of the "fragment", and ends the path. The fragment usually specify a portion of the resource identified by the path.
When you are post-ing the request from the client, you have to escape special characters. Your request should be:
There are different way to escaping urls, like the encodeURI or encodeURIComponent function in JS. For example, you may do:
var request = "/myApp/fetchData/srikanth/" + encodeURIComponent("Abcdef#g123");
Then the server have to decode back to the original request.
But: are you sure it is a good solution to send the password plain in that way?

Intercepting Camel Endpoint Dynamically

I am trying to intercept an endpoint where the value of the URI matches some information in the exchange header.
Let say I have a field in the header called DatabaseName. I want to enforce that a specific route is only writing to the database specified in the header.
Can I do something like this?
I tried that but it does not seem to work. What are my options?
I was also thinking of doing something like:
But in this case, I am not sure if I can reference the URI of the intercepted node in the when expression.
You can intercept using a wildcard and combine that with when to do what you want, see details at: http://camel.apache.org/intercept
The is a header on the Message with the key Exchange.INTERCEPTED_ENDPOINT (CamelInterceptedEndpoint) that has the endpoint uri that was intercepted. You can use that in the when to match the predicate. Something a like:
.when(simple("${header.CamelInterceptedEndpoint} == ${in.header.DatabaseName}"))
Use the recipientList instruction for this: http://camel.apache.org/how-do-i-use-dynamic-uri-in-to.html
