Detecting mouseout of a GtkTreeView row - c

How can I detect when the mouse cursor leaves a GtkTreeView row associated with a GtkListStore model?
Note that the signal "cursor-changed" is not what I am looking for, as it gets emitted as if it is a mouse enter (mouseover) event and I need it to be triggered when the mouse has just left the row instead. However within "cursor-changed" signal and a call of gtk_tree_view_get_cursor() I can obtain "the latest mouseovered row" to know which row the mouse cursor has previously entered. So I at least need a way to detect when the mouse cursor leaves some row.

Mouseout events normally require widgets to consume a window on the underlying implementation (the Xserver normally sends them when you abandon one window, Windows has another means of signalling them) so in environments where widgets don't use a window (this is quite normal on environments that don't have enough support from the implementation), they must be simulated. Normally you'll have to check the widget class hierarchy up to the root to see the place where those such events are being emulated, and how, to get an idea on how to deal with them. Probably you'll have some registering process in the superclasses to allow for a callback to be called on behalf of such events.


When does each event occur in WinForms

As I am trying to make my own custom "WinForms", I am left confused on when does each mouse event occurs. I have made my own custom classes, but now the events are something I have to rework, as they won't work right.
I have a custom class for controls. Objects from that class can contain other controls, which can contain other controls and so on. There is a main control, which gets input from a picture box. That input is what is where the mouse is and what even has been activated in the picture box.
So far I have figured, that MouseMove, MouseHover and MouseDown events are the simplest to write, as they occur in simple conditions. But the rest require additional data about the mouse's location, state and past. MouseDoubleClick seems to activate after a specific sequence of events (strictly down-up-down-up, down-up-down-move-up and down-up-down-move-leave-enter-move-up, with the movement events not activating). With that in mind, I am even more confused.
In what conditions and sequences does each mouse event occur?
Further testing made things even more confusing. For one, now I want to know at what rate is the MouseMove being registered, and testing it shows that between each event there is a different time (or so does my use of a StopWatch say). This is important, because then that raises the question when is Hover being triggered.
Click is down-up, where moving is allowed between the two.
DoubleClick proved to be simple enough - down-up-down-up, where moving is allowed explicitly only between the second down-up.
Hover activates only once after each Enter, when the mouse remains stationary; if you want to trigger Hover again, the mouse has to leave and then re-enter.
So the question now is how the system tracks the mouse's activity - how does it detect the mouse moving, being held down and being released. Hopefully that would help me get the full answer.

WPF get active touch points

Is there a way in WPF to get active touch points? I need to determine if user is touching screen, similar to Mouse classes' Pressed -property?
I just need to know if any touch is present on the screen - don't mind what UIElement it's touching.
Here are two options, but they may not be the most correct way to do it:
1) You could subscribe to the MainWindow.PreviewTouchDown and MainWindow.PreviewTouchUp and maintain a list of all the current touch devices. It would be easy to implement but could make your code messy.
2) Subscribe to Touch.FrameReported which you can get a collection of touch points from the TouchFrameEventArgs.GetTouchPoints(null);. This will happen on every touch event firing, so it may be too often, but it would allow you to handle this event from any class.
You can subscribe to your main windows ManipulationStarting event (when the first finger makes contact with the screen), ManipulationInertiaStarting event (when the last finger lifts off the screen) and/or ManipulationDelta event (when any finger moves).
Within your event handlers you can get a list of all current touchpoints via ManipulationDeltaEventArgs.Manipulators
Don't forget to set your main window's IsManipulationEnabled to true.
This way you just have to remember whether a manipulation is currently in progress or not. You don't have to keep track of all the individual touch points yourself.

