Avoid repetition in C error handling - c

I often write code which ends up being long sequences something like
int error;
error = do_something();
if (error) {
return error;
error = do_something_else(with, some, args);
if (error) {
return error;
error = do_something_yet_again();
if (error) {
return error;
return 0;
I'm searching for a cleaner way to write this that to some extent avoids the repeated identical checks. So far, I've written an ERROR_OR macro, which works something like
#define ERROR_OR(origerr, newerr) \
({ \
int __error_or_origerr = (origerr); \
(__error_or_origerr != 0) \
? __error_or_origerr \
: (newerr); \
which allows the original code to become something like
int error = 0;
error = ERROR_OR(error, do_something());
error = ERROR_OR(error, do_something_else(with, some, args));
error = ERROR_OR(error, do_something_yet_again());
return error;
This is (in my opinion) a little cleaner. It's also less understandable, since the function of the ERROR_PRESERVE macro isn't apparent unless you read its documentation and/or implementation. It also doesn't solve the problem of repetition, just makes it easier to write all the (now implicit) checks on a single line.
What I'd really like to re-write this all as would be the following:
do_something_else(with, some, args),
The hypothetical ERROR_SHORT_CIRCUIT macro would
Take a variable number of expressions in its argument list
Evaluate each expression in order
If every expression evaluates to zero, evaluate to zero itself
If any expression evaluates to nonzero, immediately terminate and evaluate to the value of that last expression
This last condition is where my short-circuit diverges from a straightforward use of the || operator -- since this will evaluate to 1 instead of the error value.
My initial attempt at writing this is the following:
#define ERROR_SHORT_CIRCUIT(firsterr, ...) \
({ \
int __error_ss_firsterr = (firsterr); \
(__error_ss_firsterr != ERROR_NONE) \
? __error_ss_firsterr \
This has two obvious problems:
It doesn't handle its base-case (when __VA_ARGS__ is a single value)
C doesn't support recursive macros
I've looked into some recursive macro hacks, but I dislike using that degree of pre-processor magic -- too much room for something to be subtly wrong. I've also considered using real (possibly variadic) functions, but this would require either
giving up the short-circuit behavior
passing the functions in as pointers, and therefore normalizing their signatures
and both of these seem worse than the original, explicit code.
I'm interested to hear advice on the best way to handle this. I'm open to many different approaches, but my ultimate goal is to avoid repetition without hurting readability.
(I suppose it's obvious I'm suffering some envy of the behavior of the || operator in languages like Ruby).

I'd use code like:
if ((error = do_something()) != 0 ||
(error = do_something_else(with, some, args)) != 0 ||
(error = do_something_yet_again()) != 0)
return error;
return 0;
It's fully defined because there are sequence points before each || operator. It doesn't really need a macro. It only runs into problems when you allocate resources or do other operations between function calls, but that is different from what your example code shows. At least 90% of the battle was creating the sequence of do_something_or_other() functions that make it easy to handle the error sequencing.

Another option:
int error = 0;
do {
// Note: extra parens suppress assignment-as-conditional warning
if ((error = do_something())) break;
if ((error = do_something_else())) break;
if ((error = do_yet_another_thing())) break;
error = do_a_final_thing();
} while (0);
return error;


How to implement Go's defer() in C so that it allows declaring vars?

