JOOQ or alternatives for code reduction in generated classes - database

For a bigger project, for example 100+ tables, size of the code (therefore classes and functions needed/not needed) is critical. Here comes my question: what is the best way to reduce code as much as possible when using JOOQ for class generation or are there any alternatives of generating them as efficient as possible?
I know one option is the include/exclude such as:
This reduces automatically the code by eliminating unneeded tables/routines/etc.
Are there any other possibilities or better solution to do so? Is that it? Better said, can I reduce the code even more?

From your comments, I take that you are really keen on avoiding pretty much every line of code that you deem unnecessary, perhaps even including generated Javadoc.
This has not been a popular use case for any jOOQ user so far, which is why there aren't many means of achieving what you want through out of the box functionality. As you've already discovered, you can reduce the number of objects (e.g. tables) being included, as well as the object types (e.g. tables, procedures, sequences, etc.), but you cannot really influence the layout of generated code yet in jOOQ 3.x.
This means you'll have to roll your own. Either:
Implement your own code generator, taking inspiration from the JavaGenerator
Write the "generated" classes manually, taking inspiration from the JavaGenerator's output


How should a training dataset be distributed?

Apologies if this is a beginner question. I’m building a text-to-speech model. I was wondering if my training dataset should be “realistically” distributed (i.e. same distribution as the data it will be used on), or should it be uniformly distributed to make sure it performs well on all kinds of sentences. Thanks.
I’d say that this depends on the dataset size. If you have a really, really small dataset, which is common in some domains and rare in others, then you’d want to ensure that all the “important kinds of data” (whatever that means for your task) would be represented there even if they’re relatively rare, but a realistic distribution is better if you have a large enough dataset that all the key scenarios would be adequately represented anyway.
Also, if mistakes on certain data items are more important than others (which is likely in some domains), then it may make sense to overrepresent them, as you’re not optimizing for the average case of the real distribution.
There’s also the case of the targeted annotation where you look at the errors your model is making and specifically annotate extra data to overrepresent those cases - because there are scenarios where some types of data happen to be both very common and trivial to solve, so adding extra training data for them takes effort but doesn’t change the results in any way.

Is it bad design to use arrays within a database?

So I'm making a database for a personal project just to get more than my feet wet with PostgreSQL and certain languages and applications that can use a PostgreSQL database.
I've come to the realization that using an array isn't necessarily even compliant (Arrays are not atomic, right?) with 1NF. So my question is: Is there a lack of efficiency or data safety this way? Should I learn early to not use arrays?
Short answer to the title: No
A bit longer answer:
You should learn to use arrays when appropriate. Arrays are not bad design themselves, they are as atomic as a character varying field (array of characters, no?) and they exists to make our lives easier and our databases faster and lighter. There are issues considering portability (most database systems don't support arrays, or do so in a different way than Postgres)
You have a blog with posts and tags, and each post may have 0 or more tags. The first thing that comes to mind is to make a different table with two columns postid and tagid and assign the tags in that table.
If we need to search through posts with tagid, then the extra table is necessary (with appropriate indexes of course).
But if we only want the tag information to be shown as the post's extra info, then we can easily add an integer array column in the table of posts and extract the information from there. This can still be done with the extra table, but using an array reduces the size of the database (no needed extra tables or extra rows) and simplifies the query by letting us execute our select queries with joining one less table and seems easier to understand by human eye (the last part is in the eye of the beholder, but I think I speak for a majority here). If our tags are preloaded, then not even one join is necessary.
The example may be poor but it's the first that came to mind.
Arrays are not necessary. They can be harmful if you use them wrong. You can live without them and have a great, fast and optimized database. When you are considering portability (e.g. rewriting your system to work with other databses) then you must not use arrays.
If you are sure you'll stick with Postgres, then you can safely use arrays where you find appropriate. They exist for a reason and are neither bad design nor non-compliant. When you use them in the right places, they can help a little with simplicity of database structures and your code, as well as space and speed optimization. That is all.
Whether an array is atomic depends on what you're interested in. If you generally want the whole array then it's atomic. If you are more interested in the individual elements then it is being used as structure. A text field is basically a list of characters. However, we're usually interested in the whole string.
Now - from a practical viewpoint, many frameworks and ORMs don't automatically unpack PostgreSQL's array types. Also, if you want to port the database to e.g. MySQL then you'll
Likewise foreign-key constraints can't be added to an array (EDIT: this is still true as of 2021).
Short answer: Yes, it is bad design. Using arrays will guarantee that your design is not 1NF, because to be 1NF there must be no repeating values. Proper design is unequivocal: make another table for the array's values and join when you need them all.
Arrays may be the right tool for the job in certain limited circumstances, but I would still try hard to avoid them. They're a feature of last resort.
The biggest problem with arrays is that they're a crutch. You know them already and you want to use them because they're familiar to you. But they do not work quite like you expect, and they will only allow you to postpone a true understanding of SQL and relational databases. You're much better off waiting until you're forced to use them than learning them and looking for opportunities to rely on them.
I believe arrays are a useful and appropriate design in cases where you're working with array-like data and want to use the power of SQL for efficient queries and analysis. I've begun using PostgreSQL arrays regularly for data science purposes, as well as in PostGIS for edge cases, as examples.
In addition to the well-explained challenges mentioned above, I'm finding the biggest problem in getting third-party client apps to be able to handle the array fields in ways I'd expect. In Tableau and QGIS, for example, arrays are treated as strings, so array operations are unavailable.
Arrays are a first class data type in the SQL standard, and generally allow for a simpler schema and more efficient queries. Arrays, in general, are a great data type. If your implementation is self-contained, and doesn't need to rely on third-party tools without an API or some other middleware that can deal with incompatibilities, then use the array field.
IF, however, you interface with third-party software that directly queries the DB, and arrays are used to produce queries, then I'd avoid them in favor of simpler lookup tables and other traditional relational approaches.

