Redux State count return - reactjs

I'm trying to build out a feature in my React application showing num of comments for a specific post. Since I don't have this information from backend ill try to make a .lengthon the returned state.
However, it seems like I have built out the reducer in a faulty way but I'm not sure whats wrong with it. Right now I'm just receiving undefined.
Built up as following
export function getPostComments(id) {
const request = API.fetchPostComments(id)
return (dispatch) => {
request.then(({data}) => {
dispatch({type: COMMENTS_GET_POSTCOMMENTS, payload: data})
export default function(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type){
return {...state, ...action.payload}
componentWillMount() {
<span>{`comments ${this.props.comments.length}`}</span>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
comments: state.comments,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {postPostVote, getPostComments})(PostComponent);
I am retrieving information from the server if I change my reducer to be return action.payloadI will first receive a comment number of 2 but then this gets wiped replacing it with a 0 since the last post in the list doesn't have any comments. So I'm overwriting here? And that most be wrong aswell
Repo :
Thanks for now!

export function getAllCategories() {
return (dispatch) => {
.then(data => {
dispatch({type: CATEGORIES_GET_ALL_CATEGORIES, payload: data})
The call to your API fetchAllCategories is asynchronous, what you were doing before was that you were calling your API but not waiting for it's response. That is why you were getting undefined passed in payload.
So what you needed to do was Chain that fetch call with the another promise.
I am using redux-thunk in my app, and this is how I am using it. See the code below.
export function loadPayments () {
return dispatch => PaymentsAPI.getCustomerPaymentMethods()
.then((paymentMethods) => {
type: actionTypes.LOAD_PAYMENTS_SUCCESS,
payments: paymentMethods
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error', error);
For API Calls I am using Fetch & Axios. You can use any you want. Both are good.
To update your reducer, so that it adds the previous value do the following
case actionTypes.LOAD_SAVED_CARDS_SUCCESS: {
return {
payments: [ ...state.payments, ...action.payments],
totalpayments: state.payments.length + action.payments.length
What the reducers will do here is that, it will append all your suppose payments methods i,e previous methods + new methods along with the count update as well.


react -redux component does not re-render after state change

I have been trying and trying by my component wont re-render itself . Below is my reducer code and I have tried everything to not mutate the state. In my component code ,inside render method, I have a log statement console.log("Check Here"); I know the component does not re-render because this log works first time the component renders but after reducer changes the state the log statement is not called . In logs I can clearly see that prev state and next state are different by just that one SearchType that I am changing. Please help!!
const initState = {
searchType: ""
const techniqueReducer = (state = initState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypeConstants.GET_SEARCH:
return { ...state, searchType: "new string" };
default: {
return state;
export default myReducer;
My component code is below
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import * as tDispatchers from "../actions/Actions";
const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    searchType: state.searchType
class SearchCollection extends Component {
  Search= () => {
  render() {
console.log("Check Here")
    return (
      <div class="container-fluid">
            placeholder="Enter Search Keywords Here..."
            className="btn btn-light btn-sm m-1"
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SearchCollection);
GetSearch looks like below
I plan to pass payload to reducer eventually but currently I am not
import * as actionTypeConstants from "../action_type_constants";
import axios from "axios";
export function getSearch(searchtext) {
return dispatchFunction => {
.get("<api call>"+searchtext)
.then(response => {
type: actionTypeConstants.GET_SEARCH,
export const GET_SEARCH = "GET_SEARCH";
I suppose you are using redux-thunk to work with async actions. But you don't return an async function from getSearch. I believe it should be
export function getSearch(searchtext) {
return dispatchFunction => {
return axios
.get("<api call>"+searchtext)
.then(response => {
type: actionTypeConstants.GET_SEARCH,
export function getSearch(searchtext) {
return async dispatchFunction => {
const response = await axios
.get("<api call>"+searchtext);
type: actionTypeConstants.GET_SEARCH,
You are not updating searchType value, which is hardcoded to string new string. Try setting the new state from the action, for example:
return { ...state, searchType: action.payload};
Or check this, and open your dev tools to see the rerenders.
You can use componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState). It is invoked immediately after updating occurs & you can compare the current props to previous props. Using that you can re-render your component by changing state
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.SearchType !== prevProps.SearchType) {
//Do whatever needs to happen!
You may call setState() immediately in componentDidUpdate but note that it must be wrapped in a condition like in the example above, or you’ll cause an infinite loop.
Hope this helps you. Feel free for doubts.

