Backup and restore SQL Server database without FILESTREAM filegroup - sql-server

I use SQL Server and have a huge database with two filegroups:
Primary: Which contains all the data except the large files (1MB+)
FILESTREAM (read/write): Which contains the large files
Now, the backup scenario is:
Each Friday get a full backup (2 A.M).
Each day on week except Friday get a differential backup (2 A.M)
Since the database is large, and it is in production on a remote server, whenever I want to bring the database to my local environment to create a test database (weekly), I have to bring both the primary and the filestream.
I would like to be able to change the way the backups and restores are done, in such a way that only had to bring the primary filegroup, ignoring the filestream. By this way, every week I would only bring the primary filegroup, and not all information that suppose the filestream.
I think there can be a lot of problems, and all filestream references can be lost when accessing the files. I would like to know if is it possible to modify the content of all filestream columns when performing a backup, or use a different filestream hosted in the test environment. Also, I've heard about Piecemeal Restore of only some Filegroups, but I have many doubts on how to carry it out.
Question 1: can I have this scenario?
Question 2: is it a good idea to have only one Full backup and bring differential backups/transaction logs to test environment?
Question 3: can I have better scenario to backup and restore?
I'm all ears to recommendations. If you have any example case, please show me with a T-SQL query.


SQLServer differential backup and restore

I have a scenario in which I need to maintain a replica of existing database.
Is there a solution to achieve the below mentioned approach.
1. Take a full back once and restore to a destination database.
2. Scheduled( ex: Every day) differential backup(Only the data which has changed since last backup) of the source database and restore into the destination database
This is to avoid taking full backup and restore each time.
You can use Differential Backups, but you would need to ship a new Full backup periodically or the Differentials will continue to grow.
A better solution might be Log Shipping, where you can ship just the changes on whatever schedule you want.
You can consider configuring an availability group and use a secondary SQL server instance with asynchronous data sync. This should be considered only if the primary(original live SQL server) and secondary servers are in the same location\data centre. So you don't need to take backup-restore or do any extra work other than properly configuring it at the first time.
If that is not the case (copy should be available in another location\data center), it would be better to go with configuring log shipping.
First option is a lot better because it would contain the exact copy of the primary database (with a sync delay depending on various factors...probably seconds) and you can directly fail over to the secondary in case of any issues with the primary server.

How can we take backup of one single schema with Data in SQL server, data is in billions

I have a Database which has around 100 schemas. Out of this I want to take backup of single schema which has around millions/billions record per table, is there a method to do so?
I want to do it once as data is consuming lot of space, and backup is necessary so that we can restore data back on demand by customer.
I am using SQL Sever 2008 R2.
I am afraid, taking backup of single schema is not possible. However you can transfer all your tables belong to one schema to a specific filegroup. Then you can choose "Files and filegroups" as Backup component by making Recovery model NOT Simple .

what is the difference between backup database and script it saving schema and data?

When I want to restore a database I think that the best option is to create a backup of the database. However, I can create a script that saves schema and database, save primary keys, foreign keys, triggers, indexes...
In this case of script the result is the same as restore's ? I ask this because the script has a size about 1MB and the backup about 4MB.
I ask this because I would like to change the collation of all my columns of all my tables and I try some scripts but this does not work, so I am thinking in the possibility to create and script, so when I create the tables these are created with the collation of database. This collation I set in the script when I create the database.
Is it a good option to use a script for that or I can lost some type of restrictions or other design elements?
You can see Full Database Backup at msdn. The primary difference is that the transaction log is backed up. This provides you with many options such as differential backups that will eventually lead to less space needed in your drives to store your data.
In addition, using the backup schemes will provide you with easier ways to organize where,when and how(that is strategies) you backup.
There are ways to implement a full db backup by scripts look here, where you will lose nothing.

Backup of SQL Server database without timestamps

I'm using the following line to backup a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database:
Given that database is not changing, repeated execution of this line yields files that are of the same size, but are massively different inside.
How do I create repeated SQL Server backups of the same unchanged database that would give same byte-accurate files? I guess that simple BACKUP DATABASE invocations add some timestamps or some other meta information in the backup media, is there a way to disable or strip this addition?
Alternatively, if it's not possible, is there a relatively simple way to compare 2 backups and see if they'll restore of the exactly same state of the database?
UPDATE: My point for backup comparison is that I'm backing up myriads of databases daily, but most databases don't change that often. It's normal for most of them to change several time per year. So, basically, for all other DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo), I'm using the following algorithm:
Do a new daily backup
Diff new backup with the most recent of the old backups
If the database wasn't changed (i.e. backups match), delete the new daily backup I've just created
This algorithm works with all DBMSes we've encountered before, but, alas, it fails because of non-repeatable MSSQL backups.
As you guess part of the backup catalog includes the date and time of the backup. The WITH COMPRESSION option compresses the backup to save space but a little change in the file will cause changes throughout the file because of the way compression algorithms work.
If you don't want so many differences then remove the compress option, but comparing backup files isn't the way to go.
If you have a database that changes little then incremental or differential backups may be of more use.
However you seem to have fallen into a classic trap called the XY Problem as you are asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem. What is prompting you to try and compare databases?

SQL Server backup/restore vs. detach/attach

I have one database which contains the most recent data, and I want to replicate the database content into some other servers. Due to non-technical reasons, I can not directly use replicate function or sync function to sync to other SQL Server instances.
Now, I have two solutions, and I want to learn the pros and cons for each solution. Thanks!
Solution 1: detach the source database which contains the most recent data, then copy to the destination servers which need the most recent data, and attach database at the destination servers;
Solution 2: make a full backup of source server for the whole database, then copy data to destination servers and take a full recovery at the destination server side.
thanks in advance,
The Detach / Attach option is often quicker than performing a backup as it doesn't have to create a new file. Therefore, the time from Server A to Server B is almost purely the file copy time.
The Backup / Restore option allows you to perform a full backup, restore that, then perform a differential backup which means your down time can be reduced between the two.
If it's data replication you're after, does that mean you want the database functional in both locations? In that case, you probably want the backup / restore option as that will leave the current database fully functional.
EDIT: Just to clarify a few points. By downtime I mean that if you're migrating a database from one server to another, you generally will be stopping people using it whilst it's in transit. Therefore, from the "stop" point on Server A up to the "start" point on Server B this could be considered downtime. Otherwise, any actions performed on the database on server A during transit will not be replicated onto server B.
In regards to the "create a new file". If you detach a database you can copy the MDF file immediately. It's already there ready to be copied. However, if you perform a backup, you have to wait for the .BAK file to be created and then move it to it's new location for a restore. Again this all comes down to is this a snapshot copy or a migration.
Backing up and restoring makes much more sense, even if you might eek out a few extra minutes from a detach attach option instead. You have to take the original database offline (disconnect everyone) prior to a detach, and then the db is unavailable until you reattach. You also have to keep track of all of the files, whereas with a backup all of the files are grouped. And with the most recent versions of SQL Server the backups are compressed.
And just to correct something: DB backups and differential backups do not truncate the log, and do not break the log chain.
In addition, the COPY_ONLY functionality only matters for the differential base, not for the LOG. All log backups can be applied in sequence from any backup assuming there was no break in the log chain. There is a slight difference with the archive point, but I can't see where that matters.
Solution 2 would be my choice... Primarily becuase it won't create any downtime on the source database. The only disadvatage i can see is that depending on the database recovery model, the transaction log will be truncated meaning if you wanted to restore any data from the transaction log you'd be stuffed, you'd have to use your backup file.
EDIT: Found a nice link;
