Eclipse Che: Can't find che.env - eclipse-che

I'm trying to enable GitHub oAuth in Eclipse Che. The documentation calls for modification of che.env.
Further, the docs say:
Configuration is handled by modifying che.env placed in the host
folder volume mounted to :/data. This configuration file is generated
during the che init phase.
I run Eclipse Che in a docker container as follows:
mkdir /home/<USERNAME>/che
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
--name che \
--rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /home/<USERNAME>/che:/data \
I enter the container and search for che.env:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> bash
find /data -name 'che.env'
Nothing is returned, thus the file che.env doesn't exist in /data. Why?

As per your docker run command, host folder mounted to volume :/data is /home/<USERNAME>/che so your che.env file must exist at path -
Update - Image used to run eclipse che is different in docker run command. eclipse/che image is required for running eclipse che. Complete command -
docker run -it --rm -v /che-data:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock eclipse/che:5.17.0 start

It's in /home//che folder. Make sure you restart Che after making changes to the file


Error container exited -1 after docker run, creating a folder as administrator

I have the same problem of this guys: SQL Server Docker container immediately exiting
I used this command docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=Password' --name sqlserver -p 1433:1433 -v /Filippo/data:/var/opt/mssql/data -v /Filippo/log:/var/opt/mssql/log -v /Filippo/secrets:/var/opt/mssql/secrets -d
Where Filippo is my home directory, but then I noticed that I have to create a home directory folder with sudo and assign that folder to my container, the problem is that i'm on Windows.
How can I create a folder as administrator on Windows?
PS: I have created the new folder but when I use docker run the container exits anyway with "Error 1"

Why docker with SQL Server disappeared?

I run SQL Server in container
docker run --network=bridge --name sql29 -h sql29 -it --rm -v h:/sql219data:/var/opt/mssql -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=sQL_19[pwd]" -p 12433:1433 -d
as described here:
I see the active docker
docker ps
But if I try to create the new folder :
docker exec -it sql29 mkdir /var/opt/mssql/bkp22
then the docker disappeared.
docker ps
How to understand: why the docker disappeared? Maybe the volume was mapped incorrectly?
As #Zeitounator commented, the tutorial you linked has a note saying that bind mounts don't work on Windows with the /var/opt/mssql directory:
Host volume mapping for Docker on Windows does not currently support mapping the complete /var/opt/mssql directory. However, you can map a subdirectory, such as /var/opt/mssql/data to your host machine.
You commented that your goal was to keep or restore databases between docker runs. You don't need a bind mount to do that, this is the primary purpose of a volume.
You can create a volume using docker volume create:
docker volume create sql219data
Then run your container using this volume:
docker run -v sql219data:/var/opt/mssql # ...
For debugging purposes you can remove the --rm option from your docker run command so the container won't be removed when stopped. You will then be able to read the logs of the container (even if it stopped):
docker logs sql29
# Then remove it to run the same `docker run` command again
docker rm sql29
docker run # ...

Docker not detecting changes for react app in windows

I generated a base react app with create-react-app and generated a inside of the project directory
FROM node:16-alpine
WORKDIR '/app'
COPY ./package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY ./ ./
CMD [ "npm","start" ]
Ran the build with docker build -f -t dawnmd/react .
Started the docker container with docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v ${PWD}:/app dawnmd/react
The app not detecting changes from the host i.e windows 11 when I change something in the host file.
It's true that CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true doesn't work with docker and windows 11.
However there is a workaround - you can use vscode remote container extension found here:
VSCode Documentation:
VSCode Remote Download:
If you have Docker Desktop installed, VSCode installed, and VSCode Remote containers installed. You can then do the following:
Open the react project in VSCode
Press CRTL + SHIFT + P, and then type and select the following: "Remote-Container: Open folder in Container"
VSCODE Open in Remote Containers
It would then ask for, "Add Development Container Configuration Files" to which you can select one of the following from dockerfile, docker-compose, or from predefined container configuration. Your project maybe different from mine hence the selection is up to you.
VS Code Remote-Container Configuration
4.Once Everything has been loaded. Using VSCode select terminal from the menu and then new terminal and then type "npm start" or "yarn start" as shown on the figure.
Running React in Remote-Container
*Opinion: The benefit of running react using vscode remote container is that the computer doesn't have to work much harder as it re-compiles/rebuild react whenever you save the js file on demand. Unlike chokidar_usepolling which compiles react every-second. Which makes my computer scream running a virtual library and the constant reload on the browser.
Note: Any changes made in the remote-container is also saved in the host machine.
Note: You would have to use git bash or another terminal(i.e Powershell) to execute all git commands as the terminal in vscode opens a terminal which resides in the container.
For windows using power-shell the run command will be:
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app -v /app/node_modules -p 3000:3000 -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true <IMAGE>
CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true enables a polling mechanism via chokidar (which wraps, fs.watchFile, and fsevents) so that hot-reloading will work

