Manually entered date is not being validated - uib datepicker popup - angularjs

I am using 0.14.3 angular-bootstrap version. I have issues with min and max validation for uib-datepicker-popup. min-date and max-date are working as expected, dates are disabled on popup view. However if I enter manually dates inside input text validation is not there...I added even min and max attributes but nothing again. When check in form.$error and there is not validation error.
<input id="projEndDate" class="form-control date-picker"
placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" name="projEndDate" show-weeks="false"
required is-open="planningvm.projEndDate.opened"
min-date="" />
<span data-ng-class="{'not-allowed input-group-addon' : !reviewvm.userReviewAssoc || !reviewvm.editMode, 'input-group-addon' : reviewvm.userReviewAssoc}"
<div class="icon-calendar" id="icon-daterange-end" >
Is there some way that i can maybe check for date validation when user type manually in input and set that ng-model to min or max corresponding?

This appears to be a known issue when using the uib-datepicker-popup with input min and max validations: Datepicker input not validated for min and max when manually inserting date #4664 that they do not intend on fixing. I developed a workaround that performs the validations when the input value changes like so:
// watch date value
scope.$watch((scope) => {
//return object to watch.
}, (newValue: Date, oldValue: Date) => {
private onValueChange() {
if (angular.isDefined( && && !$ {$setValidity("min", moment(;$setValidity("max", moment(;
} else {$setValidity("min", true);$setValidity("max", true);


How to resolve min and max date input in React Js?

I've created a function that return a substraction or an addition from current Date, and set the result in the min or max of date input :
My function :
SubDate = (subDay) => {
let tgDate = new Date();
tgDate.setDate(tgDate.getDate() + subDay)
return tgDate.toLocaleDateString();
My input :
<input type="date" id="dateInput" min={this.SubDate(-7)} max={this.SubDate(7)} />
The function is working. In the navigator's inspector, I see the min and max of the input like so :
<input type="date" id="dateInput" min="13/09/2020" max="27/09/2020">
But when I try to select a date, It does'nt prevent me to choose the min date and the max date.
Can I resolve that ? Or using DateTimePicker instead of that.
Thank you.
I am not sure if you ended up resolving this or not but for reference ,
var today = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
<input type="date" onChange={this.handleChange} max={today} />

how to disable dates in kendo date time picker (Angular)

<input id="startDate" kendo-date-time-picker
How to add disabled dates to this date picker?
Not using jquery !!
Is there a attribute as k-disabled-dates?
Specify the k-options attribute:
<input id="startDate" kendo-date-time-picker
And then implement the options with the disabledDates( config specified however is appropriate for your situation, i.e.
$scope.startDateOptions = {
disableDates: function (date) {
var disabled = [13,14,20,21];
if (date && disabled.indexOf(date.getDate()) > -1 ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

How to make parsleyjs only trigger validation on blur (for a field that has already failed validation)

I'm trying to figure out how to make parsleyjs only trigger validation on blur for a field that has already failed validation.
<form id="myform">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" name="email"
<input type="submit" />
function (value, requirement) {
console.log('custom validation triggered');
sleepFor(3000); // simulate a delay (testing only)
if (value == '') {
console.log('custom validation failed');
return false;
console.log('custom validation passed');
return true;
}, 32)
.addMessage('en', 'custom', 'custom validation failed');
function sleepFor(sleepDuration) {
console.log('pretend this takes a while...');
var now = new Date().getTime();
while (new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration) { /* do nothing */
parsleyjs Version 2.2.0-rc1
The email field has validation rules to check:
a value is provided,
the value entered is a valid email address,
some custom rule (pretend this is an AJAX request)
I have the parsley-trigger attribute for this field set to blur.
Open the console
Enter "" in the email field above and press tab
Note the custom validation is triggered (good)
Enter "xyz" in the email field and press tab
Note the parsley type validation kicks in (good)
Enter "" in the email field View the console
Note the custom validation is triggered the moment the input becomes a
valid email (in this case when you press the letter c in .com) vs
blur :(
How can I make sure the validation is only triggered on the blur event for invalid fields?
Thanks in advance!
I'm afraid there is no such option currently. The idea is to remove the error message as soon as possible and everyone appears to like this.

