Wpf Command Binding to ViewModel or Model? - wpf

I have a several models and a TreeView to display them. The HierarchicalDataTemplate displays the Models using ItemsSource.
Ruff outline...
public class ModelA : ObservableBase
private string _name = "A";
private Observablecollection<ModelB>_bModels = new Observablecollection<ModelB>();
String Name {
get {return _name;}
set { _name = value; OnPropertyChanged("Name"}}
Observablecollection<ModelB>BModels {
get {retun __bModels; }
set {_bModels = value; OnPropertyChanged("BModels"}}
ModelB is similar.
Now the TreeView displays the data correctly and I have added ContextMenus to each level. Initially on a TextBlock.ContextMenu within the HierarchicalData but now as a Resource in the TreeView.Resource.
The commands now call CommandProperties within each Model which is great IF it is the way it should be done BUT it does have a problem with one command which needed to call a CommandProperty from either the other Model or the ViewModel.
I have set it to the ViewModel and it works but I now have commands all over the place.
The question is therefore where should the Commands go ? In the Model they belong to and/or in the ViewModel ?
Commands are "Add A", "Remove A", "Add B", "Remove B"
Root- Add A
A- Add B/Remove A (this)
B- Remove B
B- Remove B
A- Add B/Remove A (this)
B- Remove B
I would show more code if required but it will take up a lot of space, Hopefully you can understand the concept and problem from this.

Basically all bindings should be resolved between the View and the ViewModel. Model should be used just to provide data for ViewModel, from which should it be exposed for the View to display via binding.
The structure of the MVVM application should look more or less like this:
Model - stores data (possibly have some basic data operations implemented, such as calculations)
ViewModel - has implementation of all operations done by the View on the data. For example if you delete row from your DataGrid, your ViewModel should have a command for it, which implements call for method from either Model or some additional layer of your application, that will perform required actions (but ViewModel should not operate on data itself). A ViewModel should also get data from Model and expose it as properties bound with a View in order to display data.
View - provides a user interface to allow user perform actions. It should not implement any actions other than related to displaying things (even in code behind). For example event that binds data in code behind should be prohibited to follow MVVM pattern, but action for switching color of the button when it is clicked can be done either in code behind or in ViewModel (depending on personal preferences), since it's only View related.
Data operations layer - it's pretty common yet optional to use additional layer to manage data operations performed on Model.


