Update column values based on values in same column (different row) MSSQL - sql-server

I'm having trouble changing a column value based on a value from the same column.
If the "setting_id" of D244 has a "setting_value" of 1, then I need to change " 8F60 to 1 as well.
Here is a sample datatable settings
| setting_id | setting_value |
| ---------- | ------------- |
| D244 | 1 |
| 8F60 | 0 |
| AD4F | 1 |
My attempt:
UPDATE settings s, (SELECT DISTINCT setting_id, setting_value FROM settings WHERE setting_value like '1' and setting_id like 'D244') s1
SET s.settingValue = s1.settingValue
WHERE s.settingID like '8F60'

Try this -
UPDATE settings s INNER JOIN settings s1
ON s1.setting_id = s.setting_id
SET s.settingValue = s1.settingValue
WHERE s.settingID like '8F60'
AND s1.setting_id = 'D244'


How to use two queries inside merge statement

I have a table called product and its data as follows,
| ProductID | ProductName | Code | SortValue |
| 10 | AAA | 13RT | 1 |
| 11 | BBB | 14RT | 2 |
| 12 | CCC | 15RT | 3 |
| 13 | DDD | 16RT | 4 |
| 14 | EEE | 17RT | 5 |
| 15 | FFF | 19RT | 6 |
I wrote a merge query to insert product data as follows,
MERGE [product] AS target
USING (SELECT #productName, #code) AS source (productname, code)
ON (target.code = source.code)
WHEN matched THEN
SET productname = source.productname,
code = source.code,
INSERT (productname, code, sortvalue)
VALUES (source.productname, source.code, 1)
OUTPUT inserted.productid INTO #insertedTable;
You can see the product table has a column SortValue and each product has a sort value. I need to insert newly inserting product sort value as 1 and need to update the existing product's sort value by one. To do that, I wrote the following query.
UPDATE product
SET SortValue = sortvalue + 1
WHERE sortvalue >= 1;
I need to execute the above query before inserting new records. How can I do it, I apply it after the merge statement's NOT matched part, but it makes an error. How can I sort this issue?

How to mark selected columns of a table for display

I use PostgreSQL 10.1 and:
id ... NOT NULL,
gender ...,
height ...,
weight ...,
eye ...,
hair ...,
I have an input form through which I insert the data. I wish an elegant and proper way by which I can SELECT which columns required to be DISPLAYED in that form, something like weight ... DISPLAYED, or eye ... NOT DISPLAYED, .
One way is to correspond NULL with DISPLAYED (when NOT NULL then display it, or when NULL then do not display it) and use information_schema which (corresponding) makes me no so happy:
Another way is to:
CREATE TABLE human_column
id ... NOT NULL,
characteristic character varying(...),
is_displayed boolean
where characteristic data are the names of the columns of human table.
Is there a better way to add a direct foreign attribute to the columns of a table? (In 51.7. pg_attribute there is a column named attoptions. Would it be used?)
specifying "options" for columns to define if they will be "displayed" or not seems a little overhead. Imagine you keep such list in human_column. To modify it you would need to update it with new is_displayed values. Then you would need to build column list to be selected in query.
When you create a view, you do the same (specify a list of columns to be displayed) and then you can just query the view, without need to dynamically build the query. Also you can always check the current list of included columns from catalog or information_schema.
The only "not cosy" feature of a view - you can't change columns in it, thus you have to drop and create it again.
drop/create view on demand looks cheaper to me then dynamically building query with list of columns on each select still.
db=# create view v as select oid,datname from pg_database;
db=# select * from v;
oid | datname
13505 | postgres
16384 | t
1 | template1
13504 | template0
16419 | o
(5 rows)
checking list of columns:
db=# select column_name,ordinal_position,column_default,is_nullable,data_type,character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'v';
column_name | ordinal_position | column_default | is_nullable | data_type | character_maximum_length
oid | 1 | | YES | oid |
datname | 2 | | YES | name |
(2 rows)
same for original table:
db=# select column_name,ordinal_position,column_default,is_nullable,data_type,character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'pg_database';
column_name | ordinal_position | column_default | is_nullable | data_type | character_maximum_length
datname | 1 | | NO | name |
datdba | 2 | | NO | oid |
encoding | 3 | | NO | integer |
datcollate | 4 | | NO | name |
datctype | 5 | | NO | name |
datistemplate | 6 | | NO | boolean |
datallowconn | 7 | | NO | boolean |
datconnlimit | 8 | | NO | integer |
datlastsysoid | 9 | | NO | oid |
datfrozenxid | 10 | | NO | xid |
datminmxid | 11 | | NO | xid |
dattablespace | 12 | | NO | oid |
datacl | 13 | | YES | ARRAY |
(13 rows)

