I am curious as to what others are doing in regards to route security for their applications. At first we implemented our security by calling our security service from the .run method in angular
app.run(function ($rootScope, $state, SecuirtyService){
SecurityService.initSecurity().then(function(data){}); }
SecurityService.initSecurity would then make a rest call to see what permissions the user has. The problem with this is that since .initSecurity returns a promise the rest of the application would execute until $http decided to execute the call therefor loading the UI without the security checks being finished.
So in order to combat this, in our ui-router i added a resolve to each of our states. This makes sure that our .initSecurity is fulfilled before the controller is loaded.
Header: {
templateUrl: "header/headerBar.html",
controller: "HeaderController as headerCtrl",
resolve: {
security: function(SecurityService){
return SecurityService.initSecurity();
The problem with this is that .initSecurity is called before each page loads which seems very redundant.
In a perfect world the .run method wouldn't finish until the promise has been fulfilled but https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/4003 looks like that is not happening.
My question would be how are you implementing security checks on you application? Are you firing it off from the .run method somehow? Or is having it be apart of the resolve a valid choice?
You can create a parent state (we call it auth) and resolve security from there.
.state('auth', {
abstract: true,
resolve: {
security: function(SecurityService) {
// Will resolve once if transferring between auth states
return SecurityService.initSecurity();
.state('auth.profile', {
You can use deferIntercept to pause the initial routing until your async check is complete. Then use listen and sync to begin routing.
myapp.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {
myapp.run(function (SecurityService, $urlRouter) {
Probably it's just as easy as I think it is, but I cannot really find an answer to my question on the internet, so I hope you guys know the answer just by looking at a small piece of my code.
Problem: I'm using the UI router in Angular and it loads the template before all the data is loaded. So all input fields receive the correct values AFTER the template is already loaded. So the input fields are empty for a second or two....
I think my resolve is not as it should be:
So my ui-router code looks something like this (check the resolve object):
$stateProvider.state('teststate', {
url: '/test/',
templateUrl: 'app/page/template.html',
controller: 'testCtrl',
resolve: {
access: ["Access", function(Access) { return Access.isAuthenticated(); }],
UserProfile: 'UserProfile'
Now the controller contains the promise to get some data from an API url:
function TestCtrl($scope, $state, $stateParams, TestService) {
TestService.get($stateParams.id).then(function(response) {
$scope.data = response;
Now the service (which connects to the API) should return the promise to the Controller:
TestService.factory('TestService', ['Restangular', function(Restangular) {
var factory = {};
factory.get = function(id) {
return Restangular.one('api/test', id).get();
return factory;
Now, could the problem be, that because the TestService.get() (which connects to the API) within the Controller, gets executed NOT before the template is loaded, because it's not inside the resolve object? So the UI router doesn't resolve the call to the API? I'm just curious or I should move all methods which make API calls, to the resolve object of each stat inside the $stateProvider.
I could run a lot of tests, but if someone just directly knows the answer by just looking at this question, it helps me a lot.
Your assumptions are all correct.
If you resolve the TestService.get in routing config the data would be readily available to controller as an injectable resource
If you don't want your controller to run and your template to show before all your API calls are finished, you have to put all of them inside ui-routers resolve.
However, if API requests can take a little while it seems better UX to transition to the new page immediately and show some kind of loading indicator (e.g. block-ui) while your API call is running.
I make a single page application with Sails and AngularJS. And now i'm trying to make an authentication.
I have this angular code on client side:
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
when('/', {
when('/createPost', {
Here all .html files are stored at assets/ folder, which is public. But i don't want to have a public access to postCreation.html, i want to permit access to this file for some users using policies.
I think i can put all .html files in views folder, create a controller methods for each file and than use policies. But i'm not sure this is a good solution.
So, how to use policies in Sails + Angular SPA?
You cannot use sails policies for this. Instead, you can use the resolve parameter in your $routeProvider.
From $routeProvider docs:
An optional map of dependencies which should be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises, the router will wait for them all to be resolved or one to be rejected before the controller is instantiated. If all the promises are resolved successfully, the values of the resolved promises are injected and $routeChangeSuccess event is fired. If any of the promises are rejected the $routeChangeError event is fired.
