Reading large file from CMD and cutting information - batch-file

I'm writing batch script on Windows, with it's help I would like to sort out information from many files to smaller files.
I got ~3000 long lines in log files, from whom I need get few things, basically there are name and value (example ",INC_LIMI=050,ISO_LIMI=050,INC_MLIM=074,"), and everything is separated with "," symbol. My question how you can read long string line and just read values like:
String LineString[]
LineString = Line.split(,)
String s = "INC_MLIM"
For elem in LineString
if elem.exist(s)
and latter on just save to new file.
There is service.log file which contains multiple lines with same variable names, but I don't need all of them so the thing I'm trying to do is
From line :
Transform to new line structure with less variables and separate with tabs instead of comma. New line should look something like this:
"INC_MLIM=074 ISO_MLIM=074 LOC_LI_L=050 TRI_LI_L=074"

You don't state which values you want. I'll arbitrarily assume you want INC_LIMI and INC_MLIM.
Like most any text file manipulation, this is a pain to do with pure batch. But it is possible.
I'm assuming your lines are all <8192 characters long. If you have lines that are longer than that, then a pure batch solution is not possible, and you should skip right down to the bottom of this answer for a JREPL solution
Batch does not have a convenient split function that allows splitting at a specific user defined character. The FOR command almost works, but it also splits at ;, =, <tab>, and <space>. So it is not a good choice.
With the correct arcane syntax, you can use variable expansion find/replace to substitute a newline (0x0A) for every comma. This will generate one name=value pair per line, which is very convenient for letting FINDSTR filter out the values that you want.
Here is a solution that relies on a temporary table. This iterates all *.log files, and for each one, it creates output in *
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
(set LF=^
%= This creates a newline 0x0A character =%
for %%N in ("!LF!") do for %%F in (*.log) do (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%%F") do (
set "ln=%%A"
findstr /b "INC_LIMI= INC_MLIM=" "%%F.temp" >""
del "%%F.temp"
type *
exit /b
Note that the above can fail if your log files contain !. This could be solved by toggling delayed expansion on and off as needed.
Some people don't like to use temp files. In this case, getting rid of the temp file introduces even more arcane batch constructs. But it does eliminate the ! delayed expansion issue, and the code is shorter. This version can also be significantly slower if the source files are very large.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
(set LF=^
%= This creates a newline 0x0A character =%
for %%F in (*.log) do (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%%F") do (
set "ln=%%A"
cmd /v:on /c "for %%N in ("!LF!") do #echo(!ln:,=%%~N!"|findstr /b "INC_LIMI= INC_MLIM="
) >""
type *
exit /b
It is also possible to solve this without using FINDSTR. But this solution assumes the same name never appears more than once on any given line, and all found names have a value:
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in (*.log) do (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%%F") do (
set "ln=,%%A"
for %%N in (INC_LIMI INC_MLIM) do call :findName %%N
) >""
type *
exit /b
:findName Name
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "test=!ln!"
set "test2=!test:*,%1=!"
if "!test2!" equ "!test!" return
if not defined test2 return
if "!test2:~0,1!" neq "=" set "test=,!test2:*,=!" & goto :loop
for /f "delims=," %%V in ("!test2:~1!") do (
exit /b
Here is a variation that handles empty values, but can break if a value contains quotes or poison characters:
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in (*.log) do (
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%%F") do (
set "ln=,%%A"
for %%N in (INC_LIMI INC_MLIM) do call :findName %%N
) >""
type *
exit /b
:findName Name
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "test=!ln!"
set "test2=!test:*,%1=!"
if "!test2!" equ "!test!" return
if not defined test2 return
if "!test2:~0,1!" neq "=" set "test=,!test2:*,=!" & goto :loop
set "test2=%1!test2!
endlocal&echo(%test2:,=&rem %
exit /b
But I wouldn't use any of the above. In fact, I would never restrict myself to pure batch because text file manipulation is so darn inefficient and inscrutable.
Instead, I would use JREPL.BAT - a regular expression command line text processing utility. JREPL.BAT is pure script (hybrid JScript/batch) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward - no 3rd party exe file required.
With JREPL, the solution is as simple as
#echo off
for %%F in (*.log) do call jrepl "(?:^|,)((?:INC_LIMI|INC_MLIM)=[^,]*)" "$txt=$1" /jmatchq /f "%%F" /o ""
type *
Not only is the code nice and clean, it is much faster than any pure batch solution.


