Using library functions in home-made OS - c

I am interested in programming my own OS from scratch(in C).
However, every tutorial I encounter has made a message print on the screen by writing directly to the VDU. Why can't I use standard library functions while writing my OS? I don't have much problem in writing directly to the VDU. However, it sometimes makes my mind utterly confused(especially in large programs).
Are the library functions not converted into the same low-level code as the functions created by us?

This is a kind of chicken-and-egg problem: Standard library functions use OS functions to print to the screen (deep down there, someone actually needs to write directly to the hardware).
Without an OS (because you just start writing one) this will not work. The standard library you want to use will need to be written specifically for and together with your OS.


Does NtDll really export C runtime functions, and can I use these in my application?

I was looking at the NtDll export table on my Windows 10 computer, and I found that it exports standard C runtime functions, like memcpy, sprintf, strlen, etc.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress? Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
If so, it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
There is absolutely no reason to call these undocumented functions exported by NtDll. Windows exports all of the essential C runtime functions as documented wrappers from the standard system libraries, namely Kernel32. If you absolutely cannot link to the C Runtime Library*, then you should be calling these functions. For memory, you have the basic HeapAlloc and HeapFree (or perhaps VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree), ZeroMemory, FillMemory, MoveMemory, CopyMemory, etc. For string manipulation, the important CRT functions are all there, prefixed with an l: lstrlen, lstrcat, lstrcpy, lstrcmp, etc. The odd man out is wsprintf (and its brother wvsprintf), which not only has a different prefix but also doesn't support floating-point values (Windows itself had no floating-point code in the early days when these functions were first exported and documented.) There are a variety of other helper functions, too, that replicate functionality in the CRT, like IsCharLower, CharLower, CharLowerBuff, etc.
Here is an old knowledge base article that documents some of the Win32 Equivalents for C Run-Time Functions. There are likely other relevant Win32 functions that you would probably need if you were re-implementing the functionality of the CRT, but these are the direct, drop-in replacements.
Some of these are absolutely required by the infrastructure of the operating system, and would be called internally by any CRT implementation. This category includes things like HeapAlloc and HeapFree, which are the responsibility of the operating system. A runtime library only wraps those, providing a nice standard-C interface and some other niceties on top of the nitty-gritty OS-level details. Others, like the string manipulation functions, are just exported wrappers around an internal Windows version of the CRT (except that it's a really old version of the CRT, fixed back at some time in history, save for possibly major security holes that have gotten patched over the years). Still others are almost completely superfluous, or seem so, like ZeroMemory and MoveMemory, but are actually exported so that they can be used from environments where there is no C Runtime Library, like classic Visual Basic (VB 6).
It is also interesting to point out that many of the "simple" C Runtime Library functions are implemented by Microsoft's (and other vendors') compiler as intrinsic functions, with special handling. This means that they can be highly optimized. Basically, the relevant object code is emitted inline, directly in your application's binary, avoiding the need for a potentially expensive function call. Allowing the compiler to generate inlined code for something like strlen, that gets called all the time, will almost undoubtedly lead to better performance than having to pay the cost of a function call to one of the exported Windows APIs. There is no way for the compiler to "inline" lstrlen; it gets called just like any other function. This gets you back to the classic tradeoff between speed and size. Sometimes a smaller binary is faster, but sometimes it's not. Not having to link the CRT will produce a smaller binary, since it uses function calls rather than inline implementations, but probably won't produce faster code in the general case.
* However, you really should be linking to the C Runtime Library bundled with your compiler, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is security updates that can be distributed to all versions of the operating system via updated versions of the runtime libraries. You have to have a really good reason not to use the CRT, such as if you are trying to build the world's smallest executable. And not having these functions available will only be the first of your hurdles. The CRT handles a lot of stuff for you that you don't normally even have to think about, like getting the process up and running, setting up a standard C or C++ environment, parsing the command line arguments, running static initializers, implementing constructors and destructors (if you're writing C++), supporting structured exception handling (SEH, which is used for C++ exceptions, too) and so on. I have gotten a simple C app to compile without a dependency on the CRT, but it took quite a bit of fiddling, and I certainly wouldn't recommend it for anything remotely serious. Matthew Wilson wrote an article a long time ago about Avoiding the Visual C++ Runtime Library. It is largely out of date, because it focuses on the Visual C++ 6 development environment, but a lot of the big picture stuff is still relevant. Matt Pietrek wrote an article about this in the Microsoft Journal a long while ago, too. The title was "Under the Hood: Reduce EXE and DLL Size with LIBCTINY.LIB". A copy can still be found on MSDN and, in case that becomes inaccessible during one of Microsoft's reorganizations, on the Wayback Machine. (Hat tip to IInspectable and Gertjan Brouwer for digging up the links!)
If your concern is just the need to distribute the C Runtime Library DLL(s) alongside your application, you can consider statically linking to the CRT. This embeds the code into your executable, and eliminates the requirement for the separate DLLs. Again, this bloats your executable, but does make it simpler to deploy without the need for an installer or even a ZIP file. The big caveat of this, naturally, is that you cannot benefit to incremental security updates to the CRT DLLs; you have to recompile and redistribute the application to get those fixes. For toy apps with no other dependencies, I often choose to statically link; otherwise, dynamically linking is still the recommended scenario.
There are some C runtime functions in NtDll. According to Windows Internals these are limited to string manipulation functions. There are other equivalents such as using HeapAlloc instead of malloc, so you may get away with it depending on your requirements.
Although these functions are acknowledged by Microsoft publications and have been used for many years by the kernel programmers, they are not part of the official Windows API and you should not use of them for anything other than toy or demo programs as their presence and function may change.
You may want to read a discussion of the option for doing this for the Rust language here.
Does that mean that I can call them dynamically at runtime through
LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress?
yes. even more - why not use ntdll.lib (or ntdllp.lib) for static binding to ntdll ? and after this you can direct call this functions without any GetProcAddress
Is this guaranteed to be the case for every Windows version?
from nt4 to win10 exist many C runtime functions in ntdll, but it set is different. usual it grow from version to version. but some of then less functional compare msvcrt.dll . say for example printf from ntdll not support floating point format, but in general functional is same
it is possible to drop the C runtime library altogether (by just using
the CRT functions from NtDll), therefore making my program smaller?
yes, this is 100% possible.