Angularjs datepicker - how to set mutually dependent dates

I am working on a feature that requires me to inactivate an entity for a given period. So, I show two date pickers : 1) Starting date and 2) Ending date.
The two dates are interdependent in a manner where the starting date limits the min date for ending date and the ending date limits the max date for starting date.
<input type="text" ui-date="inactive.datePicker" ui-date-format="mm/dd/yy" ng-model="inactive.details.fromDate" id="fromDate" ng-change="error.dueDate=false" value="inactive.details.fromDate}}"/>
<img ng-click="showFromDatePicker($event)" class="ui-datepicker-trigger" src="../design/calendar3.gif" >
<input type="text" ui-date="inactive.datePicker" ui-date-ormat="mm/dd/yy" ng-model="inactive.details.toDate" id="toDate" ng-change="error.dueDate=false" value="{{inactive.details.toDate}}"/>
<img ng-click="showToDatePicker($event)" class="ui-datepicker-trigger" src="../design/calendar3.gif" >
$scope.showFromDatePicker = function($event) {
$scope.inactive.fromDatepicker = {
max : $scope.inactive.details.toDate;
$scope.showToDatePicker = function($event) {
$scope.inactive.toDatepicker = {
max : $scope.inactive.details.fromDate;
But right now this piece of snippet isn't exactly working properly. The min date is setting properly but let's kind of disabling the datepicker so I couldn't select a date. Also how do I reinitialize or refresh the datepicker in AngularJS like we could do in Jquery by
In angular-ui-bootstrap 0.14.3 I managed to achieve this just by binding min and max to the other model. I use a wrapper directive around datepicker but it shouldn't make any difference:
Begin datepicker: max-date="myobject.endDate"
End datepicker: min-date="myobject.beginDate" max-date="today"

Format Date in ng-Model in Angular Custom Directive for Date Picker

I am a novice in Angular and need help regarding the Custom Directive.
I have a date picker Directive where the user selects Date, Month and Year from a Drop Down which is then displayed in a textbox in the format : YYYY-MM-DD
$scope.$watch('model', function ( newDate ) {
$ = new Date(newDate).getUTCDate();
$scope.dateFields.month = new Date(newDate).getUTCMonth();
$scope.dateFields.year = new Date(newDate).getUTCFullYear();
The Drop Down is displayed using :
<select required name="dateFields.month" data-ng-model="dateFields.month" p ng-options="month.value as for month in months" value="{{dateField.month}}" ng-change="checkDate()" ng-disabled="disableFields"></select>
<select required ng-if="!yearText" name="dateFields.year" data-ng-model="dateFields.year" ng-options="year for year in years" ng-change="checkDate()" ng-disabled="disableFields"></select>
When all above Dropdowns are selected, the Input Textbox shows only the Year whic I want to show the complete date in the Format : YYYY-MM-DD
The Code for that is :
<input required ng-if="yearText" type="text" name="dateFields.year" data-ng-model="dateFields.year" placeholder="Year" class="form-control" ng-disabled="disableFields">
In the above code there is data-ng-model="dateFields.year". is there any method where I can customize this to show
The simplest solution is to use dedicated model for complete date. I can see that you are using ngChange directive. In this case you could set proper model value in this function:
$scope.checkDate = function() {
// checking date ...
// all is fine set full date model
$scope.dateFields.fullDate = $scope.dateFields.year + '-' + $scope.dateFields.month + '-' + $;
and use in in HTML:
<input data-ng-model="dateFields.fullDate" required ng-if="yearText" type="text" name="dateFields.year" placeholder="Year" class="form-control" ng-disabled="disableFields">
I think it should work in your case.
