Im trying to run a stored procedure and output the result to CSV. I am running this via the command line using the following command:
SQLCMD -S SERVER/INSTANCE -E -Q "Exec DBNAME.STORED_PROCEDURE" -s "," -o "C:\temp\stats_data.csv"
This works but with 2 problems.
Problem 1) I end up with whitespace around my headers, the library im using to import the CSV file later in my project can trim these out, but ideally I'd like them not to be there if possible.
StatId ,AsAtDate ,PracticeCode ,
0, 2017-03-09,EMIS-170 ,
Problem 2) It outputs this row of "----" to separate the headers and data which is being treated as my first row of data when I try to parse in my project and throws an exception.
StatId ,AsAtDate ,PracticeCode ,
0, 2017-03-09,EMIS-170 ,
Does anyone know how to solve either of these problems? My priority is the separator line (problem 2) as the first problem i can handle if need be.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To overcome the first problem try to use -W parameter in your command line.
i was trying to load csv file from AWS s3 bucket with copy into command in one of the csv file throw error like
End of record reached while expected to parse column
and with the VALIDATION_MODE = RETURN_ALL_ERRORS it also give me 2 rows that have error i am not sure what error would be.
my concern is can we get specific error so that we can fix it in file.
You might try using the VALIDATE table function.
Thanks Eda, i already reviewed above link but that did not work with sql query with copy into table from s3 bucket, so i create stage and place that csv file on stage and then try to run that validate command that give me same error row.
there is another way to identify error while executing copy into command you can add VALIDATION_MODE = RETURN_ALL_ERRORS you will get same result.
by the way i resolve error its due to /,, i remove / and it loaded successfully. / or /, is working as it was in other row but /,, did not work.
I'm trying to import data into my MS SQL DB (as a flat file). However, there is a problem with one of the fields: it contains a line break within the data, which leads to the import wizard thinking it's the end-of-line, hence breaking each row into two. I've tried to import the data into excel as well (just to try it out), but it's the same behavior.
Does anyone know how to solve this? Any pre-import mechanism that might massage the data somehow?
(unfortunately, it's not practically possible for me to ask the source system to change the encoding)
Use to replace new line character in columns having values.
Replace(Replace(columnName,char(13),' '),char(10),' ')
I've managed to find a work-around! I start with splitting the files into chunks (as they are 3.8 GB in size ...), open them in UltraEdit, loop through them to join the 2 lines together, and import them into excel / my SQL DB. It's not neat, but it has solved my immediate problem ... but thanks for your engagement!
I'm trying to format a data file so that my other program will properly handle it. I am trying to handle the following data and I am getting a very weird error that I can't seem to put my finger on.
I am trying to format the data as [SRC TGT VOT], so I'd like the first two lines of my output file to be
1 2 1
3 2 1
because user 1 (stored in dictionary of users first) votes for user 2 with VOT 1 and then user 3 votes for user 2 with VOT 1. My problem is that when I try to run my code below, I always end up getting a very strange "invalid ascii sequence" error- can anyone help me identify the issue or perhaps find a way around this? It'd obviously be best if I could learn what I am doing wrong. Thank you!
Note, I understand that this is a bit specific of a question and I appreciate any help- I'm sort of baffled by this error and don't know how to resolve it at the moment.
f=open("original_vote_data.txt") #this is the file linked above
dict=Dict{ASCIIString, Int64}()
edges=["" for k=1:198275]
while i<1586200
if (haskey(dict, src_temp))
new_src= dict[src_temp]
if (haskey(dict, tgt_temp))
new_tgt= dict[tgt_temp]
edges[edge_count]=string(new_src)* " " * string(new_tgt)* " " *string(vot_temp)
Here we go - I'll write up my comment as an answer since it seems to have solved the question.
My hunch that the error stemmed from the fourth line (dict=Dict{ASCIIString, Int64}) was based on the fact that ASCIIStrings will error if you try to store non-ASCII characters in them. Since this file is coming from an international site, it's not unlikely that there are users with unicode characters in their names (or elsewhere in the data). So the simple fix is to change all instances of ASCIIString to UTF8String.
