VueJs2:remove item from parent array in component - arrays

I have a component with prop List. List is list of input files. At once input changed I add another one input.
Weird behavior if I try to delete .
removeAnother: function(item) {
var vm = this;
var num = vm.$parent.cornerList.indexOf(item);
vm.$parent.cornerList.splice(num, 1);
How to reproduce:
choose file in first input
choose file in second input (will added after step 1)
choose file in third input (will added after step 2)
then click to remove on first item in list
Expected: removed first item but has removed last added

Use a key on your list.
<div v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="">
I modified your fiddle to generate an id for each object added to the cornerList array.
var formuploadimage = Vue.extend({
template: '#template-form-upload-image',
props: {
list: {
type: Array
data: function() {
return {
isFileChanged: false
watch: {
validCnt: function() {
methods: {
onFileChange: function(item) {
var vm = this;
let id = Math.max.apply(Math, vm.$ => + 1
var newItem = {id};
removeAnother: function(item) {
var vm = this;
var num = vm.$parent.cornerList.indexOf(item);
vm.$parent.cornerList.splice(num, 1);
var app = new Vue({
el: ".lists-wrappers",
data: {
cornerList: [{id: 1}],
components: {
formuploadimage: formuploadimage
methods: {
border:1px solid red;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="lists-wrappers">
<formuploadimage :list="cornerList"></formuploadimage>
<script type="text/x-template" id="template-form-upload-image">
<div v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="">
<div class="select-file">
<label for="file-input">
+Add photo
<input type="file" #change="onFileChange(item)" />


How to display repeated drop down based on button selection in AngularJS

I need to display a drop down along with Plus button at first time. Based on button click it should display one more combination , I mean same drop down with options excluded previous selected value which we have from the first drop down and the plus button. This action should be repeat based on plus button selection.
Here is my code:
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.init = function() {
$scope.display = false;
$scope.records = [
{ id: "part1", part: "Frt Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part2", part: "Frt Lwr Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part3", part: "Frt Upr Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part4", part: "Hood Panel" },
$scope.changedValue = function(key) {
// alert(key);
//var index = $scope.records.indexOf(item);
$scope.records.splice(index, 1);
//delete $scope.records[key];
// alert(JSON.stringify($scope.records));
$scope.sample = function() {
$scope.display = true;
// alert("sample: "+$scope.display);
//alert("inside sample:::"+JSON.stringify($scope.records));
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl" ng-init="init()">
<select ng-model="selectedRecord"
ng-options=" as record.part for record in records">
<option ng-repeat="x in records">{{x.part}}</option>
<input type="submit" value="+" ng-show="records.length!=1"
ng-click="sample()" />
<div ng-show="display">
<select ng-model="selectedRecord"
ng-options=" as record.part for record in records">
<input type="submit" value="+" ng-show="records.length!=1"
ng-click="sample()" />
I am unable to display like that, please share your ideas to do this
My friend, i think i have a solution for your problem. :D
Its very basic code i think, so i would be happy to explain more in depth if needed.
look code here: plnkr, this is basically all the code, so its my first plunker.
$scope.originalRecords = [
{ id: "part1", part: "Frt Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part2", part: "Frt Lwr Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part3", part: "Frt Upr Bumper Cover" },
{ id: "part4", part: "Hood Panel" },
$scope.selectArray = [{selectedOption: null, options: $scope.originalRecords}];
$scope.selectedOption =[];
$scope.hideButton = false;
$scope.addNewSelect = function (arrayToSearch, selectedOption) {
var index = { return d['part'];}).indexOf(selectedOption);
var newRecords = arrayToSearch.slice();
newRecords.splice(index, 1);
if (newRecords.length > 0) {
$scope.selectArray.push({selectedOption: null, options: newRecords});
} else {
$scope.hideButton = true;
Hope it helps.

