Confusion react-router-dom and react-router-redux - reactjs

I'm new to react and redux, I started out my project with the react-router-dom, now I'm looking to add Redux in the mix.
Should I keep using react-router-dom or just install react-router-redux? or both?
Does the Route component work the same? I'm a bit confused as what the use of react-router-dom would be?
Do I switch all the Link components to an a element that dispatches an action to the store?
Thanks for any help.

Generally when using Redux, it's recommended to use react-router-redux, which encapsulates react-router.
Only when you initialize your app, you should pass a couple of things from react-router to Redux, which are Router and browserHistory.
In app.js:
import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router';
import { syncHistoryWithStore } from 'react-router-redux';
const initialState = {};
const store = configureStore(initialState, browserHistory);
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store);
const render = () => {
<Provider store={store}>
You provide the Router element of react as a child of Redux's Provider element, and you also provide to the Router element the Redux wrapper for React's browserHistory.
In the rest of your project, you only need to use react-router-redux, rather than calling React directly.
react-router-dom BTW is just another layer of simplification in React 4 which encapsulates react-router, but in case your project architecture is Redux, than you need to work according to the rules of Redux and therefore only use react-router-redux in order to pass through the store in each action (except for the aforementioned initialization).

i will recommend you to use react-router-redux.
using react-router-redux you can connect your router state with your Redux Store so that you can Interact with the Router with the same API you use to interact with the rest of your app state.

Use react-router-redux.
With react-router-redux the location state is kept in your redux store as plain object. This means you can inject location information with connect as you would any other state.


React-Redux: Why do we need to wrap the component with Provider?

The best practice for using Redux in React application is wrapping the component in a 'Provider' component:
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
<Provider store={store}>
<TodoApp />
You can see it in React-Redux documentation:
What is the benefit we get from this attitude?
Why not just importing the 'store' inside the 'ToDoApp' component and access 'store' as an imported variable? For example:
import { store } from './store';
class TodoApp extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
The actual point that is happening in the redux, when we are calling the provider: that it is having the store of all the states and the provider does the job to connect the component with the redux or simply you can say that the provider does the job to connect your app with the redux as the author of the redux has not only to design the library for a single framework, it would have so many uses on different platforms, the store is having two things inside (reducers and state) and all the states get an outer layer of provider which connects the app with the redux library.
This is very important to the way react-redux works.
When you use connect over your component, it attempts to get the store from the Provider you set, using React's context mechanism.
It is highly unlikely that you will use Redux in React without using connect, so I would advise that you keep it there.

can I use react navigation and redux while keeping them separated?

I am trying to write a react native application making use of both redux and react native navigation. However, I do not actually want to save my navigation state in redux. So I just want to keep them separated from each other. I currently have the StackNavigator and that is wrapped in a connect which then is wrapped by the provider.
const mapStateToProps = state => state;
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => dispatch;
// need this Higher Order Component so you can pass properties through the root stack
const AppContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(RootStack);
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Provider store={Store}>
<AppContainer />
Is this implementation possible?
Yes, this is possible, and in fact, encouraged.
Quotation from react-navigation docs:
Some folks like to have their navigation state stored in the same place as the rest of their application state. Think twice before you consider doing this, there is an incredibly good chance that you do not need to do this!. Storing your React Navigation state in your own Redux store is likely to give you a very difficult time if you don't know what you're doing.
By default, Redux and React-Navigation have nothing to do with each other, and in its next release (Fall 2018) support for integrating React-Navigation into your redux state will not be documented or encouraged at all.

