Is there any way to mock #defer with react-apollo? - reactjs

For example, if I want to get a list of planets and the orbital length of them I can do this:
query Planets {
planets {
But let's say it takes a long time to calculate the orbital length and it sometimes throws an error, so I don't want to wait for those values with the first render.
#defer would be a great solution for this problem but it isn't implemented yet, but I could load them one by one and display as they arrive, but I'm not sure, how should it be done.
Maybe something similar could work (but compose won't accept a function as a parameter):
const Feeder = graphql(gql`{
planets {
const Feeder2 = Feeder(compose(props => ( || []).map(planet => {
return graphql(gql`{
orbitalLength(idPlanet: $idPlanet)
}`, {
name: `orbitalLength-${}`,
options: {
variables: {
const FeededComponent = Feeder2(Component)


Velo by Wix, JSON data in repeater

I'm trying to get the temperature of each hour from this website:
I'm getting the data from The "t" object is the temperature.
The problem I have is displaying the data for each hour in the repeater.
Here is my backend-code:
import { getJSON } from 'wix-fetch';
export async function getWeather() {
try {
const response = await getJSON('');
console.log(response) // all data
const tempData = response.timeSeries[0].parameters[10].values[0];
return tempData // Only returns "t" - temperature
} catch (e) {
return e;
The backend part works, however the frontend doesn't.
import { getWeather } from 'backend/getSMHI.jsw'
$w.onReady(function () {
getWeather().then(weatherInfo => {
$w('#weatherRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
if (index > 6) {
$item('#tempText').text = itemData.timeSeries[index].parameters[1].values[0];
} else if (index === 6) {
$item('#tempText').text = itemData.timeSeries[index].parameters[0].values[0];
} else {
$item('#tempText').text = itemData.timeSeries[index].parameters[10].values[0];
} // The parameters number for "t" changes depending on the index
$w('#weatherRepeater').data = weatherInfo;
Seems like there are at least a couple of issues here.
First, you are retrieving a single number from the API and trying to put that in a repeater. From the description of what you're trying to do, it would seem that you mean to be retrieving a list of numbers, probably as an array. You probably want to do some filtering and/or mapping on the response data instead of directly accessing a single value.
Second, the data you send to a repeater must be in the proper format. Namely, it must be an array of objects, where each object has a unique _id property value (as a string). You are not doing that here. You are simply assigning it a number.
Third, and this is just an efficiency thing, you don't need to define the onItemReady inside the then(). Not that it will really make much of a difference here.

Angular/Firestore Collection Document Query to return a single document field from all documents into an array

I am performing a query on my collection documents and trying to return just all phone numbers into an array. I just want to set the phone numbers into array for use by another function. Firebase docs only show a console log for ( and ( and no practical use for any other objects in your documents. My console log for info.phoneNumbers returns all the phoneNumbers.
async getPhone() {
await this.afs.collection('members', ref => ref.where('phoneNumber', '>=', 0))
.then(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.empty) {
console.log('No Matches');
getInfo(data) {
data.forEach(doc => {
let info =;
console.log(info.phoneNumber, 'Phonenumbers');
// let myArray = [];
// myArray.push(;
// const phoneNumber = info.phoneNumber as [];
// console.log(myArray, 'ARRAY');
return info.phoneNumber;
Firestore is a "document store database". You fetch and store entire DOCUMENTS (think "JSON objects") at a time. One of the "anti-patterns" when using document store databases is thinking of them in SQL/relational DB terms. In SQL/relational DB, you "normalize" data. But in a document store database (a "NoSQL" database) we explicitly denormalize data -- that is, we duplicate data -- across documents on write operations. This way, when you fetch a document, it has all the data you need for its use cases. You typically want to avoid "JOINs" and limit the number of references/keys in your data model.
What you are showing in the code above is valid in terms of fetching documents, and extracting the phoneNumber field from each. However, use of .forEach() is likely not what you want. forEach() iterates over the given array and runs a function, but the return value of forEach() is undefined. So the return info.phoneNumber in your code is not actually doing anything.
You might instead use .map() where the return value of the map() function is a new array, containing one entry for each entry of the original array, and the value of that new array is the return value from map()'s callback parameter.
Also, mixing await and .then()/.catch() is usually not a good idea. It typically leads to unexpected outcomes. I try to use await and try/catch, and avoid .then()/.catch() as much as possible.
So I would go with something like:
try {
let querySnap = await this.afs.collection('members', ref =>
ref.where('phoneNumber', '>=', 0)).get();
let phoneNumbers = await this.getInfo([i].data());
} catch(ex) {
console.error(`EXCEPTION: ${ex.message}`);
getInfo(querySnapDocs) {
let arrayPhoneNumbers = => {
let info =;
let thePhoneNum = info.phoneNumber
console.log(`thePhoneNum is: ${thePhoneNum}`);
return thePhoneNum;
return arrayPhoneNumbers;
I solved this with help and I hope this may be helpful to others in Getting access to 1 particular field in your documents. In my service:
async getPhone() {
return await this.afs.collection('members', ref => ref.where('phoneNumber', '>=', 0))
.then(snapshot => {
if (snapshot.empty) {
console.log('No Matches');
return this.getInfoNum(;
getInfoNum(data) {
return => {
let info =;
return info.phoneNumber
In my Component using typescript
phoneNumbers: string[] = [];
getPhone() {
this.dbService.getPhone().then(phoneNumbers => {
this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;
this.smsGroupForm.controls.number.setValue(phoneNumbers.join(',')) //sets array seperated by commas
This returns all the phone numbers in a comma separated array.
In my template I pull the numbers into an input for another function to send multiple text. Code in the template is not polished yet for the form, I am just getting it there for now.
<ion-item *ngFor="let phoneNumber of phoneNumbers">
<ion-label position="floating">Phone Number</ion-label>
<ion-input inputmode="number"
placeholder="Phone Number"
type="number">{{ phoneNumber }}