How to preserve the items stored in an array in Vue

I have the code below that adds the item to the array if the checkbox is clicked. But, when I clicked a new item, the recently added item is replaced with the new one. Please see below:
if( == true){
So if my array (selected) has already a data, let's say 1, (added when checkbox is clicked), and then I clicked item 2, item 1 is removed, replaced with 2 and so on. Anyone can help me on this?
Pushing onto an array does not replace the array. The below is your code, with a fake incrementing ID number added to show different values pushed onto this.selected:
Vue.component('demo', {
template: '<div><button v-on:click="addMe({emp_key: fakeid++})">Click me</button> {{selected}} </div>',
data() {
return {
selected: [],
select: true,
fakeid: 1
methods: {
addMe(item) {
if ( == true) {
new Vue({
el: '#app'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
#ramedju try this hope it will help you
var arr=[]
export default {
if( true){
full code which i had use during testing
<input type="checkbox" name="" value="1" v-model="select">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" #click.prevent="add()"><i class="fa fa-dot-circle-o"> </i>Success</button>
var arr=[]
export default {
var item="1"
result of console log

v-for and computed properties calling methods

I'm trying to update some properties on a VueJS object list, but I'm having some glitches.
Here's the HTML:
<div id="el">
<p>Total Chats: {{ chats.length }} ({{ unreadCount }} unread)</p>
<button v-on:click="__addChat(true)">Add a Chat</button>
<button v-on:click="__makeAllRead">Read All</button>
<pre>{{ $data | json }}</pre>
<li v-for="chat in chats">
Message {{ }}
<span v-if="chat.unread"><strong>(UNREAD)</strong></span>
And the Vue code:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
nextID : 2,
chats: {
'6fc5gh4j3kl_FIRST': {
id : 1,
unread : true,
body : Date(),
methods: {
__addChat: function (unread) {
var chat = {
id : this.nextID++,
unread : unread,
body : Date(),
this.chats[this.__makeHash()] = chat;
__makeAllRead : function() {
for ( var key in Object.keys(this.chats) ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
this.chats[key] = true;
__countUnread : function() {
var unread = 0;
for ( var key in Object.keys(this.chats) ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.chats[key].unread ) {
return unread;
__makeHash: function() {
return '6fc5gh4j3kl1AZ0' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
ready: function() {
computed: {
unreadCount: function () {
return this.countUnread();
Here's a Fiddle:
Things I cannot understand/fix on this code:
1) A computed property using a method to update the count
2) It displays only the object manually created, not the dynamically ones.
3) I cannot make all messages read by clicking a button.
This is Vue 1.0.0 RC2.
Could you, please, tell me what Am I doing wrong?
Answered on VueJS's Gitter
<div id="el">
<p>Total Chats: {{ totalChats }} ({{ unreadCount }} unread)</p>
<button v-on:click="__addChat(true)">Add a Chat</button>
<button v-on:click="__makeAllRead">Read All</button>
<pre>{{ $data | json }}</pre>
<li v-for="chat in chats">
{{ }}
<span v-if="chat.unread"><strong>(UNREAD)</strong></span>
Vue Code
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
nextID : 2,
chats: {
'6fc5gh4j3kl_FIRST': {
id : 1,
unread : true,
body : Date(),
methods: {
__addChat: function (unread) {
var chat = {
id : this.nextID++,
unread : unread,
body : Date(),
this.$set('chats.' + this.__makeHash(), chat);
__makeAllRead : function() {
for ( var key in this.chats ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
this.chats[key].unread = false;
__makeHash: function() {
return 'fc5gh4j3kl1AZ0' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1);
ready: function() {
computed: {
totalChats: function() {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in this.chats) {
if (this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
unreadCount: function () {
var unread = 0;
for ( var key in this.chats ) {
// if any tests are invalid
if ( this.chats.hasOwnProperty(key) && this.chats[key].unread ) {
return unread;

how can i update the template view or json data so that i could re-render my template view in backbone.js

i want to update the view, as i click on follow button, id for follow button is btn-follow.
i want to update the ui if template, that i when i click on follow button, if value in console data is true follow button should change in "FOLLOW" if value in console is false then button caption should be UN-FOLLOW. how can i update the view or how can i update the joson data and re-render the template.
my view code is here.
spine.module("communityApp", function (communityApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// Load template
var pforumTemplateHtml = App.renderTemplate("pforumTemplate", {}, "communityModule/tabContainer/pforum");
// Define view(s)
communityApp.Views.pforumView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile($(pforumTemplateHtml).html()),
tagName: "li",
onRender: function () {
this.object = this.model.toJSON();
events: {
"click .btn-comment" : "showComments",
"click #recent-btn": "recent",
"click #my-posts": "myposts",
"click #popular-btn": "popular",
"click #follow-btn": "follow",
"click #my-posts": "LeftLinks",
"click #popular-btn": "LeftLinks",
"click .btn-follow": "activityBtn",
"click #like-btn" : "activityBtn",
"click #post-comments-btn": "showCommentEiditor"
postcomments : function ()
showCommentEiditor : function (){
showPforumTab : function ()
showComments : function(){
hideCommentPopup : function ()
// Show Loading sign
showLoading : function () {
// UnLoading Function
hideLoading : function (){
// Add New Event Function
addEvent : function()
document.getElementById("my-gllpMap").style.width = "100%";
var my_gllpMap = document.getElementById("my-gllpMap");
google.maps.event.trigger( my_gllpMap, "resize" );
setValues : function(key,value)
getValues : function (key)
return window.localStorage.getItem(key);
closeAddEvent:function ()
// Show Over lay
showOverly:function ()
// Hide Loading sign
hideOverly : function()
enlargeImage : function ()
activityBtn: function (e) {
var elem = $(;
if (elem.hasClass('inactive')) {
return false;
var activity = elem.attr('name');
switch (activity) {
case "like-Button":
var _this = $.extend({},this,true);
_this.activity = 'like-Button';;
case "follow-button":
var _this = $.extend({},this,true);
_this.activity = 'follow-button';;
//For Like Post
activityBtnSubmit: function (modalThis) {
// var o = (this.parentThis) ? this.parentThis.object : this.object;
//var o = "52fa2ccc9bca9ac90c000051";
var func = _.bind(function () {
//var hmObj = new MessageApp.Controllers.hmAlertsController();
}, this);
switch (this.activity) {
case "like-Button":
App.ids = null;
App.ids2 = null;
App.ids =;
App.ids2 = this.object.iLiked;
if(App.ids2 === true) {
App.action = 0;
else if(App.ids2 === false) {
App.action = 1;
var data = {
$.when(App.request('alertActivity:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
//value : value,
dataToSend: JSON.stringify(data),
App.ids1 = (;
case "follow-button":
App.ids = null;
App.ids2 = null;
App.ids = this.object.UserId;
App.ids2 = this.object.iFollow;
if(App.ids2 === true) {
// $(".btn-follow").html("UN-FOLLOW");
App.action = 0;
else if(App.ids2 === false) {
App.action = 1;
if (App.ids) {
alert (App.ids);
//App.action = 0;
//App.action = 1;
var data = {
id: this.object.UserId,
$.when(App.request('alertActivity:entities', {
origin: 'pforum',
id: this.object.UserId,
//value : value,
dataToSend: JSON.stringify(data),
App.ids1 = (data.UserId);
return true;
var RowView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click .btn-follow": function() {console.log(this.model.get("name"));}
initialize: function(){
this.model.on('change', this.render, this);
render: function() {
var html=_.template(rowTemplate,this.model.toJSON());
this.setElement( $(html) );
return this;
// define collection views to hold many communityAppView:
communityApp.CollectionViews.pforumCollectionViews = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: "ul",
itemView: communityApp.Views.pforumView
my template code is here.
<div class="comm-tab-row">
<div class="post-left-panel">
<div class="post-image-container">
<img src="{{UserImageURL}}" alt="" class="post-image" /></br>
{{#if iLiked}}
<img src="images/myCommunity/liked#2x.png" width="20" height="19" id="like-btn" name = "like-Button" >
<img src="images/myCommunity/like#2x.png" width="20" height="19" id="like-btn" name = "like-Button" >
<div class="post-body">
<h5 class="comm-tab-heading">
<span class="navigate-screen" id="{{Id}}" style="text-decoration:underline;">
{{format_date Time ""}}
<div class="comm-right-panel">
{{#if iFollow}}
{{NumComments}} - COMMENT
You can add a new boolean to the model of your view isFollowing. You can then add a condition inside your template to determine which button to render.
<% if(isFollowing){ %>
<button> Unfollow </button>
<% } else { %>
<button> Follow</button>
<% } %>
To rerender the view call the render function from your event handler.
events: {
"click .btn-follow": function() {
//Do comething useful..