Change NULL value to another value in SQL server

I have 3 tables. ID and Name is the primary key for the first table.
First Table
ID | Name | Date
1 | AA | 11/02
2 | BB | 04/10
ID, Name and Option are the primary key for second table:
Second Table
ID | Name | Option | SeqNo
3 | DD | LOVE | 1
4 | EE | SINGLE | 1
Option is the primary key for the third table:
Third Table
Option | Status
After I join these tables, I will get like this.
ID | Name | Option | SeqNo | Status
3 | CC | LOVE | 1 | Y
4 | DD | SINGLE | 1 | N
My question is, how to change the NULL value to a value contain in another table?
As an example, The Option column must be filled in with the value inside the third table. I'm using SQL Server 2005
This link describes how to replace null values in different sql engines, including sql server -
Basically, the syntax you are looking for is -
ISNULL(SeqNo, 'N/A')

How to create a cross tab (in crystal) from multiple columns (in sql)

I have 5 columns in SQL that I need to turn into a cross tab in Crystal.
This is what I have:
1 | Other Dependent | Yes | No | No | No
2 | Victim/Survivor | No | No | No | No
3 | Victim/Survivor | Yes | No | No | No
4 | Child | No | No | No | No
5 | Victim/Survivor | No | No | No | No
6 | Victim/Survivor | No | No | No | No
7 | Child | No | No | No | No
8 | Victim/Survivor | No | Yes | Yes | Yes
9 | Child | No | Yes | Yes | Yes
10 | Child | No | Yes | Yes | Yes
This is what I want the cross tab to look like (Distinct count on Key):
| Victim/Survivor | Child | Other Dependent | Total |
| DISABLED | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
| LIMITED | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
| RURAL | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
| IMMIGRANT | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
| TOTAL | 4 | 6 | 1 | 11 |
I used this formula in Crystal in an effort to combine 4 columns (Field name = {#OTHERDEMO})...
...then made the cross-tab with #OTHERDEMO as the rows, RELATIONSHIP as the Columns with a distinct count on KEY:
Problem is, once crystal hits the first "Yes" it stops counting thus not categorizing correctly in the cross-tab. So I get a table that counts the DISABILITY first and gives the correct display, then counts the Limited and gives some info, but then dumps everything else.
In the past, I have done mutiple conditional formulas...
(the #null formula is because Crystal, notoriously, gets confused with nulls.)
...then did a distinct count on Key, and finally summed it in the footer.
I am convinced there is another way to do this. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If you unpivot those "DEMO" columns into rows it will make the crosstab super easy...
unpivot (
) u
u.[b] = 'Yes'
or if you were stuck on SQL2000 compatibility level you could manually unpivot the Yes values...
select [Key], [REALTIONSHIP], [DEMO] = cast('DISABLED' as varchar(20))
from Table1
where [DISABLED] = 'Yes'
select [Key], [REALTIONSHIP], [DEMO] = cast('LIMITED' as varchar(20))
from Table1
where [LIMITED] = 'Yes'
select [Key], [REALTIONSHIP], [DEMO] = cast('RURAL' as varchar(20))
from Table1
where [RURAL] = 'Yes'
select [Key], [REALTIONSHIP], [DEMO] = cast('IMMIGRANT' as varchar(20))
from Table1
where [IMMIGRANT] = 'Yes'
For the crosstab, use a count on the Key column (aka row count), [DEMO] on rows, and [RELATIONSHIP] on columns.

SQL Server update a table based on values in the same table

Is it possible to update a column on a table using values from the same column? The update is dependent on the rows being picked in the right order.
The query that I tried is as follows:
UPDATE myTable
SET language = (SELECT language FROM myTable t2
WHERE t1.book = t2.book
AND t1.firstRun = t2.lastRun + 1)
FROM myTable t1
WHERE language = '--'
The result is that I end up with language as NULL in a few cases.
My table looks like this:
book | firstRun | lastRun | language
b1 | 1 | 4 | English
b1 | 5 | 9 | --
b1 | 10 | 25 | French
b1 | 26 | 28 | --
Required output:
book | firstRun | lastRun | language
b1 | 1 | 4 | English
b1 | 5 | 9 | English
b1 | 10 | 25 | French
b1 | 26 | 28 | French
Can you include some result rows where language ends up as NULL? And also how those rows looked like before?
To end up as NULL, the JOIN, in the subquery, would have to produce 0 rows or that there already are rows in 'myTable' where language IS NULL.
P.S. Easier when you indent and clean your code:
myTable.language = t2.language
myTable t2
myTable.language = '--' AND
myTable.book = t2.book AND
myTable.firstRun = t2.lastRun + 1