In this Modern C video there's a trick that allows to postpone execution of a code until the block/scope exits. It's used as follows:
int main()
int foo=0, bar;
const char *etc = "Some code before defer";
defer(profile_begin(), profile_end())
/* Some code, which will be automatically
* preceded by call to profile_begin() and
* followed by run of profile_end().*/
bar = 1;
etc = "Some code after defer";
foo = bar + 1;
Implementation from the video:
#define macro_var_line(name) concat(name, __LINE__)
#define defer(start,end) for( \
int macro_var_line(done) = (start,0); \
!macro_var_line(done); \
(macro_var_line(done) += 1), end)
It's pretty simply implemented. What might be confusing is the macro_var_line(name) macro. Its purpose is to simply ensure that a temporary variable will have a unique, "obfuscated" name by adding current line number to it (of where defer is called).
However the problem is that one cannot pass code to start snippet that declares new variables, because it is pasted in the for() comma operator that uses int type (the int macro_var_line(done) = …). So it's not possible to, eg.:
defer(FILE *f = fopen("log.txt","a+"), fclose(f))
fprintf(f,"Some message, f=%p",f);
I would want to have such macro, capable of declaring new vars in start snippet. Is it achievable with standard C99, C11 or maybe some GCC extensions?
UPDATE: I've found a solution utilizing GCC nested functions. Basically, the { bblock } that's following the defer() macro becomes nested function body. And it's possible to forward declare the nested function and invoke it from before the block, i.e.:
#define defer(start,end) \
auto void var_line(routine) (void); \
start; \
/* Invoke above predeclared void routine_123(void) function */ \
var_line(routine)(); \
end; \
/* Define the nested function */ \
void var_line(routine) (void)
UPDATE2: Here's an elegant version which:
runs first leading statements as start and the last one as the end code,
runs the very first statement in its own for()/declarative space,
runs the block properly via an if(cond == 0) check/block start up.
#define defer(...) \
for (int var_line(cond) = 0; var_line(cond) == 0; ) \
for (FIRST_ARG(__VA_ARGS__); var_line(cond) == 0; ) \
var_line(cond) == 0; \
var_line(cond) += 1 ) \
for (int var_line(cond_int) = 0; \
var_line(cond_int) <= 1; \
var_line(cond_int) += 1 ) \
if (var_line(cond_int) == 1) \
{ \
} else if (var_line(cond_int) == 0)
As I expressed in comments, my recommendation is to avoid using such a thing in the first place. Whatever your video might have said or implied, the prevailing opinion among modern C programmers is that macro usage should be minimized. Variable-like macros should generally represent context-independent constant values, and function-like macros are usually better implemented as actual functions. That's not to say that all macro use must be avoided, but most modern C professionals look poorly on complex macros, and your defer() is complex enough to qualify.
Additionally, you do yourself no favors by trying to import the style and idioms of other languages into C. The common idioms of each language become established because they work well for that language, not, generally, because they have inherent intrinsic value. I advise you to learn C and the idioms that C programmers use, as opposed to how to write C code that looks like Go.
With that said, let's consider your defer() macro. You write,
However the problem is that one cannot pass code to start snippet that declares new variables
, but in fact the restriction is stronger than that. Because the macro uses the start argument in a comma expression (start,0), it needs to be an expression itself. Declarations or complete statements of any kind are not allowed. That's only indirectly related to that expression appearing in the first clause of a for statement's control block. (The same applies to the end argument, too.)
It may also be important to note that the macro expands to code that fails evaluate the end expression if execution of the associated statement terminates by branching out of the block via a return or goto statement, or by executing a function that does not return, such as exit() or longjmp(). Additionally, unlike with Go's defer, the end expression is evaluated in full after the provided statement -- no part of it is evaluated before, which might surprise a Go programmer. These are characteristics of the options presented below, too.
If you want to pass only the start and end as macro arguments, and you want to allow declarations to appear in start, then you could do this:
// Option 1
#define defer(start,end) start; for( \
int macro_var_line(done) = 0; \
!done; \
(macro_var_line(done) += 1), (end))
That moves start out of the for statement in the macro's replacement text, to a position where arbitrary C code may appear. Do note, however, that any variable declarations will then be scoped to the innermost containing block.
If you want to limit the scope of your declarations then there is also this alternative and variations on it, which I find much more straightforward than the original:
// Option 2
#define defer(start, end, body) { start; body end; }
You would use that like so:
defer(FILE *f = fopen("log.txt","a+"), fclose(f), // argument list continues ...
fprintf(f,"Some message, f=%p",f);
That is somewhat tuned to your particular example, in that it assumes that the body is given as a sequence of zero or more complete statements (which can include blocks, flow-control statements, etc). As you can see, it also requires the body to be passed as a macro argument instead of appearing after the macro invocation, but I consider that an advantage, because it facilitates recognizing the point where the deferred code kicks in.
You can simulate defer by using the __attribute__((cleanup(...))) feature of GCC and Clang. Also see this SO question about freeing a variable.
For instance:
// the following are some utility functions and macros
#define defer(fn) __attribute__((cleanup(fn)))
void cleanup_free(void* p) {
free(*((void**) p));
#define defer_free defer(cleanup_free)
void cleanup_file(FILE** fp) {
if (*fp == NULL) { return; }
#define defer_file defer(cleanup_file)
// here's our code:
void foo(void) {
// here's some memory allocation
defer_free int* arr = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
if (arr == NULL) { return; }
// some file opening
defer_file FILE* fp1 = fopen("file1.txt", "rb");
if (fp1 == NULL) { return; }
// other file opening
defer_file FILE* fp2 = fopen("file2.txt", "rb");
if (fp2 == NULL) { return; }
// rest of the code
There is actually an effort in the standard's committee to standardize a defer feature. The paper proposal also comes with a reference implementation. The idea is to propose such a feature that may be implemented with the least compiler magic possible.
If all goes to plan, that feature could even be rebase on lambdas, if we get these into C23 in time.
You could use a trick from "Smart Template Container for C". See link.
#define c_autovar(declvar, ...) for (declvar, *_c_ii = NULL; !_c_ii; ++_c_ii, __VA_ARGS__)
Basically you declare a variable and hijack it's type to form a NULL pointer. This pointer is used as a guard to ensure that the loop is executed only once.
Incrementing NULL pointer is likely Undefined Behavior because the standard only allows to form a pointer pointing just after an object and NULL points to no object. However, it's likely run everywhere.
I guess you could get rid of UB by adding a global variable:
int defer_guard;
And setting the guard pointer to a pointer to defer_guard in the increment statement.
extern int defer_guard;
#define defer_var(declvar, cleanup) \
for (declvar, *_c_ii = NULL; \
!_c_ii; \
_c_ii = (void*)&defer_guard, cleanup)
It will work fine when invoked as:
defer_var(FILE *f = fopen("log.txt","a+"), fclose(f))
fprintf(f,"Some message, f=%p",f);
Actually it is possible to derive a macro that will accept both expression and declaration as start. One must use two for loops instead of one.
#define DEFER(start, end) \
for (int _done = 0; !_done;) \
for (start; !(_done++); end)
int main() {
DEFER(FILE *f = fopen("log.txt","a+"), fclose(f)) {
fprintf(f,"Some message, f=%p", (void*)f);
FILE *f;
DEFER(f = fopen("log.txt","a+"), fclose(f)) {
fprintf(f,"Some message, f=%p", (void*)f);
return 0;