Should $bind save child data added in an ng-repeat

Hi I have a problem with $bind, I am binding a model and outputting the models via a ng-repeat. The ng-repeat outputs the stored data and also offers some fields for adding/changing data. The changes are reflected in the scope but are not being synced to Firebase.
Is this a problem with my implementation of $bind?
<iframe id="fpframe" style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 410px;" ng-if="isLoaded"></iframe>
<li ng-repeat="asset in upload_folder" ng-class="{selected: asset.selected}">
<div class="asset-select"><input type="checkbox" name="selected" ng-model="asset.selected"></div>
<div class="asset-thumb"></div>
<div class="asset-details">
<p><span class="asset-filesize" ng-if="asset.size">Filesize: <strong><span ng-bind-html="asset.size | formatFilesize"></span></strong></span> <span class="asset-filetype" ng-if="asset.filetype">Filetype: <strong>{{asset.filetype}}</strong></span> <span class="asset-dimensions" ng-if="asset.width && asset.height">Dimensions: <strong>{{asset.width}}x{{asset.height}}px</strong></span> <span class="asset-type" ng-if="asset.type">Asset Type: <strong>{{asset.type}}</strong></span></p>
<label>Asset Description</label>
<textarea ng-model="asset.desc" cols="10" rows="4"></textarea>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.creator" maxlength="4000">
<label>Release Date</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.release">
<label for="CAT_Category">Tags</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="asset.tags" maxlength="255">
The Controller: (fpKey is a constant that stores the Filepicker API key)
['$rootScope', '$scope', '$firebase', 'FBURL', 'fpKey', 'uploadFiles',
function($rootScope, $scope, $firebase, FBURL, fpKey, uploadFiles) {
// load filepicker.js if it isn't loaded yet, non blocking.
(function(a){if(window.filepicker){return}var b=a.createElement("script");b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;b.src=("https:"===a.location.protocol?"https:":"http:")+"//";var c=a.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(b,c);var d={};d._queue=[];var e="pick,pickMultiple,pickAndStore,read,write,writeUrl,export,convert,store,storeUrl,remove,stat,setKey,constructWidget,makeDropPane".split(",");var f=function(a,b){return function(){b.push([a,arguments])}};for(var g=0;g<e.length;g++){d[e[g]]=f(e[g],d._queue)}window.filepicker=d})(document);
$scope.isLoaded = false;
// Bind upload folder data to user account on firebase
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.upload_folder = $firebase(refUploadFolder);
// default file picker options
$scope.defaults = {
mimetype: 'image/*',
multiple: true,
container: 'fpframe'
// make sure filepicker script is loaded before doing anything
// i.e. $scope.isLoaded can be used to display controls when true
(function chkFP() {
if ( window.filepicker ) {
$scope.isLoaded = true;
$scope.err = null;
// additional picker only options
var pickerOptions = {
services:['COMPUTER', 'FACEBOOK', 'GMAIL']
var storeOptions = {
location: 'S3',
container: 'imagegrid'
var options = $.extend( true, $scope.defaults, pickerOptions );
// launch picker dialog
filepicker.pickAndStore(options, storeOptions,
uploadFiles.process(InkBlobs, $scope.upload_folder);
$scope.err = FPError.toString();
} else {
setTimeout( chkFP, 500 );
I also have a service handling the input from Filepicker, this creates new entries in the firebase at the reference that is bound (using Firebase methods rather than AngularFire maybe this breaks the binding?)
.service('uploadFiles', ['$rootScope', 'FBURL', function($rootScope, FBURL) {