React multiple api calls in one action

just starting with redux and have an issue that I find myself hard to handle.
I have an API call (with Axios) to fetch some data
Action file -
export function fetchTracks(term){
var params = {
api_key: API_KEY,
const request = axios.get(URL, { params: params });
return {
payload: request
Reducer -
export default function (state = [] , action) {
switch(action.type) {
return [, ...state];
return state;
For now, all works great and I get the data as expected.
From this point, I want to get some data from this API call that I just did and have another API call to another url with this data.
How should I do it? Have another API call in the current action? have another action?
Basically, How should I handle two API calls with the same action?
As axios uses promises, you can chain them
return axios.get(...)
.then((response) => {
return axios.get(...); // using
.then((response) => {
return {

React, Redux and Axios - trying to make API call

It's my first experience with React, Redux and I am totally lost. The problem is my action :
import axios from 'axios';
import { FETCH_MOVIE } from '../constants/actionTypes';
const API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
const ROOT_URL = `<API_URL>`;
export function fetchMovies(pop){
const url = `${ROOT_URL}?api_key=${API_KEY}&sort_by=${pop}`;
.then(function (response) {
console.log("response is",response)
.catch(function (error) {
On Console.log it seems just fine - I can see the response has the data I need. But when I am trying to send to payload it returns the error - response is not defined. What am I doing wrong?
P.s. I also tried to create const result = [] and than result = []. The error was - SyntaxError: "result" is read-only
The const error is because, result being a variable that changes over the course of the execution, you must use 'let' and not 'const'.
Now, for the fix, response is not defined comes from the last return. A good approach would be to, instead of returning the action on this function fetchMovies, you should dispatch a new action, e.g dispatch(fetchMoviesSuccess(payload)) instead of "console.log("response is",response)", which will dispatch an action that will trigger the reducer, and , in turn, update the state of the app.
You are performing async request using axios. You should dispatch your action using redux-thunk. Installation is easy, read more about thunk here.
Then your action should look like this:
export function fetchMovies(pop) {
return dispatch => {
const url = `${ROOT_URL}?api_key=${API_KEY}&sort_by=${pop}`;
.then(function (response) {
console.log("response is",response);
.catch(function (error) {
// You can dispatch here error
// Example
payload: error
The issue with your code is that by the time you return, response is still undefined because this code run synchronously till the return statement.
As you can see response is defined in console.log("response is",response)
So this is where you need to do your actual magic return but in another way.
You can use redux-thunk to do these thing because this is redux async. but as I feel you are a beginner from the code I have seen, Just use the simpler way and read redux-thunk or redux-promise. if you feel your project needs this then go one.
//try to make the caller pass this.props.dispatch as param
export function fetchMovies(dispatch, pop){
const url = `${ROOT_URL}?api_key=${API_KEY}&sort_by=${pop}`;
.then(function (response) {
// only here is response define so use dispatch to triger another action (fetched data with response)
.catch(function (error) {
//if you had a loader state, you call also toggle that here with erro status
//now on the caller (onClick for instance) do this instead
fetchMovies(this.props.dispatch, pop)
As you can see from #loelsonk answer down. if you use redux-thunk then you won't need to pass dispatch from the caller redux-thunk for you. But also notice how you would return and anonymous arrow function which accept dispatch as a parameter.
You can use redux promise middleware. I have used this in my new project. It is very simple and keeps our code and state manageable.
For every async action dispatch, it dispatches
$action_type_PENDING immediately after our action dispatch , $action_type_FULFILLED if api call success, $action_type_REJECTED if api call failure
See documentation-
Example from my project-
your action is
export function getQuestions() {
return {
type: types.GET_QUESTIONS,
payload: axios.get('http://localhost:3001/questions')
reducer is
const initialState = {
isLoading: false,
questions: []
const questions = (state = initialState.questions, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return [];
default: return state;
For displaying loader while api call we can use following reducer
const isLoading = (state = initialState.isLoading, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case (action.type.match(/_PENDING/) || {}).input:
return true;
case (action.type.match(/_FULFILLED/) || {}).input:
return false;
default: return state;
Comment me if you need any more details on above stuff.

