I have a variable and im trying to only turn the uppercase letters into different numbers.
set var1=HeLlO
set var1=%var1:A=0%
set var1=%var1:B=1%
set var1=%var1:C=2%
set var1=%var1:D=3%
echo %var1%
but what is happening is when i want it to only turn the uppercase L it turns both l's into a number.
set var1=%var1:A=1%
that code turns all lowercase as and all uppercase As into 1, but i want it to only turn uppercase As into 1s
I took this code from dbenham's ROT13. Just had to comment out a few things.
#echo off
set var=AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!
echo var is: %var%
call :rot13 var newvar
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo var is: !newvar!
goto :EOF
:rot13 StrVar [RtnVar] -- Applies the ROT13 cipher to a string
:: Applies the simple "rotate alphabet 13 places" cipher to the string
:: contained within variable StrVar.
:: Sets RtnVar=result
:: or displays result if RtnVar not specified
set "NotDelayedFlag=!"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "upper=#AA##BB$#CC-#DD_#EE=#FF+#GG`#HH:#II;#JJ'#KK{#LL}#MM[#NN]#OO\#PP/#QQ,#RR.#SS~#TTÄ#UU?#VV<#WW>#XX|#YYÖ#ZZÜ#"
REM set "lower=#aan#bbo#ccp#ddq#eer#ffs#ggt#hhu#iiv#jjw#kkx#lly#mmz#nna#oob#ppc#qqd#rre#ssf#ttg#uuh#vvi#wwj#xxk#yyl#zzm#"
set "str=A!%~1!"
set "len=0"
for /L %%A in (12,-1,0) do (
set /a "len|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A"
set /a len-=1
set rtn=
for /l %%n in (0,1,!len!) do (
set "c=!%~1:~%%n,1!"
if "!c!" geq "a" if "!c!" leq "Z" (
for /f "delims=" %%c in ("!c!") do (
set "test=!upper:*#%%c=!"
if "!test:~0,1!"=="!c!" (
set c=!test:~1,1!
REM ) else (
REM set "test=!lower:*#%%c=!"
REM if "!test:~0,1!"=="!c!" set c=!test:~1,1!
set "rtn=!rtn!!c!"
if "%~2"=="" (
exit /b
:: The remainder is "Jeb magic" used to transfer the rtn value across the function endlocal barrier
if defined rtn (
set "rtn=!rtn:%%=%%~A!"
set "rtn=!rtn:"=%%~B!"
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "rtn=!rtn:^=^^^^!"
if defined rtn if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "rtn=%rtn:!=^^^!%" !
set "replace=%% """"
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%A in ("!replace!") do (
set "%~2=%rtn%" !
exit /b
And here is the output.
var is: AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!
var is: #a$b-c_d=e+f`g:h;i'j{k}l[m]n\o/p,q.r~s─t?u<v>w|x╓y▄z!
Press any key to continue . . .
I would like to call variables that contain other variables in their name when I have enabledelayedexpension so I would have concentric exclamation points in my variable call.
I apologize for the unclear wording; I'm not very familiar with this subject.
Here's a portion of my code that shows my issue:
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
As is, batch interprets !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]! broken up into different variables with the !'s, and I don't think I can use %'s instead because I'm in a for loop where this variable is changing. I don't think I can use another for loop to replace !value! with a %%a either.
Here's a more complete look at my code:
set /a line=0
set /a goodLine=0
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (%file%) DO (
set /a line+=1
echo Line is !line!
set data[!line!]=%%x
set /a value=0
set /a checkGood=0
FOR %%y in (%%x) DO (
set /a value+=1
if !value!==1 (
set /a Freq=%%y
set /a checkFreq=%%y %% 10
if !checkFreq!==0 (
set /a checkGood=1
) else (echo bad)
) else (
if !checkGood!==1 (
for /l %%z in (40, 10, 330) do (
if !Freq!==%%z (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
echo Freq %%z value !value! is !Freq[%%z]value[!value!]!
set /a Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!]+=1
echo Freq %%z value !value! quantity is !Freq[%%z]quantity[!value!]!