How to find a user in different collections in Firestore using ReactJS?

I have two collections: users_unprocessed and users_processed. When a user is new, he will be added to the users_unprocessed collection. If he is processed, he will be deleted and added to the users_processed.
I want to create a list with all users. Therefore I need to find a user in users_processed or users_unprocessed. The list should be reactively and show live updates, therefor I need to use .onSnapshot().
database.collection("users_unprocessed").doc(id).onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.numChildren > 0) {
} else {
database.collection('users_unprocessed').doc(id).onSnapshot((snap) => {
if (snapshot.numChildren > 0) {
} else {
// Error Handling
This code is not giving my any result no matter of the doc exists in the users_unprocessed or users_processed.
If both collections are correctly set you just need to use the forEach function on each of them and put them on an array or list or whatever you want. Something like that:
const allUsers = [];
database.collection("users_unprocessed").onSnapshot((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
And then you can do the same with the other collection in the same list. If you don't want to put them on an Array but you have any other method or function you just need to change the last part.

How to make an infinite scroll with react-query?

I'm trying to use react-query useInfiniteScroll with a basic API, such as the cocktaildb or pokeapi.
useInfiniteQuery takes two parameters: a unique key for the cache and a function it has to run.
It returns a data object, and also a fetchMore function. If fetchMore is called - through an intersection observer for exemple -, useInfiniteQuery call its parameter function again, but with an updated payload thanks to a native callback getFetchMore().
In the official documentation, getFetchMore automatically takes two argument: the last value returned, and all the values returned.
Based on this, their demo takes the value of the previous page number sent by getFetchMore, and performs a new call with an updated page number.
But how can I perform the same kind of thing with a basic api that only return a json?
Here is the official demo code:
function Projects() {
const fetchProjects = (key, cursor = 0) =>
fetch('/api/projects?cursor=' + cursor)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery('projects', fetchProjects, {
getFetchMore: (lastGroup, allGroups) => lastGroup.nextCursor,
infinite scrolling relies on pagination, so to utilize this component, you'd need to somehow track what page you are on, and if there are more pages. If you're working with a list of elements, you could check to see if less elements where returned in your last query. For example, if you get 5 new items on each new fetch, and on the last fetch you got only 4, you've probably reached the edge of the list.
so in that case you'd check if lastGroup.length < 5, and if that returns true, return false (stop fetching more pages).
In case there are more pages to fetch, you'd need to return the number of the current page from getFetchMore, so that the query uses it as a parameter. One way of measuring what page you might be on would be to count how many array exist inside the data object, since infiniteQuery places each new page into a separate array inside data. so if the length of data array is 1, it means you have fetched only page 1, in which case you'd want to return the number 2.
final result:
getFetchMore: (lastGroup, allGroups) => {
const morePagesExist = lastGroup?.length === 5
if (!morePagesExist) return false;
return allGroups.length+1
now you just need to use getMore to fetch more pages.
The steps are:
Waiting for useInfiniteQuery to request the first group of data by default.
Returning the information for the next query in getNextPageParam.
Calling fetchNextPage function.
Example 1 with rest api
const fetchProjects = ({ pageParam = 0 }) =>
fetch('/api/projects?cursor=' + pageParam)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery('projects', fetchProjects, {
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
// lastPage signature depends on your api respond, below is a pseudocode
if (lastPage.hasNextPage) {
return lastPage.nextCursor;
return undefined;
Example 2 with graphql query (pseudocode)
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(
async ({ pageParam }) => {
return graphqlClient.request(GetProjectsQuery, {
isPublic: true, // some condition/variables if you have
first: NBR_OF_ELEMENTS_TO_FETCH, // 10 to start with
cursor: pageParam,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
// pseudocode, lastPage depends on your api respond
if (lastPage.projects.pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
return lastPage.projects.pageInfo.endCursor;
return undefined;
react-query will create data which contains an array called pages. Every time you call api with the new cursor/page/offset it will add new page to pages. You can flatMap data, e.g:
const projects = data.pages.flatMap((p) => p.projects.nodes)
Call fetchNextPage somewhere in your code when you want to call api again for next batch, e.g:
const handleEndReached = () => {
Graphql example query:
add to your query after: cursor:
query GetProjectsQuery($isPublic: Boolean, $first: Int, $cursor: Cursor) {
condition: {isPublic: $isPublic}
first: $first
after: $cursor
) ...

