Shared in-memory database for client activity processing - database

Currently I am realising that I come to the limits of relational databases. Having n>>1000 clients periodically (each 10 seconds) requesting a simple microservice endpoint (signals its activity), I just have to make a decision if a client is active or not (3 periods of requests missing).
The naive approach would be to make a database update for each clients request (which has bad performance impacts and hence would not be a suitable solution).
Now, having more instances of those services (for future service scaling), any bulk processing (e.g. by using a periodically processed queue structure) would automatically introduce database locking issues due to subsequent requests of the same clients by different instances (this client id would be part of multiple database bulk updates by different services). Hence, those updates would partially fail even for clients not beeing processed in parallel.
Is there any way to make this processing reliable and high-performant using other (e.g. in-memory) database solutions like Redis or somehing else? In Redis I don't get the trick to manage keys and values in a way to retrieve all keys that were not changed during the last x periods.
Do you have any ideas about well-established technologies to cope with that issue?


10,000 HTTP requests per minute performance

I'm fairly experienced with web crawlers, however, this question is in regards to performance and scale. I'm needing to request and crawl 150,000 urls over an interval(most urls are every 15 minutes which makes it about 10,000 requests per minute). These pages have a decent amount of data(around 200kb per page). Each of the 150,000 urls exist in our database(MSSQL) with a timestamp of the last crawl date, and an interval for so we know when to crawl again.
This is where we get an extra layer of complexity. They do have an API which allows for up to 10 items per call. The information we need exists partially only in the API, and partially only on the web page. The owner is allowing us to make web calls and their servers can handle it, however, they can not update their API or provide direct data access.
So the flow should be something like: Get 10 records from the database that intervals have passed and need to be crawled, then hit the API. Then each item in the batch of 10 needs their own separate web-requests. Once the request returns the HTML we parse it and update records in our database.
I am interested in getting some advice on the correct way to handle the infrastructure. Assuming a multi-server environment some business requirements:
Once a URL record is ready to be crawled, we want to ensure it is only grabbed and ran by a single server. If two servers check it out simultaneously and run, it can corrupt our data.
The workload can vary, currently, it is 150,000 url records, but that can go much lower or much higher. While I don't expect more than a 10% change per day, having some sort of auto-scale would be nice.
After each request returns the HTML we need to parse it and update records in our database with the individual data pieces. Some host providers allow free incoming data but charge for outgoing. So ideally the code base that requests the webpage and then parses the data also has direct SQL access. (As opposed to a micro-service approach)
Something like a multi-server blocking collection(Azure queue?), autoscaling VMs that poll the queue, single database host server which is also queried by MVC app that displays data to users.
Any advice or critique is greatly appreciated.
I echo Evandro's comment and would explore Service Bus Message Queues of Event Hubs for loading a queue to be processed by your compute nodes. Message Queues support record locking which based on your write up might be attractive.
Compute Options
I also agree that Azure Functions would provide a good platform for scaling your compute/processing operations (calling the API & scraping HTML). In addition Azure Functions can be triggered by Message Queues, Event Hubs OR Event Grid. [Note: Event Grid allows you to connect various Azure services (pub/sub) with durable messaging. So it might play a helpful middle-man role in your scenario.]
Another option for compute could be Azure Container Instances (ACI) as you could spin up containers on demand to process your records. This does not have the same auto-scaling capability that Functions does though and also does not support the direct binding operations.
Data Processing Concern (Ingress/Egress)
Indeed Azure does not charge for data ingress but any data leaving Azure will have an egress charge after the initial 5 GB each month. []
You should be able to have the Azure Functions handle calling the API, scraping the HTML and writing to the database. You might have to break those up into separated Functions but you can chain Functions together easily either directly or with LogicApps.

Processing a million records as a batch in BizTalk

I am looking at suggestions on how to tackle this and whether I am using the right tool for the job. I work primarily on BizTalk and we are currently using BizTalk 2013 R2 with SQL 2014.
We would be receiving positional flat files every day(around 50) from various partners and the theoretical total number of records received would be over a million records. Each record has some identifying information that will need to be sent to a web service which would come back essentially with a YES or NO based on which the incoming file is split into two files.
Originally, the scope for daily expected records was 10k which later ballooned to 100k and now is at a million records.
Attempt 1: Scatter-Gather pattern
I am debatching the records in a custom pipeline using the file disassembler, adding a couple of port configurable properties for the scatter part(following Richard Seroter's suggestion of implementing a round-robin assignment) where I control the number of scatter/worker orchestrations I spin up to call the web service and mark the records to be sent to 'Agency A' or 'Agency B' and finally push a control message that spins up the Gather/Aggregator orchestration that collects all the messages that are processed from the workers into the messagebox via correlation and creates two files to be routed to Agency A and Agency B.
So, every file that gets dropped will have it's own set of workers and a aggregator that would process the file.
This works well for files with fewer number of records but if a file has over 100k records, I see throttling happen and the file takes a long time to process and generate the two files.
I have put the receive location/worker & aggregator/send port on separate hosts.
It appears to be that the gatherer seems to be dehydrated and not really aggregating the records processed by the workers until all of them are processed and i think since the ratio of msgs published vs processed is very large, it is throttling.
Approach 2:
Assuming that the Aggregator orchestration is the bottleneck, instead of accumulating them in an orchestration, i pushed the processed records to a SQL db and 'split' the records into two XML files(basically a concatenate of msgs going to Agency A/B and wrapping it in XML declaration and using the correct msg type based on writing some of the context properties to the SQL table along with the record).
These aggregated XML records are polled and routed to the right agencies.
This seems to work okay with 100k records and completes in an acceptable amount of time. Now that the goal post/requirement has again changed with regard to expected volume, i am trying to see if BizTalk is even a feasible choice anymore.
I have indicated that BT is not the right tool for the job to perform such a task but the client is suggesting we add more servers to make it work. I am looking at SSIS.
Meanwhile, while doing some testing, some observations:
Increasing the number of workers improved processing(duh):
It looks like if each worker processed a fewer number of records in it's queue/subscription, they finished their queue quickly. When testing this 100k record file, using 100 workers completed in under 3 hrs. This is with minimal activity on the server from other applications.
I am trying to get the web service hosting team to give me a theoretical maximum no of concurrent connection they can handle. I am leaning towards asking them to see if they can handle 1000 calls and maybe the existing solution would scale with my observations.
I have adjusted a few settings for the host with regard to message count and physical memory threshold so it won't balk with the volume but I am still unsure. I didn't have to mess with these settings before and can use advice to monitor any particular counters.
The post is a bit long but I am hoping this gives an idea on what I did so far. Any help/insight appreciated in tackling this problem. If you are suggesting alternatives, i am restricted to .NET or MS based tools/frameworks but would love to hear on other options as well.
I will try to answer or give more detail if you want to clarify or understand something I didn't make clear.
First, 1 million records/messages is not the issue, but you can make it a problem by handling it poorly.
Here's the pattern I would lay out first.
Load the records into SQL Server with SSIS. This will be very fast.
Process/drain the records into you BizTalk app for...well, whatever needs to be done. Calling the service etc.
Update the SQL Record with the result.
When that process is complete, query out the Yes and No batches as one (large) message each, transform and send.
My guess is the Web Service will be the bottleneck unless it's specifically designed for such a load. You will probably have to tune BizTalk to throttle only when necessary but don't worry about that just yet. A good app pattern is more important.
In such scenarios, you should consider following approach:
De-batch the file and store individual records to MSMQ. You can easily achieve this without any extra coding effort, all you need is to create a send port using MSMQ adapter or WCF custom with netmsmq binding. If required, you can also create separate queues depending on different criteria you may have in your messages.
Receive the messages from MSMQ using receive location on a separate host.
Send them to web service on a different BizTalk host.
Try using messaging only scenarios, you can handle service response using a pipeline component if required. You can use Map on send port itself. In worst case if you need orchestration, it should only be to handle one message processing without any complex pattern.
You can again push messages back to two MSMQ for two different agencies based of web service response.
You can then receive those messages again and write them to file, you can simply use a send port with FileAppend option or use a custom pipeline component to write the received messages to file without aggregating them in orchestration. You can gather them in orchestration, if per file you don't have more than few thousand messages.
With this approach you won't have any bottleneck within BizTalk and you don't need to use complex orchestration pattern which usually end up having many persistent points.
If web service becomes a bottleneck, then you can control the rate of received message from MSMQ using 1) Ordered Delivery on MSMQ receive location and if required 2) using BizTalk host throttling by changing two properties Message Count in Db to a very low number e.g. 1000 from 50K default and increasing Spool and Tracking Data Multiplier accordingly e.g. 500 from 10 default to make sure the multiply of both number is enough for not to cause throttling due to messages within BizTalk. You can also reduce the number of worker threads on BizTalk host to make it little slow.
Please note MSMQ is part of Windows OS and does not require any additional setup. Usually installed by default, if not you can add using add-remove features. You can also use IBM MQ if your organization has the infrastructure. But for one million messages, MSMQ will be just fine.
Apologies on the late update*
We've decided to use SSIS to bulk import the file to a table and since the lookup web service is part of the same organization and network although using a different stack, they have agreed to allow us to call their lookup table upon which their web service is based on and we are using a 'merge' between those tables to identify 'Y' or 'N' and export them out via SSIS as well.
In short, we've skipped using BT. The time it now takes is within a couple of mins for a 1.5 million record file to be processed and send the split files.
Appreciate all the advice provided here.

Impressions/Clicks counting design for heavy load

We have an affiliate system which counts millions of banner Impressions/Clicks per day.
Currently it writes to SQL every Impression/Click that occurs in real time on each request.
Web application serves these requests.
We are facing two problems:
If we have a lot of concurrent requests per second, the SQL is
starting to work very hard to insert the Impressons/Clicks data and
as a result lead to problem #2.
If SQL is slow at the moment, the requests are being accumulated and
are waiting in the queue on web server. As a result we have a
slowness on a web application and requests are not being processed.
Design we thought of in high level:
We are now considering changing the design by taking out the writing to SQL logic out of web application (write it to some local storage instead) and making a stand alone service which will read from local storage and eventually write the aggregated Impressions/Clicks data (not in real time) to SQL in background.
Our constraints:
10 web servers (load balanced)
1 SQL server
What do you think of suggested design?
Would you use NoSQL as local storage for each web server?
Suggest your alternative.
Your problem seems to be that your front-end code is synchronusly blocking while waiting for the back-end code to update the database.
Decouple front-end and back-end, e.g. by putting a queue inbetween where the front-end can write to the queue with low latency and high throughput. The back-end then can take its time to process the queued data into their destinations.
It may or may not be necessary to make the queue restartable (i.e. not losing data after a crash). Depending on this, you have various options:
In-memory queue, speedy but not crash-proof.
Database queue, makes sense if writing the raw request data to a simple data structure is faster than writing the final data into its target data structures.
Renundant queues, to cover for crashes.
I'm with Bernd, but I'm not sure about using a queue specifically.
All you need is something asynchronous that you can call; that way the act of logging the impression is pretty much redundant.

Does memcached share across servers in google app engine?