Pointer decryption function not working as intended

First of all, it is important to say that the code will be a mess, I know that and there is a reason behind the messy code, but I prefer not to specify why to avoid going off track.
This snippet of code decrypts a pointer:
//LLUNGO is long long
//PLLUNGO is long long pointer
//SCANVELOCE is __fastcall
_OldPointer = (PLLUNGO) PTR_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM(*_OldPointer, _pSecret->Segreto);
INTERO Reference = GetReferenceToPtr(_pSecret, _OldPointer);
if (PTR_BAD_REFERENCE(Reference))
QUICK_PRINT("Bad reference error.\n");
return PTR_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM((LLUNGO)_pSecret->Riferimenti[Reference], _pSecret->Segreto);
using the following macros:
#define PTR_BAD_REFERENCE(PTR) ((-1) == (PTR))
Now the problem is when I use the macro stated below, for some reason even if I am using the right arguments it is still throwing me this error:
no instance of overloaded function "DecryptPointer" corresponds to the
Consider that NBYTE is BYTE and REGISTRA is the register keyword.
if (!_FuncAddr || !_Function)
return FALSO;
SELF_PTR_DECRYPTION( _FuncAddr ); //error thrown here
SELF_PTR_DECRYPTION( _Function ); //and here too!
for (REGISTRA PNBYTE Current = (PNBYTE)_FuncAddr; ; Current--)
if (MF_PUSH_EBP == *Current)
_Function->Inizio = (LLUNGO)Current;
And the SELF_PTR_DECRYPTION macro + everything else necessary for the DecryptPointer function to work:
(PTR_SECRET being a struct)
#define PTR_DECRYPTION(X) DecryptPointer(&PTR_SECRET_NAME, X)
Again sorry for the stupidly messy code, I'm struggling too, just like everyone reading this probably will, but again there is a reason behind the mess.
The solution has been found in the comments by #yano:
you've taken me straight to macro hell. If I'm following correctly,
_FuncAddr in the SELF_PTR_DECRYPTION( _FuncAddr ); call ends up being the 2nd argument to DecryptPointer, which expects a PLLUNGO type.
However, _FuncAddr is a LLUNGO type. And if its complaining about "no
overloaded function" it sounds like you're using a C++ compiler, not
Many thanks, and sorry for the absolute mess of code I presented here.