) else (echo checkGood bad)
SET /a value=4
FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]=%%z+10
SET Freq
ECHO ========================
FOR %%y IN (2,7) DO FOR /L %%z IN (1,1,5) DO (
set /a Freq[%%z]value[!value!]+=%%y
SET Freq[%%z]value[!value!]
CALL echo Freq %%z value !value! is %%Freq[%%z]value[!value!]%%
Or you could use a for/f "tokens=2delims==" %%e in ('set Freq[%%z]value[!value!]') do echo %%e
depends on what you really want to do.
I have a Batch Script where I am trying to encode a string. I have successfully encoded the string with the help of Xor a string in a bat file
But now I want to store the value %show% !val! in a variable so that it can be used any where in the script. Below is my code. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
call :init
:: Curly braces are used to denote text that should be encrypted.
:: Encryption can span multiple lines
:: {
:: }
:: Here I use a FOR loop to show all encrypted lines within this script
:: that begin with :::
for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ":::" "%~f0"') do (
set val=%%A
set pwd = %show% !val!
echo %pwd%
exit /b
:show Str
:: Nccyvrf gur fvzcyr "ebgngr nycunorg 13 cynprf" pvcure gb fgevat Fge
:: naq jevgrf gur erfhyg gb fgqbhg. Pbafrphgvir dhbgrf ("") ner pbairegrq
:: vagb n fvatyr dhbgr (").
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "str=%~1"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=!str:""="!^"
if defined {boshfpngrq} (
set "len=0"
set "str2=.!str!"
for /L %%A in (12,-1,0) do (
set /a "len|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str2:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A"
set /a len-=1
set rtn=
for /l %%n in (0,1,!len!) do (
set "c=!str:~%%n,1!"
if defined {hccre}!c! for /f %%c in ("!c!") do (
if "!{hccre}:%%c=%%c!" equ "!{hccre}!" (
set "c=!{hccre}%%c!"
) else (
set "c=!{ybjre}%%c!"
set "rtn=!rtn!!c!"
) else set "rtn=!str!"
exit /b 0
set "}="
set "{="}
set "{ybjre}=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
for /l %%A in (0 1 25) do (
set /a "B=(%%A+13)%%26"
for /f %%B in ("!B!") do (
set "{hccre}!{hccre}:~%%A,1!=!{hccre}:~%%B,1!"
set "{ybjre}!{ybjre}:~%%A,1!=!{ybjre}:~%%B,1!"
set "{boshfpngrq}="
set "{boshfpngvbaGrfg}={N}"
if "!{boshfpngvbaGrfg}:A=!" equ "!{boshfpngvbaGrfg}!" set {boshfpngrq}=1
set "show=call :show"
exit /b
One method for accomplishing something like return values (CMD doesn't actually having them) is to pass a variable name to the function and have it assign a value to the name (outside a setlocal).
#ECHO Return Value: %RETVAL%
REM Do some other stuff.
SET /A TEMPVAR=%2 * %3 * %4
REM Now for the magic...
The crucial line is the combination of EXIT /B (or you could use ENDLOCAL, then EXIT /B) and an assignment where the substitution happens before it's executed (not delayed expansion).
I would like write a batch file to count the number of occurrences of a specific character in each line of a text file.
For example, the count of \ in the string "aa\bb\cc\dd\" would be 4.
The find and the findstr show only the number of lines which is contains the exact character.
You might try the following script, providing the input string as (quoted) command line argument:
set "STRING=%~1$"
set STRING="%STRING:\=" "%"
set /A "COUNT=-1"
for %%E in (%STRING%) do set /A "COUNT+=1"
echo Count of `\`: %COUNT%
This replaces every character to be counted by " + SPACE + " and encloses the entire string in between "", so the input string aa\bb\cc\dd\ becomes "aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "". The resulting string is fed into a for loop that recognises individual items to iterate through -- five in this case. The counter variable COUNT is initialised with a value of -1, so the result is not the number of iterated items but the separators, namely the \ characters present in the original string.
