How to find which element failed comparison between arrays in Kotlin? - arrays

I'm writing automated tests for one site. There's a page with all items added to the cart. Maximum items is 58. Instead of verification of each element one by one I decided to create 2 arrays filled with strings: 1 with correct names : String and 1 with names : String I got from the site. Then I compare those 2 arrays with contentEquals.
If that comparison fails, how do I know which element exactly caused comparison fail?
Short simple of what I have now:
fun verifyNamesOfAddedItems () {
val getAllElementsNames = arrayOf(materials.text, element2.text,
val correctElementsNames = arrayOf("name1", "name2", "name3"...)
val areArraysEqual = getAllElementsNames contentEquals correctElementsNames
if (!areArraysEqual) {
} else {
This test fails if 2 arrays are not the same but it doesn't show me the details, so is there a way to see more details of fail, e.g. element that failed comparison?

I recommend using a matcher library like Hamcrest or AssertJ in tests. They provide much better error messages for cases like this. In this case with Hamcrest it would be:
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
assertThat(getAllElementsNames, contains(*correctElementsNames))
// or just
assertThat(getAllElementsNames, contains("name1", "name2", "name3", ...))
There are also matcher libraries made specifically for Kotlin:,,,, probably more. Tests using them should be even more readable, but I haven't tried any of them. Look at their documentation and examples and pick the one you like.

You need to find the intersection between the two collections. Intersection will be the common elements. After than removing the intersection collection from the collection you want to perform the test will give you the complementary elements.
val intersection = getAllElementsNames.intersect(correctElementsNames)


kotlin "contains" doesn't work as expected

I am working with a method which filters the preferences which match with the ids, I am using the contains method, but even though the values are the same, the contains is showing a false in each iteration. The method looks like:
private fun filterPreferencesByIds(context: MyPodCastPresenterContext): List<FanPreferences> {
return context.preferences?.filter {
The values of the arrays are:
for the context.ids:
"B52594F5-80A4-4B18-B5E2-8F7B12E92958" and "3998EDE7-F84B-4F02-8E15-65F535080100"
And for the context.preferences:
But even though, when the first and the final ids have the same id value as the context.ids, the contains is false in the debug. I think it could be related with the types in the context.ids rows Json$JsonTextNode. Because when I did the same with numeric values hardcoded the compare is successful.
Any ideas?
If the type of is String and the type of context.ids list element is JsonTextNode, you won't find an element equal to the given id string, because it's not of String type.
Try mapping your context ids to the list of strings before filtering:
val ids = { it.toString() }.toSet()
return context.preferences?.filter {
Note that calling toString() on JsonTextNode might be not the best way to get the string data from it. It's better to consult the API documentation of that class to find it out.

Chef - Ruby - How to extract values from a nested array/list

I'm using this json content (I'm open to suggestions on better formatting here):
{"forwardingZones": [{"name": "","dnsServers": ["",""]}]}
Note: we may add more items to this list as we scale out, both more IPs and more names, hence the "join(',')" in the end of the code below.
And I'm trying to loop through it to get this result:;
Using this code:
forward_zones = node['DNS']['forward_zones'].each do |forwarded_zone|
forwarded_zone_name = forwarded_zone['name']
forwarded_zone_dns_servers = forwarded_zone['dns_servers'].join(';')
This is the result that I get:
{"dnsServers"=>["", ""], "name"=>""}
What am i doing wrong...?
x.each returns x. You want

Logical-Indexing for Matlab-object-arrays

Is there any way in Matlab R2011b to apply logical-indexing to object-arrays? The objects which fulfill specific condition(s) regarding their properties should be returned. At best the solution is also possible with object-arrays that are a property of another object (aggregation).
In my project there are a lot of entities which have to be identified by their manifold features. Matlab objects with their properties provide a clear data foundation for this purpose. The alternative of using structs (or cells) and arrays of indices seems to be too confusing. Unfortunately the access to the properties of objects is a little bit complicated.
For Example, all Objects in myArray with Element.val==3 should be returned:
elementsValIsThree = myElements(Element.val==3);
Best solution so far:
But this doesn't return the objects and not the absolute index if a subset of myElements is input.
Another attempt returns only the first Element and needs constant properties:
A minimal example with class definition etc. for clarification:
% element.m
classdef Element
function obj = Element(value)
if nargin > 0 % to allow empty construction
obj.val = value;
Create array of Element-Objects:
myElements(4) = Element(3)
Now myElements(4) has val=3.
I'm not sure I understood the question, but the logical index can be generated as
arrayfun(#(e) isequal(e.val,3), myElements);
So, to pick the elements of myElements whose val field equals 3:
elementsValIsThree = myElements(arrayfun(#(e) isequal(e.val,3), myElements));

Select random item from an array with certain probabilities and add it to the stage

Its quite a big task but ill try to explain.
I have an array with a list of 200 strings and I want to be able to randomly select one and add it to the stage using code. I have movieclips exported for actionscript with the same class name as the strings in the array. Also, if it is possible, would I be able to select the strings with predictability such as the first has a 0.7 chance the second a 0.1 etc. Here is what i have currently
var nameList:Array=["Jimmy","Bob","Fred"]
var instance:DisplayObject = createRandom(nameList);
function createRandom(typeArray:Array):*
// Select random String from typeArray.
var selection:String = typeArray[ int(Math.random() * typeArray.length) ];
// Create instance of relevant class.
var Type:Class = getDefinitionByName(selection) as Class;
// Return created instance.
return new Type();
All this throws me this error
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable [class Jimmy] is not defined.
Ive searched for other threads similar but none combine the three specific tasks of randomisation, predictability and addChild().
I think that you've got two problems: a language problem and a logic problem. In the .fla connected to your code above, in the Library find each symbol representing a name and write into the 'AS linkage' column for that symbol the associated name -- e.g., 'Bob,' 'Fred' -- just the name, no punctuation.
Now getDefinitionByName() will find your 'Class'
If you put a different graphic into each MovieClip -- say, a piece of fruit or a picture of Bob,Jim, Fred -- and run your program you'll get a random something on stage each time.
That should solve your language problem. But the logic problem is a little harder, no?
That's why I pointed you to Mr. Kelly's solution (the first one, which for me is easier to grasp).

How to assert that every item in collection is within range

I have a Groovy array that will get a set number of random Integer Values. And I want to assert that each item in the array has a value within the given range. I'm trying to use Hamcrest Matchers. So my test looks like this:
void testShouldReturnArrayOfStats(){
def results = pg.rollStats()
assertThat results, everyItem(both(greaterThan(0)).and(lessThanOrEqualTo(6)))
When I run the test I get an assertionError
java.lang.AssertionError: Expected: every item is (a value greater than <0> and a value less than or equal to <6>)
but: was [<6>, <3>, <5>, <4>, <3>, <2>]
I've tried some variations of this but I'm not getting a passing test. just by looking at the "But:was" portion of the error I can seen that all 6 values meet the requirements, but the test still fails.
I've not used Groovy or Hamcrest for very long so I'm sure that I'm missing something.
Could you just use groovy?
assert results.every { it in 1..6 }
