Concatenating in Visual Fox Pro 6.0 - concatenation

I have 8 old files that have very outdated fields. I need to concatenate the three existing fields (areacode, prefix, and suffix) into one new field telephone. After that is done, I can delete the three old fields in table designer. Have a manual in front of me but nothing says concat or concatenate.
areacode prefix suffix telephone
702 555 1324 7025551324

REPLACE ALL telephone WITH ALLTRIM(areacode) + ALLTRIM(prefix) + ALLTRIM(suffix)
This will do it. String concatenation just uses the plus sign. (Obviously change it to suit the order of fields you want, any validation you want, etc).

REPLACE telephone WITH ALLTRIM(areacode) + ALLTRIM(prefix) + ALLTRIM(suffix) ALL
LAK was close but the scope needed to be specified.


Word popularity leaderboard in SQL Server based message-board

In a SQL server database, I have a table Messages with the following columns:
Id INT(1,1)
Detail VARCHAR(5000)
DatetimeEntered DATETIME
PersonEntered VARCHAR(25)
Messages are pretty basic, and only allow alphanumeric characters and a handful of special characters, which are as follows:
Ignoring the bulk of the special characters bar the apostrophe, what I need is a way to list each word along with how many times the word occurs in the Detail column, which I can then filter by PersonEntered and DatetimeEntered.
Example output:
Word Frequency
a 11280
the 10102
and 8845
when 2024
don't 2013
It doesn't need to be particularly clever. It is perfectly fine if dont and don't are treated as separate words.
I'm having trouble splitting out the words into a temporary table called #Words.
Once I have a temporary table, I would apply the following query:
SUM(Word) AS WordCount
FROM #Words
Please help.
Personally, I would strip out almost all the special characters, and then use a splitter on the space character. Of your permitted characters, only ' is going to appear in a word; anything else is going to be grammatical.
You haven't posted what version of SQL you're using, so I've going to use SQL Server 2017 syntax. If you don't have the latest version, you'll need to replace TRANSLATE with a nested REPLACE (So REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(... REPLACE(M.Detail, '¬',' '),...),'/',' '),'?',' '), and find a string splitter (for example, Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K).
USE Sandbox;
CREATE TABLE [Messages] (Detail varchar(5000));
INSERT INTO [Messages]
VALUES ('Personally, I would strip out almost all the special characters, and then use a splitter on the space character. Of your permitted characters, only `''` is going to appear in a word; anything else is going to be grammatical. You haven''t posted what version of SQL you''re using, so I''ve going to use SQL Server 2017 syntax. If you don''t have the latest version, you''ll need to replace `TRANSLATE` with a nested `REPLACE` (So `REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(... REPLACE(M.Detail, ''¬'','' ''),...),''/'','' ''),''?'','' '')`, and find a string splitter (for example, Jeff Moden''s [DelimitedSplit8K]('),
('As a note, this is going to perform **AWFULLY**. SQL Server is not designed for this type of work. I also imagine you''ll get some odd results and it''ll include numbers in there. Things like dates are going to get split out,, numbers like `9,000,000` would be treated as the words `9` and `000`, and hyperlinks will be separated.')
WITH Replacements AS(
SELECT TRANSLATE(Detail, '`¬!"£$%^&*()-_=+[{]};:##~\|,<.>/?',' ') AS StrippedDetail
FROM [Messages] M)
SELECT SS.[value], COUNT(*) AS WordCount
FROM Replacements R
CROSS APPLY string_split(R.StrippedDetail,' ') SS
WHERE LEN(SS.[value]) > 0
GROUP BY SS.[value]
DROP TABLE [Messages];
As a note, this is going to perform AWFULLY. SQL Server is not designed for this type of work. I also imagine you'll get some odd results and it'll include numbers in there. Things like dates are going to get split out,, numbers like 9,000,000 would be treated as the words 9 and 000, and hyperlinks will be separated.

trim characters from string of one field and fill a new field for each record in SQL table

I added a new field "StrikePrice" to my existing table "OS1115".
I need to trim some characters from an existing field "symbol" and enter that into the new field.
I know I can do this:
UPDATE OS1115 SET StrikePrice = RIGHT(symbol, 4)
But the problem is that the amount of characters I need vary in length, but are always superseded by either a P or a C.
Here are a couple examples:
I need to trim the numbers at the end of the string that come after the P or C and enter that in the new field.
so in this case that would result in:
How can I do this?
I use MS SQL Express 2012
This would work:
RIGHT(symbol, PATINDEX('%[cp]%', REVERSE(symbol))-1)
though I'm sure there are a variety of ways to do it.
You got one answer while I was testing mine. Here's another way:

T-SQL Regex for social security number (SQL Server 2008 R2)