Why is this construct used? Mad or genius?

I'm working with a large SDK codebase glommed together from various sources of varying quality / competence / sanity from Linus Torvalds to unidentified Elbonian code slaves.
There are an assortment of styles of code, some clearly better than others, and it's proving an interesting opportunity to expand my knowledge / despair for the future of humanity in alternate measures.
I've just come across a pile of functions which repeatedly use a slightly odd (to me) style, namely:
void do_thing(foo)
do {
if(this_works(foo) != success)
} while (0);
There's nothing complicated being done in this code (I haven't cut 10,000 lines of wizardry out for this post), they could just as easily do:
if(this_works(foo) == success)
Which would seem somehow nicer / neater / more intuitive / easier to read.
So I'm now wondering if there is some (good) reason for doing it the other way, or is it just the way they always do it in the Elbonian Code Mines?
Edit: As per the "possible duplicate" links, this code is not pre-processed in any sort of macro, it is just in the normal code. I can believe it might be due to a coding style rule about error checking, as per this answer.
Another guess: maybe you didn't quote the original code correctly? I have seen the same pattern used by people who want to avoid goto: they use a do-while(0) loop which at the end returns a success value. They can also break out of the loop for the error handling:
int doXandY() {
do {
if (!x()) {
if (!y()) {
return 0;
} while( 0 );
/* Error handling code goes here. */
globalErrorFlag = 12345;
return -1;
In your example there's not much point to it because the loop is very short (i.e. just one error case) and the error handling code is just a return, but I suspect that in the real code it can be more complex.
Some people use the do{} while(0); construct with break; inside the loop to be compliant in some way with MISRA rule 14.7. This rule says that there can be only single enter and exit point in the function. This rule is also required by safety norm ISO26262. Please find an example function:
int32_t MODULE_some_function(bool first_condition,bool second_condition)
int32_t ret = -1 ;
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
ret = 0 ;
break ;
/* some code here */
} while(0) ;
return ret ;
Please note however that such a construct as I show above violates different MISRA rule which is rule 14.6. Writing such a code you are going to be compliant with one MISRA rule, and as far as I know people use such a construct as workaround against using multiple returns from function.
In my opinion practical usage of the do{}while(0); construct truely exist in the way you should construct some types of macros.Please check below question, it was very helpful for me :
Why use apparently meaningless do-while and if-else statements in macros?
It's worth notice also that in some cases do{}while(0); construct is going to be completely optimized away if you compile your code with proper optimization option.
Hm, the code might be preprocessed somehow. The do { } while(0) is a trick used in preprocessor macros; you can define them like this:
#define some_macro(a) do { whatever(); } while(0)
The advantage being that you can use them anywhere, because it is allowed to put a semicolon after the while(0), like in your code above.
The reason for this is that if you write
#define some_macro(a) { whatever(); }
if (some_condition)
printf("this can cause problems\n");
Since there is an extra semicolon before the else statement, this code is invalid. The do { ... } while(0) will work anywhere.
do {...} while(0) arranged with "break" is some kind of "RAII for Plain C".
Here, "break" is treated as abnormal scope exit (kind of "Plain C exceptions"), so you can be sure that there is only one place to deallocate a resource: after a "while(0)". It seems slightly unusual, but actually it's very common idiom in the world of plain C.
I would guess that this code was originally written with gotos for error handling:
void do_thing(foo)
if(this_works(foo) != success)
goto error;
But at some point an edict came down from on high "thou shalt not use goto", so someone did a semi-automatic translation from goto style to loop-break style (perhaps with simple script). Probably when the code was merged/moved from one project to another.

