Gcc.exe Runtime error - c

I recently just installed MinGW in Windows. However, when I try to compile a simple hello.c program I get this error message
C:\Users\HP-PC\Desktop\eclipse-workspace\FirstProject>gcc hello.c
Cannot create temporary file in C:\Users\HP-PC\AppData\Local\Temp;C:\MinGW\bin\:
Invalid argument
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I have tried reinstalling MinGW, but the error persists. I have also tried checking gcc --version and g++ -- version, and these worked without problems.


GCC weird error at header file when using linter-gcc at atom editor

I'm getting a weird error at C header files when linting with linter-gcc at atom. The error is this:
cc1: error: output filename specified twice
This error is generated by: gcc 5.2.1, ubuntu 15.10.
The same error is generated by gcc 5.3.0 at my linux arch system 4.5.0-1 ARCH.
When I checked with clang 3.7.1 all went fine.
Note that I can compile the program normally. The error is generated only inside atom editor or when I run this command at my terminal:
/usr/bin/gcc -Wall -fsyntax-only -c -fmax-errors=0 /path/to/headerfile.h
But when I run:
clang -Wall -fsyntax-only -c /path/to/headerfile.h
Nothing was printed.
EDIT: It seems that it's not linter-gcc's bug as I contacted the package's creator via his github account.
So my question is: What's is the source of this error? Is there a way to solve it? What's causing it?

Struggling to get PortAudio to Work with MinGW

I have the MinGW install previously working fine with MSYS. They are installed properly and functioning just well.
I installed the PortAudio library and did the install and got the success message after:
make install
When I try to compile samples:
c:\c>gcc patest_mono.c -o pa.exe
patest_mono.c:50:23: fatal error: portaudio.h: No such file or directory
#include "portaudio.h"
compilation terminated.
I'm new. I have a feeling I might be doing something fundamentally wrong with the way I'm trying to create the exe from compiling. It's been somewhat of a puzzle quest so far, but I've tried to figure it out and think I am close but completely missing something.
PATH variable ?
In the PortAudio MinGW build instructions I noticed
"The above should create a working version though you might want to
provide '–prefix=<path-to-install-dir>' to configure. "
I've tried adding C:\MingW\PortAudio into the user path. Doesn't work.
I've also tried running the commands in Bash and they come back with an error message "No Rule to make target 'paexpink'" either with the make command, and with gcc .c -o .exe I just get the same error message as compiling straight from the cmd prompt.
I found another source on stack overflow thread with no answers, but the user had commented that http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pyaudio provided them a solution but I tried installing the 5 cpython binaries and under the assumption I did it right, it didn't work either.
Thanks for your help,
To build and install portaudio, you need to add -prefix=/c/<"path to base of the MinGW directory"> to the ./configure line.
For example: ./configure -prefix=/c/MinGW/
then continue the installation by doing
After that, do the
make install
and that should install the portaudio files into MinGW.
After it has finished installing, you need to add -lportaudio to the compile command whenever you compile any programs that you want to use PortAudio in.
For example: gcc -o test test.c -lportaudio
I just figured out how to do this today, so I may have accidentally forgotten a few steps.