Redux connect "blocks" navigation with react-router-redux

In an application using react, redux and react-router, I'm using react-router-redux to issue navigation actions. I found that wrapping routes in a component with connect blocks navigation.
I made a sample with CodeSandbox that illustrates the issue: sample.
As is, the navigation doesn't work. However, if in ./components/Routes.jsx, this line:
export default connect(() => ({}), () => ({}))(Routes);
Is replaced by:
export default Routes;
It works.
Any idea how I could use connect in a component that wraps routes without breaking navigation?
See the troubleshooting section in react-redux docs.
If you change Routes.jsx export to:
export default connect(() => ({}), () => ({}), null, { pure: false })(Routes);
it will work.
This is because connect() implements shouldComponentUpdate by default,
assuming that your component will produce the same results given the
same props and state.
route changes, but props don't so the view doesn't update.
You could achieve same with withRouter hoc.
Not meant to be a duplicate.
I fixed it with withRouter like this
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
export default withRouter( connect(mapStateToProps)(App) );
See Redux, Router integration docs here
Have you ever encountered the warning message:
Warning: You cannot change <Router history>
Well use withRouter from react-router-dom
I have searched for this for so long because the Redux was recreating my App.jsx component which has <Route> </Route> as parents and this warning just freezes the routing in my app. I wanted to have React/Redux component, because I needed to pass authenticated props to the Route component, and redirect base on it, simple.
So import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
and surround your component which is connected to redux with:
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(App));
Something more:
Most of the times if you want to communicate with the router, takes some props, pass something else to it, get history, locations form it and you are using Redux in your app, surround this component with withRouter and you will have access to these properties as props.

using React Router with browserHisory

I'm developing an app which consists in React + Redux.
We just turned it into a SPA with React Router.
While searching the web, I see everybody uses brwoserHistory on their router.
<Router history={createBrowserHistory()}>
I understand the concept of history, and see the advantages of controlling the history stack.
Currently, I'm not using it and it works fine, I'm new to React Router and I want to know if i need it.
A history object to use for navigation.
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
const customHistory = createBrowserHistory()
<Router history={customHistory}/>
more info docs

Automatic redirect after login with react-router

I wanted to build a Facebook login into my react/react-router/flux application.
I have a listener registered on the login event and would like to redirect the user to '/dashboard' if they are logged in. How can I do that? location.push didn't work very well, except after reloading the page completely.
React Router v3
This is what I do
var Router = require('react-router');
React Router v4
Now we can use the <Redirect>component in React Router v4.
Rendering a <Redirect> will navigate to a new location. The new location will override the current location in the history stack, like server-side redirects.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
export default class LoginComponent extends Component {
if(this.state.isLoggedIn === true){
return (<Redirect to="/your/redirect/page" />);
return (<div>Login Please</div>);
React Router v0.13
The Router instance returned from Router.create can be passed around (or, if inside a React component, you can get it from the context object), and contains methods like transitionTo that you can use to transition to a new route.
React Router v2
Even though the question is already answered, I think it's relevant to post the solution that worked for me, since it wasn't covered in any of the solutions given here.
First, I'm using the router context on my LoginForm component
LoginForm.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.object
After that, I can access the router object inside my LoginForm component
handleLogin() {
PS: working on React-router version 2.6.0
React Router v3
Navigating Outside of Components
create your app with Router like this
// Your main file that renders a <Router>:
import { Router, browserHistory } from 'react-router'
import routes from './app/routes'
<Router history={browserHistory} routes={routes} />,
Somewhere like a Redux middleware or Flux action:
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
// Go to /some/path.
// Go back to previous location.
React Router v4.2.0
I am using React-16.2.0 & React-router-4.2.0
And I get solution by this code
My working code:
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
if(data.status == 200){
console.log('Successfully Login');
I was following this document redirect-on-login-and-logout
I was also try by return <Redirect to='/' /> But unlucky, this not working for me.
React router v5 using hooks
These steps are for authorisation redirect. But can be used for login/logout redirection also.
The <Redirect/> accepts to prop as a string or an object. We can utilise the object to pass the redirection path after login/logout using hooks easily.
Get the pathname of url from where the <Redirect/> is called using
const {pathname} = useLocation()
In the to prop of <Redirect/> pass in the following object:
<Redirect to={{pathname:'/login',state: {referrer: pathname}}/>
In the Login component access the route state variable using useLocation() hook and use the useHistory() hook to redirect after successful login.
const history = useHistory();
const location = useLocation();
const login() => {
// After login success
const {state: {referrer}} = location;
Check the official docs here
React Router v3
Navigating inside components
You should use withRouter decorator when it's necessary to redirect inside a component. The decorator uses context instead of you.
import {withRouter} from 'react-router'
fucntion Foo(props) {
export default withRouter(Foo);
withRouter(Component, [options])
A HoC (higher-order component) that wraps another component to enhance
its props with router props.
withRouterProps = {
Pass in your component and it will return the
wrapped component.
You can explicit specify router as a prop to the wrapper component to
override the router object from context.
In your store:
And router has:
"Route name="user" handler={User}"
User is route handler
