How to query two consecutive "criteria rows" with DGET in Excel? - database

where DB.VALORI function is DGET in english.
For the queries, the rule is that the criteria row must be under the label row.
The query 1 is ok, is there a way to add query 2?

I personally don't use this DGET function but someone can probably help you here. This is another way you can try with an array formula (click Ctrl + Shift + Enter together):
This can do multiple matches and find the result you want. Give it a shot and let me know if you have any question.
P.S. You will need to translate the formula function to your language and doesn't forget to change , to ; in the formula.


Import multiple data on one cell

Hi I have data on columns A, B, C, D on Google sheet
I added the following formula on H2 which works in importing columns C & D as wished.:
I tried inserting this formula in J2 but it doesn't handle duplicates:
My goal is to get the results written manually in G columns on this snip and keep the previous formulas. It should write the name of door twice if necessary separated by a comma or write the different doors in the same cell adjacent to the name.
Please help
This can be achieved with the formula below
=join(", ",filter($A$2:$A, $B$2:$B=D2))
Unfortunately, this formula is not an arrayformula, and I am not completely certain how to turn it into one (if there is a way). Because of that, this formula will need to be dragged down the column you place it in.
Here is an example of it working in the test sheet I made:
I will continue to try to make this usable with an array formula, and will edit this answer if I am able to find a solution.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
QUERY({A2:A&",", B2:B&"×", ROW(B2:B)},
"select max(Col1) where Col1 <> ',' group by Col3 pivot Col2"),,9^9)), "×")), ",$", ))

What is the best way for refactoring excel formula

Like I ask in title, what is the best way to write formula like this one below. I want sum from all sheets values for Germany (values are in B column)
=SUM(SUMPRODUCT(--(First!A2:A11="Germany"),(First!B2:B11)), SUMPRODUCT(--(Second!A2:A11="Germany"),(Second!B2:B11)), SUMPRODUCT(--(Third!A2:A11="Germany"),(Third!B2:B11)))
What is your opinion?
In Google Sheets you can also use
"select sum(Col2) where Col1 ='xxx' label sum(Col2) 'Total' ",1)
(Please adjust ranges to your needs)
How the formula works.
We create an array using curly brackets {} stacking the ranges one on top of the other using semi-columns ; even from other sheets like {L1:M9;O3:P7;First!A2:B11;Second!A2:B11}. One can add as many ranges as needed. Even open ranges.
The ,1 in the end of the formula shows that the very first row will be treated as a header row.
Please read more about the QUERY. function
=SUM(FILTER({First!B2:B11; Second!B2:B11},
{First!A2:A11; Second!A2:A11}="Germany"))
One more option:

Trouble with ARRAYFORMULA for auto-filling formulas in Google Sheets

I'm attempting to automatically populate a Google Sheets column in a "Results" sheet with the following formula, which draws data from a "Source" spreadsheet:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," ")
When I place that formula in ARRAYFORMULA, it does not auto-populate, and changing the MATCH search_key to a range (i.e., $A2:$A&C$1) does not fix the problem.
I.e., neither of these work:
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," "))
=ArrayFormula(IFERROR(INDEX(Source!$B$2:$D,MATCH($A2:$A&C$1,Source!$B$2:$B&Source!$C$2:$C,0),3)," "))
Is there a way to fix this? Or an alternative way to automatically fill a formula? I'm also open to using a function other than INDEX/MATCH, so long as it can do a lookup based on two vertical criteria. Unfortunately I don't think a pivot table would suit my purposes, since my "Results" page also queries another spreadsheet to provide other information.
Example here:
This is the formula you are looking for:
I tested this and it works perfectly fine.
To answer why your formula is wrong,
The second argument in MATCH should have an ARRAYFORMULA otherwise you are basically matching only with first element.
INDEX doesn't work with ARRAYFORMULA. It can only search for a single value in a given range.
The first part can be solved by adding ARRAYFORMULA inside MATCH.
A simple VLOOKUPcould have solved the second problem if you weren't searching for a combination of cells (Date and Name). A twisted HLOOKUP comes to your rescue.
Without the IFERROR part, the formula looks like this:
This formula produces the same output (see cell I1):
=QUERY({Source!A:D,ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(Source!B:B,'Project Lookup'!A:B,2,0))},"select Col2,Col5,sum(Col4) where Col1 is not null group by Col2,Col5 pivot Col3")

Use array formula with index match

Is it possible to do an array formula with index match:
If not, is there a solution that doesn't involve google scripts?
It seems INDEX can not return multiple values. It can not be used inside ARRAYFORMULA.
The only solution I know of is to use VLOOKUP.
See this thread :!topic/docs/jVvjbz8u7A8
Example from there :
=ArrayFormula(VLOOKUP( B12:B15; H2:R32; 1; TRUE))
With XLOOKUP you can look in one column for a search term, and return a result from the same row in another column, regardless of which side the return column is on
In the OP's specific case, one can actually use VLOOKUP for its intended purpose, as a replacement for MATCH:
In the general case of trying to use INDEX to retrieve multiple values, it can be replaced with a kludge of VLOOKUP and SEQUENCE:
does what would have been accomplished by
if the latter worked as OP expected.
I know this is old now, but it turns out that INDEX() acts as a defacto ARRAYFORMULA() now. You can see a fabulous example of this on this google sheet, which shows how to use a and index(split()) to extract a particular set of text from a cell. The MK.demo tab provides a visual on how the array formula is implied with the INDEX() function.
Nowadays, using a FILTER() or QUERY() function can give the kinds of multiple vlookup the OP was looking for.
im not sure if its gonna work but i did an "IF(ISBLANK() before the INDEX(...) in the ARRAYFORMULA and it went down all the way

Generate hyperlink from query

My query is not returning the literal cell value, but rather only the visual portion of it.
I've got a google spreadsheet with FirstSheet having my info and then with the use of a query on SecondSheet showing part of the information.
The first column of FirstSheet has a hyperlink for each row in column A such as:
=hyperlink("","My Test")
SecondSheet has a query that pulls that column amongst others such as:
The query result only returns the label of the hyperlink but not the link itself or the hyperlink formula. Meaning I see the same text on both sheets but on SecondSheet it's not a link. I hope this makes sense.
I've thought about different ways to accomplish this including some how creating a string from a query to give me what I want, but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I solved it by moving the query to B2, selected column A last, putting it into Col C, hid C. I'm then using C with a formula I created in col A and then just pasted that formula down to row 100.
=If (C2="","",hyperlink(""&C2,C2))
I would have liked this to be more elegant, but it's good enough for now.
