mongoimport command doesn't work - arrays

I am trying to use command mongoimport.
my mongoshell doesn't autocomplete ( when i use tab key) when i use mongoim. Where it puts me on doubt does mongoimport is not available ?
MongoDB shell version v3.4.4
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.4
Server has startup warnings:
2017-09-16T18:55:26.051-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2017-09-16T18:55:26.051-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2017-09-16T18:55:26.051-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2017-09-16T18:55:26.051-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
MongoDB Enterprise > mongo
Mongo( MongoBridge( MongoRunner(
MongoDB Enterprise > mongoimp
I found relevant question here in stackoverflow, quit from 'MongoDB Enterprise' can solve this, when i use this command exit(), this makes complete exit from shell.
On server starts, it gives me warning message 'Access control is not enabled for the database' is this could be the problem ?
Help is appreciated

mongoimport works from the command prompt, not from Mongo Shell. So go back to your system command prompt and fire it there. For example:
C:\>mongoimport --db students --collection scores --file scores.json
Here MongoDB imports data from scores.json file into scores collection in students database of your running MongoDB instance. So you have to ensure following 3 things to make your mongoimport work.
You are inside System command prompt, not inside Mongo Shell.
Your Mongo instance is running.
Your Mongo server bin directory is in PATH environment variable.

If the json file is a json array, make sure you add the jsonArray at the end of your command.
Using RLD example, you would write it like:
C:\>mongoimport --db students --collection scores --file scores.json --jsonArray

There is nothing wrong with the default MongoDB installation.
We are supposed to install MongoDB database tools.
Download MongoDB Database Tools(.zip) from the official website by choosing the correct option
Extract them to "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\5.0\bin"
You are done.
These 2 websites will be helpful:


SyntaxError: Missing semicolon when trying to export Mongo Atlas collection to local machine

I am having a problem exporting a collection from Mongo Atlas to my local machine. I have tried several different formats including this one, which I found in the official Atlas documentation on importing and exporting data.
First I log into my Atlas like so:
mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --username uname
Then I try the command from the official docs:
mongoexport --uri mongodb+srv:// --collection colname --type json --out cats.json
I have looked around at other similar questions and tried everything I can find online without success. One suggestion was not to run the command from the mongo shell but from the regular command line, but this does not work either.
It seems like it should be easier to get a collection out of Atlas to JSON. Any help or suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks!
For anyone facing this error, the mongoexport command does not work with mongosh. It must be run with the system shell.
However, mongoexport is part of mongo-database-tools, which as of MongoDB 4.4, is released separately. As a result, running mongoexport in the system shell will throw a command not found if the installed version of MongoDB is 4.4 or greater.
To solve this you can install the database tools using homebrew:
brew install mongodb/brew/mongodb-database-tools
Of course, make sure you have homebrew already installed. If not a quick Google will help.
Then following command should work to perform an export:
mongoexport --uri mongodb+srv://<username>:<password><dbName> --collection <collectionName> --type json --out /Users/macuser/desktop/exportBU.json
Hope that helps anyone having similar problems getting data in/out of MongoDB.

