I used vs 2015 to write x64 masm program.
ExitProcess PROTO
MessageBoxA PROTO
text db "Winter hat", 0Ah, "Upon my head - ", 0Ah, "My head stays warm,", 0Ah, "But my nose is red!;", 0
header db "Task1", 0
main proc
xor rcx, rcx
mov r9b, 0
lea rdx, text
lea r8, header
call MessageBoxA
call ExitProcess
main endp
From time to time i get next error:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF9C65261BE (gdi32.dll) in
ConsoleApplication1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely
Could you clarify where can be mistake in my code?
This error could happen when you call the procedures without parameters,
It's better to call them with INVOKE instead of CALL to get proper error message.
Also I think MessageBoxA need parameters on stack not in registers, so you can put params like this:
text db "your message box text", 0
header db "message box caption",0
push MB_OK
push addr header
push addr text
push 0
call MessageBox
invoke MessageBox, 0, addr text, addr header, MB_OK
Im pretty new to assembly, and am trying my best to learn it. Im taking a course to learn it and they mentioned a very remedial Hello World example, that I decomplied.
original c file:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello Students!");
return 0;
This was decompiled using the following command:
C:> objdump -d -Mintel HelloStudents.exe > disasm.txt
decompliation (assembly):
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0xfffffff0
sub esp, 0x10
call 401e80 <__main>
mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0x404000
call 4025f8 <_puts>
mov eax, 0x0
Im having issues mapping this output from the decompliation, to the original C file can someone help?
Thank you very much!
The technical term for decompiling assembly back into C is "turning hamburger back into cows". The generated assembly will not be a 1-to-1 translation of the source, and depending on the level of optimization may be radically different. You will get something functionally equivalent to the original source, but how closely it resembles that source in structure is heavily variable.
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
and esp, 0xfffffff0
sub esp, 0x10
This is all preamble, setting up the stack frame for the main function. It aligns the stack pointer (ESP) by 16 bytes then reserves another 16 bytes of space for outgoing function args.
call 401e80, <___main>
This function call to ___main is how MinGW arranges for libc initialization functions to run at the start of the program, making sure stdio buffers are allocated and stuff like that.
That's the end of the pre-amble; the part of the function that implements the C statements in your source starts with:
mov DWORD PTR [esp], 0x404000
This writes the address of the string literal "Hello Students!" onto the stack. Combined with the earliersub esp, 16, this is like apush` instruction. In this 32-bit calling convention, function args are passed on the stack, not registers, so that's where the compiler has to put them before function calls.
call 4025f8 <_puts>
This calls the puts function. The compiler realized that you weren't doing any format processing in the printf call and replaced it with the simpler puts call.
mov eax, 0x0
The return value of main is loaded into the eax register
Restore the previous EBP value, and tear down the stack frame, then exit the function. ret pops a return address off the stack, which can only work when ESP is pointing at the return address.
I'm just trying to load the value of myarray[0] to eax:
# define an array of 3 words
array_words: .word 1, 2, 3
.globl main
# assign array_words[0] to eax
mov $0, %edi
lea array_words(,%edi,4), %eax
But when I run this, I keep getting seg fault.
Could someone please point out what I did wrong here?
It seems the label main is in the .data section.
It leads to a segmentation fault on systems that doesn't allow to execute code in the .data section. (Most modern systems map .data with read + write but not exec permission.)
Program code should be in the .text section. (Read + exec)
Surprisingly, on GNU/Linux systems, hand-written asm often results in an executable .data unless you're careful to avoid that, so this is often not the real problem: See Why data and stack segments are executable? But putting code in .text where it belongs can make some debugging tools work better.
Also you need to ret from main or call exit (or make an _exit system call) so execution doesn't fall off the end of main into whatever bytes come next. See What happens if there is no exit system call in an assembly program?
You need to properly terminate your program, e.g. on Linux x86_64 by calling the sys_exit system call:
# assign array_words[0] to eax
mov $0, %edi
lea array_words(,%edi,4), %eax
mov $60, %rax # System-call "sys_exit"
mov $0, %rdi # exit code 0
Otherwise program execution continues with the memory contents following your last instruction, which are most likely in all cases invalid instructions (or even invalid memory locations).
I am trying to implement atoi in assembly (the netwide assembler). I have verified that my approach is valid by inspecting the register values with a debugger. The problem is that the application will crash when it is about to exit. I am afraid my program is corrupting the stack somehow. I am linking against the GCC stdlib to allow the use of the printf function. I noticed it mutated the registers which caused unexpected behaviour (extensive iterations over values I did not recognize), however I solved this by storing the value of EAX inside EBX (not modified by printf) and then restoring the value after the function call. This is why I have been able to confirm that the program now behaves as it is supposed to by singlestepping through the algorithm AND confirm that the program crashes as it is about to terminate.
