Persmision denied in a fresh installed python google app engine - google-app-engine

I am trying to run my server on a Linux mint 18.1 machine on a google app engine.
The following command :
/home/mint/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/ --log_level info --storage_path /media/mint/TI31315100A/PycharmProjects/database.db /media/mint/TI31315100A/PycharmProjects/optimallinux
Returns the following error :
bash: /home/mint/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/ Permission denied
I have checked the pathes and the files, everything is right.
Also, I have tried to run the command with sudo and reinstalled the app-engine sevral times, but nothing helped.

Related throws unrecognized arguments: --datastore_emulator_cmd

I'm running Google Cloud SDK [212.0.0] on Linux. Things have worked fine until today. Now, when I run dev_server:
$ .
I get this error: error: unrecognized arguments:
I hadn't done any updates for quite awhile, but since getting the error I did try updating the SDK with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update google-cloud-sdk
Have also tried other app engine directories and get the same error.
You may try not running the command with --datastore_emulator_cmd. Rather, you could from the start run in the /bin/ directory, while not using the --datastore_emulator_cmd parameter any more.
I faced similar problem on gcloud sdk with following configuration:
gcloud --version
Google Cloud SDK 227.0.0
app-engine-python 1.9.80
app-engine-python-extras 1.9.74
bq 2.0.39
cloud-datastore-emulator 2.0.2
core 2018.11.30
gsutil 4.34
As I've checked there is "_correct_datastore_emulator_cmd" method implemented in "DevelopmentServer" class of file "google/appengine/tools/devappserver2/devappserver2.p" which modifies cmd with that emulator flag.
It can be potentially reported to sdk developers.

Managed VM Deployment hangs on "Copying certificates for secure access..."

I'm running the following command to deploy my Managed VMs app (on Windows 10):
gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --project=<PROJECT> --promote
The deployment starts bug hangs on the following line:
Copying certificates for secure access. You may be prompted to create an SSH keypair.
And after some time I get the error:
ERROR: ( Unable to copy certificates.
I've already:
Made sure that there are SSH keys in ~\.ssh\google_compute_engine
Tried to run with --quiet - same results
Renamed ssh-term.exe to ssh.exe - same results
Run the command as an administrator.
Run the command with --verbosity debug, which prints the following line multiple times: DEBUG: File [f] does not exist locally.
Any help will be much appreciated!
Found the cause! It was the project's firewall that blocked SSH by default. Fixed that and it worked.
Glad you fixed it, I had the same problem and will use your fix. I did happen accros a work around. By using the Container Build API to perform the build.
enter the command
gcloud config set app/use_cloud_build true
Before you
gcloud preview app deploy

Trouble with Google appengine id

I successfully launched an app locally on the local host
When I deployed to the appengine I got an error. Error posting to URL:
404 Not Found
This application does not exist (app_id=u'my_id').
For some reason the ID given in the error has u and a space appended in the beginning
I doubled checked the application exists and succesfuly uploaded the app from another computer
All the solutions I can find (like "This application does not exist (app_id=xxx)", or "GAE - Deployment Error: “AttributeError: can't set attribute”") mention running with the --no_cookies
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\ --no_cookies update my-app-folder\
# or (2-steps verificatio enabled) --oauth2 --no_cookies update my-app-folder\
If the project contains Java7 classes, you need to add the --use_java7 option, as shown in the question "Failed to deploy to Google App Engine because --use_java7 flag has not been set".
While you can run appcfg from the GAE installation path, the page "Using the Google Plugin for Eclipse" mentions (at the bottom of the page):
Some features of the App Engine Java SDK tools are only available by running the tools directly from the command line. If you have installed the SDK using Eclipse, you can run these tools from the Eclipse plugin installation directory.
The SDK is located in your Eclipse installation directory, under plugins/, where VERSION is a version identifier for the SDK.
In this directory is the appengine-java-sdk/bin/ subdirectory containing the tools.

running web2py with GoogleAppEngineLauncher

Trying to run my web2py app from the development server using GoogleAppEngineLauncher
Not sure if the on-line tutorials are out of date or I'm just missing something, but when I follow the link to download the GoogleAppEngine pythonSDK for OSX I get a dmg for the GoogleAppEngineLauncher.
I download and use that, which installs the proper executables, however after I setup my app.yaml file and run " myApp" I get this error:
fancy_urllib.InvalidCertificateException: Host returned an invalid certificate (_ssl.c:503: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed):
I don't get the error if I try and launch the app from the launcher itself, however I can't launch the app because it says the directory already exists and I don't have write permissions. I even tried chmod 777 on the myApp directory.
Should I not be using the GoogleAppLauncher?
additionally I tried using the linux SDX and received the same "certificate" error. The error message directs me to a link mentioning that I need the "ssl" module, but that is included in python 2.7.2 which I am using.
The link also mentions: "appcfg uses SSL when connecting to the Admin Console by default, unless the --insecure flag is passed." But I cannot find that flag in the help menu.
Found this answer which solves the problem.
rm google_appengine/lib/cacerts/cacerts.txt
From the SDK


I have python + google app engine installed on a windows XP machine. Google App engine is installed in the default directory of python25.
How do I run from command line?
I tried running it after changing directory to python25 but I get an error that the program is not a valid win32.exe
I also tried running it directly from c:\program files\google\google_appengine but I also get an error.
Secondly, I need to run appcfg with the rollback option. How do I do this?
you needs to assign python scripts to python.exe or do the following [Path to Python]\python.exe [Path to appcfg]\ rollback [path to app].
