Buildfire: How to modify the Login and Register page? - mobile

I'm new to buildfire and this is my first question on Stack Overflow. I want to edit the login and register page with additional field (randomly generated PIN), and use it for the login process. Could anyone help me about this issue? Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately the login and register pages are not customizable.

#attila226 is correct. They are not customizable (for now). However, you can turn off the baked-in Login and create your own if you really wanted to. I've seen other apps do this.


Firebase Multi-Page Signin

Hello Stackoverflow Community!
I have a pretty simple question that I am pretty sure there is an answer for!
I want to create a simple sign in system for a website, however, I am wondering whether or not I can login, and then carry over the fact that it is logged in to other pages on the site. Because once a user is logged into the site using signInWithEmailAndPassword(), and I want make sure they can navigate the full website and all of it's seperate html file pages, and stay signed in.
Can anyone please help me?
Firebase Authentication is persisted between page loads. But instead of calling signInWithEmailAndPassword() on each page, you should monitor onAuthStateChanged() and then only call sign-in when there is no current user.

Edit content at URL in Drupal 7

I'm a complete COMPLETE noob at Drupal.
I've been handed a large very customized Drupal 7 site after our admin quit. I have tons of WP experience, but zilch in Drupal.
I've been asked to edit a page that exists at:[page]
The page functions only to redirect to:
But, I need to change part of the way it redirects. Normally (as in, the one other time I did it) to edit a Drupal page, I just go to the page logged in as an admin and click "edit". Since this is a redirect page, I can't really do this. The /admin/content section has 83 pages of 25 items each with no way for me to search on anything and no way to tell from what the guy called the page as to what page actually does this redirect. I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm going to click on every darn one of them and then click the "URL path settings" tab at the bottom to see which one of these suckers is the page I'm after.
Surely this is simple for even a typical Drupal novice... like I said though, complete noob.
Any ideas? Thanks!
There are a few modules that can handle redirection or even simple editing of a path.
You can look at pathauto
On that page you should find other recommendations such as the Global Redirect & Redirect modules. I'm pretty sure some of these modules will simplify your task. You should be able to take an existing path and redirect it to wherever you wish, without having to dig in each URL alias on the node edit page.
It's always difficult to give specific advice without knowing more, but , for instance, Pathauto can help you change the path of a specific content type to a specific pattern. That can come very handy if you need to change a bunch of pages with a similar structure.

How to create new Custom Login Popup in Dotnetnuke 7?

My Questions are :
I just want to create Login Popup in DNN 7 according to my requirements and CSS.
Please suggest way for it .
also Which is better way Customize existing Login & Forgot Password Pages or to Create New Pages for these.
Is there any Free utility or service to make DNN development Easy
(Searched for Nucleus but could not find helpful info)
Please Suggest and provide useful Links also ..Thanks !
So Stackoverflow is great for 1 question at a time, I will start with #1 and ask you to break it up into other questions for the rest.
Does it need to be a popup? If not, try just creating a custom Login page and put the Account Login module on that, then Skin it as you wish.
If it needs to be a custom popup, you can look at the popupskin.ascx file in your SKIN, you can customize the way the popups look by changing your Popup Skin. My free DNN skin has an example of that file

Dotnetnuke - Dynamically change logo on Portal dependant on user or security role

I am fairly new to dotnetnuke and csharp, an was wondering what the easiest way to basically dynamically change the default logo dependant on the user or security role.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
The default DNN setting (Admin-> Site settings) allows you to set one logo for your site.
You would need to write some code, probably modify the skin, to achieve what you want

Have problem with maintaining session in a Website sone in CakePHP

Well as I have posted earlier too...I have created a site in two languages.One with URL and other with are done in CakePHP,in french I have just changed the views of it to French.But the problem is,when anybody login's in English version and then switches to the French version,the session does'nt recognizes it and ask for login again.It has become to be the biggest bug in the Web application which I have done till far.How can manage this thing? Is there any way so that I can manage session on the same time?Please suggest me some thing,so that I can resolve this thing...!!!
Thanks in advance
Perhaps this may help you:
