Cakephp2. save data is adding two more rows - cakephp

public function index($tin=null) {
$this->layout = 'index_1';
$date = date('Y-m-d');
$verification_fee=$this->Insurance_price->findByInsurance_type("Third Party Auto Insurance");
$ver = $verification_fee['Insurance_price']['verification_amount'];
if(!empty($tin)) {
$this->request->data['tin'] = $tin;
$this->request->data['amount'] = $ver;
$this->request->data['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
That's my controller. I am trying to save those data once the page loads.
But when I check the database table instead of seeing only 1 new record I see 3 new rows with the same data as 'amount' and 'date', except for tin column which will have 'image'.
What could I be doing wrong?

try inserting
And check


How to avoid adding duplicate data from CSV file to SQL Server database. Using CSVHelper and C# Blazor

I have my database table named 'JobInfos' in SQL Server which contains many columns.
JobID - (int) auto populates incrementing value when data added
OrgCode - (string)
OrderNumber - (int)
WorkOrder - (int)
Customer - (string)
BaseModelItem - (string)
OrdQty - (int)
PromiseDate - (string)
LineType -(string)
This table gets written to many times a day using a Blazor application with Entity Framework and CSVHelper. This works perfectly. All rows from the CSV file are added to the database.
if (fileExist)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(#path))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, config))
var records = csv.GetRecords<CsvRow>().Select(row => new JobInfo()
OrgCode = row.OrgCode,
OrderNumber = row.OrderNumber,
WorkOrder = row.WorkOrder,
Customer = row.Customer,
BaseModelItem = row.BaseModelItem,
OrdQty = row.OrdQty,
PromiseDate = row.PromiseDate,
LineType = row.LineType,
using (var db = new ApplicationDbContext())
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
if (lineNumber != 0)
NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/", true);
As these multiple CSV files can contain rows that may already be in the database table, I am getting duplicate records when the table is read from, which causes the users to delete all the newer duplicate rows manually to only keep the original entry.
I have no control over the CSV files or their creation. I am trying to only add rows that contain new data based on the WorkOrder number which can not be the same as any others.
I found another post here on StackOverflow which helps but I am stuck with a remaining error I can't figure out.
The Helpful post
I changed my code here...
if (lineNumber != 0)
var recordworkorder = records.Select(x => x.WorkOrder).ToList();
var workordersindb = db.JobInfos.Where(x => recordworkorder.Contains(x.WorkOrder)).ToList();
var workordersNotindb = records.Where(x => !workordersindb.Contains(x.WorkOrder));
but this line...
var workordersNotindb = records.Where(x => !workordersindb.Contains(x.WorkOrder));`
throws an error at the end (x.WorkOrder) - CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'int' to 'DepotQ4.Data.JobInfo'
WorkOrder is an int
JobID is the Primary Key and an int
Every record in the table must have a unique WorkOrder
I am not sure what I am not seeing. Could use some help here please?
Your variable workordersindb is a List<JobInfo>. So when you try to select from records.Where(x => !workordersindb.Contains(x.WorkOrder)) you are trying to match the list of JobInfo in workordersindb to the int of x.WorkOrder. workordersindb needs to be a List<int> in order to be able to use it with the Contains. records would have had the same issue, but you solved it by creating the variable recordworkorder and using records.Select(x => x.WorkOrder) to get a List<int>.
if (lineNumber != 0)
var recordworkorder = records.Select(x => x.WorkOrder).ToList();
var workordersindb = db.JobInfos.Where(x => recordworkorder.Contains(x.WorkOrder)).Select(x => x.WorkOrder).ToList();
var workordersNotindb = records.Where(x => !workordersindb.Contains(x.WorkOrder));

