How to solve uninitialized local variable used? [duplicate] - c

This question already has answers here:
uninitialized local variable 'j' used
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x; int counter;
while (scanf_s("%d", &x) != 0)
puts("Enter the a signed number : ");
if (x % 2 == 0) { counter=counter++; }
printf(" %d pair numbers", counter);
I get
uninitialized local variable counter used.
The program is supposed to keep asking for numbers until it gets zero and tells us the amount of pairs given.

You need to initialize counter to 0 before trying to increment it. Also counter = counter++; is redundant (and undefined!). Just use counter++

The problem you are facing is cause by your use of the variable counter without initializing it. This is exactly what the compiler is telling you.
When you try to execute counter=counter++; for the first time, counter has no definied value. You might think by int counter; it gets initialized with 0, but this is wrong in C.
The next problem is the line counter=counter++; itself. If you want to increment counter, just use counter++. Depending on the compile you are using, the use of counter=counter++ should give you at least a warning. On my machine using Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42) I get
warning: multiple unsequenced modifications to 'counter' [-Wunsequenced]
Then you try to loop until you read 0. But scanf() (use this instead of the Microsoft specific scanf_s()) does not return what it has read from stdin but the number of input items assigned. It returns 0 in the event of a matching failure.
So here is what to do:
Initialize counter
Replace counter=counter++ with counter++
Use another loop breaking condition than the return value of scanf()
One approach could be the following:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x=0;
int counter=0;
printf("Enter the a signed number: ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if (!(x % 2)){
} while(x);
printf(" %d pair numbers\n", counter);


Error: Stack around the variable "m" is corrupted

Im trying to make a program which says how many times a specific digit appears on a 100 numbers sequence.
Meanwhile I got this error and I can´t understand what is the solution to this. I´d appreciate if you could get me some tip or the solution.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int i, m, digit, val[99], count=0;
printf("Enter a number:");
scanf("%d", &val[0]);
while (val[0] < 0) {
printf("Enter a number:");
scanf("%d", &val[0]);
for (i=1;i<101;i++) {
printf("%d\n", val[i]);
printf("Enter a digit:");
scanf("%d", &m);
while (m<0||m>9) {
printf("Enter a digit:");
scanf("%d", &m);
do {
if (digit==m) {
}while (val[i]>0);
printf("The digit %d is printed %d times in this sequence.", m, count);
In the for loop you step outside of the array val of which the last index is 98. Instead of hard-coding the length of the array in several places it is more convenient to use a length macro, like this:
#define LEN(anArray) (sizeof (anArray) / sizeof (anArray)[0])
for (i = 1; i < LEN(val); i++) {
Also, in the do-while loop the index i is outside of the array bounds of val. You also need to check the return value of scanf to make sure the input is valid. The last printf statement also needs a trailing newline.
Edit: Note that LEN only handles "real" arrays; arrays passed to functions are received as pointers.
You allocated only int /* ... */ val[99] (only val[0] to val[98] are available) and accessed upto val[100] because the loop condition is i<101.
This will lead to dangerous out-of-range write (undefined behaior).
Allocate enough elements like int /* ... */ val[101] or fix the loop condition not to cause out-of-range access.
Also you didn't set value of i after the for (i=1;i<101;i++) loop, so value of uninitialized element will be used in the do ... while loop. Values of uninitialized elements of non-static local variables are indeterminate and using the value invokes undefned behavior.
Set i to proper value before the loop or change the indice i to proper thing.

How to add the first number and last number of a series of number in C?

I am a beginner to C language and also computer programming. I have been trying to solve small problems to build up my skills. Recently, I am trying to solve a problem that says to take input that will decide the number of series it will have, and add the first and last number of a series. My code is not working and I have tried for hours. Can anyone help me solve it?
Here is what I have tried so far.
int main()
int a[4];
int x, y, z, num;
scanf("%d", &num);
for (x = 1; x <= num; x++) {
scanf("%d", &a[x]);
int add = a[0] + a[4];
printf("%d\n", a[x]);
return 0;
From from your description it seems clear that you should not care for the numbers in between the first and the last.
Since you want to only add the first and the last you should start by saving the first once you get it from input and then wait for the last number. This means that you don't need an array to save the rest of the numbers since you are not going to use them anyway.
We can make this work even without knowing the length of the series but since it is provided we are going to use it.
int main()
int first, last, num, x = 0;
scanf("%d", &num);
scanf("%d", &first);
last = first; //for the case of num=1
for (x = 1; x < num; x++) {
scanf("%d", &last);
int add = first + last;
printf("%d\n", add);
return 0;
What happens here is that after we read the value from num we immediately scan for the first number. Afterwards, we scan from the remaining num-1 numbers (notice how the for loop runs from 1 to num-1).
In each iteration we overwrite the "last" number we read and when the for loop finishes that last one in the series will actually be the last we read.
So with this input:
4 1 5 5 1
we get output:
Some notes: Notice how I have added a last = first after reading the first number. This is because in the case that num is 1 the for loop will never iterate (and even if it did there wouldn't be anything to read). For this reason, in the case that num is 1 it is reasonably assumed that the first number is also the last.
Also, I noticed some misconceptions on your code:
Remember that arrays in C start at 0 and not 1. So an array declared a[4] has positions a[0], a[1], a[2] and a[3]. Accessing a[4], if it works, will result in undefined behavior (eg. adding a number not in the input).
Worth noting (as pointed in a comment), is the fact that you declare your array for size 4 from the start, so you'll end up pretending the input is 4 numbers regardless of what it actually is. This would make sense only if you already knew the input size would be 4. Since you don't, you should declare it after you read the size.
Moreover, some you tried to add the result inside the for loop. That means you tried to add a[0]+a[3] to your result 4 times, 3 before you read a[3] and one after you read it. The correct way here is of course to try the addition after completing the input for loop (as has been pointed out in the comments).
I kinda get what you mean, and here is my atttempt at doing the task, according to the requirement. Hope this helps:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int first, last, num, x=0;
int add=0;
printf("What is the num value?\n");//num value asked (basically the
index value)
scanf("%d", &num);//value for num is stored
printf("What is the first number?\n");
scanf("%d", &first);
if (num==1)
for (x=1;x<num;x++)
printf("Enter number %d in the sequence:\n", x);
scanf("%d", &last);
printf("Sum of numbers equals:%d\n", add);
return 0;

