How to update multiple element inside List with ImmutableJS? - reactjs

Hi I am using immutableJS and I would want to update multiple objects in my array if it has the same id from action.contacts
const initialState = fromJS({
list: [{
id: 1,
loading: false,
}, {
id: 2,
loading: false,
}, {
id: 3,
loading: false,
action.contacts = [{
id: 1
}, {
id: 2
I expected when I call state.get('list') it would equal to
list: [{
id: 1,
loading: true,
}, {
id: 2,
loading: true,
}, {
id: 3,
loading: false,
what I have done so far is this:
const indexesOfRow = state.get('list').findIndex((listItem) => {
return> listItem.get('id') ===
return> {
state.setIn(['list', index, 'loading'], true);
but it's not working out for me, didn't update anything
I created a similar solution in a fiddle

You are missing the point of immutable.js. The objects are not mutable.
const initialState = Immutable.fromJS({
list: [{
id: 1,
loading: false
}, {
id: 2,
loading: false
}, {
id: 3,
loading: false
const contacts = [{
id: 1
}, {
id: 3
let newState = initialState.set( 'list', initialState.get('list').map( (row,index) => {
let contact = contacts.find((item)=>{
return == row.get('id')
if (contact){
return row.set('loading', true)
return row;
see in the updated fiddle

const newState = initialState.update('list', (oldValue) => =>
action.contacts.find(act =>
act.get('id') === item.get('id')) !== undefined ?
item.update('loading',(oldVal)=> !oldVal) : item))
notice: you need to turn action.contacts into immutable list of immutable Maps.

return state.set('list', state.get('list').map((listItem) => {
const matched = _.find(action.contacts, (contact) => listItem.get('id') ===;
if (matched) {
return fromJS({ ...listItem.toJS(), loading: true });
return listItem;
So I manage to solve it by mapping the list and then finding if the listItem exists in action.contacts. If it matches I return the matched object with loading: true and if not I return the same object.
I am open to suggestions how can I refactor this solution though, I am quite new to immutable js and I feel there is much more simpler way to solve this but I don't know yet.


Redux-toolkit reducer partially changing state

Hi everyone I have some redux-toolkit issue that I believe comes from immer but cannot be sure.
Using createSlice I am creating reducer to manage open/close/move/add of UI tabs. all of the reducers are working properly except the closeTab reducer.
This is an example of the state at the moment of execution of closeTab reducer:
id: 1,
active: false,
tittle: 'Cute',
id: 2,
active: true,
tittle: 'Cute',
This is the entire createSlice
export const tabsSlice = createSlice({
name: "tabs",
reducers: {
moveTab: (tabs, action: PayloadAction<{ dragIndex: number, hoverIndex: number }>) => {
tabs.splice(action.payload.hoverIndex, 0, tabs.splice(action.payload.dragIndex, 1)[0]);
selectTab: (tabs, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
tabs.forEach(tab => = === action.payload);
closeTab: (tabs, action: PayloadAction<number>) => {
const isCurrentActive = tabs[action.payload].active;
tabs.splice(action.payload, 1);
if (isCurrentActive && tabs.length !== 0) {
const newActive = action.payload === 0 ? 0 : action.payload - 1;
tabs[newActive].active = true;
if (tabs.length === 0) {
active: true,
tittle: 'Cute2'
addTab: (tabs) => {
tabs.forEach(tab => = false)
active: true,
tittle: 'Cute2'
As mentioned moveTab, selectTab and addTab work perfectly but when closeTab is executed,
the array is spliced (the tab is removed), but the active property of the state is not changed. And I am sure that at the end of the reducer the state is as I want it.
State should be changed from:
id: 1,
active: false,
tittle: 'Cute',
id: 2,
active: true,
tittle: 'Cute',
id: 1,
active: true,
tittle: 'Cute',
But in the component I am receiving this:
id: 1,
active: false,
tittle: 'Cute',
The array length is changed, but not the active property
false issue selectTab overriding closeTab

setState nested object in a map function

My State Object is a array that holds objects.PS:(Feel free to change the structure) Here is the structure:
type: ListOfTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfTypes.length)],
name: ListOfNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfNames.length)],
id: nanoid(),
channels: [
id: nanoid(),
Name: ListOfChannels[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfChannels.length)],
Files: [ { folder: "Folder", documents: [ { doc: "WordDoc1.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc2.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc3.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc4.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }] }, ],
id: nanoid(),
Name: ListOfChannels[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfChannels.length)],
Files: [{ folder: "Folder", documents: [ { doc: "WordDoc1.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc2.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc3.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc4.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }] }, ],
id: nanoid(),
Name: ListOfChannels[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfChannels.length)],
Files: [{ folder: "Folder", documents: [ { doc: "WordDoc1.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc2.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc3.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }, { doc: "WordDoc4.doc", isChecked: false, id:nanoid() }] }, ],
I want to change all the isChecked in every channel object, currently I'm using this function but it doesn't work as intended.
const handleChange = () => {
const ConnectionsArray = (connection) => == connectionId ?
channels: (channel) => channel.Name == channelName ? {,
Files: => ({
documents: => ({ ...doc, isChecked: !doc.isChecked }) )
} : channel)
} : connection)
This should do it:
function toggleChecked (connections) {
return => ( === connectionId
? {
channels: => (channel.Name === channelName
? {,
Files: => ({
documents: => ({
isChecked: !doc.isChecked,
: channel)),
: connection));
Use like this:
setList(list => toggleChecked(list));
Here's another function to help with getting a random item from an array (I notice you're repeating a lot math expressions to do this in your code):
function getRandomElement (array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
Use like this:
// before
ListOfTypes[Math.floor(Math.random() * ListOfTypes.length)]
// after
Probably a good time to learn how to use the "immer" library. It's perfect for situations like these where you need to make changes too deeply nested objects. Without it, making changes to objects like the one you're dealing with gets really messy and hard to deal with.
Immer is really easy to pick up and learn in a day or two. If you used it, your code could be reduced to this:
import produce from 'immer';
const handleChange = ()=>{
const ConnectionsArray = produce(List, draft=>{
document.isChecked = !document.isChecked;
I didn't run this code so not 100% sure it works. Either way, something like this with immer will work and be a lot easier to deal with. Notice you don't have to deal with the spread syntax or any of that, and immer will actually be creating a new object so it avoids any of the headaches associated with mutable data.
Check this:
const handleChange = () => {
setList(prevState => {
let ConnectionsArray = [...prevState];
const itemIndex = ConnectionsArray.find(item => === connectionId);
const connection = {...ConnectionsArray[itemIndex]};
ConnectionsArray[itemIndex] = {
channels: (channel) => channel.Name == channelName ? {,
Files: => ({
documents: => ({ ...doc, isChecked: !doc.isChecked }) )
} : channel)
return ConnectionsArray;