This approach fails if the string contains ? or * characters. It would also fail in case the character to count is one of the following: ", %, =, *, ~.
#echo off
set "string=aa\bb\cc\dd\"
set "count=-1"
for %%a in ("%string:\=" "%") do set /A count+=1
echo %count%
This method works correctly as long as the string don't include wild-card characters: *?; if this is required, I would use the same npocmaka's method, but written in a simpler way:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "string=aa\bb\cc\dd\"
set "str=A%string%Z"
set "count=-1"
for /F "delims=" %%a in (^"!str:\^=^"^
% Do NOT remove this line %
^"!^") do (
set /A count+=1
echo %count%
While slow, you can try with this
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
set "inputFile=input.txt"
set "searchChar=\"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('
findstr /n "^" "%inputFile%"
') do for /f "delims=:" %%b in ("%%~a") do (
set "line=%%a"
for /f %%c in ('
cmd /u /v /e /q /c"(echo(!line:*:=!)"^|find /c "%searchChar%"
') do echo Line %%b has %%c characters
The input file is readed using findstr /n to get all the lines in the file with a number prefix (both for output "decoration" and to ensure all the lines in the file are processed). Each line is processed inside a pipe, from cmd to find. The cmd instance is started with unicode output (/u) so when the readed line is echoed, the output will be a two bytes sequence for each input character, one of them a 0x0 ASCII character. The find command sees the 0 as a line terminator, so we get each character in the input line as one separated line. Now, the find command counts in how many lines the searched character happens.
SET "String=a\b\c\\\\d"
CALL :count "%string%" \
ECHO %tally%
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
SET /a tally=0
SET "$2=%~1"
SET "$1=%$2%"
SET "$2=!$1:*%2=!"
IF "%$1%" neq "%$2%" SET /a tally+=1&GOTO cloop
endlocal&SET tally=%tally%
GOTO :eof
Here's a way to count particular characters in a string. It won't work for the usual suspects.
here's one way:
#echo off
:checkCountOf string countOf [rtnrVar]
:: checks count of a substring in a string
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "string=aa"
set "string=%~1"
set "checkCountOf=%~2"
if "%~1" equ "" (
if "%~3" neq "" (
endlocal & (
echo 0
set "%~3=0"
exit /b 0
) else (
endlocal & (
echo 0
exit /b 0
if "!checkCountOf!" equ "$" (
set "string=#%string%#"
set "string=!string:%checkCountOf%%checkCountOf%=#%checkCountOf%#%checkCountOf%#!"
) else (
set "string=$%string%$"
set "string=!string:%checkCountOf%%checkCountOf%=$%checkCountOf%$%checkCountOf%$!"
set LF=^
rem ** Two empty lines are required
set /a counter=0
for %%L in ("!LF!") DO (
for /f "delims=" %%R in ("!checkCountOf!") do (
set "var=!string:%%~R%%~R=%%~L!"
set "var=!var:%%~R=%%~L!"
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ("!var!") do (
set /a counter=counter+1
if !counter! gtr 0 (
set /a counter=counter-1
if "%~3" neq "" (
endlocal & (
echo %counter%
set "%~3=%counter%"
) else (
endlocal & (
echo %counter%
you can call it like:
call ::checkCountOf "/aa/b/c/" "/" slashes
echo %slashes%
exit /b %errorlevel%
wont work with some special characters (",~ and !)
You can also use replacement and the :strlen function
Not tested extensively but works with your example.
SETLOCAL disabledelayedexpansion
SET "String=\a\b\c\\\\d\\"
set "previous=%string%"
set /a count=0
set "newstg=%previous:*\=%"
IF NOT "%previous%"=="%newstg%" (
set /a count+=1
set "previous=%newstg%"
IF DEFINED previous goto loop
echo %count%
GOTO :eof
Here is one more option. I don't think this is bullet proof with poison characters.
