Automate SQL Server join to Excel - sql-server

I have an automated SSRS report that runs off a SQL Server SP. A subscription then exports this to a folder each morning. I'm not sure if this next step is possible, but maybe someone knows:
Another Excel report from an outside source will be dropped into the same folder each morning. Is it possible to then automatically compare the two reports and delete records from my automated report that do not match?
I know I can manually import the new Excel file into SQL Server, do a join and then delete the records. But is it possible to do this automatically?

This sounds like a job for SSIS. SSIS is designed to handle ETL workflows like this. I would create a package that pulls in the outside Excel and either the output from your SSRS subscription or preferably calls the stored procedure itself. You can do all the data comparison you need and then output in whatever format you need or run T-SQL statements against your source database based on the results of your comparison as appropriate to your use case. You'd deploy your package to a SQL Server setup for SSIS and create a SQL Agent job to run it at the appropriate interval.


SQL Server data transfer from one server to another server

I want to transfer multiple tables and their data from one SQL Server to another SQL Server on the local network automatically every 1 hour.
There is a tool built-in tool in SSMS to do this.
In SSMS, right click on the database name. Select Data > Import on the destination database. You will be prompted to provide connection information for the source database. This is internally using SSIS integration tool.
Create a SSIS Package USE Type two SCD if you want insert and
updates. you can use staging table from source to
destination is a good practice and it is industry standard. if you
are not having staging environment. You can use temp tables within
ssis package to achieve the same.
Schedule a job and run that ssis package in the job for every half an hour

Is there a way to save all queries present in a ssis package/dtsx file?

I need to run some analysis on my queries (specifically finding all the tables which a ssis calls).
Right now I'm opening up every single ssis package, every single step in it and copy and pasting manually the tables from it.
As you can imagine it's very time consuming and mind-numbing.
Is there a way to do export all the queries automatically ?
btw i'm using sql server 2012
Retrieve Queries is not a simple process, you can work in two ways to achieve it:
Analyzing the .dtsx package XML content using Regular Expression
SSIS packages (.dtsx) are XML files, you can read these file as text file and use Regular Expressions to retrieve tables (as example you may search all sentences that starts with SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP, ... keywords)
There are some questions asking to retrieve some information from .dtsx files that you can refer to to get some ideas:
Reverse engineering SSIS package using C#
Automate Version number Retrieval from .Dtsx files
Using SQL Profiler
You can create and run an SQL Profiler trace on the SQL Server instance and filter on all T-SQL commands executed while executing the ssis package. Some examples can be found in the following posts:
How to capture queries, tables and fields using the SQL Server Profiler
How to monitor just t-sql commands in SQL Profiler?
SSIS OLE DB Source Editor Data Access Mode: “SQL command” vs “Table or view”
Is there a way in SQL profiler to filter by INSERT statements?
Filter Events in a Trace (SQL Server Profiler)
Also you can use Extended Events (has more options than profiler) to monitor the server and collect SQL commands:
Getting Started with Extended Events in SQL Server 2012
Capturing queries run by user on SQL Server using extended events
You could create a schema for this specific project and then have all the SQL stored within views on that schema... Will help keep things tidy and help with issues like this.

How to automate SQL Server query and automatically put the results in an Excel file

Currently have a lot of queries to run on the first of the month and on Mondays of every week in Microsoft SQL Server. Does anyone know how I could automate the
queries to run on their own and then put the results in an Excel file?
the easiest thing is probably to set up reports in Report Server (SSRS) to execute your SQL and render them into the appropriate format. You can then schedule the reports to run on whatever days you want and email the results exported into an Excel file.

Steps to export the SQL Server returned result set to an Excel file

I have a stored procedure that I am going to run every weekend, it produces a result set that I need to export into an Excel file.
For the above problem I want to automate this process, so I am going to create a SQL Job and I am going to run this stored procedure every weekend so that that generated Excel file is sent to my reporter.
For this I need steps to export the result set data to an Excel file.
And also is it possible to send that Excel file to the specific mail while running the job itself?
So, you might try your luck on, but in my experience a SQL Agent job running a stored procedure could be coaxed to return CSV or XML - and those could end up in Excel, but there are missing links. I think the missing links would involve programming and potentially 3rd party tools to avoid using Excel's COM API.
I'd strongly recommend your pursuing SQL Server Reporting Services. It is included free with your edition of SQL and includes the ability to
run reports on a schedule (subscriptions),
format the results as an Excel file
distribute the results via email
You'd take your query and use it as the data source for a "report" and use the report wizard to create a very simple table with the results.
Avoid page headers (or footers) that span columns - this will keep the excel output cleaner.
Stack Overflow: reporting-services-export-to-excel-with-multiple-worksheets
Technet: Reporting Services

Create a copy of production databases, without any data?

I need to create a copy of all of our production databases (SQLServer), without any data.
I need to do this on a regular basis, preferably scheduled and not manually.
Do I have to write code that extracts from systables and builds whe SQL-statements itself or is there a good way to do this?
As there is a method to do that in SQL Management Studio:
Select a database
right click
generate script
etc ...
You can then save the script generated as an sql file.
Once the script set, and if it is T-SQL, you can just add it to the jobs of your server. .And if you have only a SQL EXPRESS server (with no job schedule), I remember it was possible, a few years ago, to find some free products on the net that would do the job.