I have something along the likes of following configured in an app of mine, which is working great (using $stateProvider, but the concept should work just as well for $routeProvider):
.state('stateOnlyCertainUsersCanSee', {
url: "/stateOnlyCertainUsersCanSee",
templateUrl: "myTemplate.html",
controller: 'myController',
resolve: {
validate: function($q, $sails, $state) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$sails.get("/me") // gets user info
function(response) {
if (response.user.canAccessThisPage) { // Condition on which to pass or fail an user
else {
defer.reject("No access to page");
$state.go("home"); // Redirect wherever you want
return defer.promise;
I’m building an angular application that is going to run on several domains. Since there are different configurations on each domain I'll need to fetch all the variables by doing a call to the server. The call will return a JSON object that contains different rest urls.
My problem is that I need to do this call before the 'resolve' step inside the $stateProvider, since I already have a task that is dependent on the configuration object from the server.
What should work here is a really great feature $urlRouterProvider.deferIntercept(); documented here:
The deferIntercept(defer)
Disables (or enables) deferring location change interception.
If you wish to customize the behavior of syncing the URL (for example, if you wish to defer a transition but maintain the current URL), call this method at configuration time. Then, at run time, call $urlRouter.listen() after you have configured your own $locationChangeSuccess event handler.
The code snippet from the API documentation:
var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);
app.config(function($urlRouterProvider) {
// Prevent $urlRouter from automatically intercepting URL changes;
// this allows you to configure custom behavior in between
// location changes and route synchronization:
}).run(function($rootScope, $urlRouter, UserService) {
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e) {
// UserService is an example service for managing user state
if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return;
// Prevent $urlRouter's default handler from firing
UserService.handleLogin().then(function() {
// Once the user has logged in, sync the current URL
// to the router:
// Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener
And also, related to this question:
AngularJS - UI-router - How to configure dynamic views
There is working example - plunker
To make it clear, suitable for this use case, let's observe the code of the plunker.
So, firstly we can see the .config() phase. It does have access to providers but NOT to their services (e.g. $http). Not yet, services themselves will be available later...
app.config(function ($locationProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider)
// this will put UI-Router into hibernation
// waiting for explicit resurrection later
// it will give us time to do anything we want... even in .run() phase
$locationProvider.html5Mode({enabled: false});
$stateProviderRef = $stateProvider;
What we did, is set a reference to provider (configurable object), to be used later: $stateProviderRef.
And the most crucial thing is we STOPPED the UI-Router, and forced him to wait for us with $urlRouterProvider.deferIntercept(); (see the doc and cites above)
There is an extract of the .run() phase:
app.run(['$q', '$rootScope','$http', '$urlRouter',
function ($q, $rootScope, $http, $urlRouter)
// RUN phase can use services (conigured in config phase)
// e.g. $http to load some data
// here we can use the loaded stuff to enhance our states
angular.forEach(data, function (value, key)
var state = { ... }
$stateProviderRef.state(value.name, state);
// Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener
// here comes resurrection of the UI-Router
// these two important calls, will return the execution to the
// routing provider
// and let the application to use just loaded stuff
Most important is, that this .run() was executed just ONCE. Only once. As we require.
We can also use another technique: resolve inside of one super root state, which is parent of all state hierarchy roots. Check all the details here:
Nested states or views for layout with leftbar in ui-router?
There is another way how to solve the:
How to resolve $http request before the execution of the resolve property inside $stateProvider?
In case, that we just need to get some $http result inside of the resolve, we can do it just like this:
resolve: {
function($http, $stateParams) {
return $http.get("/api/foos/"+stateParams.fooID);
This is a snippet from documenation of the [$stateProvider][1], section resolve. We can see, that we return the promise of the $http service: return $http.get()
So, to extend that, to asnwer:
But how can I make the ui-router wait until the promise is resolved?
we can just use return $http.get() and then .then(). And inside of it, we have access to returned result - which we can adjust:
function($http, $stateParams) {
// we still return the promise of the $http.get))
return $http
.then(function(response) {
// but now, the content of resolved property
// will be the first item of the loaded array
return response.data[0];
There is also enahnced solution - in case we need to make this to happen before every state. We just introduce some "root" state as a super parent. It will contain such resolve and all child states will wait until this one is resolved, but just resolved just once. See more here: angular ui-router resolve for parent state
I am relatively new to Angular but I am quite an experienced developer. So far I have made quite some progress in building my application to work with a CMS. I am a bit lost however on what the 'correct' approach would be to handle data in my model.