SETLOCAL disabledelayedexpansion
SET "String=\\a\b\c\\\\d\\"
set i=0
set "x=%string%"
set "x=%x:\=" & set /A i+=1 & set "x=%"
echo %i%
I'm trying to retrieve the min value in an array that I have created calling this from another batch file.
Array has been created fine but the for /l is not working. I think, there is something with the if statement:
#echo off
for /f "usebackq" %%a in ('%2') do set d=%%~a
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=%d%" %%G in ('%3') do set %1=%%~G
set /a i=-1
for %%h in (!%1!) do (
set /a i+=1
set %1[!i!]=%%h
if %4==min (
set /a n=%i%
for /l %%j in (0,1,%n%) do (
if %%j==0 (
set %4=!%1[%%j]!
) else (
if !%1[%%j]! lss !%4! (
set %4=!%1[%%j]!
) else (
set %4="Please write the name of the function correctly"
:::: below the file im calling this function
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call test char "," "30,10,40" min
echo !min!
:: char is %1
:: "," is %2
:: "30,10,40" is %3
:: min is %4
I rearranged your code in order to test it and modified some parts to fix a couple details. See my comments in UPPERCASE letters in the code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call :test char "," "30,10,40" min
echo !min!
:: char is %1
:: "," is %2
:: "30,10,40" is %3
:: min is %4
REM for /f "usebackq" %%a in ('%2') do set d=%%~a
REM Previous line is equivalent to this one:
set d=%~2
REM for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=%d%" %%G in ('%3') do set %1=%%~G
REM I don't understand what you want to do in previous line,
REM but the next two lines replace the delimiter in %d% by spaces:
set %1=%~3
set %1=!%1:%d%= !
set /a i=-1
for %%h in (!%1!) do (
set /a i+=1
set %1[!i!]=%%h
if %4==min (
set /a n=%i%
REM The next line requires delayed expansion in !n! variable
REM or use %i% instead
for /l %%j in (0,1,!n!) do (
if %%j==0 (
set %4=!%1[%%j]!
) else (
if !%1[%%j]! lss !%4! (
set %4=!%1[%%j]!
REM The next right parentheses was missing
) else (
set %4="Please write the name of the function correctly"
Good Afternoon!
Long time reader, first time poster! I have been having a lovely time trying to modify a working batch file to account for variability. The situation is that I have a variable-size text document that normally would be able to be split into sections of 252 lines. The code below worked like a champ:
#echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: batchsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
goto :EOF
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
for /F %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /C ""') do set Full=%%j
set /A Split=%Full%/252
for /L %%G in (1,1,%Split%) do type nul > "%name%_%%G%.new"
set X=1
set N=1
set Q=1
set limit = 252
for /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /N ""') do (
set /A N+=1
set /A Q+=1
echo.%%k>> "%name%_!X!%.new"
if !Q! gtr 252 (
set /A X+=1
set /A Q=1
) else if !N! gtr Full (goto theend
echo split into %split% files with 252 lines each
rem pause
However, there were some changes to the formatting of the text, and now instead of four pages of 63 lines per split file, it can be completely variable. The only constant is this final line, which precedes the remaining space for a 63 line page:
Note that there is a single space in front of it, as well as multiple spaces, a colon, and underscore characters. Being the meathead that I am, I thought I could insert an if-then statement into the for loop to trigger the batch to split to the next page. However, I could be further from that right now. This is the code I have been smashing my head with:
rem #echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: textsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
goto :EOF
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set Name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
for /F %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /C ""') do set Full=%%j
set stopvar= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
set Split=1
echo %stopvar%
set X=1
type nul > "%name%_!X!%.new"
set N=1
set Q=1
set S=0
set L=63
for /F "tokens=1* delims=]" %%j in ('type "%param%" ^| find /V /N ""') do (
set /A N+=1
echo %N%
set /A Q+=1
echo %Q%
echo.%%k>> "%name%_!X!%.new"
if ["%%k%" == "!stopvar!"] (
set /A S+=1
if !Q! gtr !L! (
if !S! == 1 (
set /A X+=1
set /A Q=1
type nul > "%name%_!X!%.new"
set /A Split+=1
set S=0
else set /A L+=63
else if !N! gtr Full goto theend
echo Split into %split% files!
