SQL Server syntax for NEWID() - sql-server

I need some help with some SQL Server 2014 syntax.
I want to use the NEWID() function to create the UUID value in column CareplannersUUID. Each time a record is inserted, I want a new UUID value to appear in column CareplannersUUID.
But I am not sure about the syntax of the command. I think it is something like:
ALTER TABLE CareplannersMembers
I am wondering specifically, is there another value I should add for DF_table_id?
Notes about the table in question:
Table name: CareplannersMembers
UUID column name: CareplannersUUID
Thank you for your help.
I looked at the similar questions, but am not able to determine, from information presented there, whether or not I am using the correct syntax for my SQL Server statement.


SQL Server query (create rule)

Create a rule called Makedata to allow only the following values to the make of the data: txt, excel, word, rar, and powerpoint.
You must attach the rule to column Make in the datatype table
What does this question mean? I don't want a solution just an explanation.
Thank you
You are asked to filter the values that can be stored in that data column. For this you can use enum data type if were using MySQL. To fit your case take a look at: SQL Server equivalent to MySQL enum data type?
Alter your table with:
column_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL CHECK (column_name IN('txt', 'excel', 'word', 'rar', 'powerpoint'))

SQL Server : Adding Column Error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
SQL Query to add a new column after an existing column in SQL Server 2005
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am still finding my feet in SQL Server, and I am trying to do a simple column addition and it is throwing an error. I am trying to add the KinAdr3 column after the KinAdr2 column but it is throwing the following error
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near 'AFTER'.
Below is the SQL statement I am trying to execute
ADD KinAdr3 nVARCHAR(50)
Thanks in advance
The reason is simple as the above syntax is valid in MySQL but is not valid in SQL Server. In SQL Server following syntax is valid:
ALTER TABLE tablename ADD columnname INT
However, a user wanted to add the column between two of the columns. SQL Server is relational engine. The order of the column should not matter in any of the T-SQL operations. It does not matter in most of the cases (except when the table is extra large, and it has many NULL columns it impacts the size of the table). In reality whenever user wants to add a column to the table, he/she should just the column and later retrieve the column in a specific order in the table using column names.
It is always a good idea to specify the name of the column in the T-SQL query (using * is indeed a bad idea but that is out of scope of this blog post).
For more details please see the SQL SERVER – How to Add Column at Specific Location in Table

How to merge table from access to SQL Express?

I have one table named "Staff" in access and also have this table(same name) in SQL 2008.
Both table have thousands of records. I want to merge records from the access table to sql table without affecting the existing records in sql. Normally, I just export using OCBC driver and that works fine if that table doesn't exist in sql server. Please advise. Thanks.
A simple append query from the local access table to the linked sql server table should work just fine in this case.
So, just drop in the first (from) table into the query builder. Then change the query type to append, and you are prompted for the append table name.
From that point on, just drop in the columns you want (do not drop in the PK column, as they need not be used nor transferred in this case).
You can also type in the sql directly in the query builder. Either way, you will wind up with something like:
INSERT INTO dbo_custsql
( ADMINID, Amount, Notes, Status )
SELECT ADMINID, Amount, Notes, Status
FROM custsql1;
This may help: http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-compare/
Or you could write a simple program to read from each data set and do the comparison, adding, updating, and deleting, etc.

Can't set auto-increment via SQL Server Express Management Studio?

I just tried inserting value in to a database and that work. Now I insert again and I get an error for identical primary key.
I can't find any option to alter it to be auto-increment.
I'm updating the table via Linq-To-Sql.
User u = new User(email.Text, HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress,
I didn't fill in the user_id and it worked fine the first time. It became zero.
Trying to add a second user, it wants to make the ID 0 again.
I could query the database and ask for the highest ID, but that's going to far if you know about auto-increment.
How can I turn this on? All I can find are scripts for table creation. I'd like to keep my existing table and simply edit it.
How is your Linq-to-SQL model defined?? Check the properties of the user_id column - what are they set to??
In your Linq-to-SQL model, be sure to have Auto Generated Value set to true, Auto-Sync set to OnInsert, and the server data type should also match your settings (INT IDENTITY),
In SQL Server Management Studio, you need to define the user_id column to be of type INT IDENTITY - in the visual table designer, you need to set this property here:
It is zero because you have a integer for a primary key column type. To use auto-increment, set tables identity column to the ID (selected in the table properties)
Would probably be easier to edit the database using VS if you have a version that will work for, otherwise if you have to edit it in management studio see this article:
Or you can increment the user_id manually and pass it to the insert function if you cannot alter the property/table field description

How can I change a field in a SQL server database that's set to "Read Only Cell"?

I have a SQL database that has a table with a field set to "Read Only" when I look at it through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
I need to change some data within that field manually but I can't see any properties that I can change that will let me override this.
Will I need to write a sql script on the table to do this or is there something that I am missing ?
What is the datatype of the field? You may not be able to "type" into it if its of an ntext or image datatype and management studio can't handle the size of it.
In that case you might have no option but to perform an update as follows.
UPDATE TableName SET ColumnName = 'NewValue' WHERE PrimaryKeyId = PrimaryKeyValue
The field is most likely "read-only" because it contains a calculated value.
If that's the case, you would have to change calculation in the table definition to change it's value.
This problem will occur when you set a particular field as Primary Key and you set it into 'Is Identity' is true, that means that field will automatically incremented whenever an insertion is takes placed...So better to check whether it is auto increment or not.. If it is ,then change that property 'Is Idenitity' as false.
In an SQL query I had once, the query I used to generate the table to edit included a join to a table on a "Server Object", specifically a linked server. This marked the cells as read only, even though the table on which I was actually going to change the data wasn't on the linked server.
My resolution: Luckily I was able to adjust the query so I didn't need to do the JOIN with a linked table and then I could edit the cells.
Suggestion: Check your query for linked servers or other odd statements that may lock your table.
Use trigger in order to prevent this column updating:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateRecord ON my_table
SET [CreatedDate] = ((SELECT TOP 1 [CreatedDate] FROM Deleted d where d.[id]=[id]))