How to clear keyboard buffer from stale messages

My WinForms application has a button. This button has accelerator key (e.g. Alt+L). When button is pressed I handle the Click event and disable UI to prevent further button clicks until processing is finished. However, when accelerator key is pressed using keyboard those keystrokes are queued and get processed as soon as UI is enabled again. I don't want this. My question is how to clear/flush keyboard buffer?
If I use KeyPress or KeyDown to eat those characters I don't know when they have been received. I only want to suppress old/stale messages that arrived when I was still processing first Click event.
Yes, indeed your theory of the problem is consistent with that proposed by both myself and madmik3 in the comment exchange above. The amount of work your application is doing on the UI thread is effectively blocking it from processing other events, including keystrokes by the user. Those are getting queued for later execution whenever your application finishes its time-consuming foreground task. Those are the perils of a modern-day, pre-emptive multitasking OS. Of course, without posting your actual code, the best I or anyone else can do is speculate about what the problem is, given our experience.
The quick check to confirm that this is actually the case is to toss Application.DoEvents into your processing loop. That will allow the OS to handle the keystrokes immediately, which will all fail because the button has been disabled. (Click events, whether initiated by the mouse or keyboard shortcuts, are not raised for a Button control that has its Enabled property set to "False".) This is the closest you'll get to anything like "flushing the buffers". I doubt you're receiving KeyDown or KeyPress events anyway until after whatever long-running task has completed.
If that fixes the problem, the long-term solution is to spawn a new thread and perform whatever processing you need to do there, instead of on your UI thread. This will prevent you from blocking your UI thread, and, assuming the Button control is correctly disabled, cause the keystrokes to get thrown away because the button they "click" is in a non-clickable state. The simplest way to create a new thread is using the BackgroundWorker component. The documentation contains a pretty good example.

UIElement.PreviewMouseMove or not MouseMove... that is the question

UIElement.PreviewMouseMove Event
Occurs when the mouse pointer moves
while the mouse pointer is over this
As I can see, this is not true... When I PreviewMouseDown, then PreviewMouseUp, an PreviewMouseMove event interferes. Is this a bug in Framework or MSDN documentation leak?
I just need to differentiate when a element really moves, and this "static" "Move" breaks my logic...
Function calls log:
Function: MyCanvas.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs), Thread: 0x6F4 Main Thread
Function: MyCanvas.OnPreviewMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs), Thread: 0x6F4 Main Thread
Function: MyCanvas.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs), Thread: 0x6F4 Main Thread
Function: MyCanvas.OnPreviewMouseMove(System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs), Thread: 0x6F4 Main Thread
The previous log was obtained when obtaining also the DoubleClick event, so, I don't suppose I moved the mouse even by a micrometer...
Using simple handlers I was able to get PreviewMouseUp and PreviewMouseDown (and LeftButtonUp/Down) events to fire reliably without MouseMove interfering. I suspect that the behavior you're seeing is because, especially with modern high resolution mice, it's impossible to not move the mouse (even very slightly) while clicking it. Actually, it would be very foolish to assume your users won't do that. There's nothing preventing the user moving the mouse while keeping the mouse button pressed.
If you want to register the event sequence only if the mouse is stationary, record the position on mouse down and only do your actions on mouse up if the position changed significantly.

What is UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler in C# winform applications?

I found some of my winform application controls, such as DataGridView and ToolStrips, are referred to by UserPreferenceChangedEventHandlers. I have no idea what setting of the controls will generate such references and why such references keep my control alive in memory. How can I remove such references from that event? Thanks.
It is the delegate type for the SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged event. This event fires when Windows broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. Which typically happens when the user uses a control panel applet and changes a system setting.
Several controls register an event handler for this event, DataGridView, DateTimePicker, MonthCalendar, ProgressBar, PropertyGrid, RichTextBox, ToolStrip, NumericUpDown. They typically are interested in font or cue changes and anything that would affect the layout.
SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged is a static event. Registering a handler and forgetting to unregister it causes a memory leak, it prevents the control from being garbage collected. The listed controls ensure this doesn't happen, they unregister the event handler in either the OnHandleDestroyed() or the Dispose() method.
You'll get in trouble when neither of those two methods run. That will happen when you remove the control from the container's Controls collection and forget to Dispose() it. While forgetting to call Dispose() is not normally a problem, it is a hard requirement for controls. It is easy to forget too, controls are normally automatically disposed by the Form. But that only happens for controls in the Controls collection.
Also be sure to call Dispose() on forms that you display with the ShowDialog() method, after you obtained the dialog results. The using statement is the best way to handle that.
One more excruciating detail is important about the UserPreferenceChanged event, it is often the one that deadlocks your app when you create controls on a worker thread. Typically when the workstation is locked (press Win+L). Which cannot come to a good end when you use the controls I listed, the SystemEvents class tries to raise the event on the UI thread but of course cannot do this correctly when more than one thread has created them.
Also the kind of bug that can have a lasting effect, a splash screen for example can get the SystemEvents class to guess wrong about which thread is your UI thread. After which it then permanently raises the event on the wrong thread. Very ugly to diagnose, the deadlock is well hidden.