Replacing a string in a bunch of text files in a windows folder

Need help ! Working on a batch file which will replace a set of characters from a bunch of text files in a folder. I have found the code which will do that. But it does for only one file. IS there a way where it can do it for all the files in the folder. There a total of 1000 files inside the folder. I am using a Windows 7 OS. Attaching the code I found where it does for one file.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set INTEXTFILE=Replace_string.txt
set OUTTEXTFILE=test_out.txt
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=¶" %%A in ( '"findstr /n ^^ %INTEXTFILE%"') do (
SET string=%%A
for /f "delims=: tokens=1,*" %%a in ("!string!") do set "string=%%b"
if "!string!" == "" (
) else (
SET modified=!string:%SEARCHTEXT%=%REPLACETEXT%!
echo !modified! >> %OUTTEXTFILE%
If you want a pure batch solution, then the simplest thing to do is to encapsulate the code in a subroutine that takes the name of the file as an argument, and call that routine from within a FOR loop that iterates the file names. This is a general approach that can be used for any code that you want to run iteratively
against files in a folder.
The end result of your code does not create or rename any folders, so a simple FOR is safe to use. But if your code creates or renames folders, then a FOR loop could also process the newly created or renamed files. This can be solved by using FOR /F with the DIR /B command instead.
Note - I eliminated dead (unused) variables from the code.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "c:\path\to\your\folder\containing\files\to\modify"
for %%F in (*.txt) do call :replace "%%F"
exit /b
set OUTTEXTFILE=test_out.txt
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=¶" %%A in ( '"findstr /n ^^ %INTEXTFILE%"') do (
SET string=%%A
for /f "delims=: tokens=1,*" %%a in ("!string!") do set "string=%%b"
if "!string!" == "" (
) else (
SET modified=!string:%SEARCHTEXT%=%REPLACETEXT%!
echo !modified! >> %OUTTEXTFILE%
exit /b
But there are many limitations and inefficiencies with the code, with lots of room for improvement.
Input and output lines must be a bit less than 8191 bytes long.
The search ignores case
The search string cannot contain = or begin with ~, * or !
The replace string cannot contain !
Lines containing ! will be corrupted because delayed expansion is enabled when %%A is expanded. This can be solved by strategically toggling delayed expansion on and off within the loop(s).
Leading : will be stripped from all lines because consecutive delimiter characters are treated as a single delimiter.
The replacement will be corrupted if the search term contains %%a or %%b or %%A. This can be avoided by transferring the search and replacement terms to FOR variables.
Certain characters within the search and/or replacement terms could cause problems or require complex escape sequences. This can be simplified by getting the desired strings in environment variables (which may still require escape sequences) and then using delayed expansion and FOR /F to transfer the values to FOR variables.
There are obscure situations where ECHO. can fail. The only safe variant that is guaranteed to work is ECHO(.
A non empty line could become empty after replacement if the replacement string is empty, and the empty line will not be output properly because neither ECHO. nor ECHO( was used.
Inefficiencies / other issues
Redirection is performed for each line of output, which is slow. Better (faster) to redirect once outside the loop.
The DEL/RENAME pair can be replaced by a single MOVE command
CALL is relatively slow. Best to minimize use of CALL if you want the fastest possible solution. But sometimes it cannot be avoided.
I prefer to have my temp file name to be a derivative of the original name. I typically append a .new extension to the original name, so "original.txt" becomes ""
Below is highly optimized code that addresses all but the first 4 points above. It is about as robust and efficient as pure batch can get if you want to use FOR /F to read the file.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
pushd "c:\path\to\your\folder\containing\files\to\modify"
set "find=Cat"
set "repl=Dog"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%S in ("!find!") do (
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%R in ("!repl!") do (
for %%F in (*.txt) do (
for /f "delims=" %%L in ('findstr /n "^" "%%F"') do (
set "ln=%%L"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln=!ln:*:=!"
if defined ln set "ln=!ln:%%S=%%R!"
) >"" & move /y "" "%%F" >nul
The above required a lot of experience and arcane knowledge to develop. Even after all the work, it still has the following limitations.
Input and output lines must be a bit less than 8191 bytes long.
The search ignores case
The search string cannot contain = or begin with ~, * or !
The replace string cannot contain !
Removing those limitations would require a ridiculous amount of slow and even more impenetrable code. Hardly worth it.
That is why I have abandoned using pure batch for text processing, and I developed JREPL.BAT to provide powerful regular expression text processing capabilities to the Windows command environment. JREPL is pure script (hybrid JScript/batch) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward.
JREPL makes the solution so simple, it can easily be run directly on the command line, without any batch file.
pushd "c:\your\path\with\files\to\be\modified"
for %F in (*.txt) do call jrepl "Cat" "Dog" /l /f "%F" /o -
The search is case sensitive. You can add the /i option if you want the search to ignore case. Change the %F to %%F if you use the command within a batch script.
Since all you need to do is replace text in an existing file, use a tool like FART which is specifically designed to do this:
FART -r "C:\Data\Directory\*.txt" "OldText" "NewText"
The -r switch says to process all txt files in provided directory and subfolders.
Note that you can add the -i switch to ignore the case when searching.