This is best described with an example:
Because I am hooking up my angular frontend with a CMS, the routing (pages) exist only in the CMS context. This means that the routing should be dynamic as well. I have managed to get the dynamic routes thing to work, but when I try to do things the right way (actually getting data from a server) I run into some issues...
app.config(function($provide, $routeProvider) {
$provide.factory("$routeProvider", function() {
return $routeProvider;
// Load the dynamic routes from the API...
app.run(function($routeProvider, $http, $scope, logger, siteRoutes) {
$routeProvider.when('/', { templateUrl: '__views/', controller: 'ContentPageController' });
$routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});
In other words, I inject a service into my app.run method (siteRoutes) and this one should connect to the API.
So my siteRoutes is a service:
cmsModule.service('siteRoutes', function siteRouteFactory(apiConnection, logger)
And in this service I inject my generic apiConnection service:
cmsModule.factory('apiConnection', ['$q', '$http', '$timeout', 'logger', function apiConnectionService($q, $http, $timeout, logger)
What I want is this:
I would like the siteRoutes service to load the data once and not execute the connection every time. I did this in the following way:
bla.service('example', function() {
var service = {
get: function(apiStuff) { // DO API CONNECT WITH .THEN HERE },
data: {}
return service;
I would like one entry point towards the Api that handles all the $q stuff (my factory) I assumed I need to handle all the .then() stuff in my siteRoutes object, which is what I did.
Now, what happens in my app.run method is that I don't get the siteRoutes object with any data. So I recon I need to do a .then there as well?
But that made me question the entire design of putting all logic in a separate factory for the connection, because I basically like my app to just use the data and have my library deal with the async stuff (if you get what I am saying)...
Hope this is clear.
TL;DR -> How to make your services / factories handle async stuff without making your 'app' deal with it?
The templateUrl property can also be a function that takes the url parametes as input.
In the example below all routes will load a template with same name.
Eg. domain.com/#/blabla.html will load the view blabla.html from the server.
myApp.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
templateUrl: function (params) {
return params.templateName + ".html";
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/main' });
I use angularjs with ui-router library. Lets say I have some routes for admin and some routes for user. If admin or user is logged in I want to show some page for them (admin.html for admin and user.html for user, for example), otherwise login.html
On the backend I have a special url, like /auth/status/, which gives me information about the user (if he's logged and which role he has)
There are some situations I can't figure out how to handle:
I go to '/' url. The application loads. I have a run method for my app module. But how can I check if the user is logged in, when it happens asynchronously? Well, I have this and it works somehow, but I'm not sure if this is a good solution:
app.config(['$stateProvider', '$routeProvider',
function($stateProvider, $routeProvider) {
.state('admin', {
abstract: true,
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'templates/admin.html'
.state('admin.desktop', {
url: 'desktop',
templateUrl: 'templates/desktop.html'
function($http, $rootScope, $location, $state, userRoles) {
var DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE = 'admin.desktop';
var promise = $http.get('/auth/status/');
promise.then(function(response) {
$rootScope.isLogged = response.data.logged;
$rootScope.userRole = userRoles[response.data.role];
if (!$rootScope.isLogged) {
} else {
switch (response.data.role) {
case 'admin': $state.transitionTo(DEFAULT_ADMIN_STATE); break;
}, function(response) {
Though I don't understand: if I go to / url I should get an error because it's abstract. Instead when $http.get request is resolved (I put 2 seconds sleep in backend to check that) I transition to admin.desktop state. I'm confused what happens in which order: state loads template or app.run function with some ajax requests...
The main question is, when I go to /#/desktop how can I first check if user is logged (send a request to /admin/auth/ and check what it returns) and only then decide what to do (transition to login or desktop state)?
I found Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker this, but again still a little fuzzy for me. Resolve property seems like a solution when I want to load a list of entities and then show the template. But I want to have some "before" function for ALL states which just checks if user is logged and has a correspond role (one moment: I do not want to use /admin/entites or /user/entities urls, want to have just /entitites. As I get it several states may have the same url). So basically it looks like if I go to /someurl I want to run method wait until it gets ajax response and after that transition to some state. Instead the state corresponding to /someurl load a template...
Also I found an article about authentication in angular but author uses cookies which is not async thing
Update: when I use cookies for checking if user is logged and I go to /#/desktop I still have it rendered, and $state.transitionTo doesn't work..
You should check it before page load:
I cannot write full example now, but in common you should do like this:
.run([ ..., function(....) {
$scope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, current) {
... check cookie here ...