Just to make this answer a bit more complete, I downloaded the file and tried running the program. The simplest way to debug this is to run the script at top-level in the REPL and then inspect the program state after the error. After the error is thrown, i==3017. Now just try running each line of the while loop incrementally. You'll quickly see that line 3017 contains "SRC:Guðsþegn\n" — unicode, as I suspected. When you try to create a new entry in dict with that as the key, the error should have a backtrace to setindex! in dict.jl, where you'll see that it's trying to convert the key (a UTF8String) to an ASCIIString. So changing the dictionary type to have UTF8String keys solves the problem.
As it turns out, the edges array only contains strings of three integers (or sometimes a hyphen), so the ASCIIString there is ok, but still a little dangerous. I'd probably store that information in a more dedicated array of ints instead of converting it to a space-separated string: you know the first two elements in the string are ints, but the last element is unvalidated text from the file itself… which may be unicode or a space itself (which could mess up processing down the line).
I ran a query on a MS SQL database using SQL Server Management Studio, and some the fields contained new lines. I selected to save the result as a csv, and apparently MS SQL isn't smart enough to give me a correctly formatted CSV file.
Some of these fields with new lines are wrapped in quotes, but some aren't, I'm not sure why (it seems to quote fields if they contain more than one new line, but not if they only contain one new line, thanks Microsoft, that's useful).
When I try to open this CSV in Excel, some of the rows are wrong because of the new lines, it thinks that one row is two rows.
How can I fix this?
I was thinking I could use a regex. Maybe something like:
Problem with this is it matches the last element of one line and the 1st of the next line.
Here is an example csv that demonstrates the issue:
field a,field b,field c,field d,field e
test,computer,I like
A simple regex replacement won't work, but here's a solution based on preg_replace_callback:
function add_quotes($matches) {
return preg_replace('~(?<=^|,)(?>[^,"\r\n]+\r?\n[^,]*)(?=,|$)~',
$row_regex = '~^(?:(?:(?:"[^"*]")+|[^,]*)(?:,|$)){5}$~m';
$result=preg_replace_callback($row_regex, 'add_quotes', $source);
The secret to $row_regex is knowing ahead of time how many columns there are. It starts at the beginning of a line (^ in multiline mode) and consumes the next five things that look like fields. It's not as efficient as I'd like, because it always overshoots on the last column, consuming the "real" line separator and the first field of the next row before backtracking to the end of the line. If your documents are very large, that might be a problem.
If you don't know in advance how many columns there are, you can discover that by matching just the first row and counting the matches. Of course, that assumes the row doesn't contain any of the funky fields that caused the problem. If the first row contains column headers you shouldn't have to worry about that, or about legitimate quoted fields either. Here's how I did it:
preg_match_all('~\G,?[^,\r\n]++~', $source, $cols);
$row_regex = '~^(?:(?:(?:"[^"*]")+|[^,]*)(?:,|$)){' . count($cols[0]) . '}$~m';
Your sample data contains only linefeeds (\n), but I've allowed for DOS-style \r\n as well. (Since the file is generated by a Microsoft product, I won't worry about the older-Mac style CR-only separator.)
See an online demo
If you want a java programmatic solution, open the file using the OpenCSV library. If it is a manual operation, then open the file in a text editor such as Vim and run a replace command. If it is a batch operation, you can use a perl command to cleanup the CRLFs.
I have a select query producing a big output and I want to execute it in sqldeveloper, and get all the results into a file.
Sql-developer does not allow a result bigger than 5000 lines, and I have 100 000 lines to fetch...
I know i could use SQL+, but let's assume I want to do this in sqldeveloper.
Instead of using Run Script (F5), use Run Statement (Ctrl+Enter). Run Statement fetches 50 records at a time and displays them as you scroll through the results...but you can save the entire output to a file by right-clicking over the results and selecting Export Data -> csv/html/etc.
I'm a newbie SQLDeveloper user, so if there is a better way please let me know.
This question is really old, but posting this so it might help someone with a similar issue.
You can store your query in a query.sql file and and run it as a script. Here is a sample query.sql:
spool "C:\path\query_result.txt";
select * from my_table;
spool off;
In oracle sql developer you can just run this script like this and you should be able to get the result in your query_result.txt file.
Yes you can increase the size of the Worksheet by change the setting Tool-->Preferences - >Database -> Worksheet -> Max rows to print in a script(depends on you).
Mike G answer will work if you only want the output of a single statement.
However, if you want the output of a whole sql script with several statements, SQL*Plus reports, and some other output formats, you can use the spool command the same way as it is used in SQL*Plus.