Convinience for postgresql C custom function Vs plpgsql

I state that my answer to the object question is Yes in my case is convinient but I ask here to the expert.
I developed a lot of plpgsql functions and just one in C but I already understood that the learning curve is definitely more sloped.
In may case I need a real developing language that plpgsql sometimes is not, but also I need performance otherwise I'd looked at python.
But here the question.
Mainly I need to retrieve data with some select and join, make elaboration on them, sametimes complex and return a table of data.
From the time of execution point of view is quicker a c function for this kind of use?
I apreciate any comment
But here the question. Mainly I need to retrieve data with some select and join, make elaboration on them, sametimes complex and return a table of data.
I would go with pl/pgsql for this, as that's what it is designed for. In general, pl/pgsql performs very well within its problem domain, and I doubt you are likely to get significantly better performance by going with C. To the extent you can push your elaborations into the main query, all the better performance-wise.
This is assuming that your elaborations can be done with existing functions and not a huge amount of complex data manipulation (in particular, say, converting between datatypes, like arrays and sets). If that is the case, I would still put the main query and light manipulation in the pl/pgsql, and put the specific operations that need to be tuned in C. There are two reasons for doing this:
It means less C code, which means the C code is easier to read, follow, and prove correct.
It separates concerns so that you can use similar manipulations elsewhere.
There's a lot of performance tuning that has gone into pl/pgsql for its problem domain and reinventing all of that would be a lot of work both in development and testing. To the extent you can leverage tools that are already there you can get the performance you need with a lot less effort and a lot more in the way of guarantees.
If you want to write PL/PGSQL code that performs well, you want to have it be a large main query with modest support logic. The more you can push into your query the better, and the more of your elaborations you can do in SQL (with possible C functions as mentioned above), the better. Not only does this mean better performance but it means better maintainability. As ArtemGr mentioned, certain operations are very expensive in PL/PGSQL. and in these cases you want to supplement with C code in order to get the performance you need.
I know C/C++ well and for me it's easier to write a PostgreSQL function in C++ than to learn the intricacies of pgSQL syntax and workaround its limitations. I'd say go with the language you (and the rest of your team) are more familiar with. C should be faster than pgSQL (and Tcl, Perl, Python) for complex data manipulation. Usually 5-10 times faster. Javascript ( might be nearly as fast as C if it has a chance to spin it's JIT. Python code can actually use a Cython extension under the hood which might be nearly as fast as C.
You should probably measure how much time is spent in the data manipulation in question and relative to the time spent in the I/O before making a decision. In some domains C isn't faster, for example Tcl and Javascript has very good regular expression engines.