MVVM design choice regarding responsibility of ViewModel for simple states

I've recently started to delve into MVVM architectural pattern. I've understood large parts of it but still few doubts remain regarding how much responsibility ViewModel should take on behalf of View.
In other words, how dumb should View be?
For example, for simple state coordination like clearing TextView after user presses SubmitButton. This kind of state coordination requires no more than one-liner to implement using some of the popular data-binding frameworks.
For example in pseudo-ReactiveCocoa:
textView.text <~ submitButton.pressed.map { _ in "" }
However, Martin Fowler wrote in his Presentation Model,
The Presentation Model contains the logic that says that the composer field is only enabled if the check box is checked, so the when the view updates itself from the Presentation Model, the composer field control changes its enablement state
which suggests that even the simple logic like clearing out TextView after pressing Button should be encapsulated inside ViewModel.
Such design choice leads to something like this (again, in pseudo-ReactiveCocoa):
// In View
viewModel.submitButtonPressed <~ submitButton.pressed
textView.text <~ viewModel.textViewText
// In ViewModel
textViewText <~ viewModel.submitButtonPressed.map { _ in "" }
Although it leads to better encapsulation of logics while assuming view with the job of binding only (making it dumb), it does make code a lot more verbose and lead to tighter coupling between View and ViewModel (by requiring ViewModel to be aware of SubmitButton).
I'm still new to MVVM pattern in general and learning stuff every day.
How much responsibility should ViewModel take?
In other words, must View be completely dumb and only handle simple binding (connect its UI elements to bindable property provided by ViewModel) or is it okay for View to handle fairly simple logic like the above?
On a side note, is tight coupling between View and ViewModel okay in MVVM?
In general, the ViewModel takes all responsibility. More specifically, in your scenario, the ViewModel wouldn't know about the submitButton, but rather the View would know that the ViewModel exposes a command (an ICommand) called SubmitCommand, and have the submitButton bind to that command.
Sometimes it can get a bit more involved to completely separate the actions and corresponding logic, for instance when there's no binding available for a command for a specific event. But in those cases a fairly simple attached behavior (i.e. InvokeCommandAction and friends, see the documentation) can bridge that gap to coax flow so the logic can go in to the ViewModel.
Very rarely, there are scenarios (of which none come to mind currently) where it gets so involved that I just skip the whole idea, and separate as much as possible, rather than to have to work out three months later exactly what the hell is going on. But those cases are rare indeed.
In other words, must View be completely dumb and only handle simple binding
It's quite good, when view contains data bindings only, but IRL complex views can contain some view-specific logic. E.g., since single view model could be connected to a several views, focus management is a view's prerogative. Another sample is a logic like "hide element A if element B is disabled", or "change color from A to B if button is checked", etc.
XAML frameworks provide several techniques to make view logic more well-composed: commands, triggers, attached behaviors, value converters. But sometimes you actually need code-behind.
For example, for simple state coordination like clearing TextView
after user presses SubmitButton
To be more clear. This is not a view logic, and must be placed in view model:
public class ViewModel
private string someText;
public string SomeText
get { return someText; }
if (someText != value)
someText = value;
private ICommand submitCommand;
public ICommand SumbitCommand
if (submitCommand == null)
submitCommand = new RelayCommand(() =>
// do submit
// clear text
SomeProperty = null;
return submitCommand;
<TextBox x:Name="SomeTextBox" Text="{Binding SomeText}"/>
<Button Content="Submit" Command="{Binding SubmitCommand}">
But this is a view logic:
public MyWindow()
// SomeTextBox should have initial focus
Loaded += (sender, args) => SomeTextBox.Focus();
is tight coupling between View and ViewModel okay in MVVM?
Ideally all components should be loosely coupled, but view must know about view model properties to perform data binding.

Master-Detail relation with inheritance in a WPF MVVM application

I think this is a rather basic question, but I haven't been able to find an answer to this.
I have the following scenario:
Without using any form of EntityFrameWork I have a PersonViewModel and a PersonDetailsViewModel, which inherits from the PersonViewModel. In my PersonView I display a collection of PersonViewModels in a grid. I have properties like Name, DateOfBirth etc, as columns. When I double click on a person a PersonDetailView pops up which is bound to a PersonDetailsViewModel. In this View there is extra information shown about the person (Gender, SocialSecurity number etc.). The user I allowed to edit all properties.
Now I wonder what the best/common approach is to make sure that the PersonViewModel gets updated with the values that have been editted in the PersonDetailsViewModel.
I can think of several options. For starters I could opt for not using different ViewModels, but instead use PersonDetailViewModels to show in the grid, but the downside to that is that I would need to retrieve a lot of unnecessary data per ViewModel.
I can also synchronise the corresponding properties after the PersonDetailsView closes.
The third option I can think of is that instead of inheriting from the PersonView I will include a property in PersonDetailsView that is of the type PersonView and expose it's properties and use it for binding in the PersonDetailsView. All other extra properties in PersonDetailsViewModel will then be retrieved in it's constructor.
In my experience, the best way to update view models who share the same data is to use the Mediator pattern to send a notification message that the data has updated.
In order to have a good object oriented design we have to create lots
of classes interacting one with each other. If certain principles are
not applied the final framework will end in a total mess where each
object relies on many other objects in order to run. In order to avoid
tight coupled frameworks, we need a mechanism to facilitate the
interaction between objects in a manner in that objects are not aware
of the existence of other objects.
Source http://www.oodesign.com/mediator-pattern.html
It is syntactically important to your design that the notification says what has happened (the data was updated) and not what should happen (data gets reloaded) because that response may not stay the same as the system evolves.
Often, common MVVM libraries have Mediator implementations in them. For example, Prism's EventAggregator.
in Addition to Sheridans answer. i would expose the Detail as a property of type PersonDetailsViewModel
public class PersonViewModel
public PersonDetailsViewModel Detail {get;set;}
then your xaml looks simply like that
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Detail.Gender}"/>
EDIT1: in addition to the comments above
i would not do any inheritence (thats what user1087702 wrote in his question). i would simply create 2 classes: PersonVM and PersonVMDetail. And if the request is, to show Details from my person object, why in hell shouldn't i just create a public Property in my PersonVM class of type PersonVMDetail - to fullfill this request?
The simplest way to achieve your requirements would be to add a constructor to your PersonViewModel class that takes a PersonDetailsViewModel instance and updates its common properties:
public PersonViewModel(PersonDetailsViewModel personDetailsViewModel)
Name = personDetailsViewModel.Name;
DateOfBirth = personDetailsViewModel.DateOfBirth;
PersonViewModel = new PersonViewModel(PersonDetailsViewModel);
Of course, this doesn't have to be in the constructor... it could just as easily be a method in the PersonViewModel class, or even a helper method in a separate Factory Pattern class, it's up to you.