Summing an Array of Numbers but Receiving Error when Run [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I am trying to sum an array of numbers. The array has a length determined by an input and then the user gives the array. There were no compilation errors and I am able to run other programs. On the immediate start of running the program I am given a message that program has stopped working and that windows is searching for solution.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int sum, length, count;
int array[length];
for(count=0; count<length-1; count++)
sum = sum + array[count];
printf("%d", sum);
return 0;
When you declare your array it depends on length but you ask the user for length after.
A solution could be to ask the user for length (scanf("%d",&length);) before declaring your actual array (int array[length];).
you should move int array[length] to after scanf("%d", &length). But it is not allowed in C to declare variables after the first non-declaration (it is however possible if you compile this program as C++).
In fact, in standard C you can't have a non-const length definition for an array variable. gcc on the other hand for example allows this nevertheless.
In your case, the problem is that length has an undefined value at the declaration of int array[length];. If you are lucky, your data segment has been initialized to zero (there is no guarantee for that) but otherwise, it may be any value, including a value which leads the program to exceed your physical memory.
A more standard way of doing this is:
int *array = NULL;
array = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
By the way, even after fixing that, you will most likely get random numbers because you never actually assign the contents of the elements of array.
Local variable are initialized to 0. Hence value of length is 0. So you array is of length. You are then reading length, say 10, from stdin and expect the array to be of length 10. This can't be. Since this is a stack variable, the size is determined in time of pre-processing and not in run time. If you want to define the array length in run time then use malloc.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
int sum, length, count;
int *array;
scanf("%d", &length);
array = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
if (array == NULL) return 0;
memset(array, length, 0);
for(count=0; count<length-1; count++)
sum = sum + array[count];
printf("%d", sum);
return 0;
first problem:
the length variable is being used to set the number of entries in the array[], before the variable length is set. Therefore, length will contain what ever trash happens to be on the stack when the program starts so the number of entries defined in array[] is an unknown.
This results in undefined behaviour and could lead to a seg fault event, depending on what was on the stack and what the user entered for length.
second problem:
The array array[] is never initialized so will contain what ever trash is on the stack at program startup. This means the value being printed could be anything. And the 'sum' could overflow, depending on the trash values in array[]
OP program lacks the part of data input, it's asking for sum instead of the values to sum, which is weird. The only inputs requested are also never checked (the return value of scanf must always be checked).
In C (at least C99 and optionally C11) Variable Length Arrays, like the one defined by int array[length], can be used, but the variable length here is used uninitialized and before it is even asked to the user.
Moreover, the loop where the sum is calculated stops before the last element of the array (not really a big deal in this case, considering that all those variables are uninitialized...).
A better way to perform this task could be this:
#include <stdio.h>
// helper function to read an integer from stdin
int read_int( int *value ) {
int ret = 0;
while ( (ret = scanf("%d", value)) != 1 ) {
if ( ret == EOF ) {
printf("Error: Unexpected end of input.\n");
scanf("%*[^\n]"); // ignore the rest of the line
printf("Please, enter a number!\n");
return ret;
int main(void) {
int sum = 0,
length = 0,
printf("Please, enter the number of values you want to add: ");
if ( read_int(&length) == EOF )
return -1;
// Use a VLA to store the numbers
int array[length];
// input the values
for ( count = 0; count < length; ++count ) {
// please, note ^^^^^^^^ the range check
printf("Value n° %2d: ", count + 1);
if ( read_int(&array[count]) == EOF ) {
printf("Warning: You entered only %d values out of %d.\n",
count, length);
// you can sum the values right here, without using an array...
// sum the values in the array
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
// ^^^^^^^^^ sum only the inputted values
sum += array[i];
printf("The sum of the values is:\n%d\n", sum);
return 0;

