Why checkbox is not working on header group?but it is working on detail. Is there a code to manipulate the checkbox properties inside the header group of datawindow?
I put a column named "mycheckbox" in the header band and changed the edit type to checkbox. I added this code in the clicked event of the datawindow control to toggle the checkbox.
if dwo.name = "mycheckbox" then
long ll_row
any la_off, la_on, la_value
ll_row = long( Object.DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage )
if ll_row > 0 then
la_value = Object.mycheckbox[ll_row]
la_on = Object.mycheckbox.CheckBox.On
la_off = Object.mycheckbox.CheckBox.Off
if la_value = la_on then
la_value = la_off
la_value = la_on
end if
Object.mycheckbox[ll_row] = la_value
end if
end if
This only changes the value for the first row in the datawindow. If there are many rows and you scroll down, the checkbox may change.
This code toggles the values for all of the rows.
if dwo.name = "mycheckbox" then
any la_off, la_on, la_value
long ll_row, ll_rows
ll_row = long( Object.DataWindow.FirstRowOnPage )
if ll_row > 0 then
la_value = Object.mycheckbox[ll_row]
la_on = Object.mycheckbox.CheckBox.On
la_off = Object.mycheckbox.CheckBox.Off
if la_value = la_on then
la_value = la_off
la_value = la_on
end if
ll_rows = Rowcount( )
for ll_row = 1 to ll_rows
Object.mycheckbox[ll_row] = la_value
end if
end if
Hello can someone please tell me what could be the problem in my calendar. So let me explain whats happening. So first im trying to make a scheduler application and im using a WPF scheduler in VB, so to begin with, the tab of a calendar needs to display 3 items (Subject, Professor Name, Courses) so what i need to do is to choose a room first and then drag a subject name from the listbox (like this Sample1) and then next i need to drag a professors name (Sample2) and then heres where the problems starts
So it already displays two items (Subject and Professor) now i need to drag an item from Course listbox, but the problem is whenever I put a course to the tab of a calendar, it becomes like this instead
So the goal here is to show 3 dragged items but instead, it only shows 2 and the course is overwriting the name of the subject. Please help me, thank you! If you want to see the whole codes, heres the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fWKisPr9qDh54B4EMdwWJbY3KFgi_xfc/view?usp=sharing
Heres the code of where you can drag the items
'Dragging Data to Calendar
Sub Add_list_item(ByVal list As String)
Dim count = 0
For Each item As CalendarItem In Calendar1.GetSelectedItems()
count += 1
If count > 1 Then
Dim get_item_end_time As DateTime = item.EndDate.AddHours(2)
get_item_end_time = get_item_end_time.AddMinutes(30)
Dim item_start_time = item.StartDate
Dim item_end_time = get_item_end_time
Dim item_tooltip = item.StartDate.ToString()
Dim start_time = item.StartDate.ToString("HH:mm tt")
Dim end_time = item.EndDate.ToString("HH:mm tt")
Dim dat_start As Date = item_tooltip
Dim ci As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")
Dim dtfi As DateTimeFormatInfo = ci.DateTimeFormat
dtfi.AbbreviatedDayNames = {"Sun", "1", "2", "3", "4",
"5", "6"}
Dim output_start As String = String.Format(ci, "{0:ddd}", dat_start.AddDays(0))
Dim item_text = CStr(item.Text)
Dim parts As String() = item_text.Split(New String() {Environment.NewLine},
Dim get_item_total_hours = (item.EndDate - item.StartDate).TotalHours
Dim get_start_time As DateTime
Dim get_end_time As DateTime
If get_item_total_hours = 1 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddMinutes(30)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 1.5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-1)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(1)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 2 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-1).AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(1).AddMinutes(30)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 2.5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-2)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(2)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 3 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-2).AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(2).AddMinutes(30)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 3.5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-3)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(3)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 4 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-3).AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(3).AddMinutes(30)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 4.5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-4)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(4)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-4).AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(4).AddMinutes(30)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 5.5 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-5)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(5)
ElseIf get_item_total_hours = 6 Then
get_start_time = item.StartDate.AddHours(-5).AddMinutes(-30)
get_end_time = item.EndDate.AddHours(5).AddMinutes(30)
End If
If (ListBox1_Instructor.Items.Contains(list) = True) Then
Call Check_if_instructor(list)
End If
If parts.Count >= 3 Then
If (instructor_name = True) Then
Call Get_instructor_code(instructor_gender + list)
Call Get_course_name(corSec_id)
Call checkInstructorSchedule(start_time, end_time, output_start, instructor_id)
If (instructor_name = True) Then
If instructor_gender = "Male" Then
instructor_gender = "Mr. "
instructor_gender = "Ms. "
End If
If item.Text <> "" Then
item.Text = parts(0) + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + instructor_gender + list
End If
instructor_name = False
End If
item.Text = list + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + parts(2) + vbNewLine + vbNewLine
End If
ElseIf parts.Count = 1 Then
If (instructor_name = True) Then
Call Get_instructor_code(instructor_gender + list)
Call Get_course_name(corSec_id)
Call checkInstructorSchedule(start_time, end_time, output_start, instructor_id)
If (instructor_name = True) Then
If instructor_gender = "Male" Then
instructor_gender = "Mr. "
instructor_gender = "Ms. "
End If
If item.Text <> "" Then
item.Text = parts(0) + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + instructor_gender + list
End If
instructor_name = False
End If
item.Text = list + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + parts(parts.Count - 1) + vbNewLine + vbNewLine
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
I'm trying to create a macro to cycle between three players on a game that I am making on PowerPoint. However, when I run the code, it changes once and and gets stuck. It won't cycle through the array. In the code I plan to change the color of the shape containing the player's name as well as show transparent gray buttons over the other players' boxes so that they can't adjust their scores. Here is my code. Thanks in advance.