The premise is that every 63 lines, the stop variable (S) is checked. If it is off (0) then the batch will continue to write for another 63 lines (one page). If the stopvar matches the line that is being read by the for loop, S becomes 1. When the program checks again, it will create a new file and begin writing to that new file. Right now, based on turning off #echo off the hangup is at the for loop. See below:
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>rrtextsplit texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>rem #echo off & setlocal Enabl
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>setlocal EnableDelayedExpansio
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set param=texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>if not defined param (
echo. Usage: rrtextsplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set param=texttest.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>if not exist "texttest.txt" (
echo. File "texttest.txt" not found
goto :EOF
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>for %j in ("texttest.txt") do
set Name=%~dpnj
set ext=%~xj
set Name=C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test\texttest
set ext=.txt
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>for /F %j in ('type "texttest.
txt" | find /V /C ""') do set Full=%j
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Full=567
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set stopvar= ON THIS FORM IS C
OMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Split=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>echo ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE
AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set X=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>type nul 1>"C:\Users\theangry
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set N=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set Q=1
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set S=0
C:\Users\theangryasiancp\Desktop\TEXT_Split_Test>set L=63
What are your thoughts? Where am I going wrong with the batch? I wish I could use something different, but alas I cannot, for internal company reasons. Thanks for your help!
SET "name=q23396663"
SET "ext=.txt"
SET /a pagelength=10
SET "targetstring= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________"
SET /a filenum=0
SET /a linecount=pagelength + 1
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=]" %%a IN (
'find /v /n "" "%name%%ext%"') DO (
IF !linecount! GEQ %pagelength% (
SET /a linecount=0
SET /a filenum+=1
>>U:\%name%_!filenum!.new ECHO(%%b
IF "%%b"=="%targetstring%" SET /a linecount=pagelength
SET /a linecount+=1
For testing purposes, I set up a file q23396663.txt containing your trigger data. I've left the destination directory as U:\ which suits me, and the pagelength at 10 which makes my testing easier.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM ------------------THIS SECTION SPECIFIES THE FILE-------------------------
set param=%*
if not defined param (
echo. Usage: filesplit [device:][pathname]filename
goto :EOF
set param=%param:"=%
if not exist "%param%" (
echo. File "%param%" not found
for %%j in ("%param%") do (
set name=%%~dpnj
set ext=%%~xj
ECHO SPLITTING %name%.%ext% .................
REM ----------------THIS SECTION SETS THE VARIABLES---------------------------
set "trigger= ON THIS FORM IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT AS NOTED:___________________"
set /a pagelength=63
set /a filenum=0
set split=1
set /a linecount=pagelength
set stopvar=0
REM ------------------THIS SECTION IS THE FOR LOOP----------------------------
FOR /f "skip=2 tokens=1* delims=]" %%a IN (
'find /v /n "" "%name%%ext%"') DO (
SET /a linecount-=1
IF !linecount! LEQ 0 (
IF !stopvar! EQU 1 (
SET /a "linecount=pagelength"
SET /a filenum+=1
SET /a split+=1
SET /a stopvar-=1
) else set /a "linecount=pagelength"
echo.%%b>> "%name%_!filenum!.new"
IF "%%b"=="%trigger%" (
set /a "stopvar+=1"
set /a linecount+=1
REM ----------------THIS SECTION ENDS THE FOR LOOP----------------------------
ECHO Split into %split% files!
ping -n 1 -w 2500 > nul
As I posted in the comment above, this is just a variation of the first answer that accounts for blank spaces if they are needed to keep the output files from having unnecessary whitespace on top. This is especially helpful when a print manager is just spitting out whitespace until the end of the page before starting the next part instead of going straight to the next portion.