WPF - How do I access the number of errors in the viewmodel?

I have a single viewmodel representing my applications main view. This viewmodel contains an ObservableCollection of model objects which a grid on my view is bound to. Each item in the collection implements IDataErrorInfo which facilitates the standard WPF validation mechanism i.e an error in the model causes the view control to highlight red (in this instance a cell).
My problem is, I want to perform a piece of logic in the viewmodel which needs access to the number of errors on the page (or rather IF there are errors or not). I can't see a way to access this from within the viewmodel itself, all the WPF validation seems to be contained in the view, is this right?
I don't think there is anything "built in" to achieve this. One option is to expose a property on each model in the OC such as IsValid, which you would set from within the model's IDataErrorInfo indexed property. Your VM can then use a bit of Linq to check for any models in the OC where IsValid=false.
If you are intending to have your VM expose some kind of "PageHasErrors" property, then you'll probably need to have the VM subscribe to each model's PropertyChange event (specifically the IsValid property), assuming the model implements INPC. Within the VM's event handler you would then update the "PageHasErrors" property based on whether any of the models IsValid=false.

Caliburn Micro - ActivateItem using Container

I was going through the Caliburn Micro documenation here. Simultaneously, I was trying to put up some rough code for experiment. I am a little confused about how to activate item using a container and how to pass an object to the ViewModel that we are activating.
Lets consider a master/detail scenario. The master contains a list (say datagrid) and the details contain specific row from the master for update(say tab item inside tab control). In the documentation (for ease of understanding), I believe the detail ViewModel was directly instantiated using code like this
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive {
int count = 1;
public void OpenTab() {
ActivateItem(new TabViewModel {
DisplayName = "Tab " + count++
So, to apply the above fundamental concept in real world app, we need to instantiate the DetailViewModel (TabViewModel above) using container(say MEF). The challenge then is to know whether the particular DetailViewModel is already opened in the TAB Control. The immediate crude thing that came to my mind was maintaining a List of the Opened Tabs (DetailViewModels). But then we are again referencing DetailViewModel in the MasterViewModel defeating the purpose. Is there any options available to solve this issue.
The second thing that is troubling me is how to pass the Objects from MasterViewModel (Selected Detail Item) to the DetailViewModel. If we use the EventAggregator here then each of the opened DetailViewModels will receive the event which I am not sure how to handle.
If anyone can throw some light on the above two issues, I would be grateful
The Master is Conductor like this
public class MainViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.OneActive, IShell {
And the detail is defined like this
public class TabViewModel : Screen {
Both are in the same Window.
I'm not sure exactly what the issue is. In your conductor of many, you have an Items collection provided by Caliburn.Micro. When you come to display a detail view, you can check this collection for the existence of that detail view (using the primary key which you have from the master view).
If the item is already in the Items collection then just activate it (using the ActivateItem method). If the item isn't in the collection, then instantiate it (presumably using a factory if you're using MEF), and add it to the Items collection, and then activate it.