How can I setup a docker container for developing on the Nordic nRF5 SDK?

I'd like to setup a docker container and share it with my co-workers so we all don't have to setup development environments individually.
Note that this does not include saving the container as an image and uploading to DockerHub (search around for that part). Its also worth noting that this set of instructions would be a good start for creating a "dockerfile" which would automatically run all of these commands to build up this container on-demand.
docker pull ubuntu
docker run --privileged=true -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb ubuntu
// As root in the docker container:
apt-get update
apt-get install vim vifm ssh sshd iproute2 iputils-ping sshfs build-essential dos2unix git usbutils
adduser mydevuser
/etc/init.d/ssh start
ip a
// As mydevuser user in the docker container:
- Download and unzip gcc compilers from ARM (gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update-linux.tar.bz2)
- Download and unzip nRF5SDK (
- Download and unzip soft device (
- Download and unzip command line tools (nRF-Command-Line-Tools_10_4_1_Linux-amd64.tar.gz)
// Configure for our compiler, here is my updated GNU_INSTALL_ROOT
~/nRF5SDK/components/toolchain/gcc ..) head Makefile.posix
GNU_INSTALL_ROOT ?= /home/mydevuser/gcc/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2019-q3-update/bin/
// Now lets compile some examples
~/nRF5SDK/external/micro-ecc/nrf52hf_armgcc/armgcc ..) make
~/nRF5SDK/examples/dfu/secure_bootloader/pca10100_s113_ble_debug/armgcc ..) make
~/nRF5SDK/examples/peripheral/spi/pca10056/blank/armgcc ..) make
// As root in the docker container:
mv /home/mydevuser/cli_nrf/mergehex /opt/
mv /home/mydevuser/cli_nrf/nrfjprog/ /opt/
ln -s /opt/nrfjprog/nrfjprog /usr/local/bin/nrfjprog
ln -s /opt/mergehex/mergehex /usr/local/bin/mergehex
cp -pv /home/mydevuser/cli_nrf/JLink_Linux_V650b_x86_64/libjlinkarm* /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
// As root in the docker container:
// Load the firmware over USB to the dev board:
nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program nrf52840_xxaa.hex --chiperase --log

Docker shared volumes failing refresh with React

On Win10/HyperV (not Toolbox), simple file sharing across volumes works fine, similar to this Youtube example.
However, when trying to set up volume sharing for a React dev environment, following Zach Silveira’s example to the letter, the volume sharing no longer seems to work.
c:> mkdir docker-test
c:> cd docker-test
# CRA here
# build the container here
c:\docker-test> docker build -t test-app .
# Run docker with the volume map
c:\docker-test> docker run --rm -it -v $pwd/src:/src -p 3000:3000 test-app
# load localhost:3000
# make a change to App.js and look for change in the browser
Changes in App.js DO NOT reflect in the browser window.
I’ve heard this worked with toolbox, but there may be issues with the new Win10 HyperV Docker. What’s the secret?
Zach Silveira’s example is done on a Mac, where $(pwd) would mean "current folder.
On a Windows shell, try for testing to replace $pwd with C:/path/to/folder
As mentioned in "Mount current directory as volume in Docker on Windows 10":
%cd% could work
${PWD} works in a Powershell session.