Here is the code:
global _main
extern _printf
section .data
_str: db "%d", 0
section .text
mov eax, 1234
mov ebx, 10
call _itoa
test eax, eax
jz _terminate
xor edx, edx
div ebx
add edx, 30h
push eax
push edx
push _str
call _printf
add esp, 8
pop eax
jmp _itoa
And here is the stackdump:
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=00402005
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=20000038 edx=61185C40 esi=612A3A7C edi=0022CD84
ebp=0022ACF8 esp=0022AC20 program=C:\Cygwin\home\Benjamin\nasm\itoa.exe, pid 3556, thread main
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0022ACF8 00402005 (00000000, 0022CD84, 61007120, 00000000)
End of stack trace
EDIT: Please note that the stackdump really is not that relevant anymore as the program no longer crashes, it just displays an incorrect value.
I'm not familiar with your platform, but I would expect you need to restore the stack by popping off the pushed values after calling printf().
Since printf() doesn't know how many arguments will be passed, it can't restore the stack. Your code pushes arguments that are never popped off. So when your procedure returns, it gets the return address from the data that was pushed on the stack, which are not going to point to valid code. And that would be your access violation.
I'm learning assembly and I have a very basic loop here
segment .data
msg: db '%d',10,0
segment .text
global _asm_main
extern _printf
push DWORD 5 ; Should loop 5 times
call dump_stack
add esp,4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx, 0
cmp ecx,[ebp+8] ;compare to the first param of dump_stack, (5)
jnle loop_end
push ecx ;push the value of my loop onto the stack
push DWORD msg ;push the msg (%d) should just print the value of my loop
call _printf
add esp, 8 ;clear the stack
inc ecx ;increment ecx
jmp loop_start ; go back to my loop start
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
My output looks something like this
Just 0, then a newline. I tried to verify the loop was executing by moving my printf to the loop_end part, and it came out with ecx as 6, which is correct. So the loop is executing but printf is not... What am I doing wrong?
(Also, the function is called dump stack because it was initially supposed to dump the details of the stack, but that didn't work because of the same reason here)
And I am compiling with nasm -f win32 program.asm -o program.o
Then I have a cpp file that includes windows.h, and I compiled it with gcc -c include
and finally I linked them with gcc -o program program.o include.o
and I run program.exe
My guess is that printf() modifies ecx, it becomes >= [ebp+8] and your loop body executes only once. If that's the case, you need to read up on the calling conventions used in your compiler and manually preserve and restore the so-called volatile registers (which a called function can freely modify without restoring). Note that there may be several different calling conventions. Use the debugger!
I just noticed some strange assembly language code of empty main method.
//filename: main.c
void main()
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0C0h; why on the earth is it reserving 192 bytes?
push ebx
push esi
push edi ; good compiler. Its saving ebx, esi & edi values.
lea edi,[ebp-0C0h] ; line 1
mov ecx,30h ; line 2
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh ; line 3
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi] ; line 4
xor eax,eax ; returning value 0. Code following this line is explanatory.
pop edi ; restoring the original states of edi,esi & ebx
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
why on the earth is it reserving 192 bytes for function where there aren't any variables
whats up with the four lines: line 1, line 2, line 3, line 4? what is it trying to do & WHY?
Greg already explained how the compiler generates code to diagnose uninitialized local variables, enabled by the /RTCu compile option. The 0xcccccccc value was chosen to be distinctive and easily recognized in the debugger. And to ensure the program bombs when an uninitialized pointer is dereferenced. And to ensure it terminates the program when it is executed as code. 0xcc is pretty ideal to do all of these jobs well, it is the instruction opcode for INT3.
The mysterious 192 bytes that are allocated in the stack frame are there to support the Edit + Continue feature, /ZI compile option. It allows you to edit the code while a breakpoint is active. And add local variables to a function those 192 bytes are available to provide the space for those added locals. Exceeding that space will make the IDE force you to rebuild your program.
Btw: this can cause a problem if you use recursion in your code. The debug build will bomb with this site's name a lot quicker. Not normally much of an issue, you debug with practical dataset sizes.
The four code lines you've indicated are the debug build clearing out the local variable space with the "clear" special value (0xCCCCCCCC).
I'm not sure why there are 192 bytes of seemingly dead space, but that might be VC++ building some guard space into your local variable area to try to detect stack smashing.
You will probably get a very different output if you switch from Debug to Release build.