Is there a better way to do C style error handling?

I'm trying to learn C by writing a simple parser / compiler. So far its been a very enlightening experience, however coming from a strong background in C# I'm having some problems adjusting - in particular to the lack of exceptions.
Now I've read Cleaner, more elegant, and harder to recognize and I agree with every word in that article; In my C# code I avoid throwing exceptions whenever possible, however now that I'm faced with a world where I can't throw exceptions my error handling is completely swamping the otherwise clean and easy-to-read logic of my code.
At the moment I'm writing code which needs to fail fast if there is a problem, and it also potentially deeply nested - I've settled on a error handling pattern whereby "Get" functions return NULL on an error, and other functions return -1 on failure. In both cases the function that fails calls NS_SetError() and so all the calling function needs to do is to clean up and immediately return on a failure.
My issue is that the number of if (Action() < 0) return -1; statements that I have is doing my head in - it's very repetitive and completely obscures the underlying logic. I've ended up creating myself a simple macro to try and improve the situation, for example:
#define NOT_ERROR(X) if ((X) < 0) return -1
int NS_Expression(void)
NOT_ERROR(Emit("MOVE D0, D1\n"));
if (strcmp(current->str, "+") == 0)
else if (strcmp(current->str, "-") == 0)
NS_SetError("Expected: operator");
return -1;
return 0;
Each of the functions NS_Term, NS_Add and NS_Subtract do a NS_SetError() and return -1 in the case of an error - its better, but it still feels like I'm abusing macros and doesn't allow for any cleanup (some functions, in particular Get functions that return a pointer, are more complex and require clean-up code to be run).
Overall it just feels like I'm missing something - despite the fact that error handling in this way is supposedly easier to recognize, In many of my functions I'm really struggling to identify whether or not errors are being handled correctly:
Some functions return NULL on an error
Some functions return < 0 on an error
Some functions never produce an error
My functions do a NS_SetError(), but many other functions don't.
Is there a better way that I can structure my functions, or does everyone else also have this problem?
Also is having Get functions (that return a pointer to an object) return NULL on an error a good idea, or is it just confusing my error handling?
It's a bigger problem when you have to repeat the same finalizing code before each return from an error. In such cases it is widely accepted to use goto:
int func ()
if (a() < 0) {
goto failure_a;
if (b() < 0) {
goto failure_b;
if (c() < 0) {
goto failure_c;
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;
You can even create your own macros around this to save you some typing, something like this (I haven't tested this though):
#define CALL(funcname, ...) \
if (funcname(__VA_ARGS__) < 0) { \
goto failure_ ## funcname; \
Overall, it is a much cleaner and less redundant approach than the trivial handling:
int func ()
if (a() < 0) {
return FAILURE;
if (b() < 0) {
return FAILURE;
if (c() < 0) {
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
As an additional hint, I often use chaining to reduce the number of if's in my code:
if (a() < 0 || b() < 0 || c() < 0) {
return FAILURE;
Since || is a short-circuit operator, the above would substitute three separate if's. Consider using chaining in a return statement as well:
return (a() < 0 || b() < 0 || c() < 0) ? FAILURE : SUCCESS;
One technique for cleanup is to use an while loop that will never actually iterate. It gives you goto without using goto.
#define NOT_ERROR(x) if ((x) < 0) break;
#define NOT_NULL(x) if ((x) == NULL) break;
// Initialise things that may need to be cleaned up here.
char* somePtr = NULL;
NOT_NULL(somePtr = malloc(1024));
// etc
// if you get here everything's ok.
return somePtr;
while (0);
// Something went wrong so clean-up.
return NULL;
You lose a level of indentation though.
Edit: I'd like to add that I've nothing against goto, it's just that for the use-case of the questioner he doesn't really need it. There are cases where using goto beats the pants off any other method, but this isn't one of them.
You're probably not going to like to hear this, but the C way to do exceptions is via the goto statement. This is one of the reasons it is in the language.
The other reason is that goto is the natural expression of the implementation of a state machine. What common programming task is best represented by a state machine? A lexical analyzer. Look at the output from lex sometime. Gotos.
So it sounds to me like now is the time for you to get chummy with that parriah of language syntax elements, the goto.
Besides goto, standard C has another construct to handle exceptional flow control setjmp/longjmp. It has the advantage that you can break out of multiply nested control statements more easily than with break as was proposed by someone, and in addition to what goto provides has a status indication that can encode the reason for what went wrong.
Another issue is just the syntax of your construct. It is not a good idea to use a control statement that can inadvertibly be added to. In your case