Updating a variable in a batch file

I have done some researching on this topic but everything I have tried doesn't work properly. I just want to add a counter to certain aspects of my batch file. The count.txt file contains:
Counters started on 2-18-15
opened: 0
actions: 0
The script that I have written so far is:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "usebackq tokens=2" %%r in (`findstr opened: counter.txt`) do (
echo %%r
set opened=%%r
set /a opened=!opened!+1
echo opened= !opened!
I would like to just edit the number of opened times and not change anything else in the file. I know this is rememdial but I am still very remedial in my batch abilities.
I have specified ! in place of %, using some debugging it is pulling the correct variable and adding 1 to it, the current issue is that it is not saving over that variable afterwards.
You need to use delayed expansion to properly display variables set inside of code blocks.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "usebackq tokens=2" %%r in (`findstr /C:"opened:" counter.txt`) do (
set opened=%%r
set /a opened=!opened!+1
echo opened=!opened!
You never write the information back to the file - you are simply echoing the value to the screen.
Batch does not have a mechanism to modify a value in a file directly. You must write a new file with the updated information, and then replace the old file with the new.
Assuming the order of the lines does not matter, I would write a batch script as follows:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=2" %%N in ('findstr /bc:"opened: " counter.txt') do set /a opened=%%N+1
> (
findstr /vbc:"opened: " counter.txt
echo opened: %opened%
move /y counter.txt >nul
After running the script once, your counter.txt file would look like:
Counters started on 2-18-15
actions: 0
opened: 1
You might want to preserve the order of the rows. You could do so with a pure batch script, but I rarely use batch to modify text files. Instead, I would use my JREPL.BAT utility - it is faster, more reliable, and simpler (assuming you understand regular expressions and rudimentary JScript)
call jrepl "^(opened:\s*)(\d+)$" "$1+(Number($2)+1)" /j /f test.txt /o -
for /F "delims=" %%a in (q28585447.txt) do (
for /F "tokens=1,2" %%q in ("%%a") do (
IF "%%q"=="opened:" (CALL :REPLACE %%r) ELSE (ECHO %%a)
SET /a newvalue=%1+1
ECHO(opened: %newvalue%
GOTO :eof
I used a file named q28585447.txt containing your data for my testing.
Produces newfile.txt To replace your file, use move /y newfile.txt q28585447.txt (after modifying throughout for your filename, of course.
Simply, it reads each line from the data file to %%a then tokenises %%a using the default separators into %%q and %%r If %%q is the target string, then %%r contains the value to be incremented, otherwise regurgitate the line in %%a.
The subroutine :replace simlpy adds 1 to the parameter passed and reconstructs the target line.
By surrounding the entire for...%%a loop in parentheses and redirecting to a file, all of the output echoed is redirected to that file.