Get database results from frontend user's form input details

I'm trying to use select statement if a laravel form has been filled. I have 2 tables "query" and "all". If a user fills a form it is saved in query but I also want it to select certain fields from table all and returns the answer.
When a user fills in a form its now saving in query.
$post = new query;
$post->name = $request->input('name');
$post->description = $request->input('description');
$post->email = auth()->user()->email;
session()->flash('notif', "Query has been submitted succesfully");
$check = check::select('all.*')
->where('name', '=', $post->name)
If I understand your problem, you need to get result from all table, where 'name' is $post->name. If so please check this:
$post = new query;
$post->name = $request->input('name');
$post->description = $request->input('description');
$post->email = auth()->user()->email;
session()->flash('notif', "Query has been submitted succesfully");
$check = DB::table('all')
->where('name', $post->name)
And please dont forget to place: use DB; on the top of your Controller
I can't understand what is check here in check::select(). But what I got from query is you want to select specific fields from table "all" after inserting the data in the table "query".
So you can do this to achieve what I understood.
$post = new query;
$post->name = $request->input('name');
$post->description = $request->input('description');
$post->email = auth()->user()->email;
// use any of the following
$check = all::where('name', $post->name)->get(); // SELECT *
$check = all::where('name', $post->name)->get(['field1', 'field2']); // SELECT 'specific'
session()->flash('notif', "Query has been submitted succesfully");

Get or fetch Latest or last create multiple rows in laravel

I am in need of desperate help. I am newbie to laravel and programming.
I have a sales controller which fetch multiple records from form using jquery and select.
Sales Store controller looks like:
for ($i=0; $i < count($request['product_id']); ++$i)
$sales= new Sale;
$sales->product_id = $request['product_id'][$i];
$sales->qty= $request['qty'][$i];
$sales->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$product = new Product;
$product->where('id', '=', $request['product_id'][$i])->decrement('stock', $request['qty'][$i]);
this code is working perfectly fine.
Now the scenario is that I want to fetch these last created specific records to send it somehow to other page or as an invoice. Any help will be greatly appreciated on how to achieve this? Thanks.
Make a new array to hold the sales and product data and redirect to your desired url with that data.
$data = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($request['product_id']); ++$i)
$sales= new Sale;
$sales->product_id = $request['product_id'][$i];
$sales->qty= $request['qty'][$i];
$sales->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$product = new Product;
$product->where('id', '=', $request['product_id'][$i])->decrement('stock', $request['qty'][$i]);
$data[]['sales'] = $sales;
$data[]['product'] = $product;
return redirect("/your desired url")->with('data', $data);
For your second question in the comment, In your controller function of your desired url do this -
$data = [];
if ($request->session()->has('data')) {
$data = $request->session()->get('data');
return view('your view', compact('data'));
And then in your view -
#foreach($data as $d)
{{$d['sales']}} //here $d['sales'] is your sales object
{{$d['product']}} //here $d['product'] is your product object
You can do
$sales = Sale::latest()->take(count($request['product_id']))->get();
latest() will just order all the sales by the date of creation in descending order.
if count($request['product_id']) is 5, take() will fetch the first 5 sales.