Multithreading implementation itself in C

I am a beginner C/C++ programmer first of all, but I am curious about it.
My question is more theoretical.
I heard that C does not have explicit multithreading (MT) support, however there are libraries which implement this. I found "process.h" header which has to be included for building MT programs, but the thing I don't understand is how the MT itself works.
I know there are threads in CPU (assume it's single core for simplicity) running and there is only one thread per moment. The CPU is switching between threads really fast so that user sees it as a simultaneous work (correct me if not).
But - what really happens when I write the following
beginthread( Thread, 0, NULL ) //or whatever function/class method we use
keeping in mind that C does not have MT support. I mean, how does code tell the PC to run two functions multithreaded while it is not possible by the language explicit methods? I guess there is some "cheat" inside library related to "process.h", but what is that cheat, I can't just find on the web.
To be more specific - I am not asking about how to use MT, but how is it build?
Sorry if was answered earlier, or question is too complicated :)
Imagine we have C language. It has functions, variables, pointers etc. I dont know any "special" function type that can run concurrently with other. Unless there are calls to some other functions from it. But then the caller function stops and waits?
Is it so that when I run MT applications, there is a special "global" function that calls my f1() and f2() repeatedly which looks like they were simultaneously working?
First of all, C11 does actually add multithreading support to the standard, so the premise that C does not support multithreading is no longer entirely correct.
However, I'm assuming your question is more to do with how can multithreading be implemented by a C library when standard C does(/did) not provide the necessary tools. The answer lies in the word “standard” – compilers and platforms can provide additional functionality beyond that required by the standard. Using such extra features makes the program/library less portable (i.e., more is required than is specified in the C standard), but the language and function call semantics can still be C.
Perhaps it is helpful to consider a standard library function such as fopen – somewhere inside that function code must eventually be called which could not be written in standard C, i.e., the implementation of the standard library itself must also rely on platform-specific code to access operating system functionality such as the file system. Every implementation of the standard library must thus implement the non-portable parts in a way specific to that platform (this is kind of the point of having a standard library instead of all code being platform-specific). But likewise a multithreading library can be implemented with non-standard features provided by that platform, but using such a library makes the code portable only to the platforms for which the same (or compatible) multithreading library is available.
As for how multithreading itself works, it is certainly outside the scope of what can be answered here, but as a simplified conceptual model on a single processor core, you can imagine the operating system managing “concurrent” processes by running one process for a short time, interrupting it, saving its state (current instruction, registers, etc), loading the saved state of another process, and repeating this. This gives the illusion of concurrent execution though in actual fact it is switching rapidly between different processes. On multi-core systems the execution on different cores can actually be concurrent, but there are typically more processes than there are cores, so this kind of switching will still happen on individual cores. Things are further complicated by processes waiting for something (I/O, another process, a timer, etc). Perhaps it suffice to say that the scheduler is a piece of software managing all of this inside the operating system and the multithreading library communicates with it.
(Note that there are many different ways to implement multithreading and multitasking, and statements in the above paragraph do not apply to all of them.)
It's platform specific. On Windows it eventually goes down to NtCreateThread which uses the assembly instruction syscall to call the operating system. So you can qualify it as a cheat.
On Linux it's the same, just the function with the syscall is called clone instead.