How to randomly rearrange lines in a text file using a batch file

I am creating a code that strips through different MAC addresses randomly, but cannot figure out how to do this. My thought on how to approach this is to randomize or rearrange the order of the MAC address in the text file with this script, but I cannot figure out how to do this with a batch file. How this will work is that it will read "maclist.txt", then create a new temp file with the random order "maclist_temp.txt", that will be the rearranged file. Then, it will pull this randomized file in order.
I have tried Google and searching the web, but I haven't found anything too useful. I'm still actively looking, but any advice would be extremely useful.
Something as simple as extracting and deleting a random line and then adding to the bottom might work. Randomization would be better though, but I want to keep the original list. Something like:
Make a temp copy of maclist.txt called maclist_temp.txt
Take one random MAC address, remove it from maclist_temp.txt
Readd it to the bottom
That is all I want, but any suggestions are welcome.
You may try this batch file to help you to shuffle your maclist.txt. The usage of the batch code is
C:\> type list.txt | shuffle.bat > maclist_temp.txt
Here are the contents of shuffle.bat:
SET TmpFile=tmp%RANDOM%%RANDOM%.tmp
TYPE NUL >%Tmpfile%
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('MORE') DO SET Key=!RANDOM!!RANDOM!!RANDOM!000000000000& ECHO !Key:~0,15!%%i>> %TmpFile%
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('TYPE %TmpFile% ^| SORT') DO SET Line=%%i&ECHO.!Line:~15!
::DEL %TmpFile%
After issuing the above command, maclist_temp.txt will contain a randomized list of MAC addresses.
Hope this helps.
Here is a simpler method to randomize/randomise a file, no temp files needed. You can even reuse the same input filename.
Limitations are: blank lines and line starting with ; will be skipped, and lines starting with = will have all leading = signs stripped and ^ characters are doubled.
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in (maclist.txt) do call set "$$%%random%%=%%a"
(for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('set $$') do echo(%%b)>newmaclist.txt
I really like foxidrive's approach. Nevertheless I want to provide a solution with all the listed limitations eliminated (although cmd-related restrictions like file sizes < 2 GiB and line lengths < ~ 8 KiB remain).
The key is delayed expansion which needs to be toggled to not lose explamation marks. This solves all the potential problems with special characters like ^, &, %, !, (, ), <, >, | and ".
The counter index has been implemented in order not to lose a single line of the original text file, which could happen without, because random may return duplicate values; with index appended, the resulting variable names $$!random!.!index! are unique.
The findstr /N /R "^" command precedes every line of the original file with a line number followed by a colon. So no line appears empty to the for /F loop which would ignore such. The line number also implicitly solves the issue with leading semicolons, the default eol character of for /F.
Finally, everything up to and including the first colon (remember the said prefix added by findstr) is removed from every line before being output, hence no more leading equal-to signs are dismissed.
So here is the code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set /A "index=0"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /N /R "^" "%~dpn0.lst"') do (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F %%b in ("$$!random!.!index!") do (
set "%%b=%%a"
set /A "index+=1"
> "" (
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('set $$') do (
set "item=%%a"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
exit /B
This seems to work. Feed it a command line parameter of the file to randomize.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem read the number of lines in the file
rem the find prepends the line number so we catch blank lines
for /f "delims=" %%n in ('find /c /v "" %1') do set "len=%%n"
set len=!len:*: =!
rem echo %1 has %len% lines
rem Relocate as many lines as there are lines in the file
for /l %%j in (1 1 !len!) do (
rem echo starting round %%j
rem geta random number between 1 and the number of lines in the file
set /a var=!random! %% !len! + 1
rem echo relocating line !var!
rem make sure there is no temp file
if exist %1.temp del %1.temp
rem read each line of the file, write any that don't match and then write the one that does
<%1 (
for /l %%i in (1 1 !len!) do (
rem if it is the target line then save it
if %%i == !var! (
set /p found=
rem echo saving !found!
rem if it is the target line then write it
if not %%i == !var! (
set /p other=
rem echo writing !other!
echo !other!>> %1.temp
rem now write the target line at the end
rem echo appending !found!
echo !found!>> %1.temp
rem replace the original with the temp version
move %1.temp %1>nul
rem print the result
type %1
Place in cmd file
for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%m in ('cmd /e:on /v:on /c "for /f %%f in (maclist.txt) do #echo !random!/%%f" ^| sort') do echo %%m
It spawns a cmd which reads the mac list in the inner for, prefixes a random value and a slash to the mac and sorts the list. Then this list is splitted in the outter for using the slash as delimiter and printing the mac address.