Programming while loop in C

First, I am a total beginner, so the question is probably very obvious for all of you, but i don't get what's wrong with the while loop in this program. Te aim of the program is to calculate the average between numbers where the user inputs 0 when he wants to continue putting numbers in and inputs 1 when he wants to stop, so the loop is supposed to stop when the user puts 1 and to compute a sum of the values when he enters 0 at the end. So this is what i wrote, i used stdio.h and stdlib.h as libraries :
int decision;
int value;
int sum = 0;
float av;
int order = 1;
printf ("for continue press: 0\n ");
printf ("for stopping press: 1\n ");
while (decision == 0) {
printf("input value:");
scanf("%d", &value);
sum = sum + value;
printf ("continue?");
scanf("%d", &decision);
order = order + 1;
av = (float) sum / (float) order;
printf("the average is: %.2f", av);
what the terminal displays is just "the average is:0.00", it skips the whole operation above.
You should initialize decision to 0
int decision = 0;
so that the while loop is true
while (decision == 0) {
on the first iteration.
In C, simply declaring a variable does not assign it a value of 0. You have to do that. In fact, actually using a variable that has not been initialized is undefined behavior. Most likely, the variable contains whatever contents was in the memory location assigned to it.
The solution is to actually define decision.
int decision = 0;
In C, declaring a variable does not initialize it. So the initial value of decision is more or less random. If it's not zero (and it likely is not), the cycle is never entered.
Perversely, when in "debug mode" or using some instrumentation such as valgrind, memory might be either zeroed or initialized consistently, leading to "unreproducible" bugs that may be difficult to track. That is why you really want to always initialize your variables
Try with:
int decision = 0;
Also, turn on all compiler warning flags. You want to be warned when such things happen, and the compiler can do so if you tell it to.
Another way
You do not need decision anywhere else, so it's good to have one less variable in the outer scope:
for (;;) {
int decision; /* The variable only lives inside this loop */
printf("input value:");
scanf("%d", &value);
sum = sum + value;
printf ("continue?");
scanf("%d", &decision);
if (0 == decision) {
order = order + 1;
If you start order from 1, and enter only one value, order will be increased to 2, and this will get your calculation off. Either start from 0 or increase the value after decision confirmation.
You have not initialized the decision variable and that is why the error.
int decision = 0;

Pascal's Triangle returning nonsense values

This is a homework project I was assigned some time ago... I've been successful in getting this far on my own, and the only hiccup I have left is (I believe) an issue with data types and overflow.
I've tried changing over to unsigned and double, and the code complies and still accepts input in the terminal, but it seems to hang up after that... nothing is printed and it looks like it's caught in a loop.
Here is the code...
/* pascaltri.c
* A program that takes a single integer as input and returns the nth line of
* Pascal's Triangle. Uses factorial() function to help find items of
* individual entries on a given row.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long factorial(long i)
long fact = 1;
while(i > 1)
fact = fact * i;
i = i - 1;
return fact;
long n;
long *nPtr;
nPtr = &n;
scanf(" %i", nPtr);
if (n >= 0)
long k;
long *kPtr;
kPtr = &k;
for(k = 0; k <= n; k++)
long ans;
long *ansPtr;
ansPtr = &ans;
ans = factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k));
printf("\n %i", ans);
return 0;
return 0;
It's not perfect or pretty, but it works up to an input of 13 (that is, row 14) of the triangle. Beyond that I start getting gibberish and even negative values sprinkled throughout the returns... much larger values break the code and return nothing but an exit error message.
Any ideas on how I can correct this problem? I've been staring at the screen for much to long to really see anything myself. Also, it's not essential, but I would like to print my return values on one line, rather than having them separated by a newline character.
1 5 10 10 5 1
Would the easiest way be to load the values into an array as they are computed, and then print the array? Or is there a built-in way I can tell the print statement to occur on only one line?
You are suffering from integer overflow. You may need to find a different approach to the algorithm to avoid having to calculate the large numbers.
In answer to your other point about the newline, you are explicitly printing the newline with the \n in your print statement. Remove it, and you will get answers printed on one line. You probably want to inlucde a final printf("\n"); at the end so the whole line is terminated in a newline.
Some other observations:
You don't need the first return 0; - the control will drop out of
the bottom of the if block and on to the second (should be only)
return 0; and not cause any problems.
You're declaring kPtr but not using it anywhere
You don't need to declare a separate variable nPtr to pass to scanf; you can pass &n directly.
For the garbage, you are most likely running into an integer overflow, that is, your calculated values become too large for the long data type. You should correct it by calculating your factorial function without explicitely calculating n!.
Change scanf(" %i", nPtr); to
scanf(" %ld", nPtr);
and printf("\n %i", ans); to
printf("\n %ld", ans);
to get printout on one line, use:
printf(" %ld", ans);
If you are using gcc, turn on warnings, i.e. use -Wall.