How do I structure MVVM with Collections?

I'm having trouble understanding how to apply the MVVM pattern when Lists/Collections are involved.
Say the MainModel has a few properties and methods, as well as a list that contains other DetailModel objects. The DetailModel objects can be added, removed, or re-ordered.
The MainView will show a few controls related the the root model, and have a ListBox populated from the list. Each item will have it's own sub-view via a DetailModelView UserControl.
Finally, there is a MainViewModel. This has properties backed by the MainModel's properties and methods, bound to the Main View, with change notification keeping everything in sync. (Up to this point, I am comfortable with the pattern - more stating this in case there is something fundamental I am missing...)
When it comes to handling the list, I get confused. I have come across several examples where the MainViewModel simply exposes the list of DetailModels to the view, and the DetailModelViews are bound directly to the models. This functions, but is problematic. It does not consistently following the pattern (no DetailViewModel exists), and it drives me to include some UI-related code in my detail models. It seems clear to me that the MainViewModel should expose a list of DetailViewModels for the UI to bind, but I am stuck on how to implement such a thing!
How should manage the two lists (DetailModels and DetailViewModels)? I am really confused as where I initially populate the DetailViewModel list, and how I should handle adding, removing, or changing the order of the items to keep them synchronized!
Usually Models are nothing more than data objects. They shouldn't contain any code to do things like add/remove items from a list. This is the ViewModel's job.
In your case, I would create a MainViewModel that has the following properties:
ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel> Details
ICommand AddDetailCommand
ICommand RemoveDetailCommand
If your MainModel class is a data object, you can either expose it, or it's properties from the MainViewModel as well. Exposing it's Properties is the "MVVM purist" approach, while exposing the entire Model is sometimes more practical.
Your MainViewModel is in charge of creating the initial list of DetailViewModels, and it is in charge of Adding/Removing these items as well. For example, in the PropertyChanged event for the MainViewModel.MainModel property, it might rebuild the MainViewModel.Details collection, and the CollectionChanged event for the MainViewModel.Details property would update MainViewModel.MainModel.Details
You are right to have a separate DetailModels list and DetailViewModels list. The DetailViewModels list should be a property of type ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel>. You can populate the observable list when you set the Model (or at construction time, if you pass the model into the constructor of your ViewModel.)
private ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel> m_details;
public IEnumerable<DetailViewModel> Details
get { return m_details; }
You can the subscribe to m_details.CollectionChanged. This is where you can handle re-ordering the contents of the list in the Model.
I hope this helps.
In my experience, the only time you get away with exposing model objects to the view is if you're doing simple read-only presentation, e.g. displaying a string property in a ComboBox. If there's any kind of actual UI involving the object (especially one involving two-way data binding), a view model is needed.
Typically, a master VM's constructor will look like this:
public MasterViewModel(MasterModel m)
_Model = m;
_Detail = new ObservableCollection<DetailViewModel>(m.Detail);
where MasterModel.Detail is a collection of DetailModel objects, and _Detail is a backing field for a Detail property that's exposed to the view.
As far as adding, removing, and reordering items in this list is concerned, in the UI at least this will be done through commands on the MasterViewModel, which must manipulate both MasterModel.Detail and MasterViewModel.Detail. That's a bit of a pain, but unless you want to repopulate MasterViewModel.Detail after every change to MasterModel.Detail, it's really unavoidable.
On the other hand, if you've been wondering "why would I ever need to write unit tests for view models?", now you know.
Here is an answer that I think addresses this issue very nicely using an ObservableViewModelCollection<TViewModel, TModel>
It's nice and lazy. It takes an ObservableCollection and a ViewModelFactory in the ctor. I like it because it keeps state at the model layer where it belongs. User operations on the GUI can invoke commands at the VM which manipulate the M via public methods on the M. Any resulting changes at the M layer will be automatically handled by the class in this link.
Note my comment regarding SL vs. WPF