On the memcached website it says that memcached is a distributed memory cache. It implies that it can run across multiple servers and maintain some sort of consistency. When I make a request in google app engine, there is a high probability that request in the same entity group will be serviced by the same server.
My question is, say there were two servers servicing my request, is the view of memcached from these two servers the same? That is, do things I put in memcached in one server reflected in the memcached instance for the other server, or are these two completely separate memcached instances (one for each server)?
Specifically, I want each server to actually run its own instance of memcached (no replication in other memcached instances). If it is the case that these two memcached instances update one another concerning changes made to them, is there a way to disable this?
I apologize if these questions are stupid, as I just started reading about it, but these are initial questions I have run into. Thanks.
App Engine does not really use memcached, but rather an API-compatible reimplementation (chiefly by the same guy, I believe -- in his "20% time";-).
Cached values may disappear at any time (via explicit expiration, a crash in one server, or due to memory scarcity in which case they're evicted in least-recently-used order, etc), but if they don't disappear they are consistent when viewed by different servers.
The memcached server chosen doesn't depend on the entity group that you're using (the entity group is a concept from the datastore, a different beast).
Each server runs its own instance of memcached, and each server will store a percentage of the objects that you store in memcache. The way it works is that when you use the memcached API to store something under a given key, a memcached server is chosen (based on the key).
There is no replication between memcached instances, if one of those boxes goes down, you lose 1/N of your memcached' data (N being the number of memcached instances running in AppEngine).
Typically, memcached does not share data between servers. The application server hashes the key to choose a memcached server, and then communicates with that server to get or set the data.
Based in what I know, there is only ONE instance of Memcache of you entire application, there could be many instance of your code running each one with their memory, and many datastore around the world, but there is only one Memcache server at a time, and keep in mind that this susceptible to failure service, even is no SLA for it.

Are staging tables / staging databases an anti-pattern?

Are staging tables an anti-pattern that is used when rpc (such as Java RMI or some kind of Web Service call) or messaging queue (such as JMS) would be a better solution, or are there problems better served by staging tables?
To clarify:
By staging tables I mean those cases where records are appended to a table or tables by a process which is then read by and acted on by second process or processes. I am not referring to tables which tables which are meant to reflect end of interval status (end of day, end of pay period etc). In most cases, the schema of the staging tables closely mimics an application data type(s) such as customer or account.
Potential causes for this anti-pattern:
1) Business Unit Wall between owners of the two processes prevents process that writes to or reads from staging being modified.
2) Low confidence in process that writes to or reads from staging leads developers to use table to prevent data loss "in case something fails"
3) Lack of knowledge or DGAS (don't give a ^%$#) attitude
Staging tables, as you describe are an essential part of most data warehouse or BI environments. You could argue that reliable/resilient rpc would do the same job, but I think you'd be incorrect.
By pulling data to a staging table, you're moving it out of the production environment, potentially to do further calculation, summary, re-index, re-keying and so on, the majority of these are acheived 'in database'. Replacing this with an RPC you're moving the code and CPU cycles out of the DB and into an app server for no real benefit. For instance an app server has a much higher chance of crashing - you can't (easily) rollback an RPC.
Of course there are many ways of moving data reliably between systems, staging tables just happen to be one of the easiest, most performant, reliable and in development terms cheapest, doesn't always mean they're the right approach - but more often than not.
Why would they be an anti-pattern? Staging tables are incredibly useful for decoupling a receiving service from a processing service. When two such services are decoupled you are much more resilient to processing errors and network errors as all messages are stored in the staging table.
The only real time I have seen this is for reporting reason when denormalised tables are used to hold data while a report is generated. I don't think it is a problem for that use.
My first response is yes, but its mostly just because of my situation - yours may be different. We have a system where some relatively time sensitive information needs to go from a command component to a receiver component. The command information is put into a database table and then the receiver polls the table for updates. This is horrible. They did it so there would be a record of the commands in the database, but it ends up just making the actual commanding take forever and the decoupling sometimes causes the receiver to be out of sync with the database.
I'd rather see an EMS (like JMS) broadcast the message to a topic that both the receiver and a database inserter listen to, or a queue from commander to receiver, and then the receiver notify a status listener to put its status in the database.
I can't wait to fix that code.