I need to find invalid social security numbers in a varchar field in a SQL Server 2008 database table. (Valid SSNs are being defined by being in the format ###-##-#### - doesn't matter what the numbers are, as long as they are in that "3-digit dash 2-digit dash 4-digit" pattern.
I do have a working regex:
FROM mytable
WHERE ssn NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
That does find the invalid SSNs in the column, but I know (okay - I'm pretty sure) that there is a way to shorten that to indicate that the previous pattern can have x iterations.
I thought this would work:
But it doesn't.
Is there a shorter regex than the one above in the select, or not? Or perhaps there is, but T-SQL/SQL Server 2008 doesn't support it!?
If you plan to get a shorter variant of your LIKE expression, then the answer is no.
In T-SQL, you can only use the following wildcards in the pattern:
- Any string of zero or more characters.
WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word computer anywhere in the book title.
_ (underscore)
Any single character.
WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).
[ ]
Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).
WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and starting with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and so on. In range searches, the characters included in the range may vary depending on the sorting rules of the collation.
Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).
So, your LIKE statement is already the shortest possible expression. No limiting quantifiers can be used (those like {min,max}), not shorthand classes like \d.
If you were using MySQL, you could use a richer set of regex utilities, but it is not the case.
I suggest you to use another solution like this:
-- Use `REPLICATE` if you really want to use a number to repeat
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = REPLICATE('#', 3) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 2) + '-' +
REPLICATE('#', 4);
-- or use your simple format string
Declare #rgx nvarchar(max) = '###-##-####';
-- then use this to get your final `LIKE` string.
Set #rgx = REPLACE(#rgx, '#', '[0-9]');
And you can also use something like '_' for characters then replace it with [A-Z] and so on.

SSIS Expression to Isolate a String

I am building an SSIS package that will populate data from an Excel Spreadsheet into our Database for Reporting.
The customer did not provide an individual column for the City and Unfortunately, the customer cannot update their export file to add the city, so I am trying to build a city column using the Branch Names.
I need an SSIS Expression (or several) to use in a Derived Column Transformation to pull the Name of the Cities out of the Branch Name. The issue I have is that the Spacing and placement of the names varies. I have tried to use Token, Sub string and Right and Left combined with other expressions and I always seem to cut something off.
Has anyone else run into this and how can I fix it. (I am not familiar with C# to use a Script Component).
Here is a Sample of the Data that I have.
Branch Name
Do you have a list of valid cities sitting in a table? If so you can use a lookup transformation.
Lets say your list if cities is in a table called city
On the General tab pick No Cache
On the Connection tab tab pick the city table
On the Columns tab tab match the Branch Name column to the city column in your city table
In the Advanced tab, tick Modify the SQL statement and change the end to where [Branch Name] Like '%' + ? '%'
Now your lookup will find the closest match and pass it through as an extra column.
The other way is to load it all into a staging table and do an UPDATE, also using LIKE
Whatever you do, it will help to have a list of valid cities in a table
The other way is to make an assumption about the tokens in the data and use string functions in a derived column transformation to extract it out, but you can get some unexpected results.
I can expand further on these if you wish but I won't waste time if you're never going to return to the question.
Whilst you stated that you are not familiar with script components - they are the correct tool for the job. You will get much greater flexibility by using C# (or VB.Net) code to manipulate your strings. There are a number of good tutorials online to show you how to use a script task, and lots of information about string manipulation in C#.

Apostrophes and SQL Server FT search

I have setup FT search in SQL Server 2005 but I cant seem to find a way to match "Lias" keyword to a record with "Lia's". What I basically want is to allow people to search without the apostrophe.
I have been on and off this problem for quite some time now so any help will really be a blessing.
EDIT 2: just realised this doesn't actually resolve your problem, please ignore and see other answer! The code below will return results for a case when a user has inserted an apostrophe which shouldn't be there, such as "abandoned it's cargo".
I don't have FT installed locally and have not tested this - you can use the syntax of CONTAINS to test for both the original occurrence and one with the apostrophe stripped, i.e.:
FROM table
WHERE CONTAINS ('value' OR Replace('value', '''',''))
EDIT: You can search for phrases using double quotes, e.g.
FROM table
WHERE CONTAINS ("this phrase" OR Replace("this phrase", '''',''))
See MSDN documentation for CONTAINS. This actually indicates the punctuation is ignored anyway, but again I haven't tested; it may be worth just trying CONTAINS('value') on its own.
I haven't used FT, but in doing queries on varchar columns, and looking for surnames such as O'Reilly, I've used:
surname like Replace( #search, '''', '') + '%' or
Replace( surname,'''','') like #search + '%'
This allows for the apostrophe to be in either the database value or the search term. It's also obviously going to perform like a dog with a large table.
The alternative (also not a good one probably) would be to save a 2nd copy of the data, stripped of non-alpha characters, and search (also?) against that copy. So there original would contain Lia's and the 2nd copy Lias. Doubling the amount of storage, etc.
Another attempt:
SELECT surname
FROM table
WHERE surname LIKE '%value%'
OR REPLACE(surname,'''','') LIKE '%value%'
This works for me (without FT enabled), i.e. I get the same results when searching for O'Connor or OConnor.