Why does forEach loop only set the last value if finds to state. ReactJS

const CategoriesData = [
name: "Category1",
isActive: true,
children: [
name: "Category1Child",
isActive: false,
name: "Category2",
isActive: false,
name: "Category3",
isActive: true,
children: [
name: "Category3Child",
isActive: false,
const [disabledCategories, setDisabledCategories] = useState([]);
function notActiveCategories(categories) {
// Loop logs out at least 7 isActive: false categories.
categories.forEach((category) => {
if (category.isActive) notActiveCategories(category.children);
if (!category.isActive) {
setDisabledCategories([...disabledCategories, category]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log(disabledCategories); // Only 1 category is in the array.
}, []);
I feel like the function the loop is in calling itself is causing the disabledCategories state to revert to when it was empty and that is leading to only the last step of the foreach to be set.
So how would i get this to loop through the categories array and have the disabledCategories state to contain all of the category objects that have isActive: false.
Which in the example of CategoriesData above, it would mean that the disabledCategories state would contain:
name: "Category1Child",
isActive: false,
name: "Category2",
isActive: false,
name: "Category3Child",
isActive: false,
Try changing your setDisabledCategories to use the previous state param that comes from setState:
setDisabledCategories(prevState => [...prevState, category])
When multiple setState calls are batched together you need to be careful so they don't override each other. Using this method ensures that your setState calls are "chained" so you always get the updated state.
Way 1: Affect after recursive loop
function notActiveCategoriesRecusive(categories) {
let notActive = []
categories.forEach((category) => {
if (category.isActive) notActive = [...notActive, ...(notActiveCategories(category.children))];
if (!category.isActive) {
return notActive
function notActiveCategories(categories) {
Way 2: Get the last state because it doesn't has time to refresh
function notActiveCategories(categories) {
categories.forEach((category) => {
if (category.isActive) notActiveCategories(category.children);
if (!category.isActive) {
setDisabledCategories(oldState => ([...oldState, category]))
I'd only call setState once with the filtered array:
const findInactive = data =>
data.filter(e => !e.isActive)
.concat( => e.children)
.map(e => findInactive(e.children)))
const categoriesData = [ { name: "Category1", isActive: true, children: [ { name: "Category1Child", isActive: false, } ] }, { name: "Category2", isActive: false, }, { name: "Category3", isActive: true, children: [ { name: "Category3Child", isActive: false, } ] } ];
const inactive = findInactive(categoriesData)
// the following is neeeded if it's possible for a
// node to have children and be inactive
// .map(({name, isActive}) => ({name, isActive}))
//setDisabledCategories(inactive); // one time in React
This makes the code a lot easier to reason about and decouples React's API out from the filtering logic, which can be moved out to a generic function agnostic of React.
As others have mentioned, if you do want to call setState multiple times as a batch update, you can use the prevState callback to chain the updates: setDisabledCategories(prevState => [...prevState, category]);.

Update state using nested map es6

My state has an array of objects that also contains an array of objects.
var state = {
prop1: null,
categories: [
categoryId: 1,
tags: [
tagId: 1,
name: 'AA11',
status: true,
tagId: 2,
name: 'AA22',
status: false,
categoryId: 2,
tags: [
tagId: 1,
name: 'BB11',
status: true,
tagId: 2,
name: 'BB22',
status: false, // let's say i want to toggle this
I have an action that will toggle a status of a tag. This action will receive parameters categoryId and tagId.
So far I've come up with this but it doesn't work
return {
categories: => { => (
(tag.tagId === action.tagId && category.categoryId === action.categoryId) ? {
status: !tag.status,
} : tag));
return category;
I finally fixed the map code.
return {
categories: => (( === action.categoryId) ?
tags: => ( === action.tagId ? {
...tag, status: !tag.status,
} : tag)),
} : category)),

Update Immutable.Map

I would like to change the active for item 1 to true, while also setting others (some hundred) active to false.
import {Map, Record} from 'immutable';
const initialState = new Map({
0: new Record({
id: 0,
name: 'foo',
active: true,
1: new Record({
id: 1,
name: 'bar',
active: false,
2: new Record({
id: 2,
name: 'baz',
active: false,
const TARGET = 1;
const newState = initialState.merge( => {
if ( === TARGET) {
return value.set('active', true);
} else if ( {
return value.set('active', false);
return value;
Is it possible to do it easiest or better? Thanks!