Sub SwitchPlayers()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim RGB As String
Dim i As Long
Dim myTurn() As Integer
ReDim myTurn(2) '0, 1, 2... 3 compartments
Set oSl = ActivePresentation.Slides(5)
For i = 0 To 2
myTurn(i) = i + 1
If myTurn(i) = 0 Then
oSl.Shapes("T1NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2NB", "T3NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2+1G", "T2-1G", "T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G")).Visible = False
ElseIf myTurn(i) = 1 Then
oSl.Shapes("T2NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1NB", "T3NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G", "T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2+1G", "T2-1G")).Visible = False
ElseIf myTurn(i) = 2 Then
oSl.Shapes("T3NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1NB", "T2NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G", "T2+1G", "T2-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = False
End If
Next i
End Sub
Thanks again to #SteveRindsberg. I figured it out and added Select Case to my toolbox. This is the code that I came up with. Works great.
Sub SwitchPlayers2()
Dim oSl As Slide
Dim RGB As String
Set oSl = ActivePresentation.Slides(5)
Select Case iLastRan
Case Is = 0
oSl.Shapes("T1NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2NB", "T3NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2+1G", "T2-1G", "T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G")).Visible = False
iLastRan = iLastRan + 1
Case Is = 1
oSl.Shapes("T2NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1NB", "T3NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G", "T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T2+1G", "T2-1G")).Visible = False
iLastRan = iLastRan + 1
Case Is = 2
oSl.Shapes("T3NB").Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1NB", "T2NB")).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbWhite
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T1+1G", "T1-1G", "T2+1G", "T2-1G")).Visible = True
oSl.Shapes.Range(Array("T3+1G", "T3-1G")).Visible = False
iLastRan = iLastRan + 1
If iLastRan > 2 Then
iLastRan = 0
End If
End Select
End Sub
I have a listView which I add a number of buttons to in a for loop. However the listView isn't scrollable even if I set it to be scrollable. I'm not sure why this is happening. I'm simply adding a button every time I enter the for loop however once there is too many buttons to view on the listview no scroll bar appears. My code is as follows.
ListViewTemplates.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.None
For i As Integer = 1 To level3Cat.Count
counter = i Mod 2
If counter = 0 Then
Dim picture As Button = New Button()
picture.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(165, topForNextControl)
picture.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(90, layoutTemplateHeight)
picture.TabStop = False
picture.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout.Stretch
picture.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.XButton
topForNextControl += layoutTemplateHeight + HeighScaleFactor
Dim picture As Button = New Button()
picture.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(35, topForNextControl)
picture.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(90, layoutTemplateHeight)
picture.TabStop = False
picture.BackgroundImageLayout = BackgroundImageLayout.Stretch
picture.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.XButton
End If
ListViewTemplates.Scrollable = True
ListViewTemplates.View = View.Details
counter += 1
Making an autograde of sorts for an excel bracket with the guesses of each bracket in the ranges marked. Still clearly work in progress, finally have it running through, but the loop isn't working, it's returning pointSum of 0. Trying to sum += 10 when points is true.