Multiple conditions in For loop batch?

I'd like to print each line of 2 separate txt files alternately using a for loop in a batch file, I tried using an AND but was given: "AND was unexpected at this time" in cmd.exe when I ran my batch. Any ideas?
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%F in (!logPath!) AND for /f "tokens=*" %%H in (%%refLogPath) DO (
REM print each line of log file and refLog file sequentially
echo %%F
echo %%H
REM set logLine=%%F
REM check 'each line' of log file against ENG-REF.log
There isn't a keyword like AND, normally you couldn't solve this with two FOR loops.
But there is an alternative way to read a file with set /p.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
<file2.txt (
FOR /F "delims=" %%A in (file1.txt) DO (
set /p lineFromFile2=
echo file1=%%A, file2=!lineFromFile2!
I believe this is as robust as a batch solution can get.
It handles blank lines in both files
It can read up to approximately 8k bytes on each line
The number of lines in the files does not have to match
A line can begin with any character (avoiding a FOR /F EOL issue)
A line can contain ! without getting corrupted (avoiding a problem of expanding a FOR
variable while delayed expansion is enabled)
Lines can be either Unix or Windows style.
Control characters will not be stripped from end of line
But this solution will get progressively slower as it reads a large file because it must rescan the 2nd file from the beginning for every line.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "file1=file1.txt"
set "file2=file2.txt"
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<"%file2%"') do set file2Cnt=%%N
findstr /n "^" "%file1%" >"%file1%.tmp"
findstr /n "^" "%file2%" >"%file2%.tmp"
set "skip=0"
set "skipStr="
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("%file1%.tmp") do (
set "ln1=%%A"
call :readFile2
set /a "skip+=1"
if %file2Cnt% gtr %skip% (
for /f "usebackq skip=%skip% delims=" %%B in ("%file2%.tmp") do (
set "ln2=%%B"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln2=!ln2:*:=!"
del "%file1%.tmp" 2>nul
del "%file2%.tmp" 2>nul
exit /b
if %skip% gtr 0 set "skipStr=skip=%skip% "
if %file2Cnt% gtr %skip% (
for /f "usebackq %skipStr%delims=" %%B in ("%file2%.tmp") do (
set "ln2=%%B"
goto :break
) else set "ln2="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln1=!ln1:*:=!"
if defined ln2 set "ln2=!ln2:*:=!"
exit /b
Much better to use jeb's approach if that solution's limitations are not a concern with your files. It currently has the following limitations that could be removed with fairly minor modifications:
Files must have same number of lines
Files must not have blank lines
File1 must not contain ! character
No line in File1 can start with ;
In addition it has the following limitations when reading File2 that are inherent to the SET /P limitations
Lines must be Windows style, ending in carriageReturn lineFeed
Lines cannot exceed 1021 characters (bytes) excluding the line terminators
Control characters will be stripped off the end of each line
An even better solution would be to use something other than batch. There are many possibilities: VBS, JScript, PowerShell, perl ... the list goes on and on.