if (bla) NOT_ERROR(X);
else printf("wow!\n");
would go fundamentally wrong. I'd use something like
#define NOT_ERROR(X) \
if ((X) >= 0) { (void)0; } \
else return -1
THis must be thought on at least two levels: how your functions interact, and what you do when it breaks.
Most large C frameworks I see always return a status and "return" values by reference (this is the case of the WinAPI and of many C Mac OS APIs). You want to return a bool?
StatusCode FooBar(int a, int b, int c, bool* output);
You want to return a pointer?
StatusCode FooBar(int a, int b, int c, char** output);
Well, you get the idea.
On the calling function's side, the pattern I see the most often is to use a goto statement that points to a cleanup label:
if (statusCode < 0) goto error;
/* snip */
return everythingWentWell;
return somethingWentWrong;
What about this?
int NS_Expression(void)
int ok = 1;
ok = ok && NS_Term();
ok = ok && Emit("MOVE D0, D1\n");
ok = ok && NS_AddSub();
return ok
The short answer is: let your functions return an error code that cannot possibly be a valid value - and always check the return value. For functions returning pointers, this is NULL. For functions returning a non-negative int, it's a negative value, commonly -1, and so on...
If every possible return value is also a valid value, use call-by-reference:
int my_atoi(const char *str, int *val)
// convert str to int
// store the result in *val
// return 0 on success, -1 (or any other value except 0) otherwise
Checking the return value of every function might seem tedious, but that's the way errors are handled in C. Consider the function nc_dial(). All it does is checking its arguments for validity and making a network connection by calling getaddrinfo(), socket(), setsockopt(), bind()/listen() or connect(), finally freeing unused resources and updating metadata. This could be done in approximately 15 lines. However, the function has nearly 100 lines due to error checking. But that's the way it is in C. Once you get used to it, you can easily mask the error checking in your head.
Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with multiple if (Action() == 0) return -1;. To the contrary: it is usually a sign of a cautious programmer. It's good to be cautious.
And as a final comment: don't use macros for anything but defining values if you can't justify their use while someone is pointing with a gun at your head. More specifically, never use control flow statements in macros: it confuses the shit out of the poor guy who has to maintain your code 5 years after you left the company. There's nothing wrong with if (foo) return -1;. It's simple, clean and obvious to the point that you can't do any better.
Once you drop your tendency to hide control flow in macros, there's really no reason to feel like you're missing something.
A goto statement is the easiest and potentially cleanest way to implement exception style processing. Using a macro makes it easier to read if you include the comparison logic inside the macro args. If you organize the routines to perform normal (i.e. non-error) work and only use the goto on exceptions, it is fairly clean for reading. For example:
/* Exception macro */
#define TRY_EXIT(Cmd) { if (!(Cmd)) {goto EXIT;} }
/* My memory allocator */
char * MyAlloc(int bytes)
char * pMem = NULL;
/* Must have a size */
TRY_EXIT( bytes > 0 );
/* Allocation must succeed */
pMem = (char *)malloc(bytes);
TRY_EXIT( pMem != NULL );
/* Initialize memory */
TRY_EXIT( initializeMem(pMem, bytes) != -1 );
/* Success */
return (pMem);
/* Exception: Cleanup and fail */
if (pMem != NULL)
return (NULL);
It never occurred to me to use goto or do { } while(0) for error handling in this way - its pretty neat, however after thinking about it I realised that in many cases I can do the same thing by splitting the function out into two:
int Foo(void)
// Initialise things that may need to be cleaned up here.
char* somePtr = malloc(1024);
if (somePtr = NULL)
return NULL;
if (FooInner(somePtr) < 0)
// Something went wrong so clean-up.
return NULL;
return somePtr;
int FooInner(char* somePtr)
if (something(somePtr) < 0) return -1;
if (somethingElse(somePtr) < 0) return -1;
// etc
// if you get here everything's ok.
return 0;
This does now mean that you get an extra function, but my preference is for many short functions anyway.
After Philips advice I've also decided to avoid using control flow macros as well - its clear enough what is going on as long as you put them on one line.
At the very least Its reassuring to know that I'm not just missing something - everyone else has this problem too! :-)
Use setjmp.
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
jmp_buf x;
void f()
longjmp(x,5); // throw 5;
int main()
// output of this program is 5.
int i = 0;
if ( (i = setjmp(x)) == 0 )// try{
} // } --> end of try{
else // catch(i){
switch( i )
case 1:
case 2:
default: fprintf( stdout, "error code = %d\n", i); break;
} // } --> end of catch(i){
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; if( !setjmp(ex_buf__) ){
#define CATCH } else {
#define ETRY } }while(0)
#define THROW longjmp(ex_buf__, 1)
main(int argc, char** argv)
printf("In Try Statement\n");
printf("I do not appear\n");
printf("Got Exception!\n");
return 0;