map redux saga results

I followed this stackoverflow post to understand how to use the map with the yield.
my code is splitted in 3 parts:
Example data
citiesCode = [
bankCityId: A305
cityId: B544
bankCityId: R394
cityId: D873
1) the function that invoke when i launch the relative action
export function* getInvoiceCities({ citiesCode }) {
yield call(invoiceCities, citiesCode);
2)this function allow me to map the array that citiesCode is
export function* invoiceCities(citiesCode) {
yield all( => call(getCityInfo, cityCode)));
3) in this last function i use the relative code to made a call to the bankCityUrl and cityUrl to obtain the information about the relative city.
const citiesInfoList = [];
function* getCityInfo({ bankCity, city }) {
const cityUrl = `/cities/${city}`;
const bankCityUrl = `/cities/${bankCity}`;
try {
const cityInfoResponse = yield call(fetchWrapper, {
url: cityUrl,
const bankCityInfoResponse = yield call(fetchWrapper, {
url: bankCityUrl,
citiesInfoList.push(cityInfoResponse, bankCityInfoResponse);
console.log('', citiesInfoList);
// if (cityInfoResponse.status && bankCityInfoResponse.status === 'success') {
// yield put(saveInvoiceCitiesResponse(citiesInfoList));
// }
} catch ({ packet, response }) {
if (response.status !== 422) {
yield put(pushError({ text: 'sendPraticeSectionError' }));
The main bug is: If I call multiple time getInvoiceCities save to make this redux call I store the same cities more and more time.
Just to make an example:
citiesInfoList = []
I call it for the first time: I console.log('', citiesInfoList); citiesInfoList will be filled with the right results
I call it for the second time: I console.log('', citiesInfoList); citiesInfoList will be filled with the right results x 2
I call it for the second time: I console.log('', citiesInfoList); citiesInfoList will be filled with the right results x 3
there is a way to avoid this behaviour ? can i stop to store multiple times the same results ?
This scenario is happening because all your sagas sits in one file
If I undertood you correctly, when you call an action that invokes getInvoiceCities, it will invoke invoiceCities, and the later will invoke getCityInfo for each cityCode.
BUT, since you have defined const citiesInfoList = []; in the same module. What happens next is that getCityInfo will start using citiesInfoList for each getCityInfo invocation, resulting in a duplicated results as you have described.
I suggest the following:
Recommended: Get citiesInfoList out of this file to a separate file, and build a reducer to manage it.
Reset citiesInfoList = [] before every push.
i found, just some hours ago, an easy answer.
1) i deleted citiesInfoList = [] ( it was very ugly to see imho)
2) in the second function i did this
export function* invoiceCities(citiesCode) {
const results = yield all( => call(getCityInfo, cityCode)),
yield put(saveInvoiceCitiesResponse(results));
