Named Pipes no longer a thing in Windows 10 version 1709? - c

I was trying to work with Named Pipe as a communication channel between injected stubs in various processes.
I was reading and it states
Process Isolation
Sandboxing the application kernel objects, the AppContainer environment prevents the application from influencing, or being influenced by, other application processes. This prevents a properly contained application from corrupting other processes in the event of an exception.
It also states here that
Windows 10, version 1709: Pipes are only supported within an app-container; ie, from one UWP process to another UWP process that's part of the same app. Also, named pipes must use the syntax "\.\pipe\LOCAL\" for the pipe name.
Does this mean I can no longer access kernel objects from NtFsControlFile (FSCTL_PIPE_LISTEN, FSCTL_PIPE_WAIT, FSCTL_PIPE_DISCONNECT) to communicate with pipes in other processes than my own App Container? Or is it simply saying that the semantics of this operation changed?
My question is, does this change implicate an actual problem, or can I still use one named pipe from one process to talk with another; but it's not advised to do so?


Limit access to a pipe to a process (Windows)

Is it possible to limit access to a named pipe by process (either image name, or process ID would work)?
The context here is a Filter Minidriver which has to communicate with a user-space service that would do most of the business logic. Since this communication is security-sensitive, I'd like to protect it from external interference, while by default it seems the named pipe, created by the driver can be communicated with by any user-space process that knows the name of the pipe (which is trivial to discover by static or dynamic analysis).
This is what I already know: Pipes are securable objects in Windows, and as such, they have a security descriptor. This security descriptor can contain a DACL, which is supposed to limit access to the object. I have searched extensively for documentation and examples of conditional ACEs, which I hoped could do what I want, but I failed to find anything related.
EDIT: I have accepted MSalters' answer. It is generally accepted that SYSTEM == ring0 and while code signing of drivers may seem like it matters, SYSTEM can disable code signing easily, so there is no need for privilege escalation from SYSTEM to ring0 - they're already the same. On the other hand, even the default security descriptor (in the minifilter driver context - see FltBuildDefaultSecurityDescriptor) contains a restriction so that only SYSTEM and Administrators can access the object, so no further action is necessary (or possible, it seems).
Image names are not secured anyway, anyone can create a "Notepad.EXE". And a process ID is just a number and can be reused, so that's no protection either. Besides, there are many ways in which you can smuggle a DLL inside another process, so even if you knew that a particular process was running your EXE, you still wouldn't know if it was running just your EXE.
The Windows security model uses the notion of security principals (user and system accounts). Those are directly supported by ACL's, and those are protected against spoofing. It makes sense if your filter driver refuses to talk to just anyone, but it's willing to talk to process A of user X, it should be willing to talk to any process of user X.

Is it possible to write (or firstly, open) a disk file in two different programs simultaneously?

I need to update a log file according to the messages produced by two different modules which may be running simultaeously.
So is it possible to open and write a file simultaneously in two programs?
Sys Spec: SLES 11 x86_64.
You can do one of the following:
Use flock() (or a similar mechanism) to synchronize the writes on the open file descriptors (as already answered).
Use open() and close() (or similar) repeatedly on systems that support (or even enforce) exclusive open().
Depend on buffered output to send out log lines uninterrupted. This is often used with stderr logging, as a possible race condition isn't usually a problem here.
Use a logging service and only open() the file there. Other processes communicate with the logging service via IPC. You can use a custom logging service or a tool like syslog or journald. Both of them AFAIK support logging from non-root processes as well.
I would personally prefer the last option because its design is the cleanest one and it doesn't depend so much on OS-specific behavior. If your application consists of multiple processes started by the main process, then the main process may perform as the logging service as well and create pipes before spawning the child processes. If the processes are started separately, you can have a separate service that listens on a TCP/IP socket or (if your system supports it) a local domain socket.
Yes. A file can be opened by several processes/programs simulatneously. Multiple processes/programs can read & write in a file simultaneously but the end result of writing in the same file at the same time may be undefined. So it is better to use locks.
On Linux you can use: flocks