Evaluate macro parameter once only

In the following code, whatever is passed as retval is evaluated as given for every use of that token.
#define _CPFS_RETURN(commit, retval) do { \
util_cpfs_exit(commit); \
return retval; \
} while (false)
#define CPFS_RETURN_BOOL(retval) do { \
_CPFS_RETURN(retval, retval); \
} while (false)
For example given the use CPFS_RETURN_BOOL(inode && file_truncate(inode, len));, this is generated:
do {
do {
util_cpfs_exit(inode && file_truncate(inode, len));
return inode && file_truncate(inode, len);
} while (0);
} while (0);
Evidently I don't want to execute the statement inode && file_truncate(inode, len); more than once.
How can I ensure that the given tokens are evaluated before being pasted helter-skelter?
I believe I have good reason to use macros here. Where possible, code is put into real functions (such as util_cpfs_exit) which are invoked from a set of macros I'm using. The macros vary based on the return type: in C++ I'd have explicit templates to handle this.
As your macro vary on the return type, you can evaluate the retval expression and store it in a variable of the right type inside the first level of macro then use this variable. ie:
#define CPFS_RETURN_BOOL(retval) do { \
bool _tmp_ = retval;
_CPFS_RETURN(_tmp_, _tmp_); \
} while (false);
If I understand well, that should be enough for your use case, and for other use cases you can use functions.
In your exemple you'll get:
do {
bool _tmp_ = inode && file_truncate(inode, len);
do {
return _tmp_;
} while (0);
} while (0);
Looks fine.
PS: as a sidenote if you always use _CPFS_RETURN indirectly through another macro following the above model, there is no need to protect it by a do { } while (false);. Also, putting a semi-colon after the while(false) removes most of the interest of using it... that may be a good example of why C macros are dangerous and hides easy pitfalls. Not that I dislike macros, quite the contrary. I'm from the (probably rare) kind of people that would prefer C macros to be enhanced to bypass their current limitations to become really cool (and no, C++ templates are not enhanced macros, they are something completely different).
I would recommend that you evaluate the condition first.
bool val = inode && file_truncate(inode, len);
Other than that may advice would be to steer well clear of macros, they seem unnecessary in this instance, use functions instead.
Write a function instead of using a macro. In this case, where you want to build a return statement in, you might be better off just writing the code explicitly instead of relying on a macro to hide what you're doing.
Change the macro to a "static inline" function. In gcc, it's as fast as a macro.
