react2.default.render is not a function - reactjs

I'm doing a video course from Packt on React. I'm trying to build a component.
Unfortunately I think the video course is a little outdated.
When I save my js file with a component I get this message in the browser console:
index.js:19240 Uncaught TypeError: _react2.default.render is not a function
My package.json looks like this:
My webpack config looks like this:
My own script looks like this:
My guess is that I'm using either the wrong call to render the component, or that I'm using an outdated react package.
What do I need to do in order to successfully call a method for rendering the component?

To render a react element into a DOM node, you should use ReactDOM.render(). So, replace React.render(component, document.getElementById('react')) with ReactDom.render(component, document.getElementById('react')) in your script
For more info, visit


Using react within mvc - target container is not a dom element

I am trying to use react within my mvc application and am running into an issue and I'm not sure how to fix it.
I have the file DraftCommentsDisplay.jsx:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
const myElement = <h1>Test</h1>;
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('my-comments'));
Nothing really of value here but I'm just trying to get it working before actually implementing what I'm needing this file to do
This is then bundled into a file called draftComments.bundle.js through webpack so it is readable to the browser.
I am then trying to reference this file in DraftCommentsEditor.cshtml like so:
in this file I do have a div called my-comments like so:
<section id="comments">
<div id="my-comments"></div>
and this is within a div with an id of "draft-editors" in case that matters.
The browser can read the js file, however, I am getting the error:
Uncaught Error: createRoot(...): Target container is not a DOM element.
and it is referring to the my-comments. So I am not sure what is happening here? Is the js file being called before the document has been fully loaded? If so, how do I fix that?
Realised is that the issue was because the js file was being called before the dom had fully loaded so changed how I called the file. I got rid of this line:
And then below the div my-comments I have done:
<script src="/Scripts/bundles/draftComments.bundle.js"></script>
Doing this solved the issue for me and now I am no longer getting that error

Import a file as a string (or source asset) in Gatsby / React

I want to import .ts, .tsx, .js, and .jsx files into a react component and render them within a PrismJS highlighting block. For example, let's say I have a TypeScript file with functionA in it that I want to highlight in my actual website:
export function functionA() {
console.log("I am function A!");
I want to include this in a different component. The problem is, when I import it, I am obviously importing the webpack module version of it. My weak attempt at trying to get my function render in a react component looks like this:
import * as React from "react"
import { functionA } from "./functionA"
export function MyComponent() {
return (
<h1>Here is your code block:</h1>
and what will actually render on the page where the code block is will look something like this:
Here is your code block:
WEBPACK__IMPORT.functionA() {
console.log("I am function A!")
I can't exactly remember what the .toString() function output looked like, but the point is it is NOT just the contents of the file how it appears in a code edit for example - it has been modulized by WebPack.
So, in a Gatsby project, how can i get these various code snippets to be imported directly as a string, purely as they are written, without WebPack enacting its import stuff on it? Is there a plugin or some way to tell Webpack to use the imported file as its asset/source module type? I know for MD or MDX files there is the gatsby-remark-embed-snippet, but I am building a component based HTML page and can't use MD or MDX files!
It's very late, and perhaps I just can't see the forest from the trees, I know there must be a way to do this...
You need to require the file using webpack's raw-loader, i.e:
const functionA = require("!!raw-loader!./functionA");
This works for create-react-app, as in the solution discussed here, and this works for Gatsby as well!
After using require on such a file, the file contents can be rendered in the component as:
It's then up to you to add syntax highlighting using a tool like prism or similar.
Note this solution will only work as long as Gatsby V3 continues to use WebPack v4, as raw-loader is deprecated in WebPack v5 and will be phased out for asset/source type modules.

WebStorm/React.js html error

This is my first using of react.js and
Code works in browser but html is highlighting in red how to fix this. I'm using JSX Harmony, Webstorm 11 ?
You can't put raw HTML/JSX into render. If you look at the docs, you'll see that you need to pass a ReactElement to render.
The easiest way to do that would be to create a simple React class using React.createClass()

React FixedDataTable Webpack bundle - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'requestAnimationFrame' of undefined

I've created a simple component called MyDataTable, as a wrapper over React FixedDataTable component and bundled it with Webpack. The file resulted from this bundle is called my-components.js. Nothing really complicated until here. You can try the source code to see how it works:
Now, the second step would be to consume this my-components.js library in a separate project. Here you can see how I imported the library and tried to use the <MyDataTable /> component:
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import MyDataTable from './../lib/my-components.js';
Hello MyDataTable!
, document.body
However, if i try to browse index.html, I get a nasty error, which I don't find a logical explanation for: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'requestAnimationFrame' of undefined".
BTW, the wrapper component was copy-pasted from here,js,output, so it should suppose to work.
Any idea on this error?
I've identified the problem and the solution is very simple. Inside fdtwebpackclient change:
import MyDataTable from './../lib/my-components.js';
import MyComponents from './../lib/my-components.js';
I think the problem is that you have a bundle within a bundle kind of situation. FixedDataTable seems to do some trickery to find global context (ie. window). This breaks here.
Instead of bundling a bundle within a bundle at your wrapper you could push FixedDataTable as an external there like this:
externals: {
'fixed-data-table': 'fixed-data-table',
The wrapper should probably consume FixedDataTable as a peer dependency then. Your main project would depend on FixedDataTable directly then. Webpack can deal with mapping the dependency to your wrapper.

Why does React-Magic-Move example break in JSFiddle with "Only a ReactOwner can have refs" error?

I'd like to get the 'basic' (US States) example of the nifty react-magic-move component working at JSFiddle, for tinkering. (See also impressive video demo at
I've added the react-magic-move 'dist' script to the Base React (JSX) fiddle, plus the other (minimally-adapted) example JS/CSS/HTML. You can see the attempt here:
However, it's triggering an error late-in-initial-rendering:
Invariant Violation: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. This usually means that you're trying to add a ref to a component that doesn't have an owner (that is, was not created inside of another component's 'render' method). Try rendering this component inside of a new top-level component which will hold the ref.
It's clearly loading the MagicMove code and succeeding on most of the rendering: after the error, the real-DOM has been assembled. Including the dist script after React ought to work.
Thinking it might be a problem specific to JSFiddle's panes, I tried the same setup in local files: same error. Thinking it might be a JSX-in-browser interaction, I tried precompiled JSX: same error. (See First got the error with React 0.13.1; tried rolling back to 0.12.0's base fiddle: same error. (See
At the moment of the exception, the current element (ReactElement, div, ref 'AL') has a null _owner property – which seems off.
Any ideas what's preventing the necessary React-owner-relationship from being set up? Is the react-magic-move dist script broken or otherwise unusable in this desired 'load-after-React' manner?
This is what I did to get the examples working locally
git clone
cd react-magic-move
npm install
now open up http://localhost:8080/basic/ in your browser, and it works somehow
I had a similar situation with a different react module. What we did was add an alias to our webpack.config.js named react that pointed to our node_modules/react. This keeps any other instances of react from loading. It would look like this
alias: {
'react': path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'react')
