Why does Chrome Developer Tools for mobile devices not work? - mobile

Since a few weeks my Chrome Developer Tools mobile device view doesn't work properly. When I change the view to mobile, tablet etc the display doesn't show the whole mobile display, but a portion of it and to see the full display, I have to scroll (vertical) (I've attached pictures).
It's definitely not the code but Chrome Developer Tools. Sometimes a page refresh helps, sometimes (mostly) nothing but time (it goes back to normal at random times). I searched for a while but can't really find anything related.


Google Data Studio - Color picker is cut off (a bug or is it just me?)

When trying to edit colors in Google Data Studio, the color picker dialog box is always cut off. As if it's running off the edges of the screen.
Scrolling up/down doesn't make the picker move. Refreshing the page doesn't do anything. And you can't just click and drag it to move it.
This shows what I'm talking about.
I've reported it on Google's Issue Tracker, but I can't seem to post anything on the Data Studio community forums. Which is why I'm here. I'll also post about it on Reddit to see if anyone else is running into this glitch.
I was able to reproduce the problem, so it is not "just you".
However, to reproduce I had to reduce the size of the browser window (with the window maximized it does not happen). This is clearly a responsive web design problem and I guess you're using a small screen.
Although it is indeed a bug, it may not be a priority for Google to solve. You're probably one of the few users that designs dashboards with small screens. So you may want to find a bigger screen.

Why is there a slight lag between native apps and "desktop" apps?

So I'm not really sure how to explain this but I will try my best.
I created a jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/xghar755/2/
As you quickly hover over each text, you can see that the background color changes. This is just a simple div with a css hover property. Here is the kicker though, go to your address bar and type in any letter and you get a drop down of items, like so.
Now, quickly hover your mouse over the items in the dropdown. And then go back to the jsfiddle and hover your mouse over its items. You can tell that the chrome versions` background color feels more responsive. It's rarely noticable, but I can tell. Why is that?
Is this because Chrome's a Native application that doesn't rely on CSS or the DOM? If so, does this mean that native apps are generally more responsive in user interface applications? Thanks ~
Chrome is a software program running on your device. jsfiddle is, in part, a program that communicates with Chrome via the internet. Each transaction between the browser and jsfiddle takes tens of milliseconds, perhaps hundreds, and there can be a multitude of back and forth operations to serve one page and its in-betweens. In addition, Chrome is written in a language that runs in your machines native processing language while communication with jsfiddle is all interpreted by Chrome first, not to mention some processing is done on the jsfiddle server before being sent to your browser.
tl,dr; Programs running on your computer can do things a lot faster if they don't have to communicate with other programs over the internet.

WPF Application not scrolling with touch on some Windows 10 tablets

I have a WPF application that includes a screen that users can scroll up and down. It has a scroll viewer control which provides a scroll bar and you can also scroll up and down using touch to drag the content up or down. This all works fine on all of my PCs, laptops and tablets and on most of my clients laptops and tablets.
However, I have one client who can only scroll the form up and down using the scroll bar. Using touch to drag and drop the contents of the form does not work.
I have seen this before on another tablet and we found that by installing all of the Windows updates the problem was resolved. However, on this tablet Windows is saying there are no more updates and the problem still exists.
The tablet is a Linx 10 that had Windows 10 on it from the start - it's not an upgrade. My hunch is that it needs the relevant Windows update but that Windows isn't reporting it as a required update.
Has anyone experienced this and identified what files/updates are needed to resolve it?
Just to re-iterate the application works fine on most PCs and tablets, so I don't think it's a basic coding problem which is why I haven't included any code.

Getting only gray screen when launching citrix application

Recently we installed a .net WPF application on citrix. When I go and launch it from citrix using RES powerfuse, I only get a grey screen and no controls are rendered on the screen.
The application is open and the main window can be seen but everything is grey in it. The mouse pointer also disappears behind the application.
The funny part is when the people from the operations team launch the application, it works fine. but not for regular users. This makes me suspect it could be something to do with permissions, yet we have given the access to open the program to all users, thats why the icon appears in citrix in the first place
What server are you running the app on? I recall we hit a WPF rendering bug on certain versions of Windows Server (+ XenApp) where the app would only render properly for administrators. This was a .NET bug - nothing to do with Citrix per-say. From what I remember the WPF rendering engine was trying to get access to some system resource that regular users could not access. I believe we only saw this on 2003 servers.
Just did some further digging, I think this is the issue:
For quick n temporary resolution:
Check your local machine resolution and Citrix desktop/application resolution.
Equalise the both it will work.
Ex: 1024/762 is the right resolution.
For test: Do maximise n minimize the screen you will see the change.

Fire event on Opera Mobile browser for orientation change

How can I fire an event when orientation is changed on a mobile device.
onresize works fine on iPod Touch but not on mobile device using Opera mobile as browser.
Any help on how to fire event on Opera mobile.
Abhishek Jain
I've racked the web trying to find a good solution to this, I was in the same boat. There dosn't seem to be any really fantastic solutions out there, but what I use is this. Like I said not the best option, but mobile and mini Opera don't seem to fire anything catchable when the screen is resized. Since I'm looking at mobile devices I set the viewport to which ever (width/height) is smallest. When the user turns their device it will at least be kind of intuative.
Edit: I actually did this and coupled it together with a update width&height routine on my div's, based on screen.width/height, and it turned out pretty good.
