thymeleaf Array index - arrays

I want to put a variable Between array's brackets [...] Like:
Here is my code
<tr th:each="cmp : ${allcomps}" >
<td><input type="checkbox" th:name="checkbox" th:checked="${cmp.checked}" th:value="${MyArray[0].checked}" /> </td>
<td th:text="${}">Id</td>
<td th:text="${cmp.l_fr}" >fr</td>
<td th:text="${cmp.l_de}">de</td>

Leave off the extra ${}. It should look like this:


How to bind table values using data-ng-start and end conditions in AngularJs

I need to bind data with row values to a table, when i'm using the data-ng-repeat-start and data-ng-repeat-end data is not binding correct format.
<table id="tbl">
<tr data-ng-repeat="data in RDetails" data-ng-if="Values(data)">
<td data-ng-repeat-start="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="ShowValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-repeat-end="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="Values(d)">
when I use the above condition table showing the same values how can i do this. Where i did mistake please help me on this Please see image here i am getting repeated values.
If I understand your problem correctly - just presenting content of every RDetails.Dtls element as a table row - here is solution:
<table id="tbl">
<tbody data-ng-repeat="data in RDetails">
<tr data-ng-repeat="d in data.Dtls" data-ng-if="Values(data)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="d.IsQStart && ValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="ShowValuesBL(d)">
<td data-ng-if="Values(d)">

I'm using angularJs and Using ng-if in nested ng-repeat. How to do variable comparison in ng-if?

<tbody ng-repeat="obj1 in personalProfileCtrl.workArray">
<td class="tg-llyw">{{obj1.role}}</td>
<td class="tg-llyw">{{}}</td>
<td class="tg-llyw" colspan="2">
{{obj1.start_date}} -{{obj1.end_date}}
<tr ng-repeat="obj2 in personalProfileCtrl.workAchievementsArray"
<td class="tg-0pkys">{{obj2.title}}</td>
<td class="tg-0pky" colspan="6">
This line of code is not working ng-if="'{}'"
Here profileCtrl is controller
workAchievement is array of object
workArray is also a array of object
You do not need to add the extra '{}' to the, so ng-if="" should work fine.
<tr ng-repeat="obj2 in personalProfileCtrl.workAchievementsArray"
ng-if=" ==">
<td class="tg-0pkys">{{obj2.title}}</td>
<td class="tg-0pky" colspan="6">

React: <tr> cannot appear as a child of <td>. See Comment > td > tr

So why is react complaining that I cannot have a 'tr' as a child of a 'td'?
<td colSpan={2}>
<Some picture>
<some content>
<td colSpan={2}>
<p>Paragraph stuff</p>
Maybe I have to put another table or something?
Yes, you'll need this mark up:
<td colspan={2}>
<td colspan={2}>
<p>Paragraph stuff</p>
It is not valid markup to have a nested <tr> within a <td>. Use another table to layout it.
According to you will need to wrap your table contents in a tbody:
Browsers need the <tbody> tag. If it is not in your code, then the
browser will automatically insert it. This will work fine on first
render, but when the table gets updated, then the DOM tree is
different from what React expects. This can give strange bugs,
therefore React warns you to insert the <tbody>. It is a really
helpful warning.
Thanks #Stefan Dragnev

how to add a condition in ng-repeat?

Here is my html table
<tr class="unread" ng-repeat="CU in InboxList">
<td class="text-right mail-date">{{CU.time}}</td>
<tr class="read">
<td class="text-right mail-date">12:00 pm</td>
here in my html table there are two tr class one is tr class="read" and other is class="unread" I have already binded tr class="unread".now I want to check a condition if {{cu.isread=0}} then tr class read will bind otherwise tr class unread will to do this?
You could do this with ng-class
ng-class="(cu.isread === 0) ? 'unread' : 'read'"
You can achieve this using ng-class:
<tr ng-class="{'read' : cu.isread === 0, 'unread': cu.isread !== 0}">...</tr>
You can do something like this:
<tr data-ng-class="{unread: cu.isread == 0, read: cu.isread !=0}" ng-repeat="CU in InboxList">
<td class="text-right mail-date">{{CU.time}}</td>
<tr class="read">
<td class="text-right mail-date">12:00 pm</td>

Angular - how to use ng-repeat value as variable

I'm trying to leverage "column" as a number and re-use it to define the "colspan" in the following "td".
<td ng-repeat="column in columns">
<td colspan="column">
Not sure if thats what you meant but you can try the following:
<td ng-repeat-start="column in columns">
<td ng-repeat-end colspan="{{column}}">