How to deploy SQL Server Express on Docker Desktop Kubernetes

I've been studying "Kubernetes Up and Running" by Hightower et al (first edition) Chapter 13 where they discussed creating a Reliable MySQL Singleton (Since I just discovered that there is a second edition, I guess I'll be buying it soon).
Using their MySQL reliable singleton example as a model, I've been looking for some sample YAML files to make a similar deployment with Microsoft SQL Server (Express) on Docker Desktop for Kubernetes.
Apparently I need YAML files to deploy
Persistent Volume
Volume claim (should this be NFS?)
SQL Server (Express edition) replica set (in spite of the fact that this is just a singleton).
I've tried this example but I'm confused because it does not contain a persistent volume & claim and it does not work. I get the error
Error: unable to recognize "sqlserver.yml": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta1"
Can someone please point me to some sample YAML files that are not Azure specific that will work on Docker Desktop Kubernetes for Windows 10? After debugging my application, I'll want to deploy this to Azure (AKS).
Wed Jul 15 2020 Update
I left out the "-n namespace" for the helm install command (possibly because I'm using Helm and you are using helm v2?).
That install command still did not work. Then I did a
helm repo add stable
Now this command works:
helm install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
When I do a "k get pods" I see that my todo-app-mssql-linux database is in the pending state. So I did a
kubectl get events
and I see
Warning FailedScheduling pod/todo-app-database-mssql-linux-8668d9b88c-lsh5l 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
I've been google searching for "Kubernetes insufficient memory" and can find no match.
I suspect this is a problem specific to "Docker Desktop Kubernetes".
When I look at the output for
helm -n ns-todolistdemo template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
I see the deployment is asking for 2Gi. (Interesting: when I use the template command, the "-n ns-todolistdemo" does not cause an error like it does with the install command).
So I do
kubectl describe deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux >todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I edit the yaml file to change 2Gi to 1Gi.
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error parsing todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 9: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Hmm... that did not work. I try delete:
kubectl delete deployment todo-app-database-mssql-linux
kubectl create -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
I get this error:
error: error validating "todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml": error validating data: invalid object to validate; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
So I try apply:
kubectl apply -f todo-app-database-mssql-linux.yaml
Same error!
Shucks.... Is there a way to adjust the memory allocation for Docker Desktop?
Thank you
Short answer
Detailed Answer
Docker For Desktop comes already with a default StorageClass :
This storage class is responsible for auto-provisioning of PV whenever you create a PVC.
If you have a YAML definition of PVC (persistent volume claim), you just need to keep storageClass empty, so it will use the default.
k get storageclass
hostpath (default) 11d
This is fair enough as Docker-For-Desktop Cluster is a one node cluster. So if your DB crashes and the cluster opens it again , it will not move to another node, because simply, you have a single node :)
Now should write the YAML of PVC from scratch ?
No , you don't need. Because Helm should be your best friend.
( I explained below Why you have to use Helm even without deep learning curve)
Fortunately, the community provides a chart called stable/mssql-linux..
Let's run it together :
helm -n <your-namespace> install todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
# helm -n <namespace> install <release-name> <chart-name-from-community>
If you want to check the YAML (namely PVC) that Helm computed, you can run template instead of install
helm -n <your-namespace> template todo-app-database stable/mssql-linux
Why I give you the answer with Helm ?
Writing YAML from scratch lets reinventing the wheel while others do it.
The most efficient way is to reuse what community prepare for you.
However, you may ask: How can i reuse what others doing ?
That's why Helm comes.
Helm comes to be your installer of any application on top of kubernetes regardless how much YAML does your app require.
Install it now and hit the ground choco install kubernetes-helm

IBM Cloud Private-Community Edition - Waiting for cloudant database initialization

I tried below command
docker run --rm -t -e LICENSE=accept --net=host -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception:2.1.0 install
the response is
Waiting for cloudant initialization
I entered the command received the logs shown in the image. No error shown. Please give a solution
From the error message, for cloudant database initialization issue, it may be caused by the cloudant docker image is pulled from dockerhub while ICP installation. The cloudant docker image is big, you can run below command to check whether the image is ready in your environment.
$ docker images | grep icp-datastore
If the cloudant docker image is ready in your environment, and the ICP installation still has cloudant database initialization issue, you can try to install the latest ICP Community Edition. From, ICP removes the cloudant database. The ICP installation documentation:
If you still want to check the cloudant database initialization issue in ICP environment, you can:
Ensure your ICP nodes match the system and hardware requirements firstly.
Let us know the ICP installation configurations. You can check the contents for config.yaml and hosts files.
Check the system logs (in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog file) to find the relevant errors.
Run 'docker logs ' command to check the logs or errors.

MongoDB Connect Fail Error in windows

I have installed MongoDB shell version v3.4.9 in windows 7 and when I type mongo in cmd then I get the following error
error see the screenshot
Please tell me how to resolve it.
I am a beginner in MongoDB.
Run a netstat -an from a Console window. Then locate the default MongoDB port 27017 in the output. If it's there you may have a firewall issue.
If it isn't then MongoDB is not running or not listening on the default port. In this case you want to either start the windows service if you've installed MonggDB as a service or manually run mongod. The following links provide some guidance around that:
How to install mongoDB on windows?
How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

I am new to DB2 and I have installed DB2 9.7.
I created an instance which is shown below
[sathish#oc3855733574 ~]$ db2ilist
Settings of /etc/services is shown below
DB2_sathish 60000/tcp
DB2_sathish_1 60001/tcp
DB2_sathish_2 60002/tcp
DB2_sathish_END 60003/tcp
DB2_TMINST 50000/tcp
But, when I start using 'db2start' it throws the following error
07/31/2015 10:26:20 0 0 SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred.
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019
I installed DB2 using 'root' and starting 'DB2' from 'instance' (sathish in this case)
Any help or URL link will be of great use
Sathish Kumar
I had a look into db2diag.log file and I got a unusual hack from one of the website
I followed the steps mentioned below and it worked
a) db2trc on -f db2trace.out
b) db2start
c) db2trc off
This problem generally occurs if you have recently changed the password of the account which is the owner of that db2 instance what you need to do is go to services-> properties of the db2 instance -> and then from log on part select local system account
This looks like something is wrong with the installation. There should be some hints on what DB2 ran into in the db2diag.log file (look under ~/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log).
What you could do if the db2diag.log does not provide a clue is to verify your installation is correct. DB2 includes a tool for that named "db2val". Here is the link to the documentation of db2val for version 9.7. Just run "db2val" as the instance owner and check the output.
sudo -i -u db2inst1 /database/config/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2start
For more information