system calls using c library

Generally, systems provide a library or API that sits between normal programs and the operating system. On Unix-like systems, that API is usually part of an implementation of the C library (libc), such as glibc, that provides wrapper functions for the system calls.Functions like write(),read(),open().. are used to make system calls from a C program.Does it mean that if a java program has to make a system call then at the lowest level it has to call these C library functions ?If so, then how..???
If you really need to you can do that with the Java Native Interface (JNI).
Beware it is not for the feint of heart; the JVM usually can do what you want.
One use-case of JNI is using OpenSSL for crypto in Java; this used to be substantially faster when I tested it (it was nearly 10 years ago).
I assume you don't want to know how to do it in Java since the question is not tagged as a java question.
So the libc is the right way to do it but, for information purposes, in linux, you can use the syscall function. The syscall function can use an Int 0x80 signal, a sysenter instruction or something else depending on the platform.
Introduction to System Calls in Linux
In Java, this is done using native Methods. These are methods declared with the native modifier and (similarly to abstract methods) no body, whose real implementation is written in a platform-dependent language, usually C.
Additional native method implementations may be runtime loaded using System.loadLibrary(String libraryName).

is it possible to write c code and library, for multiplatform: embedded or all operating systems?

Is it possible to run a written code or written library that only uses initial c libraries, on every platform?
For example:
ARM Microprocessors,
PIC microprocessors,
They have their compilers seperately and this difference is not important for me, I can compile in different compilers for need. But do I have to change code totally or partially to run on this platforms?
Note: For libraries, I will just use default c libraries.
It depends. If your library use only standard C and the multiplatform you are about to port has a compiler compatiable to standard C, you can always write the library code. But if your library have to call native API of each platform, you have to encapsulate these code seperately.
In embedded systems you will need to implement certain functions that the operating system gives you (like _sbrk, _read, etc.) for standard library functions like malloc and printf.
If you take care of that I don't see a reason for your code not to work so long as you take GREAT CARE in how you write it. By GREAT CARE, I mean be very careful with floating points, processor word size and any other things that are not common between your desired targets.
Short answer: possible, but not easy.

Coding in C in Linux vs Windows. Any adequate debugging oriented C-centric IDE?

I've run into an issue with writing some code in c. My basic problem is that I am pressed for time and the code I am dealing with has lots of bugs which I have to "erradicate" before tomorrow evening.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork(). I tried Mono, Eclipse, and finally NetBeans, and have concluded that those are very good but not for coding in C. More over the learning curve to utilize the command line debugger properly is quite steep. (Like I mentioned earlier... I am pressed on time.)
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
The bigger part of the problem is that there is no adequate IDE that can do real time debugging, especially when using threads or spawning processes with fork().
The Eclipse CDT would probably have the best overall support for C/C++ development and integrated debugging.
Note that multithreaded and multiprocess debugging can be difficult at the best of times. Investing in a good logging framework would be advisable at this point, and probably more useful than relying on a debugger. There are many to choose from - have a look at Log4C++ and so on. Even printf in a pinch can be invaluable.
So, since I am a C# developer by profession I was wondering whether I can pull this off in VS2003/VS2005/VS2008/VS2010. If I abstain from using system calls, can I do this?
If you take care to only use portable calls and not Win32-specific APIs, you should be ok. Also, there are many libraries (for C++ libraries such as Boost++ that provide a rich set of functionality which work the same on Windows, Linux and others.
Of particular interest are FILE* descriptor and fread(), fclose(), fseek() methods. I know they are part of the standard C library, however are they tied to the platform itself? Are the headers the same in Linux vs Windows? What about fork() or shared memory?
Yes, the file I/O functions you mention are in <stdio.h> and part of the portable standard C library. They work essentially the same on both Windows and Linux, and are not tied to a particular platform.
However, fork() and the shared memory functions shmget() are POSIX functions, available on *nix platforms but not natively on Windows. The Cygwin project provides implementations of these functions in a library for ease of porting.
If you are using C++, Boost++ will give you portable versions of all these system-level calls.
Maybe if I use VS2010 to build parts of the component at a time (by mocking inputs and stuff), debug those, and then migrate the working code in the overall Linux project would prove most useful?
You could certainly do that. Just be mindful that Visual Studio has a tendency to lead you down the Win32 path, and you must be vigilant to not start using non-portable functions. Fortunately the library reference on MSDN gives you the compatibility information. In general, using standard C or POSIX calls will be portable. In my experience, it is actually easier to write on *nix and port to Windows, but YMMV.
Looks like I am the first to recommend Emacs here. Here is how Emacs works. When you install it, it is simply a text editor with a lot of extensions(debugger and C font-locking are included by default). As you start using it and install the extensions you miss, it becomes more than just an editor. It grows to become an IDE very soon and easily, then on to something that can eschew the OS under one frame.
Emacs might take long to learn, in the mean time, you could use Visual Slick Edit if you are not pressed on the cost part. I have used it on both platforms and seen it work good with version control, tags, etc.
Perhaps Code::Blocks? I love it and while it says it's for C++ it is, of course, very good for plain C as well.