CakePhp foreach saving only last value in array

I have a problem, right now Im using this foreach loop on CakePhp on which I want to add all the values which are still not on the table for the respecting user. To give a little more context, the user has a menu. And the admin can select which one to add for the user to use. On the next code I receive a array with the menus which will be added as so:
//This is what comes on the ['UserMenuAccessibility'] array:
Array ( [menu_accessibility_id2] => 2 [menu_accessibility_id3] => 3 [menu_accessibility_id4] => 4 [menu_accessibility_id5] => 5 [menu_accessibility_id8] => 8 )
I get the ids of the menus which want to be added to the table for the user to use. And I use the next code to add the menus to the table if they are not there still:
//I check if the array has something cause it can come with no ids.
if (!(isset($this->request->data['UserMenuAccessibility']))) {
$this->request->data['UserMenuAccessibility'] = array();
$UserMenuAccessibility = $this->request->data['UserMenuAccessibility'];
foreach ($UserMenuAccessibility as $key => $value) {
$conditions = array(
'UserMenuAccessibility.menu_accessibility_id' => $value,
'UserMenuAccessibility.users_id' => $id
if ($this->User->UserMenuAccessibility->hasAny($conditions)) {
} else {
$valuemenu['UserMenuAccessibility']['users_id'] = $id;
$valuemenu['UserMenuAccessibility']['menu_accessibility_id'] = $value;
if ($this->User->UserMenuAccessibility->save($valuemenu)) {
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
For some reason the array is only saving the last new id which is not on the table and not the rest. For example if I have menu 1 and 2 and add 3 and 4 only 4 gets added to the table. For some reason I cant add all the missing menu ids to the table. Any ideas why this is happening?
Thanks for the help on advance.
It looks like your code will save each item, but each call to save() is overwriting the last entry added as $this->User->UserMenuAccessibility->id is set after the first save and will be used for subsequent saves. Try calling $this->User->UserMenuAccessibility->create() before each save to ensure that the model data is reset and ready to accept new data:-
$valuemenu['UserMenuAccessibility']['users_id'] = $id;
$valuemenu['UserMenuAccessibility']['menu_accessibility_id'] = $value;
if ($this->User->UserMenuAccessibility->save($valuemenu)) {
In cakephp 2.0 $this->Model->create() create work fine. But if you are using cakephp version 3 or greater then 3. Then follow the below code
$saveData['itemId'] = 1;
$saveData['qty'] = 2;
$saveData['type'] = '0';
$saveData['status'] = 'active';
$saveData = $this->Model->newEntity($saveData);
In normal case we use patchEntity
$this->Model->patchEntity($saveData, $this->request->data);
It will only save last values of array so you have to use newEntity() with data
In cakephp3, patchEntity() is normally used. However, when using it for inserting-new/updating entries in a foreach loop, I too saw that it only saves the last element of the array.
What worked for me was using patchEntities(), which as explained in the patchEntity() doc, is used for patching multiple entities at once.
So simplifying and going by the original code sample to handle multiple entities, it could be:
$userMenuAccessibilityObject = TableRegistry::get('UserMenuAccessibility');
foreach ($UserMenuAccessibility as $key => $value) {
$userMenuAccessibility = $userMenuAccessibilityObject->get($value);//get original individual entity if exists
$userMenuAccessibilities[] = $userMenuAccessibility;
$dataToPatch = [
'menu_accessibility_id' => $value,
'users_id' => $id
]//store corresponding entity data in array for patching after foreach
$userMenuAccessibilitiesData[] = $dataToPatch;
$userMenuAccessibilities = $userMenuAccessibilityObject->patchEntities($userMenuAccessibilities, $userMenuAccessibilities);
if ($userMenuAccessibilityObject->saveMany($requisitions)) {
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The users could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
Note: I haven't made it handle if entity doesn't exist, create a new one and resume. That can be done with a simple if condition.

Update except row of null in CakePHP

I have problem,when I tried to update except row of null in CakePHP.
Model -> Spot
column -> name,address
id / name / address
1 / Shibuya Bakery / Shibuya street 123
For example,there is database like the one above.
Then CakePHP got a name-value(Shibuya Cake Shop) from Android,and address-value is null.
Therefore I wanna update just name-column.
id = 1(post from Android)
public function update()
if( isset($this->request->data["id"]) )
$id = intval($this->request->data["id"]);
$fields = array( '' => $id );
$data = array( '' => "'".$this->request->data["name"]."'",
"Spot.address" => "'".$this->request->data["address"]."'");
$this->Spot->updateAll( $data,$fields );
If you just want to update just one field, just use saveField.
$this->Spot->id = $this->request->data['id'];
$this->Spot->saveField('name', $this->request->data['name']);
Don't use updateAll, as that is meant for updating multiple records, though technically you could add conditions to prevent it from doing so. You're also passing incorrect arguments into updateAll. (See for the correct way.) If you want to update multiple fields at once on a single record, use save:
public function update()
if( isset($this->request->data["id"]) )
$fields = array('name');
if(!empty($this->request->data['address'])) array_push($fields, 'address');
$this->Spot->save($this->request->data, true, $fields);
Read more on saving:
