use elasticsearch for statistics - database

Can i use elasticsearch to store statistic informations with less overhead?
It should be used for example how often is a function call was madeand how much time has it taken.
Or how many requests has been made to a specific endpoint and also the time it has taken, and so on.
My idea would be to store a key, timestamp and takenTime.
And i can query results in different manner.
simply handled by functions like profile_start and profile_done
void endpointGetUserInformation()
// profile_done stores to the database
In a normal sql database i would make a table witch holds all keys, and a second table that holds key_ids, timestamp and timeTaken. This storage would need less space on disk.
When i store to elasticsearch it stores a lot of data additionally and also the key is redundant is there a solutuion to store it also simplier.


Estimating extra maintenance cost when using GSI in a DynamoDB table

I have a Users table in DynamoDB that has a unique hash key username. I want, however, to be able to find a specific user in the most efficient way possible by providing either just the username, or just the email (the email is also unique). I can make the email a global secondary index, but I have a trouble estimating the additional cost of this approach. Will using the index to retrieve a user result in two read operations? Or how many operations exactly?
Also, I want read and write throughput of the index to equal those of the table (and ideally, scale automatically), can I do that by not providing specific throughput values when I create the index with API, or do I have to provide them?
The number of read operations you will need to retrieve values from the index will depend on what values you want to read (all of them vs just a subset) and what the projection type for the index is. If the projection is ALL then it only takes 1 read, but it may cost more. If the projection is KEYS_ONLY you will only get back the table's primary key, then you would have to query the table again by that. That takes more than 1 read, but may be cheaper. It will all depend on your use cases and usage patterns.
See "Attribute Projections" at
I think you need to provide the read capacity and write capacity for the index when it is created - it will not inherit any values from the parent table. Although if the table is using autoscaling, the autoscaling configuration can be automatically applied to the GSI. See

What is a database cache and how does one use it?

I'm mostly talking about databases and cache in the context of a Play! app on Heroku:
What does the cache do for a database and how do I use it?
A cache is used to avoid querying a database too much.
Some queries take an especially long time to run. By caching the result (eg. saving it in memory), the expensive query doesn't need to be executed again (for a period of time when the data is still valid - where validity might be a few minutes, or until some data in a certain table changes).
A cache is normally just implemented as a giant hash table, will keys and values. The key is used to look-up a value.
The cache usage is described by It is very easy to write the code for it. To store something in cache:
Cache.set("item.key", connectedUser)
Here you just pass the key to store the object at, and the object.
To retrieve it:
val user: User = Cache.getOrElseAs[User]("item.key") {
Basically, getOrElseAs[class to cast data to here](key here).
Notice the block you can pass to getOrElseAs, so that if it is not found, you can query the database.
Otherwise, you can also use Cache.getAs[User]("item.key") (but you probably want to query anyways if it isn't found).

hbase data modeling for activity feeds/news feeds/timeline

I decided to use HBase in a project to store the users activities in a social network. Despite the fact that HBase has a simple way to express data (column oriented) I'm facing some difficulties to decide how I would represent the data.
So, imagine that you have millions of users, and each user is generating an activity when they, for example, comment in a thread, publishes something, like, vote, etc. I thought basically in two approaches with an Activity hbase table:
The key could be the user reference + timestamp of activity creation, the value all the activity metadata (most of time fixed size)
The key is the user reference, and then each activity would be stored as a new column inside a column family.
I saw examples for others types of system (such as blogs) that uses the 2nd approach. The first approach (with fixed columns, varying only when you change the schema) is more commonly seen.
What would be the impact in the way I access the data for these 2 approaches?
In general you are asking if your table should be wide or long. HBase works with both, up to a point. Wide tables should never have a row that exceeds region size (by default 256MB) -- so a really prolific user may crash the system if you store large chunks of data for their actions. However, if you are only storing a few bytes per action, then putting all user activity in one row will allow you to get their full history with one get. However, you will be retrieving the full row, which could cause some slowdown for a lot of history (10s of seconds for > 100MB rows).
Going with a tall table and an inverse time stamp would allow you to get a users recent activity very quickly (start a scan with the key = user id).
Using timestamps as the end of a key is a good idea if you want to query by time, but it is a bad idea if you want to optimize writes to your database (writes will always be in the most recent region in the system, causing hot spotting).
You might also want to consider putting more information (such as the activity) in the key so that you can pick up all activity of a particular type more easily.
Another example to look at is OpenTSDB

How to instantly query a 64Go database

Ok everyone, I have an excellent challenge for you. Here is the format of my data :
ID-1 COL-11 COL-12 ... COL-1P
ID is my primary key and index. I just use ID to query my database. The datamodel is very simple.
My problem is as follow:
I have 64Go+ of data as defined above and in a real-time application, I need to query my database and retrieve the data instantly. I was thinking about 2 solutions but impossible to set up.
First use sqlite or mysql. One table is needed with one index on ID column. The problem is that the database will be too large to have good performance, especially for sqlite.
Second is to store everything in memory into a huge hashtable. RAM is the limit.
Do you have another suggestion? How about to serialize everything on the filesystem and then, at each query, store queried data into a cache system?
When I say real-time, I mean about 100-200 query/second.
A thorough answer would take into account data access patterns. Since we don't have these, we just have to assume equal probably distribution that a row will be accessed next.
I would first try using a real RDBMS, either embedded or local server, and measure the performance. If this this gives 100-200 queries/sec then you're done.
Otherwise, if the format is simple, then you could create a memory mapped file and handle the reading yourself using a binary search on the sorted ID column. The OS will manage pulling pages from disk into memory, and so you get free use of caching for frequently accessed pages.
Cache use can be optimized more by creating a separate index, and grouping the rows by access pattern, such that rows that are often read are grouped together (e.g. placed first), and rows that are often read in succession are placed close to each other (e.g. in succession.) This will ensure that you get the most back for a cache miss.
Given the way the data is used, you should do the following:
Create a record structure (fixed size) that is large enough to contain one full row of data
Export the original data to a flat file that follows the format defined in step 1, ordering the data by ID (incremental)
Do a direct access on the file and leave caching to the OS. To get record number N (0-based), you multiply N by the size of a record (in byte) and read the record directly from that offset in the file.
Since you're in read-only mode and assuming you're storing your file in a random access media, this scales very well and it doesn't dependent on the size of the data: each fetch is a single read in the file. You could try some fancy caching system but I doubt this would gain you much in terms of performance unless you have a lot of requests for the same data row (and the OS you're using is doing poor caching). make sure you open the file in read-only mode, though, as this should help the OS figure out the optimal caching mechanism.

How do database perform on dense data?

Suppose you have a dense table with an integer primary key, where you know the table will contain 99% of all values from 0 to 1,000,000.
A super-efficient way to implement such a table is an array (or a flat file on disk), assuming a fixed record size.
Is there a way to achieve similar efficiency using a database?
Clarification - When stored in a simple table / array, access to entries are O(1) - just a memory read (or read from disk). As I understand, all databases store their nodes in trees, so they cannot achieve identical performance - access to an average node will take a few hops.
Perhaps I don't understand your question but a database is designed to handle data. I work with database all day long that have millions of rows. They are efficiency enough.
I don't know what your definition of "achieve similar efficiency using a database" means. In a database (from my experience) what are exactly trying to do matters with performance.
If you simply need a single record based on a primary key, the the database should be naturally efficient enough assuming it is properly structure (For example, 3NF).
Again, you need to design your database to be efficient for what you need. Furthermore, consider how you will write queries against the database in a given structure.
In my work, I've been able to cut query execution time from >15 minutes to 1 or 2 seconds simply by optimizing my joins, the where clause and overall query structure. Proper indexing, obviously, is also important.
Also, consider the database engine you are going to use. I've been assuming SQL server or MySql, but those may not be right. I've heard (but have never tested the idea) that SQLite is very quick - faster than either of the a fore mentioned. There are also many other options, I'm sure.
Update: Based on your explanation in the comments, I'd say no -- you can't. You are asking about mechanizes designed for two completely different things. A database persist data over a long amount of time and is usually optimized for many connections and data read/writes. In your description the data in an array, in memory is for a single program to access and that program owns the memory. It's not (usually) shared. I do not see how you could achieve the same performance.
Another thought: The absolute closest thing you could get to this, in SQL server specifically, is using a table variable. A table variable (in theory) is held in memory only. I've heard people refer to table variables as SQL server's "array". Any regular table write or create statements prompts the RDMS to write to the disk (I think, first the log and then to the data files). And large data reads can also cause the DB to write to private temp tables to store data for later or what-have.
There is not much you can do to specify how data will be physically stored in database. Most you can do is to specify if data and indices will be stored separately or data will be stored in one index tree (clustered index as Brian described).
But in your case this does not matter at all because of:
All databases heavily use caching. 1.000.000 of records hardly can exceed 1GB of memory, so your complete database will quickly be cached in database cache.
If you are reading single record at a time, main overhead you will see is accessing data over database protocol. Process goes something like this:
connect to database - open communication channel
send SQL text from application to database
database analyzes SQL (parse SQL, checks if SQL command is previously compiled, compiles command if it is first time issued, ...)
database executes SQL. After few executions data from your example will be cached in memory, so execution will be very fast.
database packs fetched records for transport to application
data is sent over communication channel
database component in application unpacks received data into some dataset representation (e.g. ADO.Net dataset)
In your scenario, executing SQL and finding records needs very little time compared to total time needed to get data from database to application. Even if you could force database to store data into array, there will be no visible gain.
If you've got a decent amount of records in a DB (and 1MM is decent, not really that big), then indexes are your friend.
You're talking about old fixed record length flat files. And yes, they are super-efficient compared to databases, but like structure/value arrays vs. classes, they just do not have the kind of features that we typically expect today.
Things like:
searching on different columns/combintations
variable length columns
nullable columns
concurrency control
transaction control
etc., etc.
Create a DB with an ID column and a bit column. Use a clustered index for the ID column (the ID column is your primary key). Insert all 1,000,000 elements (do so in order or it will be slow). This is kind of inefficient in terms of space (you're using nlgn space instead of n space).
I don't claim this is efficient, but it will be stored in a similar manner to how an array would have been stored.
Note that the ID column can be marked as being a counter in most DB systems, in which case you can just insert 1000000 items and it will do the counting for you. I am not sure if such a DB avoids explicitely storing the counter's value, but if it does then you'd only end up using n space)
When you have your primary key as a integer sequence it would be a good idea to have reverse index. This kind of makes sure that the contiguous values are spread apart in the index tree.
However, there is a catch - with reverse indexes you will not be able to do range searching.
The big question is: efficient for what?
for oracle ideas might include:
read access by id: index organized table (this might be what you are looking for)
insert only, no update: no indexes, no spare space
read access full table scan: compressed
high concurrent write when id comes from a sequence: reverse index
for the actual question, precisely as asked: write all rows in a single blob (the table contains one column, one row. You might be able to access this like an array, but I am not sure since I don't know what operations are possible on blobs. Even if it works I don't think this approach would be useful in any realistic scenario.