Is there a way to translate database table rows into Prolog facts?

After doing some research, I was amazed with the power of Prolog to express queries in a very simple way, almost like telling the machine verbally what to do. This happened because I've become really bored with Propel and PHP at work.
So, I've been wondering if there is a way to translate database table rows (Postgres, for example) into Prolog facts. That way, I could stop using so many boring joins and using ORM, and instead write something like this to get what I want:
mantenedora_ies(ID_MANTENEDORA, ID_IES) :-
papel_pessoa(ID_PAPEL_IES, ID_IES, 6),
relacionamento_pessoa(_, ID_PAPEL_IES, ID_PAPEL_MANTENEDORA, 3).
To see why I've become bored, look at this post. The code there would be replaced for these simple lines ahead, much easier to read and understand. I'm just curious about that, since it will be impossible to replace things around here.
It would also be cool if something like that was possible to be done in PHP. Does anyone know something like that?
check the ODBC interface of swi-prolog (maybe there is something equivalent for other prolog implementations too),%270%27,swi%28%27/doc/packages/odbc.html%27%29%29
I can think of a few approaches to this -
On initialization, call a method that performs a selects all data from a table and asserts it into the db. Do this for each db. You will need to declare the shape of each row as :- dynamic ies_row/4 etc
You could modify load_files by overriding user:prolog_load_files. From this activity you could so something similar to #1. This has the benefit of looking like a load_files call. ... This documentation mentions library(http_load), but I cannot find this anywhere (I was interested in this recently)!
There is the Draxler Prolog to SQL compiler, that translates some pattern (like the conjunction you wrote) into the more verbose SQL joins. You can find in the related post (prolog to SQL converter) more info.
But beware that Prolog has its weakness too, especially regarding aggregates. Without a library, getting sums, counts and the like is not very easy. And such libraries aren't so common, and easy to use.
I think you could try to specialize the PHP DB interface for equijoins, using the builtin features that allows to shorten the query text (when this results in more readable code). Working in SWI-Prolog / ODBC, where (like in PHP) you need to compose SQL, I effettively found myself working that way, to handle something very similar to what you have shown in the other post.
Another approach I found useful: I wrote a parser for the subset of SQL used by MySQL backup interface (PHPMyAdmin, really). So routinely I dump locally my CMS' DB, load it memory, apply whathever duty task I need, computing and writing (or applying) the insert/update/delete statements, then upload these. This can be done due to the limited size of the DB, that fits in memory. I've developed and now I'm mantaining this small e-commerce with this naive approach.
Writing Prolog from PHP should be not too much difficult: I'd try to modify an existing interface, like the awesome Adminer, that already offers a choice among basic serialization formats.

Feature selection and unsupervised learning for multilingual data + machine learning algorithm selection