Using GCC to compile C code

I installed MinGW on my Windows 8 laptop and tried to compile a C code file with
gcc test.c -o test.exe
the compiler gave no warnings or errors but it did not create test.exe
how do i get the compiler to create the file
My terminal session
An interesting observation:
When I deliberately introduce an error in the code and try to compile the compiler shows the error
Code with error
Compiler output
When I try compiling the same code using Command Prompt
This is what it shows
But the file does exist in the MinGW\bin directory
I moved the
file to
and started the command prompt in the
and here is what it outputs
Problem partially solved:
I disabled hybrid boot in windows 8 and restarted the computer. The compiler now works in Command Prompt but not in PowerShell.
Try to compile your code normally as
gcc test.c
If you get default output file a.exe,then go for
gcc test.c -o test.exe
I would suggest you go through this compilation instruction :-
gcc -o test.exe test.c
I believe this code runs perfectly on your windows system.Please inform if it doesn't!
I know this is an old question, but I came across this after having this same issue and managed to solve it.
When I installed MinGW on my computer, I didn't add the MinGW bin directory to my PATH (<mingw install dir>\bin). I had written some code that referred to the GNU compiler binaries by their full path, and when I tried to compile something I experienced the same behavior you described.
So it seems like MinGW won't work properly unless it is added to your PATH. I think it's weird that gcc didn't complain about it though.
One possibility is Microsoft's use of VirtualStore.
This can cause problems with "missing" files with Cygwin. See for example, Cygwin sees a file that windows can't--I want to access this file from python and https://superuser.com/questions/400600/file-only-visible-to-cygwin-not-windows.
To verify whether this is the case, try doing a search of your entire hard drive for the file test.exe. Or try MinGW's ls rather than dir.
And since the OP "partially solved" the problem by moving to another directory, this could be the cause.

Eclipse CDT Debug not in executable format: File format not recognized after strawberry installation

Maybe I'm missing something obvious since I searched the internet for quite a while but could not find a solution for the following problem:
I'm using Eclipse Kepler SP2 (Build id: 20140224-0627) with CDT and MinGW as compiler backend. Debugging C code with gdb worked great up until today (at least I noticed the problem today).
Now I get the following error message when i want to start a progam in the debugger:
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-file-exec-and-symbols C:/[...]/Debug/test.exe
Error message from debugger back end:
"C:\[...]\Debug\test.exe": not in executable format: File format not recognized
The program runs nicely and so I thought I might have screwed up some settings. But when I tried to debug an old program, everything worked until I recomplied the old program -> same problem. If I ask the C-wizard to create a new "Hello World" ANSI C application with MinGW, the same problem occurs.
The compile commands which were used are
gcc -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o "src\\test.o" "..\\src\\test.c"
gcc -o test.exe "src\\test.o"
I did not update my MinGW in between, but updated Eclipse.
Do you have any pointers on where to look for the problem?
Edit: I just checked the binary type: My old projects are all [x86/le], the newly compiled ones are [amd64/le]. This should be a trace.... Will update posting according to progress.
Edit2: argh I installed strawberry perl a few days ago, and the installer has changed the environment variable MINGW_HOME in origin BUILD SYSTEM to c:\strawberry\c and this screwed up my builds. Resetting it to my c:\MinGW solved the issue.
I'll post this as answer, too. Heading and tags have been updated to point to this issue more directly.
I installed strawberry perl a few days ago, and the installer has changed the environment variable MINGW_HOME in origin BUILD SYSTEM to c:\strawberry\c and this screwed up my builds. Resetting it to my c:\MinGW solved the issue.
BTW: This happened, because strawberry added c:\strawberry\c to the PATH in front of my custom c:\MinGW and eclipse adds those to the BUILD SYSTEM variables.
It should be a parser problem, what is your binary parser under Project/Properties/Build/Settings ?
Check Project->Properties ->C/C++ Build ->environment and path for MINGW_HOME
make sure you have right gdb version (by checking under debug Configuration ->environment).

Configuring C/C++ on eclipse on Fedora

I installed Eclipse in fedora and then installed the CDT plugin for developping C/C++ applications . All the installation are done !
So now i can create a C/C++ project but when it comes to running it i got this message
launch failed , Binary not found
unable to find full path to gcc.
gcc -O2 -g -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -o Rad1.o ../Rad1.c
Internal Builder: Cannot run program "gcc": Unknown reason
Error: Program "gcc" is not found in PATH
Is there any more configuration i must do so C/C++ runs?
Executing c/c++ program with eclipse+unix base plate-forme, it requied object file of the program to execute/run it. So first of all you need to build your program by just pressing Ctr+b to buid it. This will create an object file that was required. Now you enabled to run/execute your programe. Good luck :)
