Google Appengine's Version of Heroku Piplines - google-app-engine

I used to work on Heroku a lot and loved their pipeline feature, that spins a new instance for every PR on github to test with.
We're using Google Appengine to serve a django app and are struggling to find an alternative for this live testing on the web.
Does anyone know what to use to do the same for Google Appengine? Is this something that needs to be built custom? Can't seem to find anything on google searches.
Thanks :)

Maybe the following two articles will help you.
Continious delivery with Bitbucket:
or you can use Gitlab (that's what I am doing)
Unfortunately Google Cloud does not offer any out of the box solution until now


What Google hosting should I choose for a Node.js and React website?

I want to be able to host my website on google servers, i would like to design the website using react along with node js in the backend, from my current research it seems that google app engine is the way to go.
Am i on the right path or should i be looking at another avenue.I don't expect the site to intake a lot of traffic so a low cost plan would be ideal, a free plan would be amazing if possible if possible.
I also read that google dns could be used for a website which seems pretty convenient, how exactly do i go about this?
Your on the right path. Goole app engine flexible environment is the ideal choice for you. Since you want your backend to run in Nodejs it's very simple to run Nodejs in Google app engine. Google also give you free $300 for the free trial and you can use it for 12 months.
Read more about the pricing in here
Read more about Nodejs in Google app engine flexible here

How to deploy the project on Google App Engine by preserving the changes of other developers?

Till now I was working alone on a project on Google App Engine. So I had to write the code and upload it on App Engine using gcloud app deploy project-path/app.yaml.
But now a bigger project has arrived. So a team has to work on it and everyone has their own systems. I simply want to ask how can we deploy project from different devices still preserving the changes made by other developers? As everyone has to deploy their code on cloud for the same project. I searched over the web but found nothing. Is it even possible?
maybe this article will help you. It describes how to deploy from Gitlab to Google App Engine

Google App Engine Tutorial example not working

I deployed the Web Application "Google App Engine Tutorial example 1" ( to GAE at the site . I can access the site but the application is not saving the Product and Item values in the DataStore. The same is happening when I try on my local. It there a known fix for it? Or could you assist me with a Tutorial example with code that writes to the DataStore? Thank you.
Are you sure you made all the required modifications to the code provided as outlined in Step 4? When I migrated from Google App Engine for Python to Java, the Getting Started guide was very useful; it covers all the basic concepts starting from creating the Eclipse project while presenting the code in a easier way to understand (in my opinion) than the Code Labs which seem slighly outdated (broken links, etc).
Getting Started
Datastore Overview within Getting Started

Are there any official plans to support Dart on Google App Engine?

Googling the web I haven't found anything that says something about whether Dart should eventually become supported by the Google App Engine hosting platform.
Google is saying that Dart should also be considered a language for developing the server part for a web application.
Does anyone know more about it?
An issue has been opened on Google Code for App Engine. I suggest you to stars it.
It is now available for managed VMs (still beta)
for more details

Alternative to Google App Engine API?

I'm looking for an alternative of the Google App Engine API. I mean I'm searching an API for coding in JAVA that provides :
Simple DB API, with no conf
Simple User API, with no need to implements the login/register/user management process
Simple Task API, with no need to configure any third lib
Google App Engine is really attractive because it provides all theses functionalities with no effort ... But I need to port my app to my own server... Using appScale is not for me because I don't need something really scalable ... I just want to code the business model, not all things that should already exists.
Hope my question is clear :)
Thanks in advance for help, sincerely,
You can run AppScale on a single node deployment, you'll just lack fault tolerance. I am currently unaware of any other project that runs Java GAE apps.