Sub foo()
Dim Player(1 To 35) As String
Player(1) = Range("M2")
Player(2) = Range("M4")
Player(3) = Range("M10")
Player(4) = Range("M12")
Player(5) = Range("M22")
Player(6) = Range("M24")
Player(7) = Range("M32")
Player(8) = Range("M34")
Player(9) = Range("L1")
Player(10) = Range("L3")
Player(11) = Range("L5")
Player(12) = Range("L7")
Player(13) = Range("L9")
Player(14) = Range("L11")
Player(15) = Range("L13")
Player(16) = Range("L15")
Player(17) = Range("L20")
Player(18) = Range("L22")
Player(19) = Range("L24")
Player(20) = Range("L26")
Player(21) = Range("L28")
Player(22) = Range("L30")
Player(23) = Range("L32")
Player(24) = Range("L34")
Player(25) = Range("K2")
Player(26) = Range("K6")
Player(27) = Range("K10")
Player(28) = Range("K14")
Player(29) = Range("K21")
Player(30) = Range("K25")
Player(31) = Range("K29")
Player(32) = Range("J4")
Player(33) = Range("J12")
Player(34) = Range("J23")
Player(35) = Range("J31")
Dim Winner(1 To 18) As String
Winner(1) = "Mohler"
Winner(2) = "Scotter"
Winner(3) = "DKGAY"
Winner(4) = "Lassie"
Winner(5) = "Mohler"
Winner(6) = "Gunnar"
Winner(7) = "Gord'n"
Winner(8) = "Hellmers"
Winner(9) = "Evan Brown"
Winner(10) = "Jerru"
Winner(11) = "Case"
Winner(12) = "Lassie"
Winner(13) = "Mohler"
Winner(14) = ""
Winner(15) = ""
Winner(16) = "Mohler"
Winner(17) = "Mohler"
Winner(18) = ""
Dim Guess(1 To 18) As String
Guess(1) = Player(10)
Guess(2) = Player(14)
Guess(3) = Player(18)
Guess(4) = Player(23)
Guess(5) = Player(25)
Guess(6) = Player(26)
Guess(7) = Player(27)
Guess(8) = Player(28)
Guess(9) = Player(29)
Guess(10) = Player(30)
Guess(11) = Player(31)
Guess(12) = Player(32)
Guess(13) = ""
Guess(14) = ""
Guess(15) = ""
Guess(16) = ""
Guess(17) = ""
Guess(18) = ""
Dim points(1 To 18) As Boolean
points(1) = False
points(2) = False
points(3) = False
points(4) = False
points(5) = False
points(6) = False
points(7) = False
points(8) = False
points(9) = False
points(10) = False
points(11) = False
points(12) = False
points(13) = False
points(14) = False
points(15) = False
points(16) = False
points(17) = False
points(18) = False
Dim pointSum As Double
pointSum = 0
Dim pointValue(1 To 6) As Double
pointValue(1) = 10
pointValue(2) = 20
pointValue(3) = 30
pointValue(4) = 40
pointValue(5) = 50
pointValue(6) = 60
For i = 1 To 12 Step 1
If Guess(i) = Winner(i) Then
points(i) = True And pointSum = pointSum + 10
points(i) = False
End If
Range("O1") = pointSum
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
For i = 1 To 12 Step 1
If Guess(i) = Winner(i) Then
points(i) = True And pointSum = pointSum + 10
points(i) = False
End If
Ok, several things.
Step 1
That's the default; the Step part of the For loop definition is usually only included when its value is different than 1. But that won't cause any problems.
points(i) = True And pointSum = pointSum + 10
If I understand your question correctly...
the loop isn't working, it's returning pointSum of 0. Trying to sum += 10 when points is true.
You're not assigning pointSum anywhere. The above line of code is interpreted as follows:
points(i) = (True And (pointSum = pointSum + 10))
In other words:
points(i) = (True And False)
In other words:
points(i) = False
When you make an assignment, the variable being assigned to goes on the left side of the assignment operator (=):
foo = 42 'assigns value 42 to foo
The confusion seems to be that in VBA, the comparison operator is also a = token:
If foo = 42 Then 'true when the value of foo is 42
To increment pointSum by 10 when points(i) is True, you can do this:
If points(i) = True Then pointSum = pointSum + 10
Which can be simplified to:
If points(i) Then pointSum = pointSum + 10
Because the (boolean expression) in If (boolean expression) Then doesn't need to be compared to True or False when you're already working with a Boolean variable.
Hope it helps!
I'm using the following code to play explosion animation, How can I removeSelf the animation when it finished the loop-count?
function showExplotion(event)
local sheetData = { width=32, height=32, numFrames=13, sheetContentWidth=128, sheetContentHeight=128 }
local mySheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "media/fire.png", sheetData )
local sequenceData = {
--{ name = "normalRun", start=1, count=13, loopCount = 1, time=800 }
{ name = "fastRun", frames={ 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 }, time=800, loopCount = 1 }
local animation = display.newSprite( mySheet, sequenceData )
animation.x = event.x
animation.y = event.y
you can add listener to your sprite animation to detect it's phase
function showExplotion(event)
local sheetData = { width=32, height=32, numFrames=13, sheetContentWidth=128, sheetContentHeight=128 }
local mySheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "media/fire.png", sheetData )
local sequenceData = {
--{ name = "normalRun", start=1, count=13, loopCount = 1, time=800 }
{ name = "fastRun", frames={ 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 }, time=800, loopCount = 1 }
local animation = display.newSprite( mySheet, sequenceData )
animation.x = event.x
animation.y = event.y
local function mySpriteListener( event )
if ( event.phase == "ended" ) then
animation = nil
animation:addEventListener( "sprite", mySpriteListener )