return {
process: function(InkBlobs, upload_folder) {
var self = this;
var countUpload = 0;
// write each blob to firebase
angular.forEach(InkBlobs, function(value, i){
var asset = {blob: value};
// add InkBlob to firebase one it is uploaded
upload_folder.$add(asset).then( function(ref){
// wait for all uploads to complete before initiating next step
(function waitForUploads() {
if ( countUpload === InkBlobs.length ) {
self.createThumbs(upload_folder, { multi: true, update: false, location: 'uploads' });
} else {
setTimeout( waitForUploads, 500 );
getDetails: function(ref) {
// after InkBlob is safely stored we will get additional asset data from it
ref.once('value', function(snap){
filepicker.stat(snap.val().blob, {size: true, mimetype: true, filename: true, width: true, height: true},
function(asset) {
// get asset type and filetype from mimetype
var mimetype = asset.mimetype.split('/');
asset.type = mimetype[0].replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});
asset.filetype = mimetype[1];
// add metadata to asset in upload folder
createThumbs: function(ref, options) {
var self = this;
// default options
options.multi = options.multi || false;
options.update = options.update || false;
options.location = options.location || 'asset';
// if pathbase is not provided generate it based on provided location
if (!options.pathbase) {
if (options.location === 'assets') {
options.pathbase = FBURL.LIBRARY + "/assets/";
} else if (options.location === 'uploads') {
options.pathbase = "/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder/";
} else {
throw new Error('SERVICE uploadFiles.createThumbs: options.location is not valid must be assets or uploads');
var generateThumb = function(blob, path) {
filepicker.convert( blob,
{ width: 200, height: 150, fit: 'crop' },
{ location: 'S3', access: 'public', container: 'imagegrid', path: '/thumbs/' },
var refThumbBlob = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child(path);
// can use to create progress bar
if (options.multi) {
// look at all assets in provided ref, if thumbnail is mission or update options is true generate new thumb
angular.forEach(ref, function(value, key){
if (typeof value !== 'function' && (!value.tnblob || options.update)) {
// thumb doesn't exist, generate it
var blob = value.blob;
var path = options.pathbase + key + '/tnblob';
generateThumb(blob, path);
} else {
// getting thumbnail for a single asset
var refAsset = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child(options.pathbase + ref);
var blob = refAsset.val().blob;
var path = options.pathbase + ref + '/tnblob';
generateThumb(blob, path);
So to recap, data is being saved to /users/$rootScope.auth.user.uid/upload_folder and this is being rendered in the HTML. Changes in the HTML form are reflected in the scope but not in Firebase, despite the binding:
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.upload_folder = $firebase(refUploadFolder);
Any ideas as to why this is? Is my implementation incorrect or am I somehow breaking the binding? Is $bind even supposed to work with ng-repeat in this manner?
Shooting myself for how simple this is, the error was in how I defined the binding. You can't set the binding on itself, you need two separate objects in the scope...
The firebase reference $scope.syncdata loads the initial data and all modifications made to $scope.upload_folder will be synced to firebase.
var refUploadFolder = new Firebase(FBURL.FBREF).child("/users/" + $rootScope.auth.user.uid + "/upload_folder");
$scope.syncdata = $firebase(refUploadFolder);