Batch - Combining Two Pieces of Text on One Line in a Loop

I'm trying to work up a batch file to combine two pieces of text on one line. The first is the filename; the second is the first line of text beginning with "To: ". I have been struggling for hours and this is as far as I've gotten:
#echo off
IF EXIST fullnames.txt DEL fullnames.txt
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO (
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO %FILENAME%%TOLINE% >> fullnames.txt
and it doesn't work. I am getting errors or incorrect results almost regardless of what I put down for the filename line; haven't even begun to test the toline part. Any suggestions?
You already used FOR /F to capture the output of the DIR command. Capturing the output of FINDSTR is no different.
However, it is more efficient to use a simple FOR in place of the FOR /F with the DIR command.
You used %~f1 when I think you intended %%~fg.
You cannot expand a variable set within parentheses using %var%, you must use !var! delayed expansion instead. Type SET /? from the command line for more information - read the section starting with "Finally, support for delayed environment variable expansion has been
However, in your case, you can easily avoid using delayed expansion (not that it is a problem).
Instead of deleting any existing "fullnames.txt" and then appending output to it, it is more efficient to enclose the entire construct within parentheses and redirect all output to the file using the over-write mode.
#echo off
for %%F in (*.eml) do (
for "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /b /c:"To: " "%%F"') do echo %%F %%A
) >fullnames.txt
But the above solution, simple as it is, is much more complicated than it needs to be.
FINDSTR can process multiple files specified with wildcards, and it will prefix each matching line with the filename followed by a colon.
You can get your results simply from the command line without even using a batch file (or you could put this in a batch file):
findstr /b /c:"To: " *.eml >fullnames.txt
If you are concerned that a file might contain multiple lines starting with "To: ", and you only want to use the first line, then it is back to using a batch file:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "prevFile="
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /b /c:"To: " *.eml') do (
if "%%A" neq "!prevFile!" echo %%A: %%B
set "prevFile=%%A"
) >fullnames.txt
The above solution could fail if a filename contains !. Also, a path could be used with *.eml as long as the path does not contain a drive letter. Both the drive and ! issues can be resolved with additional modifications.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist fullnames.txt del fullnames.txt
for %%f in (*.eml) do (
set toline=
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('findstr /B /C:"To: " "%%f"') do (
if not defined toline set "toline=%%l"
echo %%f!toline! >> fullnames.txt
EDIT: Simpler method added
The set toline= command delete 'toline' variable before each file is processed, so just the first "To: " matching line found is assigned to it and later shown using Delayed Expansion. However, this process may be achieved in a simpler way that doesn't require Delayed Expansion, as dbenham suggested:
#echo off
if exist fullnames.txt del fullnames.txt
for %%f in (*.eml) do (
set firstFind=
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('findstr /B /C:"To: " "%%f"') do (
if not defined firstFind set firstFind=now & echo %%f%%l >> fullnames.txt
You can't assign and use environment variables inside a for loop. Use delayed variable expansion or call a subroutine.
Delayed would look something like this
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
#echo off
IF EXIST fullnames.txt DEL fullnames.txt
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO (
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO !FILENAME!!TOLINE! >> fullnames.txt
However, that doesn't look like it would work correctly anyway. I would do it like this
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO call :process %%g
goto :eof
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO %FILENAME%%TOLINE% >> fullnames.txt