I want to classify/categorize/cluster/group together a set of several thousand websites. There's data that we can train on, so we can do supervised learning, but it's not data that we've gathered and we're not adamant about using it -- so we're also considering unsupervised learning.
What features can I use in a machine learning algorithm to deal with multilingual data? Note that some of these languages might not have been dealt with in the Natural Language Processing field.
If I were to use an unsupervised learning algorithm, should I just partition the data by language and deal with each language differently? Different languages might have different relevant categories (or not, depending on your psycholinguistic theoretical tendencies), which might affect the decision to partition.
I was thinking of using decision trees, or maybe Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to allow for more features (from my understanding of them). This post suggests random forests instead of SVMs. Any thoughts?
Pragmatical approaches are welcome! (Theoretical ones, too, but those might be saved for later fun.)
Some context
We are trying to classify a corpus of many thousands of websites in 3 to 5 languages (maybe up to 10, but we're not sure).
We have training data in the form of hundreds of websites already classified. However, we may choose to use that data set or not -- if other categories make more sense, we're open to not using the training data that we have, since it is not something we gathered in the first place. We are on the final stages of scraping data/text from websites.
Now we must decide on the issues above. I have done some work with the Brown Corpus and the Brill tagger, but this will not work because of the multiple-languages issue.
We intend to use the Orange machine learning package.
According to the context you have provided, this is a supervised learning problem.
Therefore, you are doing classification, not clustering. If I misunderstood, please update your question to say so.
I would start with the simplest features, namely tokenize the unicode text of the pages, and use a dictionary to translate every new token to a number, and simply consider the existence of a token as a feature.
Next, I would use the simplest algorithm I can - I tend to go with Naive Bayes, but if you have an easy way to run SVM this is also nice.
Compare your results with some baseline - say assigning the most frequent class to all the pages.
Is the simplest approach good enough? If not, start iterating over algorithms and features.
If you go the supervised route, then the fact that the web pages are in multiple languages shouldn't make a difference. If you go with, say lexical features (bag-o'-words style) then each language will end up yielding disjoint sets of features, but that's okay. All of the standard algorithms will likely give comparable results, so just pick one and go with it. I agree with Yuval that Naive Bayes is a good place to start, and only if that doesn't meet your needs that try something like SVMs or random forests.
If you go the unsupervised route, though, the fact that the texts aren't all in the same language might be a big problem. Any reasonable clustering algorithm will first group the texts by language, and then within each language cluster by something like topic (if you're using content words as features). Whether that's a bug or a feature will depend entirely on why you want to classify these texts. If the point is to group documents by topic, irrespective of language, then it's no good. But if you're okay with having different categories for each language, then yeah, you've just got as many separate classification problems as you have languages.
If you do want a unified set of classes, then you'll need some way to link similar documents across languages. Are there any documents in more that one language? If so, you could use them as a kind of statistical Rosetta Stone, to link words in different languages. Then, using something like Latent Semantic Analysis, you could extend that to second-order relations: words in different languages that don't ever occur in the same document, but which tend to co-occur with words which do. Or maybe you could use something like anchor text or properties of the URLs to assign a rough classification to documents in a language-independent manner and use that as a way to get started.
But, honestly, it seems strange to go into a classification problem without a clear idea of what the classes are (or at least what would count as a good classification). Coming up with the classes is the hard part, and it's the part that'll determine whether the project is a success or failure. The actual algorithmic part is fairly rote.
Main answer is: try different approaches. Without actual testing it's very hard to predict what method will give best results. So, I'll just suggest some methods that I would try first and describe their pros and cons.
First of all, I would recommend supervised learning. Even if the data classification is not very accurate, it may still give better results than unsupervised clustering. One of the reasons for it is a number of random factors that are used during clustering. For example, k-means algorithm relies on randomly selected points when starting the process, which can lead to a very different results for different program runnings (though x-means modifications seems to normalize this behavior). Clustering will give good results only if underlying elements produce well separated areas in the feature space.
One of approaches to treating multilingual data is to use multilingual resources as support points. For example, you can index some Wikipedia's articles and create "bridges" between same topics in different languages. Alternatively, you can create multilingual association dictionary like this paper describes.
As for methods, the first thing that comes to mind is instance-based semantic methods like LSI. It uses vector space model to calculate distance between words and/or documents. In contrast to other methods it can efficiently treat synonymy and polysemy. Disadvantage of this method is a computational inefficiency and leak of implementations. One of the phases of LSI makes use of a very big cooccurrence matrix, which for large corpus of documents will require distributed computing and other special treatment. There's modification of LSA called Random Indexing which do not construct full coocurrence matrix, but you'll hardly find appropriate implementation for it. Some time ago I created library in Clojure for this method, but it is pre-alpha now, so I can't recommend using it. Nevertheless, if you decide to give it a try, you can find project 'Clinch' of a user 'faithlessfriend' on github (I'll not post direct link to avoid unnecessary advertisement).
Beyond special semantic methods the rule "simplicity first" must be used. From this point, Naive Bayes is a right point to start from. The only note here is that multinomial version of Naive Bayes is preferable: my experience tells that count of words really does matter.
SVM is a technique for classifying linearly separable data, and text data is almost always not linearly separable (at least several common words appear in any pair of documents). It doesn't mean, that SVM cannot be used for text classification - you still should try it, but results may be much lower than for other machine learning tasks.
I haven't enough experience with decision trees, but using it for efficient text classification seems strange to me. I have seen some examples where they gave excellent results, but when I tried to use C4.5 algorithm for this task, the results were terrible. I believe you should get some software where decision trees are implemented and test them by yourself. It is always better to know then to suggest.
There's much more to say on every topic, so feel free to ask more questions on specific topic.