setting up IPC between unrelated processes

I would like to inject a shared library into a process (I'm using ptrace() to do that part) and then be able to get output from the shared library back into the debugger I'm writing using some form of IPC. My instinct is to use a pipe, but the only real requirements are:
I don't want to store anything on the filesystem to facilitate the communication as it will only last as long as the debugger is running.
I want a portable Unix solution (so Unix-standard syscalls would be ideal).
The problem I'm running into is that as far as I can see, if I call pipe() in the debugger, there is no way to pass the "sending" end of the pipe to the target process, and vice versa with the receiving end. I could set up shared memory, but I think that would require creating a file somewhere so I could reference the memory segment from both processes. How do other debuggers capture output when they attach to a process after it has already begun running?
I assume that you are in need of a debugging system for your business logic code (I mean application). From my experience, this kind of problem is tackled with below explained system design. (My experience is in C++, I think the same must hold good for the C based system also.)
Have a logger system (a separate process). This will contain - logger manager and the logging code - which will take the responsibility of dumping the log into hard disk.
Each application instance (process running in Unix) will communicate to this process with sockets. So you can have your own messaging protocol and communicate with the logger system with socket based communication.
Later, for each of this application - have a switch which can switch off/on the log.So that you can have a tool - to send signal to this process to switch on/off the message logging.
At a high level, this is the most generic way to develop a logging system. In case you need any information - Do comment it. I will try to answer.
Using better search terms showed me this question is a dup of these guys:
Can I share a file descriptor to another process on linux or are they local to the process?
Can I open a socket and pass it to another process in Linux
How to use sendmsg() to send a file-descriptor via sockets between 2 processes?
The top answers were what I was looking for. You can use a Unix-domain socket to hand a file descriptor off to a different process. This could work either from debugger to library or vice versa, but is probably easier to do from debugger to library because the debugger can write the socket's address into the target process while it injects the library.
However, once I pass the socket's address into the target process, I might as well just use the socket itself instead of using a pipe in addition.

Inter-program communication for an arbitrary number of programs

I am attempting to have a bunch of independent programs intelligently allocate shared resources among themselves. However, I could have only one program running, or could have a whole bunch of them.
My thought was to mmap a virtual file in each program, but the concurrency is killing me. Mutexes are obviously ineffective because each program could have a lock on the file and be completely oblivious of the others. However, my attempts to write a semaphore have all failed, since the semaphore would be internal to the file, and I can't rely on only one thing writing to it at a time, etc.
I've seen quite a bit about named pipes but it doesn't seem to be to be a practical solution for what I'm doing since I don't know how many other programs there will be, if any, nor any way of identifying which program is participating in my resource-sharing operation.
You could use a UNIX-domain socket (AF_UNIX) - see man 7 unix.
When a process starts up, it tries to bind() a well-known path. If the bind() succeeds then it knows that it is the first to start up, and becomes the "resource allocator". If the bind() fails with EADDRINUSE then another process is already running, and it can connect() to it instead.
You could also use a dedicated resource allocator process that always listens on the path, and arbitrates resource requests.
Not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but personally my first thought would be to use dbus (more detail). Should be easy enough within that framework for your processes/programs to register/announce themselves and enumerate/signal other registered processes, and/or to create a central resource arbiter and communicate with it. Readily available on any system with gnome or KDE installed too.

What are named pipes?

