GCC 7.2 compiles shared library instead of executable - c

I have a virtual machine with ArchLinux installed. Here when I compile with GCC by running gcc file.c it gives me a shared library instead of an executable.
Later I find out that the problem is related only to GCC 7.2, in fact, when I compile with GCC 6.4, the output file is an executable.
How do I fix this?

The file utility is just incorrect in calling your program a shared library. It is a position-independent executable (PIE). If you really don't want this, you can specify -no-pie at link time, or build a gcc toolchain with --disable-default-pie, but in general you shouldn't need to change this.

To complement the answer that mentioned file as you pointed out in the comments, the default a.out generated by GCC is not a shared library but instead interpreted as a shared object by file maybe because of the content of your source code. Check this for more information.


Cannot compile C file using own library [duplicate]

I have a shared library (*.so) created using Real View Compiler Tools (RVCT 3.2) on windows target. Then I try to link this *.so file with my application using gcc on linux system.
What is the gcc option to link this shared library with my application linux?
My question is, is the -shared option, which is used as
gcc -shared myfile.so
..., used to create the SO file or to link the SO file? I believe it creates something like:
gcc -lmyfile.so
Is this enough? Or is there any other switch to tell the linker that it's a dynamic library (shared object)?
What worked for me was:
gcc -L. -l:myfile.so
gcc -lmyfile should be enough (provided that your library is named libmyfile.so). The linker searches for shared objects when possible and AFAIK prefers them.

Does gcc links to libc.a or libc.so by default?

I am using gcc 5.4.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit. When I compile a program:
gcc -o prog prog.c
GCC automatically links to the C standard library, so I don't have to specifically do that.
How can I see which C library does gcc link against to, libc.a or libc.so, or something else?
In what circumstance does it link to libc.so? Does libc.so need to be specified at run time like other shared libraries?
Thanks in advance.
How can I see which C library does gcc links against to, libc.a or libc.so, or something else?
You can use ldd command to see all linked shared libraries. If libc.so is found, it's dynamic linking.
In what circumstance does it links to libc.so?
gcc uses dynamic linking and links to libc.so by default. If you want static linking, pass -static flag.
Does libc.so need to be specified at run time like other shared libraries?
Normally no, since it's configured by compiler automatically.

C - Compile with dependencies included

I have some code which I want to run on a machine which I do not have root access to.
That machine does not have some of the libraries needed to run this code.
Is there any way to include all dependencies when I compile? I realize the resultant file may be quite large.
What you're looking for is static compiling. Performing static compilation includes all of the libraries into the executable itself, so you don't have to worry as much about dependency chains on a specific system, distribution, etc.
You can do this with:
gcc -Wl,-Bstatic -llib1 -llib2 file.c
The -Wl passes the flags following to the linker, -Bstatic tells it to link static if possible, and then lib1, lib2, are the libs you intend to link.
Alternatively, try:
gcc -static file.c
The compilation will still need to match the architecture of the non-privileged system. And you need to have the static libraries installed on the compiling system (lib.a)
If compiled properly, it should show "not a dynamic executable" when you run:
ldd a.out

Compile shared library with link to other .so

I want to link an existing shared library (FlashRuntimeExtensions.so) to my C-code while compiling my own shared library. But whatever I try I always get the same error; that the file is in a wrong format. Does anybody have an idea on how to solve this?
Here is my compile command:
$ g++ -Wall ane.c FlashRuntimeExtensions.so -o aneObject
FlashRuntimeExtensions.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format
collect2: ld gaf exit-status 1 terug
Your command line tries to generate x86 code and link it to ARM code using the native g++ available in your distribution.
This will not work. Use the Android NDK available here: http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html
The NDK includes a set of cross-toolchains (compilers, linkers, etc..) that can generate native ARM binaries on Linux, OS X, and Windows (with Cygwin) platforms.
In general .so will be linked using -l.
for example, pthread -lpthread we use.
gcc sample.c -o myoutput -lpthread
But as per #chill's statement, what you are doing in command is correct only.
I suggest you to refer the following link.
C++ Linker Error SDL Image - could not read symbols
It should be an architecture mismatch. I faced this problem once, I have solved it by building the libs in same target platform and it is obvious. If you are using linux or Unix like OS you can see that by file command and if you are using windows you can see that using Dependency Walker. You need to make sure that all the libs matches architecture.

How to trace or debug GMP?

I have downloaded the source of GMP library 5.02, and - as suggested here for maximum debuggability - I ran :
./configure --disable-shared --enable-assert --enable-alloca=debug --host=none CFLAGS=-g
and compiled it with make, then installed the library with make install. I then compiled my program like this: gcc -lgmp -std=c99 -g -c program.c and then I ran : ltrace ./a.out
However I realized that ltrace is not at all invoking the TRACE() functions I can find in the source code. I would like to trace the content that's in TRACE().
How should I go for that? Or is there any other straightforward way of debugging inside the GMP library? (I couldn't figure it out how to do it with gdb, it never wanted to step into gmp_printf)
I tried to investigate further, and realized that I couldn't modify the GMP library although I had the sources. I inserted a printf("hello\n"); at the very beginning of the mpz_init2 function which I do call at the beginning of my program, I recompiled all GMP (even after a make clean) re-installed the library with make install, then I compiled and launched my program, but it never printed "hello". I also made sure, I wasn't using another installed GMP library (when I do make uninstall my program cannot compile as it does not find the library). Still, I insisted that gcc looks for the library in the GMP source folder with the -L option.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong :(
Your final compile of a.out is not producing a statically linked a.out executable. So, even though as you state, during compilation of program.c the compiler is using your GMP library, at runtime it is picking up a shared library somewhere. You need to do one of two things:
Compile with -Bstatic (or something similar; check man page for your compiler)
Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or something similar; check 'ld' or 'dyld' man pages)
I think #1 is actually your only choice given that you built only the static version of GMP. For #1 make sure you explicitly provide -L/path/to/gmplib in the compilation of program.c