Manipulating Redux output

I'm working on a React application to render content of a WordPress website using the WordPress Rest API, Redux and Thunk.
The WordPress API returns posts without detailed information about the category (name, slug, etc). All I'm getting is the id. I'm currently calling an additional action/function to get the detailed category information (output). Below an example of how I'm currently fetching my posts.
// Actions.js
import axios from 'axios'
export const fetchPosts = (page = 1) => {
return {
type: "FETCH_POSTS",
payload: axios.get(`${REST_URL}/wp/v2/posts?per_page=14&page=${page}`)
// PostsReducer.js
const initialState = {
posts: [],
fetching: false,
fetched: false,
error: null
export default function reducer(state=initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "FETCH_POSTS": {
return {
fetching: true
return {
fetching: false,
error: action.payload
return {
fetching: false,
fetched: true,
posts: action.payload
return state
And this is how I'm fetching category information:
export const fetchCategory = (id) => {
return {
payload: axios.get(`${REST_URL}/wp/v2/categories/${id}`)
Is there a way to combine my fetchPosts() action with the fetchCategory() action, so it populates the post.categories, returned from fetchPosts() with the more detailed fetchCategory() information?
If you're referring for ajax calls chaining you can use this example to understand how thunk can work for you:
function loadSomeThings() {
return dispatch => {
fetchFirstThingAsync.then(data => { // first API call
dispatch({ type: 'FIRST_THING_SUCESS', data }); // you can dispatch this action if you want to let reducers take care of the first API call
return fetchSecondThingAsync(data), // another API call with the data received from the first call that returns a promise
.then(data => {
dispatch({ type: 'SECOND_THING_SUCESS', data }); // the reducers will handle this one as its the object they are waiting for
Basically when we call loadSomeThings we dispatch an new action as a function (fetchFirstThingAsync) as our first ajax call, redux-thunk will catch that before any reducer does as function are not the plain object that reducers can handle, thunk will invoke this function with dispatcher as an argument (along getState and some more args), we wait it out with .then and then we can dispatch a plain object that reducers can handle + returning another promise (fetchSecondThingAsync) that's your second ajax call, we wait it out with .then and again dispatching a plain object that reducers can handle.

Redux Thunk Callback after dispatching an action?

So in my React component, I have this:
this.props.updateAlertCallback('error', ERROR_MESSAGE)
My updateAlertCallback action is:
export const updateAlert = (alert, message) => {
return {
export const updateAlertCallback = (alert, message) => {
return dispatch => {
return dispatch(updateAlert(alert, message)).then(() => {
I'm getting the following error: Uncaught TypeError: dispatch(...).then is not a function
What's the proper way to log something after updateAlert is done running?
With redux-thunk, you can make action return a promise:
export const updateAlert = (alert, message) => (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch ({
return Promise.resolve(getState());
// or just Promise.resolve();
now you can call updateAlert(xx, xx).then(newState => {.....});
function showAlert(message) {
return {
function hideAlert(message) {
return {
function flashAlert(message) {
return (dispatch) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
You'll need redux-thunk for this to work. You can then use this.props.flashAlert('Oh noes!!!!') with the proper mapStateToProps. Also needed are reducers and react components.
Fading isn't necessarily an easy thing to do in react. I suggest you save that for later.
What the flashAlert function does is it returns a function that takes a dispatch function. This function does all kinds of fun things but not yet. First this function gets passed to redux's dispatch. This dispatch would normally throw because actions must be plain objects. But because you're using redux-thunk it will be fine. Redux-thunk will call this function and pass it the dispatch function from redux. Now the function will run, finally. First thing it does is dispatch an action that it gets by calling showAlert(). This time it's an object with a type property, which makes it a proper redux action. Presumably redux will pass this action on to our reducer which will update the state with the new message, but we don't know that for sure because the reducer was left out of this answer for brevity. Who know what code it contains. After the state was changed to show the message somehow, we do a setTimeout(). When this calls back we dispatch another action we get by calling hideAlert() using the same dispatch function we used previously. We still have it. This presumably will scrub the message from the state.
Redux will tell react to rerender the appropriate components whenever the state changes. Presumably one of those components will display or not display the message as the case may be.
Redux-thunk is your answer. In your store code change
const enhancers = compose(
window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f
const enhancers = compose(
window.devToolsExtension ? window.devToolsExtension() : f => f,
and you will be able to use thunks with your redux actions.
Refer to
Actions in redux are plain objects. Redux thunk allows to return functions instead of objects. These functions are executed by the thunk middleware, and ultimately the final object that reaches the store for dispatch is a plain object. An example of redux thunked action is below.
export default class AccountActions {
static login(username, password) {
return (dispatch, getStore) => {
fetch(apiUrls.signInUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
user: {
email: username,
password: password,
.then(response => {
return response.json().then(responseJson => {
return dispatch(AccountActions.loginResponse(username, responseJson.token, response.status));
.catch(err => {
static loginRequest(username) {
return {
type: ActionTypes.loginRequest,
static loginResponse(username, token, status) {
return {
type: ActionTypes.loginResponse,