What are they and how do they work?
Context happens to be SQL Server
Both on Windows and POSIX systems, named-pipes provide a way for inter-process communication to occur among processes running on the same machine. What named pipes give you is a way to send your data without having the performance penalty of involving the network stack.
Just like you have a server listening to a IP address/port for incoming requests, a server can also set up a named pipe which can listen for requests. In either cases, the client process (or the DB access library) must know the specific address (or pipe name) to send the request. Often, a commonly used standard default exists (much like port 80 for HTTP, SQL server uses port 1433 in TCP/IP; \\.\pipe\sql\query for a named pipe).
By setting up additional named pipes, you can have multiple DB servers running, each with its own request listeners.
The advantage of named pipes is that it is usually much faster, and frees up network stack resources.
BTW, in the Windows world, you can also have named pipes to remote machines -- but in that case, the named pipe is transported over TCP/IP, so you will lose performance. Use named pipes for local machine communication.
Unix and Windows both have things called "Named pipes", but they behave differently. On Unix, a named pipe is a one-way street which typically has just one reader and one writer - the writer writes, and the reader reads, you get it?
On Windows, the thing called a "Named pipe" is an IPC object more like a TCP socket - things can flow both ways and there is some metadata (You can obtain the credentials of the thing on the other end etc).
Unix named pipes appear as a special file in the filesystem and can be accessed with normal file IO commands including the shell. Windows ones don't, and need to be opened with a special system call (after which they behave mostly like a normal win32 handle).
Even more confusing, Unix has something called a "Unix socket" or AF_UNIX socket, which works more like (but not completely like) a win32 "named pipe", being bidirectional.
Linux Pipes
First In First Out (FIFO) interproccess communication mechanism.
Unnamed Pipes
On the command line, represented by a "|" between two commands.
Named Pipes
A FIFO special file. Once created, you can use the pipe just like a normal file(open, close, write, read, etc).
To create a named pipe, called "myPipe", from the command line (man page):
mkfifo myPipe
To create a named pipe from c, where "pathname" is the name you would like the pipe to have and "mode" contains the permissions you want the pipe to have (man page):
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
According to Wikipedia:
[...] A traditional pipe is "unnamed" because it exists anonymously and persists only for as long as the process is running. A named pipe is system-persistent and exists beyond the life of the process and must be "unlinked" or deleted once it is no longer being used. Processes generally attach to the named pipe (usually appearing as a file) to perform IPC (inter-process communication).
echo "test" | wc
mkdnod apipe p
wc apipe
wc will block until
echo "test" > apipe
This is an exeprt from Technet (so not sure why the marked answer says named pipes are faster??):
Named Pipes vs. TCP/IP Sockets
In a fast local area network (LAN) environment, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Sockets and Named Pipes clients are comparable with regard to performance. However, the performance difference between the TCP/IP Sockets and Named Pipes clients becomes apparent with slower networks, such as across wide area networks (WANs) or dial-up networks. This is because of the different ways the interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms communicate between peers.
For named pipes, network communications are typically more interactive. A peer does not send data until another peer asks for it using a read command. A network read typically involves a series of peek named pipes messages before it starts to read the data. These can be very costly in a slow network and cause excessive network traffic, which in turn affects other network clients.
It is also important to clarify if you are talking about local pipes or network pipes. If the server application is running locally on the computer that is running an instance of SQL Server, the local Named Pipes protocol is an option. Local named pipes runs in kernel mode and is very fast.
For TCP/IP Sockets, data transmissions are more streamlined and have less overhead. Data transmissions can also take advantage of TCP/IP Sockets performance enhancement mechanisms such as windowing, delayed acknowledgements, and so on. This can be very helpful in a slow network. Depending on the type of applications, such performance differences can be significant.
TCP/IP Sockets also support a backlog queue. This can provide a limited smoothing effect compared to named pipes that could lead to pipe-busy errors when you are trying to connect to SQL Server.
Generally, TCP/IP is preferred in a slow LAN, WAN, or dial-up network, whereas named pipes can be a better choice when network speed is not the issue, as it offers more functionality, ease of use, and configuration options.
Pipes are a way of streaming data between applications. Under Linux I use this all the time to stream the output of one process into another. This is anonymous because the destination app has no idea where that input-stream comes from. It doesn't need to.
A named pipe is just a way of actively hooking onto an existing pipe and hoovering-up its data. It's for situations where the provider doesn't know what clients will be eating the data.
Inter-process communication (mostly) for Windows Applications. Similar to using sockets to communicate between applications in Unix.
Named pipes in a unix/linux context can be used to make two different shells to communicate since a shell just can't share anything with another.
Furthermore, one script instantiated twice in the same shell can't share anything through the two instances. I found a use for named pipes when coding a daemon that contains the start() and stop() function, and I wanted to use the same script to perform the two actions.
Without named pipes (or any kind of semaphore) starting the script in the background is not a problem. The thing is when it finishes you just can't access the instance in background.
So when you want to send him the stop command you just can't: running the same script without named pipes and calling the stop() function won't do anything since you are actually running another instance.
The solution was to implement two pipes, one READ and the other WRITE when you start the daemon. Then make him, among its other tasks, listen to the READ pipe. Then the Stop() function contains a command that will write a message in the pipe, that will be handled by the background running script that will perform an exit 0. This way our second instance of the same script has only on task to do: tell the first instance to stop.
This way one and only one script can start and stop itself.
Of course you have different ways to do it by triggering the stop via a touch for example. But this one is nice and interesting to code.
Named pipes is a windows system for inter-process communication. In the case of SQL server, if the server is on the same machine as the client, then it is possible to use named pipes to tranfer the data, as opposed to TCP/IP.
