Chrome is behaving strange bootstrap modal - angularjs

We are experiencing an strange issue. On Chrome browser when we show Modal pop up, we are getting a black background flicking and this is not happening on other browsers. We have also using Chrome Dev Tools but we found nothing that causing this.

In Chrome Settings turn off
Use Hardware acceleration when enable
and relaunch Chrome


MUI transitions work on chrome desktop , safari mobile, but absolutely ignored on chrome iOS?

Any idea how to solve the issue of chrome IOS absolutely don't work with MUI transitions like zoom grow slide, did anyone have this issue? the docs don't say anything about it

How to keep firefox web extension popup from closing when clicking on inspector window

I'm having a hard time debugging my Firefox extension (popup). Whenever I click on the debug pane, the popup closes and all the information in the debug pane is gone. This happens when trying to inspect the network requests, copy something from the console, or look at the element styles in the inspector.
I'm sure other Firefox extension devs have encountered this problem. How did you solve it?
You can disable popups closing when something outside of it is focused from the add-on debugger toolbox:

Angular Bootstrap Modal in Microsoft Edge - Background bleeding through

This happens on hovering over the inputs and dropdowns. It only happens in Edge, not in Chrome or IE11. Any idea what could be causing it? Apologies for the phone pic, it doesn't appear on print screen for some reason

Selenium Chrome Driver : unable to click on Mouse hovered menu link in Chrome version 31

After mouse hovering to any Tab in Chrome Driver, menu options appears and suddenly menu is getting closed and hence unable to click on menu options.
I added delay after mouse hovering to the Tab, but still issue exists. Pls suggest
This scenario was working perfectly till Chrome veriosn 29, after upgrading to Chrome to 31 facing this issue.
am using Selenium with version 2.39, Chrome 31 and chrome driver executable 2.8.
Try to keep the physical mouse outside the bounds of the chrome window when running the test. Initialize chrome as a window of course, not maximized. That's the default anyway I guess.

IE7 minimizes on clicking links

I am developing this website for a client. It was working fine till a couple of days ago on all major browsers.
Since yesterday I have been facing this unusual problem:
In IE7, whenever I click on any link on the page (navigation link or anything else), the IE7 window minimizes. When I restore the window, the proper link(the new page) is open and showing. Also, this occurs only if I have one IE7 tab open, i.e: if suppose I have two tabs on the window then it works perfectly.
Also, this works fine on IE6 and Firefox. Firebug shows no errors of any kind when I am loading the same page in Firefox.
Can anyone think of a reason that this could be happening?
If you restore IE7 to the default settings, does the problem remain?
If you disable Javascript, does the problem remain?
